Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1274: 0 years of secret realm, hero corridor


Freya's persuasion is not to sell Downton's favor, but to not want to see the two major forces fighting inside, otherwise no matter what the result is, the loss will be Britannia.

"Don't say anything, I won't forgive him in this life!"

Steinway waved his hand to stop the big princess. The heirs whose family spent a lot of hard work were dead. His spiritual world collapsed in half, and he did not use all the power to kill Downton. It was his last reason to help.

"Does my brother need you to forgive me?" Elaine couldn't stand anymore and accused Steinway. "Wood and my brother had a fair duel. They are so unreasonable like you. Who will dare to win the giants in the future?"

"Well said!"

Hulk applauded, "Downton, if you don't mind, how would you give me this game?"

"What are you crazy about?"

Inzagaki was stunned. Others had similar expressions, but that was the red beard. This half-orc dared to take over. In addition to the courage, how important it was to Downton.

"Thank you, but this little thing, don't bother with it!"

Downton chuckled and stopped Elaine, "Have you not understood yet? The wealthy family do things, not the face, but the fist!"

"Yes, whoever has the big fist has a big face!"

The Black Knight made fun of him, and he couldn't get used to Steinway's behavior.

"Less nonsense, let's get started!"

Steinway couldn't wait for a moment. He didn't even go to the arena and asked directly to start the fight. This was absolutely impolite and made the princess very dissatisfied.

"Downton, if you don't want to, at least in my house, no one can force you to fight!"

Freya can climb to its present position, not only by wisdom. Her credibility is equally outstanding, which is why so many warriors are willing to work for her.

"There will be a battle sooner or later. No need to wait!"

Downton doesn't mind.

"Are you a legend? Will you bully people?"

Sissi talked.

"I will not use the realm!"

Red Beard grinned, "The first person under the legend, no matter how strong, it is also ‘under’, Downton, I will let you know, what are all ants under the legend!"

"Oh? What did this say? How do I remember that it should be the ants under Saint Aoxun? It's a legend. Even the door of Law Avenue has not been pushed open. Why do you despise others?"

An ethereal female voice suddenly sounded. Like Sanskrit, as long as it falls on the eardrum, it makes people feel inexplicably better, as if the haze is gone, and the world is full of sunshine.

"This is too much!"

Inzaghi argued, how many people are there in St. Aoxun? The world knows, but ten people.

In the hearts of ordinary people. The Grand Marshal is the pinnacle, and in the mind of the magician, the legend is the highest power, because Saint Aoxun is so rare, it is an existence that you can’t even see if you look up.

In fact, the nine empires and the giants have one or two Saints. The legend that occasionally fell. Maybe it's a blind eye, in fact, he has advanced. To know that St. Aoxun is a world-class deterrent, they do not have to be dispatched, standing there, it represents too much.

If a wealthy Saint Aoxun dies, it also means the beginning of the decline of the giant, such as the Steinway family, even if the Duke hates Downton to die, he will not send Saint Aoxun to assassinate him, one is to kill the chicken There is no need to kill a cow knife. Second, in case of an accident, the result is absolutely devastating.

In the tens of thousands of years of the history of Western Tutu, in addition to the holy war against the evil god, the recorded Ao Xun confronted, but only one hundred times.

In the history of Brittania, the Lancaster family and the York family fought for thousands of years, known as the Red and White Rose War, which killed tens of millions of people, consumed countless amounts of money, and even was almost wiped out at a certain time. But even the enemies who had made such a feud had never used Saint Aoxun.

As long as there is Saint Ao Xun, there will be a flip card, so the legend is the highest combat power in the world. When the legend appears, the answer is basically revealed.

None of you here felt that Downton could win the Red Beard. He didn't die this time, and he had to suffer a big loss, but he didn't expect that someone would cross the bar.

A woman wearing a black slim robe walked into the living room. Her eyes were so dark, as if she had condensed into the night, even her pupils could not be seen.

Behind her are six clergymen wearing gold robes and embroidered red edges.

There were only a few people who got up at once and saluted respectfully. Some people were unclear, but when they saw the lazy Freya stood up and stepped down from the main seat, the fool knew how honorable the identity of the visitor was.

"Who is this?"

Hulk frowned. These people knew that they were clerics in terms of clothing and temperament. Although he did not worship shamans like ordinary orcs, he did not like human priests.

"Judge, how are you here?"

Freya is puzzled. In her face, she has not been able to invite the night, because she is St. Aoxun, the deputy presiding judge of the Cardinal Court and the Heresy Tribunal, and one of the real powers in the light flame.

Steinway's complexion is not good, just relying on the night before the red beard, 80% of the other party came for Downton.

"Downton is an important figure against evil spirits, and may involve the previous generation of saints, so before determining his identity, it must not be detrimental!"

At night, he looked down at Dunton, with kindness, anger, and deep guilt in his eyes.

"Hello, Your Honor!"

Downton's frown is enough to pinch a sea crab. It stands to reason that with the heart of night, these emotions will not be revealed unless the mind is experiencing huge fluctuations.

The red beard, who was completely ignored, lost his temper, and looked at Steinway, shrugging helplessly. But this holy Aoxun, as famous as 6 years ago, she majored in string magic, The evil spirit army fighting on the front line of the abyss is overwhelming.


Night nodded and didn't know what to say. Did you tell Downton that he led the team to hunt down your mother and killed her more than twenty years ago?

"Downton, three days later, the mid-summer's eve festival will kick off. At that time, the door of the Heroes' Corridor will open. I am waiting for the ride inside!"

Knowing that it was impossible to start, Steinway turned to leave after greeting him at night. Redbeard held his two-handed sword and picked his chin towards Downton.

Entering the secret realm, but survive by the true ability, no matter how strong the background is, it is useless.

"I will definitely go!"

Downton raised his fist.

Red beard froze for a moment, then admiration appeared on his face, his fist was stretched out, and he collided with Downton. This gesture represented a commitment.

"This is the man!"

Hulk appreciated Tang Dunyue. Freya is also looking at the splendor, and her own younger brothers are indeed the dragons of man.

Despite having some minor episodes, Freya used her personality charm to make all the guests come back, even if the status does not allow them to be loyal, but for the big princess. Feelings are multiplied.

The friendly attitude of the night is unexpected surprise for Downton. As for Steinway's threat, there are not many offended giants anyway.

Sissi's invitation was soft, and Downton's door was still a man's monk, and Queen O'Neill did not express her attitude. No one dared to gossip with him.

Just spent three days. The day when the mystery of the millennium opens is here.

More than early in the morning, a few days ago. There are already adventurers camping on the long street in front of the Hall of Heroes. If they were not driven by guards, they would settle in a month ago in order to grab a good position before the exam.

A crowd of people, a dozen blocks are blocked.

Of course, big men are privileged, and they can ride on horse-drawn carriages and arrive at the Hall of Heroes from a special route that has long been martial law.

"Bah, these aristocratic nobles, one day, Lao Tzu will also ride in this luxury horse-drawn carriage of eight descents, holding beautiful women from left to right, and enjoying the beauty~"

A mercenary raised his **** towards the passing carriage.

"We are also nobles!"

Elaine lifted the curtain open a small gap and secretly looked at the scenery on the long street.

"Yeah, if I didn't get the Grimoire and didn't go to the Crow Collar with Robinson, I should be one of those adventurers now, lined up, squeezing a smelly sweat, waiting to enter the secret realm.

Downton was filled with emotion.

"Hee hee, I actually praised you for some travel expenses. The head of Madeleine is a good person. Although the troupe's income is not ideal, I have never owed my salary."

Elaine remembered the care given to her by the head of toffee.

"Fortunately, she didn't pit you, otherwise you won't get Downton's script. Now who doesn't know that Toffee is the 6th largest opera company in West Territories? Her world tour schedule is all five years later. "

Sissi teased.

"I heard that her troupe is also coming to London and will present an opera for the new Chu Jun at the ceremony on Midsummer Night."

Elaine grunted her mouth. If he was a brother, it would be better.


The carriage stopped and the servant had rushed to open the door next.

The Hall of Heroes is also located in Xicheng District, just like the Rose Palace, but the latter is forbidden to visit. The Heroes Square where the former is located is a tourist hotspot, which receives millions of tourists every year.

The square at this time has been completely martial law, the adventurers are blocked in several streets, here are only nobles and celebrities, they are cheering their children.

"Become a hero, do you have to be in order and status?"

Downton pouted.

"This is the result of the compromise between Queen One and the big nobles and big merchants. When Henry was in power, the Midsummer Festival was called the carnival of the civilians. Now, huh, huh!"

A man with curly gold walked over and extended his hand towards Downton. "Little Washington, from the Kuta Magic Empire."

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness, good luck!"

Downton had already made up for world politics under the supervision of Homer. The contemporary King Kuta surnamed Washington, and his ancestors once ended Kuta’s centuries-old civil war.

"Don't you find this kind of vain and suicidal scene boring?"

Washington ridiculed, "Ah, the flowers of freedom and equality will eventually fill the earth."

Little Walnut poked Downton’s thigh, covering his mouth with his hand, and asked quietly, "Is this guy the legendary mental illness?"

"No, I am a poet!"

Washington's wrist turned, and a small crystal lark appeared in his hand, and handed it to the little walnut, "Maybe soon, he will become a philosopher!"

Walnut poked the skylark, and it came to life immediately, fluttering away with wings, "I think you are more like a magician, just go to the acrobatic troupe?"

"Walnut, be polite!"

Elaine scolded.


Little Walnut apologized with his head down.

"This is pure innocence!"

Washington began to sigh again, recite the sonnets, but Downton was not in the mood to pay attention, his eyes turned to this magnificent hall.

Here, it was once the place where he thought the dream started. Who knows that standing here after a few years is already a matter of right and wrong.

"Brother, didn't you want to enter the hero corridor, become a hero, and then help those suffering civilians?" Elaine took Downton's hand. "Although you haven't entered the secret realm, you have done it, Delan. The Kefu people can have a happy life now because of you."

Downton took Elaine's hand, his eyes were far-reaching, apparently lost his mind.

Buzz! Buzz!

The grand and long horn sounded, followed by the salute roaring, and as the secret door opened, a chant of heroes echoed against the blue sky.

The tumultuous crowd on the long street suddenly calmed down.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every heart is beating, everyone's blood is burning, endless will is born, surging courage is running.

This is not a blessing of magical aura, but a pure spiritual power, which can bring hope to some of the heroes on the square~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which has already begun to feel carefully.

"Very sacred, no, brilliant power!"

Walnut stood on tiptoe and looked towards the gate.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Brittania's strongest legion, the imperial guards guarding the royal family, and the knights of the Guardian Knights, carrying the battle flag, walked out of the hall, and their military boots stepped on the floor, making a palpitation.

The sound was like a sharp blade, like a drum of war, and it pierced the soul.

A man with a silver iron mask came out and stood on a temporary lecture platform.

"At any time, don't forget hope, original intention, and your ideals. You can't be a hero of others, but you can be your own hero. I wish you all the best!"

A short speech, but so powerful, those words seemed to have wings inserted, resounding over London, knocking on everyone's ears.

"Great, absolutely legendary!"

Nutcracker said, "If he is not as good as Heinrich, it's just a little bit different."

"The Holy Britannia Empire is an equal kingdom, a free kingdom, and a hopeful kingdom, so the order of entering the secret realm this time will be determined by social status, with slaves first, civilians next, small businessmen, and then rounds To the nobility, members of the royal family of all countries, at the end!"

The applause stopped, and the nobles in the square were dumbfounded, and they didn't understand what the Iron Prince had to do? But the resentment in my heart is enough to burn everything.

The military representatives are also stunned, which is definitely Lyon's self-assertion.

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