Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1293: Experimental node

"Governor, the devil is dead and the plan failed."

Staying in London, the spy who monitored the heroes' corridor sent a lightning message to report on what happened here.

"A good thing that Downton broke me again!"

The governor, who has always kept his reason, swelled, but soon calmed down and arranged the task, "continue to lurch, don't act rashly."

"What about Downton?"

The spy knew that the governor must have hated the guy and killed him.

"Don't care about him, neither Orni nor the blind messenger will let him go."

After the governor finished impatiently, he hung up the communication, and it was imminent from the resurrection of the evil god. He had no time to waste, or he had to kill Downton himself.

In the church, the blind messenger also received news, but did not care at all, because the Midsummer Night Festival was about to begin, the misty realm would solve everything, and by then, the empire would fall into the hands of the evil god.


The sound of the opening of the Hall of Heroes suddenly sounded, calming the entire square, and everyone's eyes were fixed on it.

Walnut simulated the sound of a warship flying, opened his hands, and ran out of it. Downton then walked out, beside him, a tall, cheap god.

The long blond hair is flying, the face of the gods has no flaws, and the perfect is not like human beings. With a gold armor, the heroic force is like a goddess of war.

"Who is this woman?"

"You can't be wrong, it must be the heroic summoned by Downton!"

"Human form? How powerful is her strength?"

The adventurers whispered, and after this period of waiting, a lot of gossip has been circulated, Downton’s fast customs clearance, the horrific record of defeating the Saint Coffin in the battle flag hall, and entering the heroic spirit as the first place In the temple, there are rumors that the abnormalities in the secret realm are related to his conscription of heroes.

Now Downton returns with a woman as beautiful as an angel, which further confirms this speculation.



Sissi and Yilian ran over for the first time.

"Are you injured?"

Sissi took Donton's arm out of disbelief, checked his body, and made sure that there was nothing wrong, then he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the cheap god, "This is?"

"She is my companion!"

Although the hand of creation was remodeled and a soul contract was established, Downton did not mean cheap gods as servants, which is the minimum respect for a god.

"Downton, this explanation probably won't pass."

The head of Guardian walked over with a large group of generals and nobles. As the Royal Guard, he had to make things clear.

"You don't need to say what kind of adventurer she is, everybody who enters the secret realm, we have records!"

A nobleman worried that Downton lied and lowered his reputation, so he reminded in advance.

"I am Downton's servant!"

The cheap **** spoke, Downton's kindness, she got it.

"God servant?"

The onlookers were completely shocked. Could this beauty be a god? Otherwise, why use the word God Servant?

In the history of Xitu, there is also a trace of lucky people who were called to the falling will of the deity, or the **** fire, or even the avatar of the gods, and then got the **** servant.

The words of Captain Guardian were put back in the stomach by these two words.

"What **** are you?"

Shire pushed away from the crowd and stood in front of the cheap god. His right hand held the blond hair on his forehead, deliberately posing as if he thought he was handsome.

The cheap **** ignores it directly.

"Humph, I think you are a sensation!"

Shir's sarcasm made people begin to doubt the cheap gods. After all, the gods are dignified. Even the lower gods value the reputation.

"Xiaer, are you going to fight me to death?"

Downton's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Haha, I'm so scared!"

Shire embraced his chest with both hands, pretending to be fear.

"Get out of it!"

Downton scolded and experienced a death, he is now fearless.


Shire's face flushed, he wanted to take this battle and teach Downton a lesson, but he had been in the aristocratic circle for many years, and he also showed that this guy was not kidding. Kill yourself.

At this moment, Shire shrank, and as one of the heirs of the Stuttgart family, he had a good life waiting for him to enjoy. He didn't want to die here.

"Mad dog!"

Shire cursed and turned away.

"Who are you scolding?"

Walnut, like a loyal dog, jumped out towards Xia Erba teeth.

Seeing this scene, the adventurers booed and scorned Shire.

"Is there anything else?"

Downton looked at the head of Guardian, "I'm tired and want to go back to the hotel to rest!"

The deputy leader wanted to sing a black face, but was pulled by the leader, "No, I'm sorry, I wasted your time."

Downton was left surrounded by a group of people, and the adventurers were still huddled together to see the excitement, but they were swept away by the sight of the cheap god, and they all shuddered.

Back at the hotel, the walnuts flirted to Sissy and his party to tell about Downton's experience, which scared a few girls' pale and terrifying faces.

The Valkyrie looked at the cheap **** curiously, holding the hilt several times, and she wanted to challenge it.

Freya sent the invitation, but Downton refused, and closed the door to thank guests, he must enjoy the style of the festival.

"Are you going shopping?"

In the Honeycomb Lab, Xia Luo, wearing a white coat, was busy in front of the laboratory bench, and Downton knocked on the door.


Xia Luo frowned deeply.

"what happened?"

Downton walked in, and picked up the experiment records.

"After taking the potion of the dragon's guardian power, more than one hundred experimental subjects were transformed into giant dragons very well, showing terrifying fighting power, but after the drug effect was lifted, they all showed different levels of dragon reaction."

Xia Luo introduced.

"Increase dragon scales, breed dragon horns, have more dragon tails, and change pupils..." Downton murmured. "Is it a problem with the experiment?"

"The little devil has the best tolerance, and this kind of problem will occur. I am afraid that human beings have been completely dragonized."

Xia Luo shook her head.

"Shall I say that you can simply find some humans to do experiments? Good people, you don't need to use death row!"

Homer doesn't know what Downton and Charlotte are clinging to, "The three villains of the dark forces, you just catch some trouble."

"This is a moral issue." Downton rolled his eyes, comforting Xia Luo, "give it to me!"

"Well, I mean that, haven't you been a Dragonman? I'm preparing to take your blood and cell samples for testing to see if I can find a solution!"

Xia Luo was very attentive to this potion of dragon's guardian power.

This is a recipe that has never appeared on the mainland. As long as the refining is successful, the sage wolf will become a weightlifting figure in the history of potions. Of course, Xia Luo does not care about this glory.

Drinking this potion, even ordinary magicians, can have the fighting power of an adult dragon within a few minutes. This will greatly increase the strength of the Western Earth camp when the evil **** is about to recover.

"What about Downton? Going to the lab again?"

Sissi, who had been released with pigeons for three days, couldn't stand it, "Homer, you come out, let me enter the laboratory!"

"He is busy now and can't bother."

Homer explained.

"Big brother doesn't mean anything!"

Walnut changed into a floral dress, with a straw hat, and the soy sauce bottle can be hung on his mouth. "I don't care, I want my elder brother to go shopping with me!"

"You open the door, I will speak in person."

Elaine was very angry. At such an important festival, his brother did not accompany his girlfriend, but got into the laboratory and deserved to be single all his life.


Homer was helpless.

The underground prisons are spooky and weird. The terrible torture and cold breath make people shudder, especially the real roars and screams that keep coming, it is a place where people fall into nightmares.


The chains sounded, and a chained demon saw a stranger passing by, with a big mouth of blood in his mouth, wanting to devour them.

"Three hundred and twenty milliliters were injected into the seven hundred and twenty experiment body, and there was no response."

Xia Luo personally operated.

"Add another 200 milliliters."

Downton detected the signs of the little demon. His pupils were dilated, congested, and the skin was hardened. Purple scales grew like moss, but it was not hard enough and fragile.

"Big brother!"

After walking around the corner and seeing Downton, Walnut was about to shout, and Sisie covered her mouth.


Sissi made a silent gesture.

Suddenly, the little devil struggled violently, with some pustules bulging on his skin, and then his stomach, which swelled to the limit like an inflation.

"Be careful!"

Downton's voice fell, and with a bang, the little demon blew up, his belly was cracked, and his internal organs were scattered everywhere. Fortunately, he and Xia Luo opened the shield, otherwise they would have no regrets.

"At 10:20, the 720th test subject died!"

Downton took the Golden Crown Shuting fountain pen for the record.

"Clean it up!"

Xia Luo inspected the body, and after extracting some cells, he took off the contaminated gloves and discarded them, and went to the next prison.

Several domesticated little demons hurried over and cleaned the corpses. These guys have been following the sage wolf for more than a year. They are quite skilled in these tasks that do not require too high IQ.

The demons born in a chaotic and evil camp who grew up in the fiercely competitive abyss did not have any sentimental sentiment about the death of their compatriots. This is why the demons are generally regarded as assistants by the legal system.

"Are there some big demons?" Downton suggested, "These bad demons are too easy to die."

The experimental materials are very valuable. In the past few days, Downton has consumed tens of millions of gold coins at such a fast rate that even he, a local tyrant, can't bear it.

"Then use the succubus, it should be closer to humans in the life map."

Xia Luo squeezed her eyebrows.

"If you are tired, rest for a while."

Downton took the syringe, and the subject looked at him in horror, pleading in his eyes, "Sorry, this is for humans!"


Cici sighed.

"Eh? Didn't you tell the big brother to go shopping together?"

Walnut scratched his hair.

"Don't disturb him."

Sissy didn't even think about playing. She liked Downton, just to like everything about him, so she was willing to wait.


A dragon roar suddenly sounded, followed by the loud sound of the destruction of the prison, and the screams of the demons.

Downton rushed out and saw a demon experiment body running through the corridor, and in the middle was a half-dragon and half-demon monster.


The monster's mouth is a breath of dragon, burning the demons around to ashes.

"Which experiment body?"

Downton asked, and did not rush to kill the target.

"There is no way to be sure, just kill it and talk!"

Xia Luo found no sign on the monster.

"it is good!"

Downton charged, before the man arrived, the fist has swept.

boom! boom! boom!

The airflow exploded, dust was rolled up, and all fell on the monster's body, hitting its screams wave after wave.


The dragon tore an iron gate off and patted Downton as a weapon.


The iron gate was raised by Downton's punch, cracked, punched out, and drove the monster directly.


The falling monster breathed out in a dragon's breath to stop Downton, and at the same time stood up and tried to escape.

Astrology moves!

A vortex appeared in front of Downton, engulfed all the flames, and then formed a ball, which was caught by him and smashed onto the monster.


The monster was ignited and the burnt skin was rotten, but this guy's vitality was very strong, and he didn't die, but it was afraid of Downton, he didn't dare to fight back and tried to escape.

"Stop chasing."

Xia Luo stopped Downton, the two of them watched the monsters running away, their bodies kept shrinking, and returned to the shape of a demon, then burned into a ash.

"Is it an assistant?"

Downton frowned, "Still alive, come over to me."

A demon assistant with bleeding head stumbled over and knelt on the ground to guilt.

"what happened?"

Xia Luo asked in devil's language~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Assistants wandered, not wanting to say, but after being kicked by Downton, honestly, when these assistants packed up their bodies, they realized that there was energy in the meat, They secretly ate them, after all, in the abyss, they often do it.

"What parts does this guy eat?"

Downton questioned, the answer came out quickly, the mutant assistant was the strongest, so every time he grabbed the heart, it contained the most residual medicine.

"Go clean!"

For example, the demon assistant who is forgiven cannot pay attention to the bandage and works like a hard-working bee.

"Should I try the potion myself?"

At dinner, Downton brought it out.


Xia Luo directly refused, if at this point, she would rather use humans.

"If you go on like this, it will only waste the world."

Downton was upset enough, so he could imagine what kind of mood Charlotte would have been stuck with for years.

"Absolutely not, no big deal." Xia Luo shook his head, "Or go to Dragon Island, grab a dragon and come back to live?"

"Nico should be given this job. She has a grudge against Long Island."

Downton proposed.

"If there is any hatred, it is also an internal contradiction. Do you experiment with the dragon today, believe it or not, Nicole will be able to tear down the hive lab tomorrow?"

The sage wolf teased.

"I think it's a waste of time to continue, and everyone is tired, why not go shopping? Change your thinking, maybe there will be unexpected gains."


Downton said it was boring, but she did not expect Xia Luo to agree, which made him stunned for a while, a little dazed. After all, Xian wolf was his first love, and there was no way to relieve it. (To be continued.)

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