Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1248: Those who offend our country are bound to die!

Northern border!


  The King of Lughana united five neighboring countries and sent a total of 800,000 troops. Under the pretext of a disputed area a hundred years ago, he attacked Dranke.


  The army expedition, the grain consumed every day is an astronomical figure, the coalition forces are temporarily not moving, only a small-scale tentative offensive occurred, or in order to wait for other border wars to ignite, and then benefit the fishermen.


   "The Grand Duke, you can't wait any longer. If you go on like this, our logistics will be unsustainable."


   The commanders of the five countries found the Grand Duke of Sedan and let him make a decision. Everyone is not here for an outing.


"hold on!"


   is very cautious. He is the most capable soldier in his country. He graduated from the West Point Military Academy, not to mention that he is also the king’s brother-in-law, so he is trusted.


   "What are you waiting for? Everyone's thoughts are the same. They are waiting for others to start the battle, which will attract the ranks of Drunkfu and pick them up cheaply."


   "What if there has been no one to do it? Just consume it?"


   "First of all, I affirmed that I could not suppress my subordinates. Recently, a small group of troops secretly sneaked into the enemy territory and attacked the village!"


   The commanders were talking loudly, but they just wanted Lub Ghana to take the lead.


   "A little rest, I've got the latest report. On the western front, the orc army is acting."


   His face was unhappy, "There is still a good restraint of your troops, we are not butchers, which has caused the hearts of the Drankfoss to hate the enemy, and will cause great trouble for future strategies!"


  What does it mean to be unable to suppress? Obviously indulgence. The enemy has too little strength and has to shrink its defenses, so these troops take advantage of the fire. Recently, no bad things have been done on the border line, killing villages, burning and looting, crazy happily, just because they are not satisfied, this urged the army to attack.


   "Finally waiting for us, shall we send troops?"


   A commander looks excited.


   "Look at the results now!"


   Sedan explained.


   "What else do you see? The Frankfort army has beaten the orcs? They should be facing the Bearmen Legion stationed on the Eastern Front? That was definitely beaten."


   "Even if they have beaten the orcs. It is both defeats and injuries, how can there be spare power to deal with us?"


"Don’t forget. On the South Line, the 7th Army of Jutland is already gathering, and now the Frankfort Army is urgently deploying troops there, but the country is a big emptiness. If we move slowly, we will even have a mouthful of broth Can’t even drink."


   Commanders are impatient. They want to break their heads, and they don't think that a third-rate country can win the troop troop of two great empires.


   "Urgent report!"


   Under the guidance of the guard, a scout entered the account directly.


   "How is the situation?"


   "How much did Frankfort die? Did the orcs continue to attack, or did they rest on the spot?"


   "Don't worry, listen to him slowly!"


   Several commanders argued, and the mess was disturbing.


   "It's all quiet, let him say."


   squeezed his eyebrows. He is keen and thinks things are not that simple.


"The orc was defeated and the supreme commander died. Deranke annihilated 60,000 enemies and captured 250,000. The Bearmen tribe has issued a mobilization order for the entire army, calling for soldiers of the tribes of tribes to head to the east to guard against Delank. Fu's next offensive."


   The scout remarks are extremely fast.


   "What? Derankfu won? Are you sure you are right?" The commanders were all incredulous. "How did they win?"


   "I don't know, the battlefield cover of those troll scouts is very good. We lost dozens of scouts to get this information."


  The scouts shuddered when they thought of those trolls with ugly faces.


   "Win well!"


   A big nose commander marveled.


   "Are you crazy?"


   The other commanders are totally idiot eyes.


   "Aren't we asking for the result of losing both sides? Now that the orcs are adding troops, there is still time for Frank Fu to deal with us? So this is a great opportunity."


   Big nose shouting.


   Other commanders looked at Sedan.


   "Wait a second, let's see what happens tomorrow?"


   Sedan is proposed.




  Big nose complained and turned to leave.


The coalition meeting broke up.


   Haoyue was sinking in the sun, more than half of the morning.


   Sedan still can't sleep, staring at the map.


   "The urgent report, the Wyeth Corps is quietly packing up, and the vanguard has entered the border!"


   After the scout finished, Sedan stood out, walked a few steps, and stopped again.


   "Forget it, let them go!"


   was impatiently waving his hands to retreat his subordinates.


  At the same time, other commanders also got the news, they let the troops pack their bags and prepare for the expedition.


   In the early morning of the next day, the rest of the commander didn't have breakfast and found Sedan directly and began to force the palace. This guy didn't move, they also had to move, and the Wise Army just used to throw stones to ask for directions.


   Sedan said nothing, but threw a military report to them.


   "What, the 7th Legion is dispatched? That must be a destructive offensive, what are we waiting for, send troops quickly!"


   There was a commander who couldn't sit still, glanced at it, and left.


   "Wait a minute, there will be no difference between left and right. How about making a decision after the victory?"




   "Okay, everyone take a step back!"


   Some peacemakers persuaded the commanders to sit down, thinking that Wise Army was so rubbish, and for half a day, I am afraid that he could not go far.


   Time is hard to come by, and the coffee has been changed from cup to cup, and the patience of the commanders is losing.


   "Wait, I'm leaving!"


   A commander suddenly got up and suddenly smashed the cup in front of him.


   "I don't want to..."


   Another commander didn't finish, there was a cry of'express urgent report' from outside.


   "Hellbird Legion is defeated!"


  When asked, the scout rushed into the tent without breathing, so he shouted.




   The faces of several commanders changed dramatically. Suddenly got up, because of too much strength, knocked over all the chairs.


"what did you say?"


   is one-handed. He pulled the scout in front of him, his five fingers exerted force, and almost crushed his neck.


"The 7th Legion of Saint-Jutlin was defeated and killed two hundred thousand in battle, with more than half a million captives. Commander-in-chief von Bockening died and died in the town of Dante. The army of Drankfu denounced the Kingdom of Tallinn for ignoring the border peace agreement , By way of Jutland. The war of annihilation has been launched!"


  The scout announced loudly.


   "Big defeat? How is it possible?"


   The commanders couldn't turn their heads anymore, they didn't think that an ant could kill an elephant.


   "Tell me about the specific situation, right. Who is in charge?" Sedan's expression moved, "Don't Downton come back?"


   Others hurriedly looked over, and only the Downton, who has the reputation of being the first star in the North, could play this kind of magical record.


"Yes, Downton is back, and there is also a dragon army called Death Totem." The scout quickly returned. "There is no strategy. This time it is an upright confrontation. Light riding, heavy riding, heavy stepping, and even air. Fleet, Deranke finished exploding the Hellbird Legion!"


   Several commanders were dumbfounded. Even the guards and attendants had dull expressions.


   "Haha, the Wise Corps is going to be unlucky this time."


   A commander is gloating.


   "Well, I still have some things, so I will go!"


   A witty commander can ignore the joke, he just wanted to send troops immediately, now he is not waiting for a reply. He ran out of the big account.


   Soon, there was a herald to report. Said that his army was evacuating the military camp and returning to the country.


   The other commanders no longer raised the subject of soldiers and quit.


   "What shall we do?"


  The generals who arrived at the news looked at each other.


   "What should I do? Withdraw troops, are you pig brains? Even Hellbirds can't beat Downton's legion, you go to deliver food!"


   Sedan snarled, "Send me a messenger, bring supplies to condolences the Downton Corps, if there is any need, just speak!"


   "Commander, there is no need to be so nervous? Hellbirds are all exterminated, Jutland can't bear this tone, and he will definitely fight with Deranke!"


   has staff comfort.


   "Yes, but before that, Downton will destroy us first. How long do you think his air force will fly over?"


Sedan roared, grabbed the ink bottle, and smashed it **** the staff's face, "Idiot, don't you forget his relationship with Princess Sissi? And his sister Elaine is Saint Laurent's most loved princess , He fights this kind of battle, will inevitably become a hot star!"


   A group of dogs who were scolded by the officers were bloody.


   "What are you still doing? Withdraw troops!"


   has a headache, and this time I don't know what price to pay in order to preserve the interests of the kingdom. Alas, it is really unfortunate for the country to have a strong neighbor.


   Almost at the time of the front and rear feet, all the * teams stationed on the border of Drankfork received the news, and then they withdrew the troops invariably. At this time, they were very glad that they did not act excessively.


   "Just connivance his subordinates to plunder, should there be no problem?"


   There are also people uneasy.


   Forest Town!


  The big nose was riding on the clean and tidy high-headed horse washed by the groom, holding his chest, watching the soldiers marching, and the hefty momentum made him proud, and he could not help but throw the whip and hummed a small song.




   A scout rushed to hit the horse, wielding the power of the whip, and the entire horse **** drawn was bloody.


"what's up?"


   covered his nose with a big nose, and the earthy smell from the horseshoe was too choking.


   "Duke Downton returned, defeated the Hellbird Legion, now the soldiers are pointing straight at Tallinn, and they are unstoppable. They have even been to several cities and are a hundred miles away from the king!"


   The scout's lips kept trembling.




   The big nose was black, and his head was dizzy, and he immediately fell off the horse.




   was scared by a bunch of staff, and quickly dismounted to help.


   "Don... Downton said... what's the matter?"


   Big nose struggled to ask.


   "People who violate our country will be punished even if they are far away!"


   Scouted the news, this sentence came out of his mouth, and it seemed to bring Downton's killing taste.


Everyone around    is pale and timid.


   "Withdraw troops, withdraw troops quickly!"


  After his big nose shouted, he spouted a sip of blood and passed out.


   Saint Laurent Palace.


   Queen Liv lay lazy on the bed and suddenly laughed when she saw a new report.


   "Anything happy?"


  The emperor sat aside and peeled the grapes for her.


   "Downton is so powerful that he wiped out the Hellbird Legion." Liv looked at it three times, her smile condensed, and she became melancholy.


"what happened?"


  The emperor was puzzled.


   "Downton is so good, I am worried that Elaine will fall in love with him, and there is no way to marry him and be injured."


  Liv sighed.


   "The boat is naturally straight to the bridgehead. What you should do now is to send an envoy to stop the subsequent war in Jutland as much as possible."


   The emperor frowned, "The resurrection of the Evil God is imminent, and the mainland will not start to sway."


   "Relax, someone is more anxious than me!"


   Liv is calm.


   Bavarian Royal Palace.


   "Father, Downton won, should you agree to send troops this time?"


  Cici carried her skirt and ran all the way.


   "Pay attention to the image!"


  Similian II finished, he laughed first, "but I received a new piece of information, it seems that Dilan Xue and Downton are lovers!"




   Qian Qian was stunned. "No, their identity gap is too big."


   "You can fall in love with him, why can't Dilan Xue?"


   II's rhetorical question made Sissi speechless.


   "No, I'm going to find him at Drankfor!"


   Qian Qian can't wait.


   "Go, grab him back!"


   encouraged him that he was not old and stubborn, and Downton also made him quite satisfied. It was no problem to use most of Lombardy's dowry.


  Orc Kingdom, Bear tribe.


After learning that the legion was overthrown, the elders of the bear were almost mad, and they all clamored to give Downton a good look, but when the news of the defeat of the 7th legion was returned, they seemed to be flooded with ice. Calm down and recognized that Downton is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead.


  Rydland did not halt the flag. When the news came back, the king began to call for a large army to destroy Dranko, otherwise the majesty of the great empire?


   Once the summons was issued, the situation around Deranke became serious again, and there was no shortage of speculators who wanted to fish in muddy water and take a slice of the soup.


   "Ah, can't you let me worry less? The race of human beings really likes infighting!"


   The headquarters of the Holy Flame Church, the living room, the news of St. Lily's frustrating incompetence, and then he was happy and gratified by Downton's record. The son of the salvation predicted by the Goddess of Flame was really extraordinary.


   Downton returned, and the news of the victory came back to the country to celebrate the whole country.


  The citizens found out that the hand of the young and excessive king had become the pillar and backbone of the country. As long as he was there, everyone would feel very at ease.


   "People who violate our country will be punished even if they are far away!"


What a domineering manifesto~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that there were countless enemy troops on the border the day before, the flames were burning everywhere, and they retreated in a day, and their hearts were filled with deep pride. In particular, it was rumored that Downton had led his troops to capture the king capital of Tallinn, and it also boosted their morale.


   "Since then, are we second-rate countries?"


   "Is there not enough land?"


   "It will be enough soon. With the Duke Downton, you still have to worry about the land?"


   "What is the duke, the king?"


   Among the people, Downton's call to become an emperor is growing louder. As for Hamlet, he is about to be forgotten in history.


  Beyoncé and Abagon were very cruel, and after a major cleansing, all opposition voices were silenced, so the domestic situation was very stable.


   Downton did not return to the country, but led troops to attack Tallinn, one was to punish, and the other was to stabilize the front in other countries and reduce his own losses. (To be continued)

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