Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1275: Hero's courtesy

   The Prince of Iron Noodles didn't play cards according to common sense, and directly defeated the nobles on Heroes' Square. They looked at each other, His Highness Leon, who looked at the podium, did not know what he was crazy.

If you want to win the position of prince, you have to win the support of these big nobles and big businessmen, that is, the so-called power class, so their number is poor compared to the civilians, but they are the masters of the country’s voice .

   "Leon, this is digging his own grave!"

   Listening to waves of cheering, the faces of the nobles began to turn green.

   "I knew he would do this!"

Black Charlie stood aside, there was no accident. His brother was such a master for civilians. In fact, Brittania’s domestic conflicts were alleviated, and they were inseparable from his suppression of the noble class. No need to think about taking the throne.

   "It is really ashamed for me to fight for inheritance with such a noble character."

   Freya is also amazed.

   "Please nobles show their gentlemanly manners and give way, civilians, you can enter the field!"

  Leon's Guard Corps was dispatched and began to maintain order.

On this occasion, Lyon has absolutely no possibility of withdrawing the declaration, and the nobles are not stupid. They know that whoever stands up will become the enemy of those civilians and be nailed to the column of shame, so even if they are not willing, they are obedient. Retreat to both sides.

   The crowd was crowded, shoulder to shoulder, and in a blink of an eye, the square was already full of people, like sardines in the harvest period. With one hand, you can squeeze the blockbuster.

   Dong! Boom! Boom!

   The sound of a drum of war sounded, playing the hero's movement.

   Less than five minutes after the noise. The whole square was quiet again. Everyone looked at the gate of the magnificent Hall of Heroes, looking forward, excited, and feeling, with different expressions on their faces.

   "Thank you, Your Highness Prince, I will never forget the opportunity you gave me!"

   When the first adventurer who walked through the corridor walked through the podium. Kneel on one knee towards Lyon, "Please allow me to offer loyalty. I will always be loyal to you and to the Holy Britannia Empire!"

"good luck!"

   Leon smiled.

  After a group of civilians passed by the podium, they invariably blessed Lyon. It was precisely because they had beaten in the mercenary world that they knew how rare this opportunity was.

   "Huh. Buy people's hearts!"

   "A group of untouchables, even if you go one step further, nothing will happen!"

   "Can't say that, don't forget, the Duke Downton, but also a civilian!"

  The nobles whispered, and in their hearts, they looked down on these bottom guys, even if they enjoyed their wealth. It's all their taxes.

"He is a good man!"

   Qian Qian sighed. The nobleman she had seen was unknown, so she could feel it. Leon was not acting for the sake of gaining popular support.

   "I also think he is good, but why do you sigh?"

  Walnut puzzled.

   "Because he is challenging a behemoth, without strength, he will eventually be pushed into a powder!"

   Downton admired the Iron Face Prince, "but once successful, the kingdom of Breton will last for thousands of years!"

   "He will not succeed. There is no opportunity for his behavior. It is tantamount to being a car with a mantis."

  Washington shook his head, not to mention domestic power, other empires would not allow him to succeed.

The Heroes Corridor has become famous to everyone, and everyone knows that it is an opportunity to change their destiny, so people in many other countries have come to admire early, because only in the days of the Midsummer Festival, this millennium secret realm It will be open to people of all countries for free.

Until sunset rises, the crowd is still turbulent, and the nobles' eyes are hot, even if they only charge an entry fee for a copper plate, it will be a huge wealth, but no one dares to do it, because this was made by the Madeleine. The iron law is written in the chapter of the imperial constitution.

   "Why did those people come down again?"

  Nutcracker counted the time, some people came out almost as soon as they entered the Hall of Heroes.

   "You don't always wonder why everyone can go in?"

   This is a luxurious restaurant near the square. Under the name of Sissi, Washington followed to eat and drink. "There are always some unlucky eggs that will be rejected by the secret law."

   No one pays attention to those losers, they are all looking forward to a better future, and they have to seize the time to make up for evil knowledge, meditation practice, and want to increase the chance of being recruited to rare devil servants.

   "Wouldn't it be a hero for a lifetime?"

  After seeing some people come out, if Walnut was either in a trance, or weeping, and many people even committed suicide. The atmosphere of despair is cruel.

   "Whether you want to be a hero or not is not evaluated by others, but to ask yourself!"

   Downton knocked on his chest.


  The head of the walnut is full of question marks, holding her hair puzzled. She is a fool, and she is not old enough to understand these words.

  The nobles had to go home until noon the next day.

When Downton and his party walked into the hall, they finally saw the door of the secret realm. It was a huge red stone wall with lifelike reliefs, domineering dragons, elegant elves, and burly giants and humans. , Orcs, and even demons, who can appear on the stone wall, they are all heroes.

   "How to get in?"

   Walnut didn't mean to be afraid at all. He walked to the stone wall and reached out to touch the dragon's head.


In a roar, the dragon opened his mouth and swallowed the walnut.


   Elaine was taken aback, reaching for her, but she was swallowed even with herself.

   "Don't be nervous, this is how to enter!"

Right next to it, the moment the long voice of the 1,000 members of the Guardian Knights in charge fell down, the giant brandished a huge warhammer and smashed it toward Washington's head. His subconscious block was completely invalid, but the whole person was shattered. The streamer disappears.

  If you want to enter the Millennium Realm, you must be attacked by the heroes on the hero wall. If they look down, it means that the adventurer is not qualified.

   watched Sissi dissipated in the hall by a female elf with a chest like a dagger. Downton frowned, because he was the only one left.

  The Guardian knights in charge and the nobles waiting behind looked at each other. They already knew Downton's identity, so they were surprised to see him standing there.

   "Haha, that means you are not qualified to be a hero!"

   The applause of schadenfreude sounded.

   A group of nobles turned their heads in amazement, who was so bold. Dare to mock Downton? Don't want to live? After waiting for a blond man, he quickly calmed down all his expressions.

   "In the Lower Stuart family's eldest son Shire. Thank you!"

  Charr's long-haired shawl, as if reflecting the sun, walked to Downton and extended his right hand.

   "Good luck!"

  Although Shire speaks badly, Downton does not want to be rude. So reach out.

   "Ah, let me give up, I'm going into the secret realm!"

   Shire deliberately raised his hand, patted Downton's shoulder, and then walked directly.

   burst into an uproar, and everyone saw that this was Shire deliberately embarrassing Downton.

   "Xiaer, you are too much!"

  The silver-haired man who had been standing next to Shire yelled, "Sorry. This is his character, please don't mind."

  Silver-haired masculinity is elegant and the face is sharp and angular. Junlang's mess was almost jealous for any man to see it. He wore a decent white dress with a white rose in his chest pocket.

   is qualified to wear roses in such a large crowd. The identity of the silver-haired man has been clearly revealed, he is the heir to the St. York family Othello. That is, the White Rose family that fought against the Lancaster family for the Millennium Rose War.

   "Haha, why are you so polite to him?"

   Shire ridiculed that entering the secret realm was just an excuse. He could not stand here to see Downton ugly, to know that he was one of Sissi's suitors.

   "For the guests of the royal family, is your behavior too rude?"

   Another young man came over surrounded by a group of people. If Othello was the sun, then he was lightning, sharp, full of energy.

   "Your Excellency Downton, sorry, let you be wronged."

  You don't need to introduce yourself. As the famous Black Sun Prince, he is also a well-known figure in the aristocracy.

   "Ah, Black Charlie is so cool!"

   "No, I think Othello's temperament is more evil~ more charming."

   "Well, I still like Downton, just like the Apollo God of War from the myth!"

  The aristocratic girls in the main hall have a lot of discussions. The three men have their own strengths. Don’t look down upon the civilians of Downton, but standing with the heroes of the red and white rose family, it is not inferior.

   "Guest? Then why has Queen Oni not yet received him?"

   Shir pouted, "Is it true that he will not be your brother?"


   Black Charlie and Othello frowned at the same time. If Downton's identity was confirmed, this was the royal scandal, and no one wanted to be mentioned.

   "Huh, what the fuss? Why did he not even have the qualification to enter the secret realm!"

   Xar sarcasm.

   "Not not, but you haven't seen it!"

   The Iron Face Prince also appeared.


The nobles were stunned and had lots of discussions. They were well-informed, so they knew all kinds of ways to enter the secret realm. Besides, Stuart was one of the richest men in Britannia, and not even Shire, one of the heirs. know.

  Leon did not explain, because the hero stone wall began to vibrate, and then a pair of big hands stretched out suddenly, pushing all the reliefs to the sides, and then the stone wall separated, forming a promenade with steps, waiting for Downton to enter.

   "How many years have I seen the grand opening of the hero's door again!"

  The head of the Guardian Knight who arrived at the news heard this scene with great emotion.

  The relief came down from the stone wall, stood on both sides of the corridor, picked up their respective weapons, and struck, playing the hero's poem.

   "This is the recognition and praise of the heroic secret realm for your deeds!"

   Leon explained.

  When the adventurers enter the heroes corridor, the secret law will feel the power of the law on them, and read the messages carried in them, they will not prohibit the villains from entering, but will give the hero a grand welcome.

"I am a hero?"

   Downton stunned.

   "Yeah, for the Drankfoss, you are their hero!"

  Lion sighed, because he was too young to enter the secret realm, so there is no heroic deeds, and naturally the door of the hero cannot be opened.

   "Sorry, I will take a step!"

   Downton quickly recovered his emotions, greeted everyone, and walked to the corridor of the hero, "Sher, would you like to be together?"

   Some nobles chuckled.

   Shire's complexion has gone up. This scene undoubtedly proves that what he just said is farting. Downton not only has the qualification, but also received the highest standard courtesy.

  The corridor is very long and seems to be short. When Downton's time consciousness is almost blurred, his body seems to pass through the lake, and it becomes relaxed from stagnation.

   In the field of vision, the spring is bright and warm.

   "Big Brother, you are so slow!"

   Walnut jumped onto Downton's back, looking at it with a single telescope in one hand.

   The ultimate goal is the endless blue lake water, at the foot of which is a huge circular terrace, behind which was originally a portal, but when Downton entered, it disappeared.

  The terrace extends a three-meter-wide cloister, and I don't know where it leads.

   "You have two choices. First, go forward, you will be the Hall of Heroes. You may call for powerful and rare hero demon servants. Second, contemplate meditation, feel the demon servant's call, and then go to call."

   A solemn female voice suddenly echoed in the ear.

   "Is there any difference?"

  Qian Qian asked.

   "The failure rate of the former is very high, you have nothing to do, and the latter has a good chance of getting a demon servant that matches your own attributes!"

   finished speaking, no matter how the walnuts shouted, no longer answer.

"How to do?"

  Cici looked at Downton.

   "Are you still asking?"

   Downton chuckled, "Go, let the walnuts open the way!"


   Walnut carrying the warhammer, the first charge.

  This is a rare opportunity~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So most of Downton's command is here, but Xia Luo is an exception, because the colorful dragon potion is about to be successfully configured, she has no time to do so.

   "The mount cannot be summoned, and the flying costume is also restricted."

   Qian Qian was depressed, so running made her feel very tired.

"I'll help you!"

   Walnut is ready to be a foal.

"No need to!"

  Qianxi's cheeks were blushing, she was so sorry.

   On the first day, everyone was still interested in sightseeing, but in the next few days, it became more and more boring. After all, every day I saw the unchanging corridors and lakes, everyone would be tired.

   "I knew I chose to go to the demon servant. When I run down like this, when will I be a head?"

   "Be patient, maybe it's coming soon. After all, it's the Hall of Heroes, how can it be so easy to reach?"

   "Yes, or everyone has heroes, is that too cheap?"

   "What if we run the wrong way?"

Along the way, Downton and his party met many adventurers, some people still insisted, some people were returning, although there was no monster attack, but the day passed, this kind of running without seeing the end, also very tormenting people.

   There is no sun rising and falling, time seems to be fixed, everyone is running, but do not know the end, only through the pocket watch, they only know that time has passed ten days.

   After all, there are a few adventurers with space equipment. The dry food carried by some people is almost finished. For this reason, fighting and fighting begin.

   "Stop, leave food, or kill you!"

   A man hiding behind the colonnade rushed out and roared towards Downton and his party. (To be continued

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