Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1480: West Fox vs Desert Fox

"His Highness Downton is our prince!"

The members of the delegation of Brittania held their backs straight, a picture with a glorious yàng. Speaking of it, Downton is not only an illegitimate child of the king, but also a big scandal involving the royal family. It should be closed. It's right not to talk, but his outstanding talent is enough to make up for everything.

Downton is the kind of man who can bring rejuvenation and glory to the country, so the royal family is extremely tolerant of him, and even hopes to use this self-confessing atonement method to ask him to return to the king's scepter.

King Henry made a major mistake, wronged Downton's mother and son, and it has become the consensus of the country. The name of his young genius has also been forgotten. Historical public opinion, he is an incompetent and selfish monarch.

Representatives of other countries do not understand the inside story, but they understand the mentality of the Bretons. So good, who is willing to let go? After all, it represents prosperity and prosperity for hundreds of years to come.

The Lombards were also happily dying. Such a powerful Downton would marry Princess Sissy and become the Prince of Bavaria.

Over the years, Lombardi’s military has been a short board, and now there is more Downton, the first star in the north, to join forces. They have already dreamed of the beauty of Lombardi on the top of the world.

"Can Princess Elaine marry His Highness Downton?"

The Saint Laurents also have careful thoughts, even if the close relationship between Downton and Elaine is close, it is just a brother and sister who have no blood relationship, and I am afraid that they will be abandoned at the time of the close, so it is better to get married.

At this moment, the people gathered in the square of Xia Zhimian faced with the mighty Deranke Corps, with envy, shock, jealousy, expression and thoughts.

"What does Downton mean with so many armed forces?"

The Saint Germain people were very upset, especially the soldiers of Heinrich, whose eyes were cutting through the ranks of Drunkford like a blade. They feel that their own side has been provoked. You know, today is the head of state's wedding, and the only protagonist can only be the head of state.

"Next, please ask Prince Heinrich to speak for everyone!"

With the magnifier, the voice of the ceremony officer was sent to the whole city. The whole square became quiet all at once.

Heinrich took Dilanxue's hand, stepped on the red carpet, walked out of the side hall on one side, and stepped onto the high platform.

"Dear citizens, soldiers and guests from various countries, thank you for coming to my wedding with Dilanxue, thank you..."

Heinrich began his regular speech. Even if it is just an ordinary vocabulary, it is full of contagion under the interpretation of his magnetic voice.

In the square of hundreds of thousands of people, the bird was silent, and all his sight fell on Heinrich. At this moment, he was the center of the world.

"Huh? Why hasn't the master come yet?"

"Don't he worry about hurting the citizens by mistake. Wait until they leave?"

"There will be a free buffet later, and there will definitely be a lot of people left. What is the difference between a thousand deaths and ten thousand deaths?"

Arnold and his party exchanged voices in a whisper, but Downton was not available, and they could not act.

Time back up a bit.

After waiting for Sissi to leave, Downton was ready to go to the military camp. Ride the Titan fortress, suddenly fall into the palace of summer sleep, but an unexpected woman stopped him.

"Downton, you must save my daughter!"

Miriah was blocked by several guards before she could get close. She was crying exhaustedly.

"Juliet? What's wrong with her?"

Downton frowned, waved his hand, and Krupp's guard released Milia.

"She was captured by the Brotherhood."

Miriah wept silently, her ten fingers were like steel braces, clutching Downton's arm tightly. She obviously bears the huge fear and shivered unconsciously.

"You calm down first and make it clear, what is going on?"

Downton spread a healing aura. The young woman simply wore a cloak and had many bruises on her body.


Millia also knows that Downton's status is too honored today, worried that he will not help, and now sees him crying like the enthusiastic boy he first met.

Downton did not forget the misery mother and daughter, especially the young woman Miria, who had met in the lava secret, it was the first time in his life that he knew what a woman's mouth was like.

"Brothers took Juliet away and said that her bloodline was cherished enough to rank in the top three in the world, so she had to strip it off."

Miriah spoke very quickly, "I finally escaped, I can only ask you for help."

"Do you know the location?"

Downton asked.

"Yes, it's in an underground base on the outskirts of the city." Miriah begged hurriedly. "You help me, if you go late, Juliet will die."

Downton took out his pocket watch and looked at it, before it was too late, "Okay!"

"Thank you!"

Millia pulled Downton happily.

"Master, I'm afraid I don't have enough time."

The guards want to discourage, what is Juliet? Marriage is the top priority, otherwise the wedding will be completed, and with Di Lanxue's character, he will never follow the owner.

"Don't say anything, you go to the fortress first, I'll go over later."

In order to hurry, Downton released Shalomanda, and then used the stealth effect of the Lord of the Rings to fly directly to the suburbs at full speed.

"Alas, you are such a bad character." Homer was speechless. "What do you owe Juliet?"

"She's been my maid anyway. I can't just sit back and ignore it." Downton stared straight ahead. "Relax, I'm Saint Aoxun. Assault a base, don't be too simple."

"Why did you leave?"

Homer asked, she always felt that this time point was too coincidental.

In fact, Downton felt the same way, but he could see that Miriah did not lie, and it was indeed self-sustaining and powerful.

"I don't want to leave either, but Juliet stabbed you, and I have no face at all."

Miriah covered her face and said goodbye to happiness after meeting the man of the Heinrich family.

After all the hardships, she finally found her daughter who had run away from home, but she did not expect to suffer this kind of suffering again.

Fortunately, Downton paid attention to the fact that he had served him. May yì help.

In the suburbs, a huge wine estate dots the green grassy ground.

"lead the way!"

Using the effect of the ring, Downton's mirror stopped the water and covered the entire manor, dive in directly, otherwise, the enemy might run away with Juliet.

"He actually came? What now?"

An outdoor stand. The devil queen was sitting there, tasting red wine, and Molya Song knelt down to practice tea ceremony.


The devil queen shattered the goblet, the expensive red wine was poured, and there was a tangled look on her face.

"The task Rommel gave you was to prevent Downton from going to the wedding, and I also wanted to fight him, so I stayed."

The Valkyrie asked.

"I know. But he is here."

The voice of the devil queen shivered.

After seeing her for a few seconds, the Valkyrie shook her head and sighed. It really turned out that the word "love" was the most hurtful.

Does the devil queen hate Downton? of course! But that was the ultimate love, but they couldn't get his spell. They all knew that Downton's love was Di Lanxue, and he would definitely grab a marriage, but this time. He came to save Juliet.

The soul of the demon queen was touched, and she remembered that year again. Happy years with Downton.

"He is still so gentle, but why is the person he loves not me?"

The devil queen murmured and grabbed the bottle, which was a violent rush.


Downton looked at Milia, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! Are you looking for it?"

Millia was very worried.

"No, my mirror can stop all water fluctuations. But there is no Juliet."

Downton explained.

"Look again, please."

Millia kneeled Downton.

"stand up."

Downton pulled the young woman up. "You listen to me. If I am in peacetime, I would be very happy to help. But now, I have big things to do, otherwise I will regret my life. I really don't have time to find clues here."

"I know, but Juliet will die."

Miriah cried, that was her only spiritual sustenance, and if she lost it again, she would collapse.


Tang Dun squeezed his mouth and wanted to return, Juliet might not die, but if he didn’t go to Xia Zhinian, he would never lose Lion Ji.

"I also want to go to the wedding of the head of state!"

"No way, this is the task that General Rommel explained."

"Why did you choose us?"

In the Manor Castle, the three legendary Archmages are very grieving. In fact, they also understand that choosing them is not about exclusion, but because they are best at space magic.

Kill Downton? Don't even think about it, their task is to trap him and delay until the end of the wedding.

"Huh, why didn't the devil queen take action? They are leaving."

Seeing Downton and Milia walking out of the underground lair, the three Archmages looked puzzled. Is this different from what they said?

"No, do it!"

The three Archmages were very decisive and activated the magic array already arranged, a phantom maze, and it suddenly came.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Miriah was shocked to find that her vision had changed.

"Damn, it was a trap."

Homer cursed, "Is this woman acting?"

"Don't complain, just rush out and talk!"

Downton stopped Homer who wanted to make a splash, and Miriam's blank expression was completely a poor bug blinded in the drum.

"Your mother is so miserable."

Malia Song pouted.


The devil queen snorted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is really a stupid woman who was sold and still happily counting money for others. If she were not so stupid, she would not have had such a hard time in these years.

Why don't you understand that for the utilitarian men of the Supperung family, only a beautiful face and a plump figure can't keep their hearts.

"However, Rommel is so powerful. He has never seen Downton, so he has completely figured out his character and made a plan according to it."

The Valkyrie disgusted her face, "I hate this scheming dog."

"People's nickname is Desert Fox."

The demon queen sneered. Rommel was under the leadership of Heinrich and was responsible for the conquest of North Africa. In the vast desert, every country that fought against the head of the mouse was given the reputation of a desert fox.

Now, Rommel is faced with Downton, the fox in the West! (To be continued.)

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