Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1204: sneak into

After the two left the team and changed a position where they could observe the dragon's nest up close, Twilight asked. £∝,

"Are you going to sneak in as a dragon?"

Twilight is a determined and moving person who likes to work out several sets of combat plans before the action in order to cope with various emergencies.

"No, it's a death knight!"

Downton took out a bottle with a purple potion in it, gently shaking, and the face of the undead flashed by.

"Transformed potion?"

Twilight frowned. Someone once used a transfiguration potion to do a terrifying fraud case involving several countries, hundreds of millions of people, and hundreds of millions of funds. So since then, this potion has been listed as a violation by the Royal Pharmacists Association. ~Forbidden goods, manufacturing, selling, and even buying are all sins.

"Well, but I didn't buy it from the underground black market, this is what I configured!"

Downton explained that Charlotte was definitely a potion genius. After cracking the formula of the transformation potion, he actually succeeded in improving it and produced a second-generation potion.

Now with the addition of a specific catalyst, an intermediate potionist can make a transformation potion of the race you want to become.

Despite the title of Templar, Downton is definitely not a kind and lawful camp, so this potion has been commissioned by him to be sold by the "Exile Merchants" through an underground auction house. Its backstage is Maximilian of Bavaria. II, therefore has extensive underground business channels.

Those big aristocrats and big business people have money, what they are after is fresh stimulation, and they will have a different taste after they are transformed into lovers, but most people buy it. They are all used for life-saving escape. After all, no one knows whether he will become the victim of the next power struggle. Preparing a bottle of medicine that can be transformed into a facelift is probably the second life.

After being informed of this information, Sissi immediately raised the price of the transformation medicine to 10 million gold coins. Now an underground medicine on the underground black market has soared to a high price of 30 million, but it still has a price but no market.

"Therefore, the pharmaceutical business still has to take the high-end route. Selling a bottle of transformed medicine is equivalent to selling hundreds of thousands of bottles of intermediate-effect therapeutic medicine."

After Downton pulled the stopper, the smoke gushed out, forming the illusion of a death knight. Following the dissipation, he took a sip of the potion, and suddenly a purple mist appeared on his body, wrapping him like a silkworm cocoon.


After a few breaths, the cocoon shattered, and Downton had lost the appearance of the dragon. Completely became a death knight.

The pale white lifeless skin, purple lips, and green eyes. Coupled with a long silver hair flying in the wind, even if Downton is placed in the death knight, it is also a big handsome guy.

"The demand for low-end pharmaceuticals is large, and more employees are involved, and more families can be fed. High-end pharmaceuticals will not work."

Twilight admired the appearance of Downton. Side out your own views.

Tang Dun froze for a moment and nodded. He came from the commercial corner, and Twilight was a power holder. What she cares about is not how much money she makes, but how many families can eat for it, thus ensuring the stability of the country.

"This is the gap between you and her. You should always keep in mind that you are a king of the country, and you are holding a million people, not a businessman!"

Homer took the opportunity to teach.


Downton handed another vial to Twilight.

"No need!"

Twilight shook her head, she took out a badge, just sang a few spells, and her body began to change. Within ten seconds, a death banshee appeared.

Downton's mouth twitched a bit, worthy of being a wealthy local tyrant, even a rare type of equipment.


Looking at Downton to appreciate the badge, Twilight gave it to him, "Send you."


Downton refused that this magic outfit was put on sale at an auction, without a value of hundreds of millions, and even dared not to bid.

Queen Nicole is the current owner of the Dragon Cemetery, and Dragon Nest Castle is her base camp. No one has the courage to spread the wild here, so there is only a team of death knight guards guarding the gate. With their strength, even Downton and Twilight The light entered from the front door, bright and grand, and could not be seen, but Downton was worried about the magic array detection, so he finally chose to use the stealth ability of the Supreme Lord of the Ring to sneak in.

"Cici is so kind to you!"

Looking at the ring in Downton's hand, Twilight pouted, and if she remembered correctly, the auction price of the ring was 300 million gold coins.

"Ha ha!"

Tang Dun laughed a few times, but how dare to interface, diverted the topic.

There is no imaginary dark and gloomy interior inside the dragon nest, and all kinds of terrible horror statues are scattered, but it is a mess of gold and glory. The walls and ceiling are colored magic crystal headlights, exuding dazzling glory, and the Middle East Persian enough to sink to the ankle Carpets, with embroidered embroidered craftsmanship, even in the residences of high-class aristocrats, which are only the best in the bedroom, but now they are paved in the corridors, letting the passing guards and servants trample on.

"It's worthy of being the queen, desperate for extravagance, just selling these precious carpets is enough for the civilians who have been in the morning fog to eat for a year!"

Homer murmured.

"At least one thing is certain, Nicole must have built a portal to the Western Continent!"

Downton doesn’t have to worry about how to go home now. The Dragon Cemetery has always been mysterious. Even if some undead creatures live, it is impossible to form an independent world with abundant products. Therefore, certain things must be imported from the Western Continent or other planes. of.

Twilight secretly praised, Downton's brain is good, and with him, he can save a lot of worry.

"Separate action, be more efficient!" Downton took off the ring and stuffed it into Twilight. "You have a little heart!"

"Eh, I don't need it!"

After the twilight, she realized that Downton had disappeared into the corner of the corridor, feeling the warm body temperature on the ring, and she smiled.

"It's nice to be cared for, but you gave me the things Sissi gave you, are you not afraid of her jealousy?"

Twilight said to herself. Towards the area just allocated, make a search.

A team of death knights walked over. After Downton observed their armor, the whole person was wrapped in a blue halo.

Titan armed launch.

Titan martial arts are so amazing, Downton can use it to simulate any equipment. It's just that there is no authentic enchanting effect.

A banshee maid was wiping the vase in the room, and there was a creaking sound behind her. She turned around and found that the door was not open, so she continued to concentrate on her work, but the next second, a big hand was covering her mouth.


The banshee is struggling. It must be the guy who pursued himself but refused to get himself by violence. None of the death knights is really good.

"Don't call, otherwise I will kill you!"

Downton liberated the soul's coercion, and the banshee was only a soul order, which could withstand this kind of spiritual oppression, and suddenly seemed like a chicken stared at by an eagle, and he was trembling.

"Describe the layout of the dragon's nest, with emphasis on the queen's study, bedroom, and dungeon!"

Downton orders.

"What are you going to do? Save those dead prisoners?"

Banshee asked.

"It's none of your business, describe it quickly!"

Downton deliberately made his voice cold and hoarse. Intimidate the banshee.

"You will die if you do this. Queen Nicole will never let you go, well, me, don't hit me!"

Seeing Downton glared, the Banshee hugged her head quickly, and she was born only a few years later. Otherwise, you will not do such a job as a servant.

"What is this? It's amazing!"

The banshee found that with her description, a three-dimensional layout structure will automatically appear in front of her, which is more convenient for her to recognize, "No. The left is to go to the kitchen, and the right is to the guards’ lounge. Ah, I should deceive you!"

The banshee was upset and regretful.

"Are you being bullied?"

Downton asked.

"How did you know?"

The Banshee was puzzled and opened her big eyes, looking at Downton innocently.

"You're so stupid, it's strange not to be bullied, and those jobs should be handled by a maid team, but I didn't see anyone else."

Looking at the green expression of the Banshee, Downton sighed.

"Yeah, they are good or bad, let me do everything!"

The banshee grunted her mouth, and she was indignant. She did not know that the dirty skirt on her body was also an example.

"You should learn to resist and fight for your rights. I have a sister of a dead Banshee, who was as weak as you!"

Downton is half emotional and half attacking. Girls like the banshee in front of her have no idea.

"But I don't have an elder brother to protect me!"

The Banshee sighed, but when describing the layout of the Dragon Nest again, it was not as resistant as it was just now.

"The first time again!"

Downton is very cautious, so after the banshee has no answer, let her repeat one more time in case she is tricky.

"Ah? Why? I know everything!"

The Banshee opened her eyes and looked at Downton puzzled.

"Forget it!"

Downton gave up. If the Banshee has such a good acting skills, he admits, "You have been wronged."


Downton used a knife to stun the Banshee, let Homer temporarily imprison her, and then began to act according to the guard patrol time and study location provided by the Banshee.

The banshee didn't lie, so Downton easily found the study, after confirming that there was no one inside, dived to find the architectural drawings of the dragon's nest. After all, some hidden layouts are a banshee who is not qualified to know~www.wuxiaspot.com~ someone is coming! "

Downton did not check for a few minutes before Homer suddenly warned that the magic eye inserted in the corridor had detected an unexpected visitor.


The person coming quickly, Downton pushed the door open, the other party was already turning the corridor, and his eyes were just over.

"Don't teleport, it's a higher death banshee, the legendary order, will perceive the magic energy fluctuates."

Homer reminded.

Downton had no choice but to stand tall, standing next to the study and pretending to be a doorman.

"Master Queen is about to wake up and let the kitchen deliver the prepared desserts within five minutes."

The maid followed a lot of servants, and whenever she finished one of the orders, a servant bowed and left. (To be continued...)


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