Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1294: Sin under the night

Downton and Charlotte walked out of the hotel, only to find that London was brightly lit and full of voices tonight.

On the long street, citizens wearing new clothes are everywhere, enjoying the joy of the festival.

call out!

A firework dragged its red tail up into the sky, and then banged, bursting into gorgeous flowers, shining brightly in London with laughter.

The Midsummer Night Festival, which will last for half a month, has begun. From today, the London curfew will allow the public to play wildly.

The servants were very apprehensive. When they saw the owner and the sage wolf, they did not dare to disturb them. Their men were ready to keep up, but their race was too distinctive. Once on the street, they were definitely recognized.

"Don't worry, the master still uses us to protect?"

Thysson pushed the crowd back.

"South Street is the most lively, but that's where the civilians go. The nobles and lords generally go to Xicheng District!"

Casually stopped a carriage, and as soon as the two sat up, the driver started chattering.

"Just walk around."

Xia Luo doesn't matter.

"Go to South Street!"

Although it was already the hand of a king that thousands of people looked up to, Downton's habits had not changed, and he wanted to go to places where there were many civilians.

The sounds of horseshoes burst on both sides of the long street, full of stalls, with food and play, and the children ran around madly, but only a few copper plates, they can exchange the happy memories of a lifetime.

"The happiness of the children is so simple!"

Sage wolf with emotion.


Downton handed a marshmallow to Charlotte.

"Thank you!"

Xia Luo took it, wandered the streets, enjoying the beautiful night view.

A long skirt and blouse in linen color can't hide the exotic style of the sage wolf. The men passing by frequently cast their sights, and some gangsters came together and squeezed together deliberately. They were not malicious. They just wanted to Dip some cheaper.


Downton grabbed a guy's shoulder.



Before the fool had finished speaking, Downton uttered his words, and their spirits shook suddenly, and subconsciously walked away.

After a while, Downton carried big bags and small bags. The sage wolf said that these things can only be enjoyed in the hands of shopping.

"Are you tired of shopping with me?"

Xia Luo turned around, her hands behind her waist, and walked backwards, the bright moonlight sprinkled on her face, blurred.

"will not!"

Downton shook his head and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Then continue!"

Xia Luo speeded up her pace.

Archery, grass-grassing, fishing for goldfish, the sage wolf was having fun, Downton laughed, but frowned, and with his perception, he found a few men sneaking up with him.

"Ma Lei!"

Downton did not want to be disturbed by the wonderful time, and was ready to clean up them. There was no way. If angels and undead appeared, it would cause commotion, and he would not have to do it himself.

Xia Luo shook her head, ran to a stall selling masks, and dumped Downton.


Downton had to catch up, but slowed down again.

"what happened?"

Homer is puzzled.

"Xia Luo guessed my thoughts, but didn't let me clean up those bastards, but also deliberately distanced me, clearly to give the other party a chance to get close to her."

Downton peeled a toffee and threw it into his mouth.

"What do you mean?"

Homer didn't understand.

"So I want to cooperate with her, Xia Luo wants to completely remove these bad guys, otherwise they will harass others."

Downton pretended to enjoy the night view and watched from side to side. Sure enough, two people followed the crowd and quickly walked towards Xia Luo. The others crossed Downton and spread between him and the sage wolf, ready to intercept.

"This is silk from the eastern mainland."

A woman with a basket on her arm looked at the opportunity and approached the sage wolf, selling her goods. "The most precious perfume is sprinkled on it, don't believe it."

Xia Luo just sniffed and fainted.

"Guest, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable? I'll take you back to rest!"

The woman helped the sage wolf smoothly, and some passers-by nearby looked at it, but noticed the woman's worried expression on her face, thinking that they knew each other and stopped paying attention.

The woman was obviously a magician, and she was so powerful that she easily drove Xia Luo into the dark side street.


Downton pretended to chase in anxiety, and a few men pushed and shoved other passers-by, blocking it up, and the crowd was crowded for a while.

Several streets and lanes were walked in succession, and several talents stopped.

"Haha, a wolf girl, this is getting rich."

A man with triangular eyes looked at Xia Luo's beautiful face and couldn't help but stretch out his rough big hands to touch.

"Go away, take away your dirty hands."

The woman patted the back of her hand with a triangular eye and scolded dissatisfiedly, "This wolf girl can obviously sell a big price. You are dirty, who is responsible?

"Well, I want to say that, according to the owner's habits, this wolf girl must be left for your own enjoyment, and it will only be sold if you get bored."

The triangular eye is very annoying.

"Then you can't move!"

The woman looked around, "Let's wait for them, let's go first."

Soon, an inconspicuous carriage was parked in the street, several people were busy loading Charlotte into a big order, and they could rest tonight.

Half an hour later, the carriage arrived at the pier. Because of the arrival of the Midsummer Festival, there were few people working recently, and the night was dark and extremely quiet.

After passing the secret code, a group of people entered the warehouse.

"so much?"

Seeing dozens of girls in the warehouse, ranging from five or six years old to seventeen or eight years old, were being thrown to the ground with their hands and feet covering their mouths. The woman was startled.

"Haha, the festival is lively and crowded, so you can start."

The lead is a one-eyed dragon, grabbing a girl, playing with the other party's chest arbitrarily, leaving a bruise scratch.

A woman passed out in the corner next to her. Her head was broken. She was naked all over, full of scars. She had been torn by these traffickers.

"You pay attention to the impact, you are killed, buy a lot of money!"

The woman reminded.

"What did you bring back? Let's see!"

The one-eyed dragon took off his pants and ripped off the girl's skirt. He was about to do evil. Suddenly, when he saw the woman holding the sage wolf out of the car, her eyes were rounded.

"Haha, I really have you!"

The one-eyed dragon laughed, pushed the girl away, and came over eagerly.

"Don't touch her!"

The woman warned.

"I know!"

The one-eyed dragon swallowed and itchy.

The girl got up and ran away crying because she was beaten and staggered, falling several times, causing a group of villains to laugh.

The girl rushed to the iron gate, but she couldn't open it with her strength, crying for help, and her voice could not be heard.

"Giving up!"

The triangular eye approached, pulling the girl's hair back.

"Enter here, don't deliberately leave!"

One-horned dragon sarcasm.

"Yes, don't you want to leave any of you today!"

The sudden sound surprised everyone, and the sound of pulling out the knife was everywhere.


The one-eyed dragon narrowed its eyes.


The iron door was kicked open, and Downton looked at everything in the warehouse, his expression getting colder and colder.

"kill him!"

With the order of the one-eyed dragon, more than a dozen magicians charged and rounded Downton. A strong man was the fastest. He rushed to Downton, grinning, the axe held high, and severely split.

"Go to hell!"


Tomahawk breaks the wind.

Downton did not shy away, clenched his fists and slammed towards the strong man.


The strong man's stomach fists, layers of flesh ~ wave open, followed by rolling out.

This is a group of miscellaneous fish. Downton can kill them with a word, but the evils committed by the villains prevent him from venting his anger at all.

Click! Click!

Downton grabbed the arms of the villains and tore them apart, kicking off their leg bones and ribs, blood spattered for a time, and the bones continued to fracture.


The villains released the demon servants, and several of the World of Warcraft, which were larger than the mammoth giants, appeared, roaring towards Downton, breathing with the smell of death.

Downton looked back, his eyes glaring.


The fierce beasts that had been rushed suddenly exerted force on all four feet, buckled the ground hard, and left a few scratches. They looked at Downton and retracted their necks, just like the sick cat that encountered the beast, turned and ran.

This scene stunned the villains.

"who are you?"

The one-eyed dragon inquired that there was a lot of fear in her heart, but the woman was the most active in her mind. Her left hand was behind her, and she shattered the transmission spar to escape from here to report.

The golden dragon gun suddenly appeared, shot towards the woman, pierced her hands and feet, and nailed her to the ground.


The woman screamed, "Kill him, kill him for me!"

"Boy, heroes are not so decent, you will never leave, I promise you will not survive tomorrow morning."

The one-eyed dragon grinned strangely and disappeared in place.

"Ah, I remember, he is Downton!"

A younger brother who had been to the Hall of Heroes recognized Downton.

"What kind of sugar? Still salt!"

Triangle eyes stared down at Downton fiercely, "Slave him to feed the dog later."

"It is the Downton of Drankford, the first star in the North." The younger brother is about to die, "Damn, how did he get him? No, I'm not scolding you!"

"Promote the legend in the hero's corridor? And the one who called the servant of God?"

"The one who broke the heir to the Steinway family?"

"Shouldn't that kind of big man go to the nobles to have fun? How can it appear in civilian areas?"

A bunch of villains are dumbfounded. Their most powerful one-eyed dragon here is nothing but a dragon slaughter. Others are legends. No, let alone legends, the scepter is enough to make them look up.

Hidden invisible behind Downton, the one-eyed dragon who was about to attack was stunned. The high-cut scimitar could not be cut.

"Huh? Don't you sneak attack?"

Downton asked back.

When the trembling arm of the one-eyed dragon couldn't catch the weapon and fell to the ground, he fled back and forth and fled, but it was too late.

Downton's right fist was shocked.


A demon-sized magical energy hit with a heavy punch, directly hit the one-eyed dragon, and embedded him into the ground.

"Don't worry, you are saved."

The sage wolf got up and spread the magic to appease the girls who had been abducted.

"You got my potion, why are you okay?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, and suddenly the reaction came. The two men deliberately planned to find this place.

"Do you know the blood halo?"

Downton snapped his fingers, and a **** aura burst and landed on the body of the one-eyed dragon and the triangular eye. The two men immediately twitched and screamed, and instantly the cold sweat soaked their clothes.

A group of villains shuddered. That was the cruelest criminal law in the Holy See. It would boil human blood, making people unable to survive or to die.

"What do you want to know? I said, spare your life?"

The woman responded fastest.

"How long have you been doing these things? Where is the headquarters?"

Charlotte asked.

"Don't lie, listen to the tone of the one-eyed dragon, but you have a strong backstage."

Looking at the woman's eyes, Downton knew the woman was going to lie.

"Your Excellency, you can't afford me in the background, how good is everyone's peace?" The Cyclops said, "We are willing to pay a huge amount of compensation to these girls."

"What about the girls who were trafficked before? What about their youth and freedom?"

Downton asked.

"We don't know who the backstage is, but I know the boss above!"

The woman didn't want to die, and the other villains also began to fight for whistleblowers.

"You said it would die even worse."

The one-eyed dragon's words smashed the enthusiasm of the villains.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, I will torture your soul!"

These miscellaneous fish, I don't know any important information. Downton did not kill, but just wanted to have a criminal evidence.

Soul draw!

Downton waved with one hand, the dark death in his cloak appeared, and a scythe made a black soul overflow from the mouth and nose of a villain.

"Relax, no matter who your boss is, he is dead tonight and will not have the opportunity to retaliate against you."

Downton's words were so domineering that the rescued girls looked at him at www.wuxiaspot.com~ with anticipation on his face.

"It's Lord Hassel!"

The woman could not bear the mental torture and broke the news.

"Don't hurry up to clean up that Hassel, first notify the sheriff and the girls' family, they must be in a hurry."

Xia Luo proposed.

"I used to think it was too immoral to use humans as experimental subjects, but after seeing what these guys did, I felt they were not worthy of being humans!"

Looking at the ravaged, under-shaped girl, Downton gritted his teeth.

On the eve of the festival, the overtime security guards did not want to work, not to mention a ghoul.

"Our host is Lord Downton!"

The ghoul reported the name.

"What do you care about me, wait, who are you talking about?"

The security guard who was nibbling at the chicken legs almost choked to death.

"Downton, Downton's Downton!"

The ghoul repeats.

"Hurry, go back and report." The security forces dropped their chicken legs and put on their hats. Even if the other party was a ghoul, he also accompanied a smiley face. "

The famous Downton was the most famous man in London during this time, and the security forces were worried that they could not find a chance to flatter others.

"In the face of such a big man, he has a familiar face, and by the way, sells his personal feelings and the rewards he has received, he hasn't been worried about eating and drinking for half his life."

The security forces had a sweet dream and accelerated their pace.

"Kidnapping? Human trafficking?"

After listening to Downton’s description, the security captain was ecstatic. The recent disappearances in London are high, and the chief is going to be mad. I didn’t expect that he was actually cracked. But after hearing Hassel’s name, he froze. Live, this guy is a big count! (To be continued.)

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