Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1338: The departed king

Under the stars, the two stared at each other. see

"Go, but remember, I am your wife, and I will not give you to anyone."

When he said this, Sissy's cheeks flushed a little shyly.

"thank you!"

Downton hugged Sissi violently, and then kissed her lips. The girl's body temperature gradually warmed his cold heart.

The holy moon sprinkled on the two people, so quiet and soft, the song of the lark echoed in the night sky.

I don't know when Downton has left. Sissi sits in a chair, laughing and sobbing for a while. This is the first time in her life that she is so worried about a man.

"Even if the opponent is Dilan Xue, I won't let go!"

When the maidservant knocked on the door for the fifth time to urge, Sissi wiped away her tears, stood up, and walked out calmly. She wanted to act as a hostess to deal with the mess left by Downton.

Late autumn withered, cold wind bleak!

Stepping on the fallen sycamore leaves, Downton walked past the Love Song Arena, past the cathedral, and finally through Leon's house.

The little maid who was cleaning the courtyard saw the study door open, like a fox picking grapes, jumped up in surprise, and ran past without a head.

"Master, are you back?"


The rash young maid hit the door frame with tears, and she burst into tears, but she didn't care about the pain and rushed in when she got up.

"Master, Master, I miss you so much!"


The little maid hit Downton firmly and hugged him tightly, "Woo, woo, where have you been in the past six months? I'm so worried about you!"

Although the young master had also been away for a few months before, he had never been so worried about this little maid like this time.

Downton patted the little girl's head.

"Ah, wait, you are not the young master, the taste is wrong!"

The little maid was surprised. Like a cat whose tail was guessed, he jumped back suddenly, picked up the broom, and stared at Downton suspiciously.

"Your young master asked me to bring you a message. He went to work and it will take a long time to come back."

Downton squeezed a smile.

"Ah, I remember. You are the friend of the young master." The little maid sighed and patted her chest with relief. "Want to drink tea or coffee?"

"No need."

Downton shook his head and refused.

"No, but you are the first friend of the young master and must be grandly received."

The little maid turned and ran away. "Wait for me, my coffee is delicious. The young master always praises me. This time, I will practice the tea ceremony. When the young master comes back, I will definitely get a big surprise!"

Downton couldn't stay any longer. Put down a letter to the little maid that imitated Lyon's notes and turned to leave.

Leon is the sky of the little maid, the little maid's hope, and her future. Now Lyon is dead. If the little maid knows, Downton dare not think about the picture, so he ran away.

Looking across the Thames, you can see the prosperous city, and thousands of lights are flourishing!

"Leon, I understand why you are lonely. I will come here to relax!"

Downton folded his hands and leaned on the railing, and the light breeze blew him away.

"I should say you are soft-hearted. Or gentle?"

Madeleine leaned back against the railing and handed a wine bottle to Downton.

Downton, who had always been in a modest manner of life, glanced at it, then took it, and poured his head back fiercely.


After drinking Downton, he bowed his head and vomited.

"Haha, so interesting!"

Madeleine patted the pier. Laughing out of breath.


Downton's brows were deep and the smell was sour that even the soul was numb.

"Okay, whatever he is, who says he must drink when he is worried?"

Madeleine is like a wise man, teaching Downton.


Downton nodded and took a few hard shots, this time he swallowed forcibly.


Madeleine frowned.

"Relax, I know that's the excuse you used to cover up, but I think it makes sense."

Downton drank the sour, terrible vinegar, which gave him strength and threw it towards the river.


The bottle just sank violently, followed and floated again, then floated downstream with the current.

"Good, not stupid!"

Madeleine patted Downton's back hard, "I believe, you will want to understand soon, come on!"

"Aren't you going to stop me?"

Downton turned his head and looked at Madeleine in amazement. He was not a fool, so he understood that the Black Raven Champion Knight loyal to himself was all because of the strong woman in front of him.

"Why stop?"

Madeleine raised her eyebrows, "Are you too arrogant? The empire will leave you, and it will continue! Besides, even if it collapses, that is its destiny!"

"I understand that the Queen crooked her crown, not disdainful and arrogant about the kingship, but found it interesting, like fulfilling a wish as a child!"

A glance at the corner of Downton's mouth, "The Queen is using this method to express the joy in her heart!"

"Get out, the queen doesn't need a psychologist!"

Madeleine kicked Downton's foot lightly and rolled her eyes.

"I know, because the queen will kill and say she is a sick guy!"

Downton nodded solemnly.

Madeleine froze for a moment, then shook her head and smiled, and she finally understood why Downton was so pleasing to the eye, because in some ways, the two were so similar.

"The night tonight is so beautiful!"

Downton sighed.

"Are you still a man? A man shouldn't hurt spring and fall, but just do it if he doesn't accept it!"

Madeleine despised.

Downton smiled, raised his hands, stretched a lazy waist, "I'm leaving!"

"Go and go, there's so much nonsense!"

Madeleine complained that he was going to kick Downton.

Downton nodded and turned away from the bridge. He didn't notice that when Madeleine patted his back, a summoning moire pattern flashed on the back of his hand.

When the wind blew, snow fluttered.

"What if he doesn't understand?"

The girl Lorraine walked to Madeleine, looking worried.

"No, a man from the Lancaster family. He will not give up his responsibility. There are many people waiting for him here, looking forward to him, waiting for him to lick the wound. He will come back."

Madeleine knew that gentle and principled people like Downton had been too painful, but once the knot was opened, the will was definitely a qualitative leap.

"whispering sound!"

Lorraine despised.

"Don't you fall in love with him?" Madeleine teased. "This is the perfect proof."


Lorraine did not deny it, and made Madeleine look at her in surprise.

"It's snowing!"

The girl looked up and looked at the dark clouds above her head, reaching for the snow.

"Yes, it's snowing!"

Madeleine lamented that this year's winter snow came exceptionally early!

The coronation ceremony of the King of Brittania can be said to be one of the ten most important ceremonies of the Big Six. The country that is eligible to receive invitations, prepared the first ceremony at the first time. A messenger group was sent to congratulate.

The coronation day is coming!

The entire Wangdu was crowded with people, and the citizens gathered in front of the hall called the top of the laurel, waiting for a glimpse of the new king.

"Your Majesty? Why aren't you here yet?"

The whole point has been passed, but there is no shadow of the convoy on the long street, which makes the robe and nobles of the elders' hospital die.

Like this kind of ceremony, there are strict steps. Every time period, what is done is scheduled. Once missed, it will cause huge chain troubles.

"Sure enough they are civilians. They don't obey royal etiquette at all!"

Some nobles complained, and many people agreed, no way, not everyone supported Downton. A great empire must have a lot of power. You must know that even in Frankford, Downton, who possesses dictatorship, has compromised.

At this time, the main hall can be described as a brilliant star, and many of them are big figures who are not seen by the kings of the third-rate countries.

The Wings of Time. The contemporary homes of the twelve coat of arms knights are all present. These are the real powers of Britannia. They are in charge of military power, financial power, and political power. Wood, the imperial prime minister, is one of them.

Because they are stationed everywhere, these people will only arrive at the coronation ceremony, and only when the twelve coat of arms knights collectively recite the vows of the nobles of the camp, the king will be truly recognized as orthodox.

Scarlet thorn Katerina, Twilight Empire's swordsman, rank Ao Xun, the power in his hand is greater than the king of the second-rate country.

The head of the court magisters in Jutland, the head of the Saint Laurent temple, the head of the alchemy instructors in the Kuta Empire, the high priest in the court of the orc empire, and the head of the coat of arms of the Lombardy Alliance

The elven kingdom, which has always been isolated from the world, has dispatched a martial arts chief. As for the Guangyan Holy See, it is the cardinal, the chief of the presiding judge, and the deputy pope.

This is already the highest glory of the exception.

In order to **** the opportunity to participate in the ceremony, the heirs of various nobles and nobles waged a variety of open battles, and did not know how much blood was shed, without it, because the ceremony was too important.

In addition to these old nobles, the most eye-catching is Downton's men. Abagong, who has been promoted to Chancellor of the Exchequer, has been replaced by a housekeeper to deal with daily chores.

This is not a self-proclaimed identity, but a show off, because it means that he is Downton's official, much closer to those ministers.

"A lot of green-skin goblins!"

Looking at the goblins who were busy before and after being ugly, but they kept everything organized in order, many children of the rich sighed with emotion.

Now no one dares to underestimate these indigenous people. The Frankford economy can have such a huge development. It is not possible that Downton proposed a free trade zone plan. The specific implementation of it is the goblins who are responsible. It can be said They are the top business elite on this big six.

There are already many people who have learned from it and started to dig corners from Lombardi, but unfortunately the success rate is not high. After all, there is the example of Downton, and all the goblins are eager to work for him.

The guards are composed of barbarians and ogres, the court guards are Krupp giants, and the mage is composed of tribal shamans...

Under Downton, it is simply an Aboriginal exhibition. As we all know, the stronger the Aboriginal strength, the more heads. At Downton, guests can even see many three-headed ogres...

"It's a worthy duke!"

The guests didn't forget Downton's nickname. This guy started out with a group of indigenous people, but because of this, his reputation among the 6 indigenous peoples in the whole university is beyond recognition.

"Your Majesty's carriage is here!"

The court attendant shouted, and the whispers of the entire hall disappeared, and everyone walked to the gate to welcome Downton.

The golden carriage stopped in front of the plaza, the doors opened wide, and the onlookers shouted like cheers like mountains and tsunami.

When Sissi in a costume holding a dragon and weeping off the carriage, this cheering reached its peak and was able to marry a Bavarian rose. This is one of the two most perfect white fumei on the big 6 is a glory. The citizens also felt that there was Rong Yan, but why did Sissi leave and nobody came down?

Some old nobles are elites, and watching Sissi walked alone to the king's platform, I already guessed it.

"You, Downton has some things that must be done, so the coronation ceremony can only be postponed!"

Sissi looked around the room, her lips lightly opened.


The nobles were dumbfounded. What can be compared to being crowned? You know, after today, Downton is the king of Brittany, supreme, who knows if there will be a change after a day of delay?

"I'm here to apologize for any inconvenience caused to you!"

Sissi bowed to apologize.

"What is your majesty doing?"

An old man roared out and struck the ground angrily with a cane. He was a traditional nobleman, and he regarded glory as more important than life. Downton's behavior undoubtedly disgraced the empire.

Sissi lowered her head without refuting.

"How to do?"

"Go to Downton!"

"Since he doesn't want to be a king, he will definitely not find it!"

The nobles had a lot of discussion, they did not understand what Downton was holding on to, and if he had this opportunity to change himself, he would climb to the throne.

"In this case, then postpone the ceremony!"

An old man said.

"Actually, Sissi can replace His Majesty Downton's Sword Holder's Oath!"

Abagong spoke, and Ano and Thysson nodded immediately.


The beards of the robes and nobles were all blown up, and the empire had produced a crooked Madeleine. If another Downton came, they would die if they died.

"The ceremony is suspended!"

The twelve coat of arms knights made the decision, and the elders' home could not refute it.

"Wait, this crown, originally intended to be returned to Downton when he became king, now it seems to be ahead of schedule."

A crown was taken out at night and handed to Sissi.

"Crown of Eden?"

Many people exclaimed, but this was the long-lost empire's initial crown, and it belongs to the same class of artifacts as the dragon crying.

"I thanked the Holy See for Downton!"

Sissi carefully placed the crown and holy sword on the throne.

"Downton is really wayward, really don't want this king?"

Looking at the crown, holy sword, and holy sword that were originally held in Downton's hands, they were solitary on the throne. The wealthy young men sighed and had a new understanding of Downton's character.

Of course, there are still many people looking at Sissi, feeling the good luck of Downton~www.wuxiaspot.com~The princess of a country appeared here, which directly admitted her relationship with Downton.

"Haha, this is the man my daughter is looking at. What is a king? If you want, just go get it yourself!"

When Similian II knew what Downton had done, he laughed in heaven and became more satisfied with the son-in-law.

When everyone's eyes were on the coronation ceremony, the repair of a black armor reappeared in the silent Rose Maze.

"Ah, it's so cold this autumn!"

Xiu glanced at the broken ruins, and some places even had no melting frost, he extended his right hand.

An ice crystal and a rust-colored spar crystallized from the air and fell in the palm of Xiu.

"Is this the stone of destiny and the burning ice? It's beautiful!"

Appreciated with satisfaction, Xiu's figure disappeared again! (~^~)


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