Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1295: Post-party forces

Earl Hassel is a powerful aristocracy, not only has a rich territory, but also a large prosecutor, a big figure higher than the chief of the city defense army.

"Are you sure you heard it right?"

The security guard asked politely, "Master Hassel will not know the law and break the law? Besides, how much money can you earn by trafficking?"

"You can interrogate these prisoners"

Tang Dun frowned, and then sighed, these security forces shrinking their eggs is a common sense. After all, ordinary people can't afford to be an official.

"I will report this to the sir, then your Excellency, I will say goodbye, without delaying your enjoyment of the festival!"

The security forces are ready to leave.

"Wait, aren't you going to catch the count?"

Xia Luo stopped each other.

"Of course, as long as Lord Hassel's conviction is determined, the country will bring him to justice."

The security guard's tone was sounding, but it didn't make any sense.

"When will that wait?"

Xia Luo asked.

"I do not know either!"

The security forces said that you are also nobles, don’t you know that these upper-level forces are so greasy? The interpersonal relationship of a big man like Hassel must be intertwined, want to catch him? Hem, maybe three years later, he will not only live freely, but also be promoted.

"Take us to Hassel's house!"

Downton instructed.

"What are you doing?"

The security forces were startled.

"Let you do it, why so much nonsense?"

Walnut hates these soldiers.

Without being with Downton, Little Loli was not interested in doing anything, so when she noticed that his breath appeared in the city, she immediately dropped Sissy and her team and found it.

The security guards were silent. They were Britons. Hassel could make their homes die in minutes, so they did not want to offend a prosecutor to please Downton.

"Come on, let's find it ourselves!"

Downton turned away, walked a few steps, and turned back to order. "If there is a problem with the safety of these girls, I will take off your head."

"Absolutely not!"

The security guards accompanied their smiling faces, and when Downton left, a soldier ran out with his stomach covered. "Oh, my stomach hurts, go to the toilet."

"Lazy donkey wears more feces!"

Someone cursed.

"Come on, do you really think he is sick?"

A veteran sneered.


Someone is puzzled.

"He went to report to Earl Hassel, tweeting. How can I get a reward of a bag of gold coins on this trip."

The veteran sighed.

"Ah? So much?"

Some soldiers were shocked and then excited.

"This is Downton's door-to-door trouble, this message is worth selling 10,000 gold coins!"

The veteran pouted.

"Oh, that guy is cheaper."

The soldiers glanced at the gate and looked at the soldiers who had already left. Envy and jealousy in their eyes turned into a deep hatred. Several of them also racked their brains and thought about what excuse to leave.

"Huh. A bunch of fools, are rewards so profitable? Downton even slaughtered Wood, and he still cares about an earl? Then he will be stabbed in the air of his report, and the prison will be inevitable."

The veteran's heart is also very dark. The soldier is the candidate for the next security captain in the team, which has endangered his position. He said it deliberately to create a crack and make his colleagues hostile to him, even if he is not unlucky this time. The team could not stay any longer.

"As long as it's working. I'll be promoted to a captain if I can't do it."

The veterans began to figure out who the best profit would be from selling this news.

Hassel's mansion is located at 16 Will Street.

"So quiet!"

The walnut grille looked out of the carriage window.

"This is a noble area, few people, naturally quiet!" The driver explained with a smile. "Here we are. Earl Hassel's mansion is in front. Ask me if you are his relative?"

"No, it's an enemy!"

Downton said, pushing the car door and jumping down.


The driver was scared back with a set of near words. Following the busy drive away, Hassel would be mad at revenge if he knew he had brought it by himself.

"Anyone? I want to see your master!"

Walnut ran up the steps and reached for the door.

No one answered, there was silence.

"Hello, I'm going to break the door if I don't come out again?"

The walnut shouted.

Downton unfolded the mirror, and he could feel that a servant was hiding in the porter, looking secretly.

"Sure enough someone told the news."

Downton sneered. With noble tutoring, the servant will never do this kind of behavior unless the other party knows that an unwelcome villain is coming.

"Why not?"

Walnut raised his fist, ready to break in.

"and many more!"

Downton didn't want to be caught in a painful foot, and he felt that there were many people hiding in the alley by the street.

"Walnut, there is a thief over there!"

Xia Luo mischief.

"Ah? Where?"

After determining the location, Walnut rushed out, and then screamed.

"Don't fight, we are security forces!"

Someone shouted, "You are blind, look at our uniform!"

"Bah, the uniform may also be fake, anyway, Sister Wolf said that you are thieves, you are."

Walnut seldom refuted once.

"Your Downton, we are the sheriff!"

The sergeant didn't finish talking, but was kicked by the walnut on his mouth, and his teeth were broken.

call out!

A soldier took out a signal flare to ignite it, and fireworks exploded into the sky.

"Call all your reinforcements, it's just a panacea."

Walnut thought, waiting for a group of people to be beaten to death, she dragged them to the street, "Are you still calling the door?"

"Wait first!"

Downton took out his pocket watch and glanced at it. Within five minutes, the sound of a rapid horseshoe sounded, and a chief of public security arrived with hundreds of men.

The Long Street is under martial law.

"Downton, what do you want to do? Remember, this is London, not Drankford. Things are going wrong, and I will still get you into prison."

The overall length looks like a middle-aged person, but the actual age is more than 100 years old. When the rank scepter roared towards Downton, his face was shaking.

"Oh? Are you threatening me?"

Downton understood the chief's subtext, and this guy wanted to calm down.

"Maintaining the security of London. It is my duty."

Chief Chief Yi Zhengyan's words.

"The Earl of this family is a personal trader, so grab him soon."

Walnut reminded that she hadn't understood that these people were together.

"Downton, it's better to take care of your little loli, and openly slander a nobleman. But to lead to a duel."

The general manager sneered, "If I can't catch people, I'm the one who has the final say. What are you outsiders?"

"Eh? Cann't anyone catch the bad guys? Do I still need qualifications?"

Walnut puzzled.

"Adult's world is dirty!"

Charlotte pouted.

"Admiral, this guy insulted the reputation of my family's owner, and also made a lot of noise. It scared our younger owner and quickly arrested them."

The door creaked and the housekeeper came out, and the wicked sued first.

"To shut up!"

The total length scolded. "Downton, you better leave first, otherwise I will have a hard time!"

"What if I don't leave?"

Downton sneered, the general manager seemed to give himself a face, but in fact he succumbed to the housekeeper.

"Haha, I can only ask you to stay in the prison for a few days." The general's expression cooled down. "Another reminder, I was promoted by the Duke of Cromwell!"

Before coming to London, Downton, who had already made up for the political situation in Britannia, immediately understood the subtext of the chief.

Cromwell is a supporter of Queen O'Neill, so the Chief Executive is naturally also a party. Because the queen does not bird Downton, so urgent, he will not face Downton.

"Get acquainted, go away!"

The chief's younger brother abused it.


A blue lightning flashed from Charlotte's index finger. Hit the younger brother, let him fall into the saddle like a dead fish, spit white foam halo and died.

"Who insulted a duke to your courage?"

The sage wolf asked.

"Downton, just enough."

The chief warned for the last time that his subordinates pulled out their weapons very cooperatively and were murderous.

Downton smiled. With one hand, the housekeeper was vigorously sucked in.

"Tell me, where is Hassel?" Downton threatened in a low voice by pinching the housekeeper's neck. "You only have one chance. If you refuse, I will use Soul Search."

The butler's body shivered immediately.

"Why not?"

The head grows furious, but without waiting for an order, a heavy punch falls and smashes the door of Hassel's house.

In the dust, it was Downton's reply with a loud voice.

"I am not an unrelated person. I am a family member of the victim. I am qualified to find the culprit and send him to the court."

Downton glanced, his soul swept over by pressure, a group of security forces could no longer hold their weapons, and fell to the ground, even the general leader was pale and felt breathless.

"Downton, you don't deceive people too much!"

Hassel in pajamas walked out of the door, this guy had a big belly and had a pair of eyes raised like a goldfish. He was a poster party and a high-powered prosecutor. He had always been unscrupulous in the imperial capital, so he did Instead of escaping from the back door, he confronted Downton.


Downton snapped his fingers, and immediately a golden dragon spear appeared, stab Hassel's hands and feet.


More than a dozen magic shields came out, colorful, and airtight wrapped around Hassel, but he was too proud, the dragon gun shattered the shield without suspense, pierced his hands and feet, and pushed him Nailed to the ground.

"Downton, I won't let you go."

Hassel cursed.

A herald rushed to the horse, rushed into the ear of the overwhelmed general, and whispered a few words.

"Downton, since you said he committed a crime, then go back to the Public Security Department with me and make a note."

"You have the courage to say it again!"

Downton's eyes narrowed. The more noble, the more privileged. If he was brought back to the Public Security Department today, his reputation would rot tomorrow.

"Don't you dare to go, then it shows your guilty conscience!"

The commander sensed Downton’s murderousness, but the order was just given by the Duke of Cromwell. He had to do it, but he was also very cunning, saying that Downton’s guilty conscience meant that Hassel was innocent, but he was not straight. Said, but left room for manoeuvre.

The two sides were stalemate, the atmosphere became more and more tense, and suddenly the sound of horseshoes began to sound again.

"Chief General, Prince Leon has an order. Hassel is connected with dozens of recent disappearances. I want you to take him back to investigate. As for Downton, a distinguished guest of the royal family, don't neglect."

The commander in charge of the order was the chief guard of the prince's mansion. With an arrogant look, he threw a stamped royal order to the chief, and blocked all his words back.

"Sorry, it surprised you."

The Chief of the Guard treated Downton with respect.

"Bring him back."

Glancing Downton fiercely, the leader led the team away.

"Really disappointed!"

Looking at the deserted street, Walnut pouted.

"Go, go shopping!"

Downton is very helpless. If he is not a legend, he will be arrested if he uses violence here. After all, the laws of an empire cannot be provoked.

"That Lyon seems to be a good person!" Xia Luo commented, shopping again, and there was much less interest, "Why don't you go and see those girls?"

The sage wolf originally planned to subsidize the girls with some money, but just sent someone to the public security department to ask for the address, and was rejected by others.

"I hate this city!"

Walnut fought with the enemy, but she was a fool, and soon forgot, and began to wander around again, looking for fun things, "Come and see this, so beautiful!"

A wandering painter sits by the bridge and paints the night view of the city. Those dyes are obviously processed. After molding, they still move, making the oil painting look as if it was alive.

"Why does it move? Is it magic? But I didn't sense the elemental fluctuation."

Walnut crouched on the bridge and poked the drawing board with his finger.

"It's just a dye blending method, very common."

The painter explained and drew the people around him in praise.


Hearing this, as the black night sky on the drawing board faded to dawn, Downton was shocked, and a flash of lightning crossed his mind.

Xia Luo immediately released a silent enchantment, allowing Downton to concentrate on thinking.

"You said, how about we add some potions in the potion to neutralize the potion?" After thinking for more than half an hour, Downton recovered, so much so that the painter thought that he had encountered a fan who worshipped him. Willing to leave.

"This potion is the most perfect."

Xia Luo shook her head. She had already made the dragon guardian power potion according to the potion formula, which means that the formula was okay. The reason why it failed may be the problem of operation methods. .

"So why do the subjects have the symptoms of humanization? I think one or more agents should be added to alleviate this effect."

Downton explained ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the formula, there are too many dark potions. It must definitely be neutralized by the light class, or the measurement is insufficient. After all, any equation must form a cycle..."

Downton suddenly shut up, looked at Xia Luo, and the wolf girl also looked up, looked at Downton, after a few minutes of silence, the two spit out four words in unison.

"Cycle, balance!"

"Porcelain, balance and circulation are the basis of any equation reaction. We always fail, that is, we cannot solve the sequelae of the dragon, which means that we lack a neutralizer, or catalyst."

In the wolf girl's mind, there are a lot of skills.

"Yes, we have probably overlooked a problem for a long time. The current formula is not complete."

Downton said, the more I think it is possible, this is the first recipe in the whole mainland. No one has seen it. Anyone will think that letting the experiment be humanized is success, but in fact, there is still a later Half. (To be continued.)


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