Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1247: Death totem, open space collaboration!

"Look, look, those flames cannot be extinguished!"

The chief of the imperial guard pointed at the battlefield and exclaimed.

The reaction of the Mage regiment was very rapid, the rainstorm technique was quickly released, and a gust of wind and storm immediately swept the heavy infantry regiment.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

The big raindrops on the nails poured down and hit the armor with a clear sound, which instantly turned the soldiers into ruinous chickens, but the fire not only did not weaken, but instead seemed to be splashed with oil and burned more fiercely.

Even if the distance is thousands of kilometers, everyone can feel the heat.

A set of excellent armor worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, so that the naked eye burned red, then deformed, melted, turned into a pool of molten iron.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The rainwater was evaporated and a large amount of white steam rose, obscuring the battlefield.

Drow light riding and black hand heavy riding were also shocked by this scene. There was no offense, but after a roundabout, they returned to the battlefield. While running, their eyes continued to fall in that sea of ​​fire.

"how is this possible?"

Feng Boke leaned forward violently, almost jumping off the battle horse.

Everyone knows that this heavy infantry regiment is over, and their spirits are not only destroyed, they can't even escape their lives.

Although the armor is heavy, it is engraved with a wind magic array, which can reduce the weight. Looking at the burning situation of the companion, some people can't help but fear and start to run away.

Immortal abomination immediately spread out and surrounded after the first wave of attacks was completed, and each team was responsible for an area to clear the remnants of the squad. Ensure the coverage of the fire.

Hundreds of soldiers at the end of the line ran the longest distance, but it was so far that the abominations did not pursue. After just a few sprints, he threw the tin can in his hand.

boom! boom! boom!

Iron cans exploded, shrapnel flew, and shock waves raged, knocking them to the ground, and those blue flames that fluttered like sparks, sticking to the armor. It burned immediately, just a few breaths. Just ignite them completely.


Watching the comrades in flames burning like a torch, the soldiers screamed and ran over, and the soldiers retreated subconsciously.

On the battlefield. There is no **** smell anymore, it is completely filled with a thick stench, which is the smell of burning fat and internal organs.

The soldiers were silent as they watched their comrades die, burned into a piece of black coke, then gasified, and even a body could not stay.

Fear was spreading, and the entire battlefield was silent and silent, as if the throat was tightened by death.

As the trump card of the Northern Army. The warriors of Hellbird are not afraid of death, but even this brutal killing is seen by God. Will feel timid.

"Too cruel!"

Elaine grunted and couldn't bear to look at it again.

"Huh, if your country is broken, the suffering of those people will not be much lighter than these, don't forget. These guys are invaders!"

Bellonica lesson.

"Wait for defeating this legion, you will be one of the mainland generals!"

The wolf king sighed.

"No. He is already!"

Nicole retorted.

The Wolf King froze for a moment, and it reacted. He invented this weapon, established a new army, and proposed a new method of warfare. In military warfare, there will definitely be a page to introduce Tang in detail. pause.

"Downton is changing the situation of the war. If this explosive bomb is made big enough, it can be projected from a distance. His lethality is no less than that of the mages!"

The more Nicole thought and the brighter her eyes, she glanced down at Downton and found that he had no surprises, knowing that he had guessed it long ago.

"The artillery is the king of the battlefield!"

Downton certainly understands that it is because there are not so many masters in the third-rate countries that he takes a different approach.

"Downton, be sure to sell me some grenade of that kind, how much money, you just open it!"

The Wolf King couldn't sit still, and even Capello, who decided to loyal to Downton, and his party wanted to buy some and give it to the family.

"no problem!"

Downton agreed very happily, knowing that it was a product that had been blocked by technology. Not two or three years ago, I didn't want to crack it, and by then, I would have a new and more powerful alternative.

The abominations gathered again, and after lining up, they began to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Want to annihilate them?"

The deputy commander inquired that if he had the mage regiment, he still had the absolute initiative on the battlefield.

"Forget it!"

Feng Boke gave up because it was not worth it. Those were just abominations, as long as the corpses and parts were sufficient, the war workshop was not destroyed, and you could produce as much as you wanted, so kill them, Downton can get another batch and continue to equip those horrors Iron can.

"Damn undead technology!"

A lot of staff cursing, everyone knows that the undead are best at violent soldiers, but they hate, and hellbirds can also deal with it, but with the "iron can", the lethality has increased by multiples.

There was a brief silence on the battlefield, and the intentional person calculated it. It was only for a while that the Hellbird was killed by nearly 100,000 soldiers, of which more than half were dead.

"Quick, play the horn, it's our turn!"

Arnold couldn't help seeing the three legions, and he urged his men to take the first battle.

The light infantry of Hellbird suddenly showed some commotion, and they were really afraid that these barbarians would make up new moths.

"Let the mage regiment attack and wipe out that infantry regiment. I don't want to see an enemy escape!"

Feng Boke controlled his anger and did not go on his own way, emphasizing the pride of the legion, but using his overall military strength to crush his opponents.

The huge number and strength of equipment, as well as the well-trained reserve corps, put Hellbird on paper and the qualification to crush the enemy.

"Nico, let your death totem move!"

Downton was also the pinnacle of the Grand Marshal anyway, and he easily noticed that the elemental elves in the air were gathering towards the mage.

"Go, remember to play beautifully, don't let our initial battle mess up!"

Nicole was also fighting hard. Want to see what strength the ace army of the nine empires, by the way, compare with the Downton Legion.

Want to live nourish and respect in Deranke. You have to come up with a record that can't be underestimated.

The warships belonging to the totem of death began to accelerate, the battle flag representing the attack was raised high, the dragon horn sounded, and the siren sounded!

"The battle begins, prepare for airborne!"

In the warship, the officers shouted.

The frost dragons squeezing their heads by the porthole watched the battle. Get up immediately and line up. Standing in front of the hatch that was slowly opening.


With a long beep, the green light on the bulkhead changed to a red light.

"Jump! Jump! Jump!"

The chief urged.

"Get the battleship out!"

Feng Bock responded immediately.

"Commander, something has fallen!"

Someone exclaimed, and a group of people immediately grabbed the telescope hanging around his neck. Looking towards the sky.

The frost dragon descended rapidly, because this time it was airborne at low and medium altitude, so they just lowered one hundred meters. After the field of vision was wide, they swooped, opened huge wings, and slapped three times. With the help of wind, a sideways drift. Flying towards the enemy.

The frost dragons at the head followed behind, all in a uniform movement, even the distance between them was only a few centimetres. Looking up from the ground, it's simply gorgeous and beautiful, just like enjoying an airborne performance.

"Don't they worry about being caught in the air intake of the battleship?"

Some staff exclaimed that these dragons were calm and able to achieve this level, and definitely experienced thousands of airborne training. Already familiar with the chest.

"I wish they could get involved and destroy the dragon!"

"Wait. What happened to these frost dragons?"

"What is the excitement of the undead?"

The staff still have a heart to talk about, and ordinary soldiers have only the domineering figures of the dragons in their eyes.

With a body length of nearly one hundred meters, every bone is illuminating, and it depicts the frosted epiphylla and the purple and blue mixed light, their dragon wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun, every time Slap, there will be white snowflakes falling.

The leader of the frost dragon, all of their entire vertebrae have bone spurs, and there are joints, the first face, and even a boney crown.

For the undead creatures, whether the strength and rank are strong or not will be directly reflected in the appearance, but even if ordinary soldiers do not know the power of these frost dragons, they also know that the dragon family is at least super-order Warcraft, they can not defeat !

"Let Warcraft Corps dispatch!"

Feng Boke shouted.

The Ace Legion will keep some large-scale Warcraft for siege and attack, but this time, even Feng Boke has no confidence to block those frost dragons offensive.

An air combat squad composed of twelve frost dragons, led by an experienced leader, entered the battlefield, and then began to lower the height, rushing straight to the mage regiment.

"Full fire, block them!"

Feng Boke's order was too late, but in a blink of an eye, Frost Dragon had already begun to glide.

This is more than a hundred frost dragons, that kind of pressure is enough to squeeze the eyeballs, tear the nerves, and the mage's singing is gone.

These mages were so scared that their faces were pale and their legs were trembling. Many people even had a wet crotch. They did not run away. They were either scared or stupid or worried about military disposal.

call out! call out! call out!

Some magic shot out, because the frost dragon's size is too large, so it did not fall through, but the lethality is not enough.

The frost dragons are too lazy to even open their shields, and rely directly on their bodies to resist.

"It's worthy of being a dragon family of magic resistant explosive watches!"

This thought flowed into the minds of the mage almost at the same time, and then the next moment, they saw the frost dragon's neck glowing a red light.

This was the prelude to the breath of Dragon's Breath, and this time, the Masters were finally overwhelmed by the fear of death and turned to evacuate.

The formation of the Mage was instantly chaotic.

"Go away, let me go first, I am the son of the Duke of Sark!"

You shoved me, and every mage scrambled, and they were all glorious and opened all their shields.

The noise suddenly rose and was suddenly suppressed by the sound of the dragon breath burning.


A spitting breath of nearly 100 meters rumbling on the battlefield, wherever it went, there was a flame and a bright red.

The shields of the mage were broken in one face, and were submerged in the sea of ​​fire, and they were directly vaporized. Not to mention the corpses, the soul could not stay.

The ground melted and became magma, surging all around.

"Commander, let's dispatch the Air Force!"

The officers urged that no matter how many ordinary soldiers died, as long as the training and equipment could keep up, they could be organized at any time, but the mage could not, because it took too long to train one.

Feng Boke never said anything. In the face of the hundreds of dragons, sending anything is futile. If the glory of the soldiers is not at work, he will directly order the retreat.

Some mages used floating technique, but as soon as they flew, they were saved by the frost thorns summoned by the frost dragon into horse honeycombs.

The Frost Dragons are not breathing out, but they are good at cooperating. The twelve breaths of a team will block an area, and then each team will cooperate in combat.

The breathing, covering, and crossing of the dragon's breath are full of layers, and there is no repeated waste. It can be said that Frost Dragon has completely transformed killing into an art.

On the deck, the death knights riding the two-headed flying dragons were lifted off one after another. These guys were very courageous and targeted Von Bock and wanted to smash the Huanglong.

boom! boom! boom!

The warships on both sides began to bombard, and the sound of continuous artillery was deafening and burst into the sky.

The soldiers' final spirits were defeated. In the past operations, as long as the Air Force dispatched the enemy, the enemy would inevitably collapse, but this time, the opponent's warships were more numerous, and there were also strongholds.

"Do you need to fill the main gun?"

Banshee asked.

"no need!"

Once the main artillery bombards, the magic energy consumed can be converted and requires at least five million gold coins, even if Nicole is Saint Aoxun, it can't be so bad.

"What shall we do?"

The barbarians were dumbfounded. This was a one-sided slaughter. With the dragon resting, the survival rate was almost zero, and they no longer needed their shots.

The mage regiment was quickly damaged, and Frost Dragon left two teams to clean up the remnants, and the rest were scattered, killing the hellbird infantry regiment.

At this time, killing is not important, but rather creating chaos, because once tens of thousands of people are defeated, it will form an avalanche effect, which cannot be stopped.


Feng Boke looked at the flagship, ordered fiercely, and began to adopt the gecko tail-breaking tactics, to leave some blood to the legion, not only to facilitate future reconstruction, but also have an excuse for circumstance, otherwise the whole army will be destroyed, his commander will be sent Go to military court.

"They are running away, shall we chase?"

Walnut is eager to try~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dragons also started to fight.

"Let the goblin bombing brigade be dispatched and air strike those formed guards and reserve regiments, Nicole, please send twelve frost dragons to **** them!"

Downton’s eyes were burning with anger, and anyone who dared to invade his country would have to pay a huge price for them, "Tell the goblin commander not to save bombs, I will destroy the Jutland army at once!"

This war has attracted attention throughout the North. If you win, the surrounding crisis will end, otherwise those countries will pounce like a hungry wolf and dismember Drankfork.

"Wait, I will go to you to settle the accounts one by one!"

Downton gritted his teeth. As the NATO speaker, although he has no real power, he has no way to start a war and invade other countries. Otherwise, he will be condemned by the international community, but now it is different, and he can use the self-defense counterattack as an excuse.

"From today, Deranke will take her steps to conquer the North!"

The Wolf King sighed. As long as a person like Downton gave him a chance, he would immediately rise up and get a remarkable achievement. (To be continued)

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