Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1284: Star of stars

"The name is not true!"

Some people vomited, not to mention famous generals, to say that these military school students with no leadership experience also knew that as a general, caution is the first priority.

After Downton's selection, the woodland scene immediately flooded the venue. Although it was a projection, he could not see it at all. He could even smell the fresh air and the light breeze blowing in the forest.

"So exquisite!"

Downton's eyes lit up, except for the dense forests, he could not see anything. In front of him was a command post, which was fully prepared.

There was a blank piece of paper hanging on the wall, with the words map written on it. Downton speculated that the terrain would only be displayed after sending scouts to detect the actual terrain.

"Please note that the ratio of scene to reality is one to one hundred!"

"The combat time is not limited, ending with defeating the opposing army or killing the commander in chief."

"After the war, the battle must not be suspended for any reason!"

The arbitrator narrates the rules of the game of chess, and only once, if they don't understand or incompletely listen, they will make a foul and lose.

"Huh, this calm expression on his face looks like a look!"

Many officers were looking forward to seeing Downton ugly, but they were destined to be disappointed. He did not look nervously and panic when he first heard a lot of rules like most challengers. Standing there, his eyes swept everything in the room.

"The difficulty of the campaign ranges from simple to complex. You have a basic point of 100 points, which can be used to purchase the types and numbers of troops you are good at."

"Each time you win a game, you will get the corresponding points,"

Some crystal pieces appeared in front of Downton. Touching with your finger, a corresponding introduction will appear.

"You have five minutes to prepare, and then the battle begins!"

It is said that it is five minutes. In fact, the time is pitiful, because there are more than a dozen types of arms. It will take a lot of time to read it alone, not to mention the strategy and the formation of troops.

The officers were also whispering, guessing the tactics Downton was going to use, but when the venue suddenly went dark, they were completely stunned.

"No, did he choose to start at night?"

"Isn't this just increasing the difficulty with Bai Bai?"

"Maybe there may be any tactics?"

The officers are unknown. As we all know, night combat is the most troublesome, and the battle simulation of the war chess hall is very close to reality. At night, the combat effectiveness of the arms will decline, but these situations can only be understood by the commander. In the introduction.

"Huh, arrogant, arrogant, war flag pavilion is not so easy to break!"

Some officers sneered, thinking that Downton would fail if he failed the first pass.

"Give me peace!"

The five-star commander growled, leaving the room silent immediately.

"Time is up, the battle begins!"

As the arbitrator's voice fell, a dial appeared in the headquarters. Whether it was marching or building a camp, it would take a certain amount of time. At the same time, it represented a reduction in the actual time.

"Is an hour a day? It seems that the arbitrator does not want us to consume too much time!"

Downton murmured and fell.

The scouts were dispatched, and the nearby terrain was detected as quickly as possible. Downton then selected the location of the camp and let the engineers go out to start construction. In order to save time, he even sent two-thirds of the soldiers to build, while letting Scout searches for enemy shadows.

With the scout detection, the map of the headquarters also lighted up. Some people noticed that Downton’s detection was a three-line type, which was directly and quickly pushed forward, rather than steadily and steadily, so it appeared on the map that it was dark and abrupt. Three light bands appeared.

"Haha, morale has fallen?"

Some people are laughing. One of the unspecified rules is to let the arms do work that does not meet their responsibilities, and morale will fall. Now the soldiers of Downton meet each other. They were originally one to one combat power. Dropped by one-third directly, soldiers might run away if they were engineers for a few days.

Many people expect that the enemy will not be able to fight quickly and destroy Downton’s camp. However, the first day did not have the enemy’s rangers outside the camp until the evening. At this time, Downton tried to build the camp. It's solid like a golden soup.

When the enemy scout discovered this situation, he gave up the opportunity to attack immediately.

"Damn, why didn't I think that the enemy couldn't see if the morale of the soldiers was low. They were looking at the solid camp. As long as they didn't attack, Downton's soldiers could restore their morale after a night of rest."

Some officers shouted out, and they found that this was a quick way to the camp, and some military school students quickly recorded this discovery in a small book, which could be used in the future.

The next day, more enemy troops appeared outside the camp, and Downton, in addition to sending scouts, was to reinforce the camp. This turtle tactic made the officers disappointed.

"This is the first star in the North? It turned out to be a master of shrinking!"

Many military officers began to complain that in the military, everyone prefers the aggressive and aggressive offensive tactics and puts turtles to defend, which is what the weak do.

In the evening of the next day, the enemy began a tentative attack, but was repelled, and the loss was not small, because more than 70% of Downton's arms were defensive.

"Tower, bunker, crossbow car, I can see it, Downton is going to kill his opponent!"

There was a thousand people who scoffed, the battle had no time limit, and with this increasingly solid camp, Downton was already invincible.

Sure enough, on the third day, Downton still shrank, but began to send the only cavalry to attack the opponent's supply line, while not forgetting to strengthen the camp.

"Ma Lei, if I were the commander of the other party, I must be angry with Downton."

More and more voices began to condemn Downton, they wanted to watch a gorgeous offensive performance, rather than such a blunt knife to cut meat.

The forces of the two sides are equal. The cavalry's combat power is greater than that of the auxiliary troops, so they have the upper hand in the harassment. Downton does not seek to kill the enemy. The primary responsibility is to destroy the supplies. Don't lose it.

When the enemy sends cavalry to **** supplies, the natural siege force is greatly reduced, and with such a long supply line, the defense cannot cover everything, so the stalemate continues, and the morale of the expeditionary army is falling every day.

On the evening of the third day, the unbearable enemy commander launched a general attack, but he could not attack the camp at all. There was no way. His arms were the best ratio for conventional operations. The solid ruins of the camp require at least a large number of siege arms.

After a great war, the enemy suffered even greater losses, and Downton took the opportunity to send cavalry to conduct a sneak attack.

"Ma Lei, so shameless!"

Seeing that the enemy was annihilated in the early morning of the fourth day, the officers screamed.

"What's so great about this tactic, we can do it too!"

The performance was so much worse than expected that the officers condemned Downton.

"Shut up, do you really understand Downton's command?"

The commander was unbearable and yelled loudly.

"It's so simple, who can't understand it?"

There are tens of thousands of unsatisfied whispers.

In the second battle, Downton still chose the woodland, and the arms were still mainly defensive. Of course, the increase in points also gave him more choices, but he didn't buy anything!


Seeing Downton win again with shrinking tactics, the officers were going crazy.

In the third game, Downton still shrank, this time with some new changes, and the enemy began to shrink, so the officers saw a prolonged match, full of seven days, without any battle, as long as they scouted a small fight.

On the tenth day, even the arbitrator couldn't stand it anymore and declared a draw. If he didn't lose, he could continue to fight, and there were not many points, it was better to talk than to nothing.

In the fourth game, Downton is no longer defending, but another super-extreme existence, a flood of attack troops.

Less than half a day, the Downton Corps marching at full speed took down the enemy troops that were strengthening the camp and beheaded the commander under the horse.

"Haha, I really guessed it."

When Downton laughed, it also made the onlookers hate. In this round, he completely used the inertia of the previous battle to tease his opponent.

"You won't be so lucky next time."

When everyone was looking forward to the fifth game Downton hit the scalp blood with extreme tactics, he actually started to play steadily.

This game was more difficult, but Downton still won.

"This luck is so good!"

Tens of thousands of people complained and were not upset.

"Huh, a bunch of idiots, what luck? Don't you still understand the reason for Downton's victory?"

The five-star commander can't stand it anymore.

"I will shrink my tactics too!"

The commander's nephew complained, and as a result, he grabbed the chair, smashed it on the head, and the blood flowed directly.

"Stupid, Downton, until now, every step has been planned and moved, don’t forget, you have challenged several battles, but Downton, this is the first time, I don’t know anything, who is the first of you? Even won five games?"

The roar of the five-star commander suddenly reminded the officers. In the army, winning three consecutive games is something to be proud of, and Downton won five games, so easy.

"Why did Downton choose the scene instead of the opponent? Think of the geographical environment of Drankford, which is a large-scale woodland. His first battle was in the Red Pine Forest."

The commander hates the curse of not making steel, "Woodland is Downton’s most familiar home, and there are nights. He chose it because he knew it was not easy to attack at night, because he made sure to pay attention to defending in the end, thereby delaying the enemy. To march for speed."

The officers stopped talking and began to think carefully.

"Huh, do you know why Downton adopted defensive tactics? Not he likes it, but he should do it. Don’t forget, Downton has played four of the most classic battles with less play and more, you would think he Not good at attacking?"

The commander continued to growl like a hair dryer.

"I understand that Downton is not familiar with everything in the campaign, so he uses defensive tactics to delay time, as much as possible to understand each arm, rule, and performance of the arm including the opponent."

A general awakened.

"It's not stupid to get home, but it's not complete. Downton still wants to understand the character of the commander. This is why he used extreme tactics in the fourth game."

The commander is clear.

"Downton is gathering intelligence in every game. You think he won the fifth game is luck. In fact, it is the intelligence that plays a role. If he is not familiar with the attributes of those arms, how can he respond specifically?"

"Notify the audience that the challenger has a high level of tactical literacy, and the Battle Flag Pavilion will send famous players to fight!"

The arbitrator suddenly announced that the heroic audience had a huge cheer.

"Isn't it? Actually hit the top star?"

The officers looked at each other, and even those commanding geniuses only hit the famous generals by accident.

This means that the challenger has been recognized by the Battle Flag Pavilion, and those famous generals are all famous generals or commanders in history.

"I don't know who it will be?"

No one doubted Downton's commanding ability anymore, and the appearance of a famous star was enough to explain everything.

In the sixth game, because the Battle Flag Pavilion sent famous players, Downton could choose the terrain without tossing coins.

"It's a plain, is he going to use cavalry?"

The officers stared at Downton's every move and found that he had spent the points accumulated in the previous rounds, but he didn't buy Rangers, but mechanical golems.

"What kind of routine is this?"

Many people are confused. The golem has a high combat effectiveness, but a required point can be exchanged for 20 cavalry. Such powerful arms are generally exchanged for one or two to stick to the headquarters and guard against the beheading tactics of the enemy.

"Look quietly!"

The commanders are all excited~www.wuxiaspot.com~ waiting for the surprise brought by Downton.

The battle began, Downton changed the previous shrinking tactical style, and the entire headquarters was dispatched with the mechanical golem corps.

More than 80% of the famous generals' arms are a mixture of heavy and light riding, so his offensive is also wide open. After all, the Great Plains is the most suitable for cavalry.

"In this way, it's time to compete!"

As soon as the officers finished talking, Downton slapped his face. His Golem Legion was like a cunning tuna, cruising and interspersed in the plains, and had been avoiding frontal fighting.

The cavalry regiment of the generals was tired of coping with it, which caused a continuous drop in morale, and when maneuvering quickly, it was a disaster for logistics supplies.

Of course, Downton’s logistical pressure is also great, but after all, it is to construct creatures, and morale is not damaged.

The generals could not bear this stalemate, dispersing the cavalry and preparing to besiege Downton.

"finally come!"

Downton showed his **** fangs, the Golem Legion naturally had no chance of fighting a large number of cavalry regiments, but even if the troops were equal, they had an overwhelming advantage.

Watching the golem rampage and strangling the cavalry regiments they encountered, the officers looked at each other. They suddenly discovered that Downton's previous detour was purely a tactic to force the famous generals to divide their troops.

A trivial triumph, which allowed Downton to reduce the strength of the famous generals, finally held flat and then surpassed.

There was no decisive battle, because the famous general raised a white flag.

"Can the mechanical golem still be used this way?"

The audience was silent. People were either shocked or thinking. Downton's tactics were not uncommon, but the choice of arms was never recorded in textbooks.

(To be continued.)

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