Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1285: Steel torrent


Freya took the case and gave applause.

After Downton defeated a famous star, the onlookers seemed to watch a star rising, no, he was already a star.

"Sure enough, the name is well-deserved!"

The commanders sighed. At this point, no one doubts Downton's record anymore. Even if he is not a famous general, he is also a tactical genius, tapping the potential of a unit of arms. It is not just luck that can be done, it takes many years. Accumulate, fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of the arms.

The officers were excited, making records in the book, but Downton stretched out a lazy face calmly, waiting for the beginning of the next battle.

"Are you pretending to force, or really don't care? You know that is a famous general in the history of Xitu?"

The arbitrator suddenly asked out loud and shocked Downton.

"Do you have a sense of autonomy?"

"answer my question!"

The arbitrator's tone is tough, there is no way to become the hero of the War Banner Hall, and his status during his lifetime must be noble and powerful.

"What's there to be proud of? The timing, geographical location, and harmony of the three factors that determine the victory or defeat of the war. The geographical location was chosen by me. I thought with my knees, and I knew that the other side would use cavalry. The layout, the time and the people, and because it is a game, it must be equal."

Downton shrugged his shoulders. He didn't say anything. Using mechanical golems was not an impulse, but an idea that he had long ago.

In the world in the dream, Downton saw the steel torrent of the Third Reich. It was really devastating, so he invested heavily and established a mechanical golem production line in the dungeon. He wants to form a mechanized steel army for imitation.

Golems are machines, they are creatures of construction, and there is no such thing as morale. As long as there is enough energy, even in desperation, they will continue to fight. The only problem is the high cost. The cavalry is hard enough to raise, but the price of a golem is enough to equip a hundred cavalry.

Fortunately, Downton is constantly attacking the city and sweeping the ground, plus the huge benefits of the free trade zone. There is no shortage of money to be able to support his idea of ​​a mechanical legion.

The legions that didn’t go to the battlefield were talking on paper after all, so after seeing the battle game that is very close to reality, he didn’t think about it and began to verify his tactical ideas.

"In the seventh game, in view of the challenger's excellence, the battle flag pavilion opened the army battle mode, there is no upper limit for points, and no limit for arms."

After a few minutes of pause. The arbitrator's voice rang again, and then the officers completely fry, even if they were several five-star commanders. They rarely play Legionary Battle Mode because it is too high-end, and the opponent will be a holy coffin.

As is known to all, even the eighth holy coffin, even the most unskilled warrior Malia and the dark governor, also had the titles of generals at the time. As for Heinrich, it has won the reputation of not breaking the military god. Known throughout the continent, known as the strongest commander in tens of thousands of years.

"Is it Queen Madeleine? I like watching her offense the most, it's an art!"

"I still like Heinrich's commanding style. His hands are like magic, coordinating and scheduling, turning the grand war into an opera!"

"Holy lady! holy lady!"

Fans of Lorraine Sasha started shouting that the saint’s tactical style was completely opposite to her character. The tough defense, fierce counterattack, and clever combination of attacks were probably due to the pure belief of the legion, and her subordinates’ fighting will was the highest , Always be able to win more by playing less.

The saint’s men only died in battle and did not drop troops. The saint’s army, only the whole army was destroyed, and there was no stolen life, so she was also called the strongest defense.

In the Legion campaign mode, both sides have the same points in the opening, you can buy your favorite and good troops, and then in the match, as time goes by, and the victory or defeat of the game will be awarded points, you can continue to add troops to adjust .

"Your opponent will be Lorraine Sasha, known as the Miracle of the Miracle. I wish you prosperity!"

At the moment when the arbitrator's voice fell, a huge cheer rang out from the audience, and the heroic souls stood up, welcoming Her Royal Highness with the warmest applause.

The officers also boiled, flushed with excitement.

"Look, it's a cross war flag!"

A swallowtail flag rises, and there is no wind. The pattern of the red cross on white once shined across the continent. Once the countless army of evil spirits saw the battle flag, the morale of the penny plummeted, and the wind escaped.

"Oye, the Knights of the Guns."

"Silver Yushou Army also appeared!"

"There is the Blood Angel Legion!"

The officers' screams were higher than they were, and they were almost crying out of oxygen. Every holy priest had several elite legions following them, and they became famous in the war against the Evil God Army.

As the battle flags of the three legions rose, the cheers of the people never stopped.

"I want to kill Downton!"

Many officers stared at Downton with bloodshot eyes open, not to mention victory, just playing against the miracle of the Virgin, and fighting these legendary legions, is a huge honor. How can Downton be? !

"What a joke? Is that a true miracle?"

Downton rolled his eyes. He was not arrogant enough to fight His Royal Highness.

"No, it's just the will of the saint, otherwise what's so good about that one-sided game?" The arbiter obviously looked down on Downton. "Your present task is to show your commanding talent as much as possible and delay more. World!"

Being so despised, Downton's fists clenched.

"It's so deceiving, just turn the saint!"

Cheers for cheap gods.

"Walnut, go play for yourself!"

Downton took a long breath and poured a sip of Victory Fine Wine to regain his energy and began to think hard.


Bored long ago, the sleepy walnut jumped off the chair and went to the War Soul Pavilion. In her view, no holy coffin would be Downton's opponent, so it doesn't matter if you don't look at the results.

"Downton tasted the sweetness of using mechanical golems!"

Many officers saw Downton choose a large number of golems again. It is inevitable that disappointment, the Miracle Lady is not an ordinary general, if it is conventional combat. If you don’t know how, you can continue for a few days. Now, you can end the battle in one day. When the battle begins, the idea is even deeper, because Downton actually came out of the nest and began to drive straight in.

"What is this for? Suicide?"

The officers did not understand. Because it is a legionary battle mode, the base camps on both sides are fixed. But there are several fronts, and Downton is now directly impacted regardless of the others.

"Are you abandoning yourself?"

The arbitrator couldn't help asking.

"The battle flag pavilion arranges the appearance of the saint who claims to be the strongest defense, is it not to test my attack power?"

Downton speculates. In fact, he has only attacked all the way, otherwise it will be more difficult for the Holy Girl to build a defense.

This time, in addition to the Golem Legion, Downton also chose a large number of carriages, not to transport supplies, but to transport infantry.

Downton does not allow scouts to fight against enemy scouts, but collects as much information as possible. The terrain of the battlefield began to appear clearly in the field of vision.

"Good luck, at least not in the mountains."

Seeing that the direction of the Golem Army is not a plain, but a sparse woodland. Downton breathed a sigh of relief so that the marching speed would not be delayed.

On the first day, Downton arrived at the first castle of the Virgin. Without attacking, he bypassed and continued on.

"Don't you worry about the saint holding you back and forth?"

The cheap **** is puzzled, "shouldn't we take advantage of the enemy's reinforcements before we arrived. Won the city?"

"How can she trap such a wide battlefield? Don't forget. My arms are more mobile than her. As for the siege... hehe!"

Downton didn't bring a siege car with a golem to siege, it was to death.

The Saint Girl did not rush out, so Downton easily reached the second city, still passing around the city, and the cavalry began to attack.

The first encounter started, relying on the excellent combat effectiveness of the Golem, Downton ate the cavalry with the same force. At the same time, another of his Golem Corps killed the infantry regiment out of the city, and then moved on.

"What is Downton doing?"

"Aren't you going to kill the king?"

"This is a decisive death tactic, but I will do the same for me. Anyway, there is no possibility of winning, it is better to see the Miracle Lady!"

The officers speculated on Downton's intentions.

After Downton entered the hinterland of the place, he began to burn and loot. Although he could not destroy the big cities, there was no problem in annihilating these small villages and towns. The captured population and wealth will be converted into points, and then Downton will be converted into a new golem. .

The Holy Girl could not let Downton go on raging. She could only send troops to sieve and suppress. Without the city, her defensive power decreased sharply, and the fighting strength of the cavalry was not as good as the Golem.

Downton started his large depth roundabout and interspersed, which caused the cavalry to be exhausted, and the golems were also worn out, but the intact parts can be removed for spare, and the transport of the magic drill is more convenient than food.

Until now, officers have discovered the benefits of golems not having to eat and drink. Cavalry men eat horse chews. The daily consumption of materials is an astronomical figure.

"Down like this, Downton is going to win!"

The officers are a little nervous. In fact, the battle flag game cannot fully simulate reality. For example, Downton’s continuous victory, you can get points for golems, and the Holy Girl has no military power. In reality, the national strength of a country is not calculated like this. of.

"Anyway, it is also a strength to be able to win a war chess game."

Some officers began to stand on Downton's side. There was no way out. His offense was so gorgeous. Those mechanical golems pushed forward wildly. It was too domineering.

Wrong step by step, step by step, the saint can also harass Downton’s rear, but then there is even less force to deal with the golem. In this way, the points obtained by both sides are the same, and Downton’s advantage will not be offset.

The heavy cavalry came out, it was useless, and the siege car came out. It was still useless to destroy the golem from a long distance. The golem quickly used the high mobility to level the siege position.

There is no way, the Virgin uses golems, but Downton, who has already prepared, directly besieged, would rather exchange two to one, and also win this corps.

In this constant confrontation, Downton has accumulated the winning percentage with a weak advantage step by step, and his team is expanding like a snowball.

"The Miracle Lady was actually suppressed?"

The officers were stunned. From the beginning of the battle, half a month later, Downton actually grasped the situation on the battlefield.

"Is the Golem really so powerful?"

"This is a game, but it is not reality. In reality, the saint can add more troops. Here, there will be no more death, unless you win, or use the fixed reward points to buy troops every hour!"

"Yes, under the same strength, the Golem has an advantage, but in reality, no one will allow this to happen, and the major empires have air forces!"

The officers did not close their eyes for a few days. They did not want to miss any scenes.

A month later, Downton's soldiers approached the city, and his points were already enough to be exchanged for battleships. The miracle maiden of hopeless victory chose to burn the city.

"The challenger wins, and your name will be loaded into the list of heroes in the Battle Banner!"

Arbitrator's decision.

"how is this possible?"

Some admirers of saints cannot accept this reality.

"Do you want to develop the Golem Legion?"

"This is just a game, but can't really measure the performance of the arms?"

"Yeah, I don't think it's necessary."

The commanders discussed, and finally sighed in unison. They wanted to build a new arm. There are too many things involved, especially the change of power, which will inevitably lead to counterattacks by those with vested interests.


Freya lamented how good it would be for Dunton to be loyal to himself?

"Humph, it really is the same as that **** woman!"

Emperor Oni was iron-blue behind.

"Haha, maybe this son-in-law will help me defeat other empire. With Downton, I no longer have to envy Heinrich and Dilan Xue."

Similian II laughed happily and vowed to get Downton anyway.


After giving Downton a half-hour break, the arbitrator was about to speak and was interrupted. "Can it be over?"


Not only was the arbitrator stunned, but even the officers were stunned. What good opportunity did Downton have to give up?

"Do you know what you are talking about? What did you give up?"

The arbitrator reminded, "Continue to win, you will win the goodwill of the heroes, and the celebrities who are so proud that no one in the eyes may choose to follow you!"

"Thank you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm tired!"

Downton is very self-knowledge. It is the most appropriate time to leave now. He has insisted for several days, especially against the Miracle of the Miracle. , Definitely not simple.

Rather than defeat, it is better to leave a perfect record. Besides, the heroes are already legendary Downtons, and the extravagant expectations of the demon servants are not very urgent.


The arbitrator tried to persuade him again. As a result, Downton jumped off the podium without hesitation, leaving only a back waving his arm.

"The first show was a winning record. Downton's record is better than the Iron Prince!"

"Prince Leon lost to the unbreakable warrior."

"It can't be compared so much, who is sure that the saint can't beat Heinrich?"

The officers quarreled. No matter how, no one dared to downplay Downton. This record has been dazzling to allow them to catch up with most of their lives. (To be continued)

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