Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1482: Junlin

"Thank you for your busy schedule and coming to my wedding with Dilanxue, thank you!"

Heinrich finished with a smile, turned and walked down the platform.

On the square, the applause was hot.

"You should hold my arm."

Heinrich frowned slightly, and Di Lanxue stood beside him, but for some reason, there was always a sense of alienation.

"I think it's good."

Lion Ji's voice was stiff.

"You will get used to it later."

Heinrich took Dilan Xue's hand hard and put it on his arm, then walked into the palace with satisfaction.

He was too busy, had no time at all, and didn't bother to please women, so he didn't understand women's heart at all. He regarded Di Lanxue's performance as a shy marriage.

"Finished, finished, what is the master doing? There is no time!"

Watching the gate of the palace close slowly, Maiev hurriedly turned around.


In the dark sky, the battleship turned.

"Captain, the enemy is too fast to aim."

Weapon operator shouted.

"Captain, it's too late, it's going to rush!"

The radarman shouted.

"All, hit it, block the enemy's airborne route."

The captain bit his incisors, grabbed the military cap, and hit the ground hard.

Everyone knows what this command means, but no one disagrees, the body of the pilot is shaking, but his hands are still steady.

The battleship's engine burst into blue light, and its power was fully on.

The ace of Death Star can be seen from this, otherwise it will not be entrusted with the task of defending the sky above the palace.

"Captain, there are enemy ships intercepting."

Female drow report.

"Bump it!"

Downton roared, at this moment, he stopped killing, and Buddha stopped killing Buddha.

On the huge screen of the bridge, a huge fortress suddenly broke in. It fell like a meteorite, and its huge size is comparable to a mountain.

Endless pressure.

"Ready to withstand the impact!"

The deputy captain of the fortress immediately shouted this sentence.

Just as the deputy captain of Death Star was about to remind, he slammed. The impact is coming.


The battleship was violently shaken, like a seesaw, the whole front part sank, and the rear part raised, almost in an instant. It becomes ninety degrees vertically.

There is no way, the weight of the fortress is too great, in this collision, naturally take the advantage.

Wow! Bang! Bang!

Inside the battleship, a group of people turned over.

The table and chairs fell into a rotten shape, and the crew, who had not been fixed in time, looked like a bowling ball.

The front of the battleship was smashed and metal fragments were flying. Someone fell out, and the battleship began to descend rapidly.

boom! boom! boom!

The naval artillery roared, and the nearby warships rushed like crazy. Several warships cruising near the surface crashed into the fortress. Tomato small □ said ▽ net ☆ `-`

boom! boom! boom!

A few magic bullets hit the fortress and burst into a brilliant spark.

"Bump it!"

Downton yelled.


The first warship was hit by the fortress from directly above and broke up directly. The second ship was rubbed only on the front side of the port, but unfortunately. The powerhouse was damaged and exploded directly.


First, a large fire burst in the sky, then ignited the fuel chamber, and burst into flames.

A huge roar. Let the citizens of the square raise their heads subconsciously, and even seeing a black shadow, they are falling at a very fast rate.

"what is that?"

"Run, something has fallen."


The soldiers were able to say, but some timid citizens were scared and ran away.

The panic began to spread.

Police~ The reserve team has no time to react. The terrifying figure of Titan Fortress fell.


The air was squeezed like a hurricane and slammed around. The impact was too strong. Everything within a thousand yards was blown away.

Crying, screaming, swearing, and resounding, and then in the large shadow of the fortress, completely into a state of death.

Everyone was desperate, feeling that they would be smashed into meat patties, but at this time, the fortress was perfectly braked, and it was able to stop over thirty meters above the ground.

The horror power of ancient science and technology is vividly displayed at this moment.

"This is a VIP who came to the wedding?"

Most people can't turn around. After all, Heinrich is too strong. Who dares to make trouble at this time? There were only a few people, pale and trembling.

The hatch opened and Downton flew towards the palace.

"It's Downton!"

With a sharp scream, this sound also makes everyone's eyes swell instantly, what a joke? I must be wrong.

"Master is here, attack!"

Arnold pulled out the war blade and waved fiercely forward.

The legion under the ranks of Deranke, the whole army advanced, and according to the planned plan, attacked their respective targets.


The guard of honor next door is going to be scared, let alone resistance, the first reaction is to surrender and run away? Don't laugh, it's so close that you will be cut down just after turning around.

But just as some soldiers were about to raise their hands, they did not glance at them, and they charged directly.

The soldiers were dumbfounded. They didn't know whether they should be happy or angry. It turned out that they were not even scum in the eyes of others.

The guards of honor of the major empires did not respond slowly, but they did not understand the situation and chose to retreat and stick to it. This was the most stable response.

The defense powers of Jutland and Twilight were saved. The former did not panic too much, because Rommel had already arranged their respective tasks in advance, while Twilight was slightly inadequate.

With such a short distance and riots, the cavalry could not even mention it, but the cavalry of the Death Star did not care about it.

The general has an order, accidental injury is okay, you can pay later, but the rebellion must be suppressed in the first place.

The heavy cavalry led by the black hand is in the first sequence, but without waiting for them to take over, the long-range arms of the two sides have already fought.

"Break Armor, 300 yards. Projectile!"

The archer commander shouted.

call out! call out! call out!

The archer commander raised his bow, and his arrows were like rain, and he was projected.

"Intercept projection, two consecutive shots."

Su Ya shouted.

The run-up is too late. The trolls withdrew their javelins with their backhands, relying on their strong arm and waist strength to throw them out.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

The air was torn.

The javelin was like a group of tuna cruising in the ocean, directly passing the arrow rain.

boom! boom! boom!

Expensive armor piercing arrows were detonated, bursting out a burst of sparks.

"Burst javelin. Strike shot."

Suya continued to shout.

The second wave of projections tore the second wave of arrow rain, and in the third wave, the javelin shot directly at the giant re-strike group at the back.

Because they knew that heavy riding as comrades would crush those cavalry.

boom! boom! boom!

The equally expensive enchanted bursting javelin exploded among the lava giants, and blood flew for a while, but these guys were also stiff and stupefied. Do not withdraw from the battle sequence and form a barrier.

Only a half of the third wave of the Arrow Rain of the Bow Corps was shot, because the Dark Rangers shot. They rode the Black Panther, detoured from both sides on the battlefield, and shot with a short bow.

The smoldering sound continued, and the repressed bow corps could only give up attacking heavy cavalry and turn to attack Zall.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

A few missing bursting armor arrows. Still unable to cause casualties to the dwarves, they waited until they were hit, and flew them with their warhammers.

The heavy cavalry regiment of the Death Star began to charge and wanted to be inserted diagonally into the battlefield. The enemy's army was cut, and just after being spurred, it was met with fire by the abomination corps.

Hailed iron cans smashed over.

boom! boom! boom!

The air wave rolled over and the body shattered.

Everyone is suffocating, this is by far the most powerful. The scene where the injury is the most painful and the cruelest is the most intense.

The smoke of the explosion has not completely dissipated, but people have seen countless broken limbs blown off, smearing a fleshy corridor.

Fuck! Fuck!

The elements are brewing, the magic energy is stirring, and then hundreds of spells are shot from both sides of the camp and collide over the square.

The indigenous shaman division and the mermaid mage shot almost at the same time, which shows that the fighting power of the two sides is equal. You must know that the magician is the absolute force on the battlefield. If you slow down the first half, you will lose your initiative and initiative.

"Whatever it is, give me all my strengths to let those mermaids know that even the aboriginal poor are not bad!"

The three heads of the blood mallet are yelling.

"Downton, what are you doing?"

A hill dwarf in heavy armour, armed with a battle axe, charged strongly and intercepted Downton. Next to him was a giant lava.

They are the guards of Heinrich, responsible for guarding the palace gate.

"Go away, or die."

Downton's eyes were red. At this point, there was nothing to hesitate. He directly joined Shalomanda and entered Vulcan mode, where lightning flashed in.


The hill roared, and the body suddenly swelled, and a huge mountain appeared behind him, forming a barrier, not moving like a mountain.

The lava giant arrived first, his body wrapped in flames~www.wuxiaspot.com~ brandished a warhammer with both hands, hitting Downton.

boom! boom! boom!

The nine-headed lava dragon sprang out first, devouring Downton.

Downton can avoid the past with the breath of night, but the men are fighting, he must bombard his opponent with one blow, improve his morale, and cause terror oppression to the enemy.

Diamond stars!

Downton punched right.

The silver Fenglan immediately spun from his arm, overflowing, forming a rapid hurricane, and then submerged the nine-headed lava dragon and swept the giant.

Click! Click!

Wherever it is covered by Feng Lan, a layer of translucent diamond color is directly painted, and those lava dragons, frozen to the naked eye, become diamonds, and then fall from the sky.

boom! boom! boom!

The dragon smashed into the square and smashed a crushed, granular diamond, flying around.

The lava giant kept his fist and hammer and fell to the ground.


Most of his body was broken.

A diamond-shaped eyeball rolled to the foot of a nobleman, scaring him to take a bite from a snake and jump back after a busy day.

The pupils of the hill dwarf shrunk sharply, but their friend is the legendary pinnacle, and they can't take the other party's trick. Isn't it too scary?

The hill dwarf, who had planned to defend instead of attacking, was fully defensive, but he still underestimated Downton's power. (To be continued.)

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