Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1481: Airborne

Rommel is very good at using human nature, and it is a completely targeted layout plan. As for the silly and white young women such as Miria, don't be too simple.

Miria thought that she had escaped by chance and asked the passers-by before she found Downton's residence, but did not know that it was all arranged by Rommel.

Relying on the young woman's true feelings, Downton went to the manor's lair.

Di Lanxue is really too important for Downton. If the manor is too far, Downton must refuse, but the right suburban location, with his emotional personality, will have a chance.

If Moliya sings, Downton will definitely not be able to return. If not, he will execute the second step plan, and the three legendary divisions will start the magic circle and trap Downton.

Of course, it is the most perfect to send a Saint Ao Xun, but he has not yet qualified to command others, he can only do it.

After all, Downton's rise is too fast. Twenty-five-year-old Saint Aoxun and the God of War, he has become one of the strongest handful of people on this continent.

The lineup of the three divisions is also powerful, but still unable to stop Downton.

Downton’s eyes flickered like stars, and the radiant mirror of full strength radiated water, supernatural power, and the breath of darkness, so that he broke through the fog and found three * divisions covering the soul breath.

As if it was a random foot step, Downton appeared in a room in the next moment.

The flame of the fireplace is burning vigorously, making a room like spring.

"How long do you say the illusion persists?"

Looking at the image passed back on the crystal ball, the three *masters speculated that they were also a little scared. Once Downton came out, everyone was dead.

"An hour? It is said that this mysterious slab was discovered by General Rommel from an ancient ruin. After instilling the magical energy, a small secret realm will unfold."

A purple robe teacher explained, "Conceptually, it is not an illusion. So conventional means cannot be solved at all. Even if Downton is a genius, when he knows the details, the wedding is over."

"is it?"

Downton sounded like ice.

After self-consolation, the three teachers had smiles on their faces, and they were about to take a sip of coffee, and then heard the voice from around them.

Although it is not very loud, it means that it appears in the guarded rooms. Your defense has been cracked.


*When the teachers were so frightened that the coffee all spewed out, the defensive magic on their bodies also started, and they counterattacked the first time.

Astral Labyrinth.


Downton opened a colorful band of stars to resist magic, but it was unnecessary, but he was the God of War, and any mage let him walk into the ten meters, it is undoubtedly mortal.

Downton teleported, grasping the neck of the Purple Robe with one hand, and folded his fingers together. His face immediately rose as bluish as eggplant and he nearly suffocated.

A savage Downton illusion and a Titan Downton illusion sprang from the body. Without hesitation, he punched the other two heads.

boom! boom!

The brain pulp was like watermelon that was blown up by heavy artillery, the red and white meat sauce was spread, and the skull was shot out, hitting the wall and smashing.

The five master disciples who were waiting in the room to wait for the teachers were suddenly scared of urine. That was the legendary teacher. The result was that it was easier and cheaper to die than the funeral dog.

"The enemy is too terrible to anger him."

When this thought broke into my mind. The instant spells of the disciples also shot, I have to say. Their qualifications are great, otherwise they will not be brought by the teacher to teach them personally. But at this moment, they wished that they would become slow-witted fools.


The fire-gathering spell was blocked by the transparent liquid mass ejected from him at the moment of hitting Downton, followed by a reflection.

The explosion overflowed and destroyed the room.

The Purple Robe Mage is very interesting. He dropped the staff and raised his hands, indicating that he would not resist, and at the same time lifted the illusion.

"How did you escape?"

The Purple Robe* stared at Downton, but his face was puzzled.

"Because I didn't go in at all."

Downton smiled, and the one who accompanied Milia was an avatar. How could he not be careful at such moments?

"Understood, but do you think you won?" The Purple Robe Master mocked, suddenly looking serious and roaring, "For the glory of the head."


The head of the purple robe *master exploded.

"He has surrendered, why did he kill him?"

The disciple of Zipao was very affectionate, and suddenly raised his staff, and asked Donton with tears in his face, he wanted revenge.

"Because he is going to activate the stone slab and cover it with fantasy."

Downton let go of the body, and without any movement, the mysterious slate flew over.


The disciple growled.

Even if other people persuaded him to calm down, he still released the spell and died in a battle, but it was a pity that they were all blocked by the liquid mass.

Downton swept across the field and teleported away.

"Why not kill them?"

Even the cheap **** thought Downton was too kind.

"Jihad is imminent, reserve some mage seeds for the mainland camp!"

Downton sighed. These disciples didn't even know that the wizards also received the third step plan arranged by Rommel. Once the illusion was broken and they were found, they pretended to surrender and then re-arranged.

Time is absolutely too late, because the mages have decided to use their lives to activate the mysterious slate.

Master Zipao did the same, but he didn't expect Downton to be too cautious, his mirror was too sharp and too sharp, and his head shattered when he suddenly experienced a surge in the fluctuation of his soul.

"It's crazy. What charisma does Heinrich fall to the ground that makes these people willing to die?"

Downton didn't understand.

"How to do?"

Before Miriam finished, the illusion disappeared, and another Downton appeared beside her, which shocked her.

"Don't worry, your daughter is okay. I'm going to Xia Zhimian now. After solving my private affairs, I will help you find your daughter."

Downton no longer stayed and flew all the way towards the Titan Fortress.

"Just let him go?"

Moria Song asked.

"He came to save me and proved that he still cares about me. This time, it was my return to him."

The devil queen sneered, in fact. She couldn't bear to see Downton in pain all her life, and to the Heinrich family. She also has no good feelings, and she is willing to do the things that add to them.

The metal door swept silently to both sides, and Downton walked into the bridge.

"the host!"

Twelve drow elves in blue military uniforms stood up and saluted Downton. They used to be priests and are now responsible for operating the fortress.

Being able to become a ritual represents intellectual excellence. Even so, after standing out after selection, they still took a long time to become familiar with their work.

After all, this was the Titan fortress in the ancient times. Even if the deputy captain taught it, the female drow learned it, and it was relatively obscure.

Up to now, only 50% of the fighting power can still be exerted, but Downton can't wait.

"According to the plan, prepare for airborne!"

On the podium in the center of the bridge. There is a metal command chair, only Downton can sit on it, which represents his absolute control.


The female drows answered. After sitting down, fasten your seat belt and start a busy operation.

Now the Twilight King City is gathering the heavyweight politics of all countries. Once something happens, it is a world-class earthquake, so the defense force is super tight.

If Downton breaks in from the front, it will inevitably be intercepted for the first time and then be surrounded, knowing the surroundings of the king city. There are also troops stationed in various countries. But all are the trump cards in the trump card.

Of course, only Twilight and Heinrich's forces. It's enough for Downton to drink a pot, not to mention the number of St. Aoxun in the king city, it is estimated that he has doubled. If he can't break in for the first time, he will not even see Dilanxue's face.

After hard thinking and meditation of the staff, it was found that only limited airborne operations can be carried out, using the solidity of the Titan fortress to penetrate directly from the atmosphere.

Although the magicians of Xitu did not understand physics, and the higher the height, the thinner the air became, but they clearly understood that any warship has a limit height.

The staff wanted to take advantage of the Titan Fortress' ability to fly higher, over the air alert, and when they found out, there was not much time to deal with it.

"Captain, reach the combat position."

The radar officer reported that with the intelligent assistance of the Titan as a deputy captain, she could accurately calculate the airborne route.

"Start fighting!"

With Downton's order, the fortress swayed a little before it started to accelerate, and the air was squeezed, forming a backward tapered barrier.

The Death Star fleet is performing aerial cruising.

"Captain, isn't General Rommel too concerned? The head of state is married, even if there is the courage of the dragon, no one dares to make trouble? Does it make sense for us to conduct such patrols?"

On the bridge, the deputy captain complained and immediately resonated with his colleagues.

The so-called extreme cruising is the maximum height that the battleship can fly to. Here, the air will become thinner, causing difficulty in breathing and a slight hypoxic headache in the brain.

This is basically a kind of torture. If it is not for special operations, it will not be used at all. After all, it is also a kind of damage to the battleship.

"This is the order above, so you can do it!"

Death Star’s military rules are too strict, even if the captain feels useless, but he still dare not draw, otherwise he will lose his head.

"Ah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ People are eating, drinking, and playing below, we are suffering from it, it's not fair!"

Some people complained, but suddenly they were overwhelmed by a sharp, beeping alarm.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Radar seems to be being madly resounded by a woman about to be raped.


Without the command of the captain, the well-trained crew members have taken a lazy attitude, become serious, quickly operate the instruments, and are ready to fight.

"Found it, the goddess is up, up!"

The radarman's face was incredulously roaring, "How did they do it?"

"Notify the whole ship, prepare to fight, and intercept at full speed." The captain ordered quickly, "Notify the general that an unknown warship broke in."

The information controller grabbed the pickup and screamed loudly, announcing the whole army. (To be continued.)

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