Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1337: The first snow of midsummer!

As the most talented princess of the Black Dragon family, Oni shoulders a huge responsibility. She grows too fast, which also led to an earlier outbreak of curse. With the encouragement and protection of Hilde, she adopted the most extreme Similar to the Lich's reincarnation ban, using the power of the contract demon, he has obtained two kinds of ancient blood of the ancient legend, successfully offset the curse of the curse.

If it wasn’t Hilde, Orni could not survive the rebirth, and would die in the frozen ground of the Northland. The curse was eliminated, and Orni began to expect more, such as love.

Oni fell in love with the Tudor prince, and now think about it, in fact, it is not love, but the envy, jealousy, and worship in her heart. She is looking forward to Hilde, eager to have everything she has.

The dragon family is difficult to conceive, not to mention the black dragon family cursed by the dragon god, Oni's pregnancy, but it is the first descendant of the black dragon family in tens of thousands of years, she cares too much about this child carrying the fate of the group Then, coupled with being deceived by the evil spirit, he did the thing of framing Hilde.

"Mother love!"

Homer lamented that Oni was also a tragic woman.

"How? Sympathize with me?"

Oni's voice was still cold, but it seemed to be a little more trembling.

Downton shook his head, just his mother's words, so that his heart of revenge had cooled too much.


Oni sneered, her lips twitching, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything.

"I will resurrect!"

Downton looked up to the sky. It is said that every saint in the Light Flame Church has the ability to predict. Should the mother have expected this day already?

Hilde left the glory of the Great Virgin in Downton's bloodline, which was the last one in her life and the strongest one in the Holy See. Because of its existence, Downton and Oni finally became one None of the blows fell on the opponent.

The Virgin guarded Downton, and finally guarded Oni, and ended this decades of grievances!

Without getting a response from Onie, Downton turned around and was ready to leave. He didn't want to disobey his mother, but he didn't want to see Onie either, so he would feel great sorrow for every second of stay.

"Be careful!"

Cheap God and Homer exclaimed suddenly, Twin Angels and Firebird thrashed over, but it was too late.

With a desperate demise, Oni rushed to Downton.

Not to mention the magic energy, Downton's physical strength has long been exhausted, and he can only watch the magic sword stab, but it does not pierce the heart like it pierced the mother's heart, but penetrates the shoulder, Pierced Henry's chest.

"You **** woman, what a bad thing for me?"

Henry cursed and wanted to run away, but this was Oni's life-threatening blow, which had completely destroyed his soul.

In the splash of Yin Hong's blood, Henry's body froze,

Downton unconsciously reached out and went to Raoni!

"Hilde, are you pleased? Your son, very powerful!"

Oni fell to the ground, her body, frozen with the naked eye, and at the last moment of this life, she saw Leon.

"Mother, you forgot, my kindness is subtle and affected by you!"

Leon put on the iron armor because his mother's feelings were gradually frozen, making him not want to face.

At this moment, Oni remembered it, but it was a pity that it was too late and there was no chance to save it!


The ice-carved Oni fell to the ground, shattered into crystal clear ice chips, spattered in the air, crisp jingle sound, echoed in the magic palace, echoed under the sky, echoed in the cries of insects, long ago ……old……

Downton, who could no longer hold himself, sat on the ground, and a hoarse bird call suddenly sounded. He thought he had tinnitus. But here is the world of snow and ice, how can there be the voice of life? But when he turned his head to find it, he found that there was an unfrozen bird nest on a sycamore tree in the back garden, and a fledgling that had just broken its shell was holding his head out of the nest. .

This voice is full of curiosity and excitement about the new world!

In the sky, there was fine white snow floating, but this snowflake is different from the past. It is not only heart-shaped, but also hits the body, there is no cold, only warm, like the sun shines.

The gurgling snow water nourishes the earth, nourishes everything, and nourishes people's hearts. Because the weather is good and rainy, the next year is definitely another harvest festival.


Queen O'Neill is a black dragon, and the news that he intends to seize the kingship is blocked. The version that has spread to the market says that the Invasion of the Gods, King Henry, Queen, and Prince Leon have all died in the hands of the fog.

Yes, Henry is dead. In fact, the guy is just Henry’s body. His soul has long been eroded and contaminated by the evil spirit’s haze lock. This is a dark card. He had planned to take the opportunity to kill Oni and Tang. Suddenly, he regained the kingship and made Brittania a landing area for the army of evil gods to invade the western soil continent. As a result, Oni tried his best to kill him.

At the same time, Oni was also killed in the Rose Maze because he was broken by Henry!

Downton became the only winner, he was the hero to save the empire, or the son of Henry who had been lost for many years. Not only did he pass the blood test, but he also received the allegiance of the Black Knights Knights.

You know, this is the knight's guard who is directly under the Madeleine, and has been stationed in the magic palace for generations. Since the queen, she has never participated in the battle for kingship and will not support any prince. Downton is the first person to open the earth. .

"Your Highness Downton is going to be king? Awesome!"

"Yeah, with the example of His Highness ruling Drankford, we Britannia, I am afraid that in the near future, we will rule the heads of the nine empires?"

"More than that, Your Highness is going to marry Princess Sissi. If the two empires merge and the goddess is on top, the picture is too beautiful to dare to watch!"

It is not just the citizens of the kings, the people of the empire, or the people of all countries, who are hotly discussing the news that Downton is about to be enthroned and crowned as the king of the empire.

That is the king scepter of one of the nine empires, and you can get it, which means you are at the pinnacle of power and one of the nine men with the highest status.

No one disagrees, who is Downton? A native of a small town on a remote border, a civilian postman, he stepped up step by step, as the Duke of the West, as the king's hand, took over the position of the northern parliament ~ long, while his fighting power is unparalleled in the world, killed Under the first star, Woodford, who claims to be the most qualified to challenge Heinrich, the first person in the scepter, the invincible grand marshal, the first person under the legend, Downton has too many titles and glory Too.

In the military, Downton fought four classic wars that were enough to be listed in military textbooks. He was hailed as the first star in the north. In the battle hall of the Heroes’ Corridor, he passed all the way, broke the record, and even defeated the Virgin. Known as Lorraine Sasha, he engraved his name on the list of heroes. Because his tactics were too novel, the five-star commander issued strict orders to prohibit any influence from spreading.

In terms of economy, Deranke has transformed from a third-rate country to the leader of a second-rate country. The establishment of a free trade zone has revolutionized the new economic system. Under his guidance, the business group has snowballed. Expansion, a thing called capital is sprouting!

Downton's personality? This kind of thing does not need to be considered at all. In the early years, he did not sell any slaves. Now he is vigorously engaged in the abolition of slavery. He and the three dark forces have been in full swing. In the capital of King Saint Laurent, he openly challenged The Brotherhood, destroying the dark forces in the city, let the law and order be good for a long time. In Lensfield, the black flame church he was stunned...

Downton is a man who has been recognized by many epic heroes in the Hall of Heroes. His battle flag, his throne, his will, and the words hero are all worthy of the word!

When Downton blasted the Trafficking Earl Hassel in court and lived in Buckingham Palace’s home of Stuttgart, a power challenger, Downton’s reputation was deeply rooted in people’s hearts. They believed that Under Downton's rule, the empire will surely prosper.

There are winners and losers. Lyon may not be counted, and his death makes the people of the empire very sad. After all, during his ruling period, society is stable and people are prosperous and healthy. They feel that both Lyon and Downton are The perfect candidate for the crown prince, the explosion of the dross princes of other empires.

Black Charlie has a good reputation, but his ability is excellent, but this time, because of negligence, he was exiled to the battlefield of the abyss. Before making a great cause, he will never be allowed to step on the surface.

In fact, the nobles at the core of power all know that Black Charlie was exiled because of rebellion and not hanged, completely because Downton and the Black Raven Champions did not pursue them.

Freya escaped, but was ordered to think behind closed doors, and the title was also removed.

The other empire saw three of the most talented people in the royal family of Brittany, one death and one forbidden foot, all happily dying, to know that these three, put in that empire, are all the right candidates for the crown prince, this enemy In-fighting led to a significant loss of strength, but not long after they were happy, they got the news that Downton was about to be crowned.

"Ma Lei, why not let those people come to power!"

The kings and ministers of all countries have the same thoughts. There is no way. Downton’s threat is too great, and once he takes the throne, he is fully qualified to marry Sissy, like the Bavarian rose loves her, It's not good that Lombardi has become the back garden of Brittany.

Faced with the union of the two great empires, no one can sit still without changing.

With Onyxia's death, the later parties lost their backing and were completely stricken by Yang. They were wiped out by the Black Raven Champion Knights. With this momentum, they also began to rectify domestic politics, corruption, corruption, and corruption. ~ Defeat, for a time, all kinds of officials in question are in danger, and many people voluntarily resigned...

"Master God, what should I do now? Do you want to destroy the coronation ceremony?"

Subordinates asked.

"You want to die, don't pull me, now there are two old monsters in this city, but that is the old opponent of the evil god!"

The blind ambassador ordered to continue lurking. That day, he didn't take advantage of the opportunity to attack Downton outside the magic palace, just because he had been stared at by others, giving him no chance.

In the late autumn of winter, the autumn wind is bleak!

In order to eliminate the influence of the great chaos in the empire, the turmoil was kept to a minimum, and after the state funerals were held for Henry and the Queen, the Elders’ Court decided to hold a coronation ceremony for Downton.

This country cannot be without a king!

So everything was quickly prepared!

In the busy atmosphere, Downton was like an outsider. He kept his face all day long and did not see any smiles. Even if Cici used any means, he could not make him smile.

Little Walnut's recent loss of appetite can only eat three bowls of rice in one meal.

The coronation day is coming.

"Your Highness, please try it on!"

In the luxurious palace, the head maid stood respectfully. Behind her was a team of young and beautiful maids. They stood neatly in a row, holding the gorgeous royal clothes in both hands.

Even though they were full of curiosity about Downton, the strict court etiquette made them dare not look up.

"Tell me later!"

Downton sat in his chair, looking at the sky, and the coffee beside him had long been cold.

"Your Highness, you will be out of time!"

The maid urged him.

Downton was silent, completely unable to hear the voice of the maidservant, just staring at the sky in amazement.


The maidservant tried to persuade him again and was stopped by Sissi.

"Let me come, you go down first!"

Sissi came in with a cup of black tea, everyone knows his relationship with Downton, so seeing her walking around the palace at random is almost the same as her own home, and no one comes to dissuade, joke, this is the future Queen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Who dares to offend?

"Trouble Princess!"

After saluting the maid, he took the maid team away.

"Don't you get used to it?"

Sissi asked softly.

Downton remained silent.

"Next spring, how about I accompany you to see the sea at Qianshizhi Shen? I heard that the wish is carved on the stone and thrown into the sea water, it can be realized!"

Sissi sat on the stall, leaning on Downton's thighs.

"Or go to the Holy City, where there is a wishing pool very effective, right, I heard that Shengli has a good relationship with you?"

Silent midnight, only Cici's whispers, they were so warm that the cold Downton finally had a hint of warmth.

"Sixi, it hurts here!"

Downton grabbed the clothes on his chest, clenched tightly.

"I know, I always knew." Sissi got up and hugged Downton's neck from behind. "I will always be with you!"

"thank you!"

Downton took Sissi's hand.

Sissi's hand shook violently. This was the first time Downton took the initiative to take her finger.

"I should advise you that you are a man and should bear these responsibilities. This empire, hundreds of millions of people, need you."

Sissi looked up and looked down at Downton.

"But now, I am a little woman, what empire, what people, what does it have to do with you? I just hope you can be happy!"

Sissi bowed her head and kissed Downton's cheek.

"Whatever you want to do, just do it, but I hope you will become a real man when you come back, your shoulders can carry the world, and your chest can hold Li Min!"

Downton suddenly stood up and turned to look at Sissi.

(To be continued.)

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