Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1483: bloody battle

Vulcan Banner!

Downton turned into a flame flag gun, dragging a long flame tail through the chest of the hill dwarf, and crushed the mountain barrier behind him. ?????????`


The air shook and the barriers shattered.


The huge flag gun unfolded in the wind, and on the banner woven by the essence of the flame element, the souls of the imprisoned strong men were struggling and howling.

"let me out!"

"Save me!"

"Sir Downton, I was wrong, let me go!"

This is a cruel punishment more than death. Their souls are like being thrown into the furnace and suffering the burning pain all day long.

Many people looked up at Downton and watched the Vulcan Banner running through the hill dwarf, and his whole body was honestly, the shooting was just conventional tactics, and bombing was the only good show, but the lower legions were already fighting together, even if they were professional. The bombers did not dare to mess up.

Goblin bombs can't tell the enemy.

At this moment, a large amount of metal debris rained down, hitting the deck and clanging.

"Some wreckage of the warship has fallen off. Be careful to avoid it."

The Death Star’s fleet radarmen reminded loudly that several ships had to be evaded, otherwise they would be smashed and crashed.

"Good opportunity to rush up and approach the shot."

Nicole shouted excitedly.


The deputy captain was speechless.

"Chong! Chong! Chong! Fight side by side!"

Nicole urged, after all, this is a big wedding parade. The number of Downton’s honor guard soldiers has been marked and warned several times, so most soldiers are in fortresses and battleships to carry out side-to-side battles in order to exert their strength advantage. .

"These guys are crazy?"

The captains of the Death Star vomited blood, and it was a little weird. The sky was falling on the wreckage of the battleship. Those things did not have long eyes, who was hit, and who died.

Even if it was to avoid the wreckage, the battleship of the Death Star did not appear to be chaotic, but because of the angle problem, the firepower decreased somewhat, but at this opportunity, the death totem rushed up.

They are like a fearless shark, squeezed into the tuna group.

boom! boom! boom!

The battleships collided, causing a chain reaction. The battleships of the Death Star surged backwards and squeezed into a mass.


The battleship that was just hit by the Titan fortress just fell down, hit a battleship, and took it to the ground.


As soon as he got to the side, without waiting for the inertia of the impact to dissipate, the barbarian rushed out of the cabin and took advantage of the run to jump to the battleship of the dead star~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Quickly, stay away! "

The captains shouted, who can think that Yuan's imperial wedding can be rebellious? So apart from the basic crew, there are no soldiers at all, and now they are on the sidelines, they are definitely the loser.

Too late, the barbarians flocked.

Not everyone can successfully jump on the battleship. Those who have lost their feet will fall. There is no doubt that this height will definitely die.

But even if the ship crashed, there was no screaming, but a fist at the companions to cheer them on, and the companions were not afraid at all, as if to forget life and death.

"Who shall we fight against again?"

The soldiers of the Death Star have always been known for their tenacity and fearlessness, but this time, they felt a strong fear.

The power burst out by Deranke is unimaginable. (To be continued.)


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