Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1490: Unexpected allies

Although the underground world is not recognized by the races located in the central to central continent, and is ridiculed as an indigenous heresy, it also occupies a pivotal position.

As one of the three major overlords in the underground world, the dark elf is naturally eligible to be invited to the wedding. Now, the three mothers who came as representatives have spoken.

Although the elves and drow belong to the elf family, together with the blood elves, they definitely met, and they will definitely kill a dead enemy, because they both think that they are the most primitive and orthodox high elves. It’s rubbish, and all should be executed to avoid tarnishing the noble name of elves.

"At your age, when Downton's grandmother was old, and his wife, she was in love~ almost the same!"

Mistress Hernet teased.

"If Highness Downton is willing, let alone a lover, I will be happy to be a slave!"

Ms. Du Xiedeng threw a wink and seduced Downton brightly.

"Yeah, don't you really think about it? Our sister, but you can accept any gesture!"

Mother Hernet blows a kiss.

Wind ~ The three main mothers who are enthusiasm are very cool, and only have a translucent tulle dress. The most attractive thing is that their underwear is small and pitiful, which can cover the key parts.

Of course, the entire continent knows that the drow elves are the spring medicine for walking, and they are in love all year round. This race has no morality and shame.

Men are both love and hate. They want to get close to the dark elves and taste their full body, but they are worried that they will drain their energy and become human.

"Bitch~ son!"

Some ladies and ladies can't stand it anymore, they twist their gaffe husbands and curse in a low voice.

"Hey, I can't say this when I didn't hear it, but looking at the face of His Highness Downton, this time, I can let you go."

Mother Du Xiedeng said this, and his face became grim. "If there is another time, I will throw you to those dirty indigenous people and use it as a toilet."

The scandalous ladies suddenly shivered when they thought they would kneel on the ground and drink the urine of the indigenous men.

Women are fighting, men are secretly sighing again and again, envying Downton's fate, even the drow is her ally.

"Ma Lei, is this guy's stuff too big? Even Drow is tamed!"

"Does he have any secrets that he is not afraid of being drew away?"

"I heard that he successfully passed the test of the dark ritual and became a servant behind the Rose Spider. It is said that the entire woman in the city of Mosobrai was slept by him!"

Among the guests, there are also quite a few perverted aristocrats who feel that Downton is as filthy as they are. After all, if you want to be yourself, you must have a good time.

In fact, Downton's servant status only served as a knocking brick, and more of it was the trade effect.

No one does not want to make money, no one does not want to live a luxurious life, because of the relationship of faith, the dark elves not only shut down the country, but also hunted various races around, causing no one to dare to trade with them.

Downton’s arrival also brought a wealth of materials on the surface, and dazzled the drow’s eyes at once. The valuable specialties at home can be replaced with delicious food, soft fabrics, precious accessories, plus With various propaganda methods, the status of Downton as a servant became more and more stable.

Previously, the drows were only loyal to their respective mothers, but now, Downton has the same status.

"By the way, by the way, we can represent the will of the entire city of Mossobrai!" Mother Du Xiedeng teased the elven prince. "Unlike you, there is no real power!"

After all, after so many years of cooperation, Downton showed a deep foundation. The mothers and mothers were kicked by donkeys before choosing Heinrich.

"Uh, take this opportunity, I also say one thing!"

The dwarf prince saw Drow, who had been fighting for many years, speaking, and he was naturally unwilling to fall behind. A rough and hoarse voice immediately echoed in the hall.

"His Highness Downton killed the Red Dragon King and helped us retrieve the Fortress of Forge. This kindness is beyond revelation."

The dwarf prince looked generous, looking like that, the next second seemed like a hands-on.

The VIPs once again concealed their mouths and exclaimed with uncontrollable excitement, not only marveling at Downton's killing of the Red Dragon King, but also envious of his good luck.

Dwarves are notoriously rectal, and they know what they say, but once they get their friendship, it is a life and death.

"Since His Highness wanted His Highness Dilanxue, then we will help him get it back."

The dwarf prince was ready to stare, but as soon as he opened his eyes, his sister slapped it on the back of the head.

"What nonsense?"

The dwarf princess complained that when the VIPs thought that this was a qualified politician, they heard the words behind.

"There are some things you can only do, you can't say, remember, if you do it later, remember to hit the dead, otherwise you will have trouble later."

"Dare you dare to be more honest?"

The VIPs rolled their eyes and were speechless. They wouldn't even say a whisper. When these of us don't exist? Still fighting, believe it or not, Lao Tzu first destroys you indigenous people?

Flores, the old foxes, took a deep look at the dwarf princess, and they weren't superficial, and treated them as idiots.

This gag has revealed the little wisdom of the dwarves, which not only shows the camp, but also eases the atmosphere of tension and depression. If possible, the problem is resolved peacefully, because in their view, Downton can not beat Heinrich.

The dwarves are indeed honest and honest, who can still help without optimistic about Downton.

The balance of forces seemed to be pulled back again, but unfortunately, the next second, someone intervened again.

"Your Royal Highness did not look back, so I think her attitude is already very clear. Also, it is a shame for the nobles that this kind of person who breaks the wedding ceremony can stand here. It was chopped into meat puree as fertilizer by Royal Guardian and fed seaweed."

A handsome mermaid sneered.

He is the prince of the Seattle Sea Clan, one of the three huge empires in the endless sea, and the combined strength of the forces is as much as the nine empires.

This guy looks at people, his eyes are all picked up, full of disdain, if he was not rescued by Heinrich in the early days of adventure and became a dead party, he would not go on land.

The air above it was full of disgusting smell.

Freya pouted her lips and directly compared to a middle finger. The Hai people couldn't get on the shore anymore. No matter how strong your national strength is, you won't use a fart.

"You... don't make sense, I want to fight you."

The lungs of the mermaid prince are exploding.

"Okay, I'm always there."

Freya's title of the Red Devil Princess was also shot with a real knife, where would you be afraid of such a small scene.

The conflict began to heat up.

"Wait, since you are also aborigines, it should be suitable for us to play!"

Bloodmaul came in from outside the gate, and after saluting towards Downton, he stared at the mermaid prince.

"Who do you say is an indigenous?"

The prince was furious.

"Affirm that underneath is the prince of the Ogre Empire, as well as representatives elected by the major indigenous tribes in the hills, qualified to fight you."

Blood mallet grinned, revealing a fang to eat.

"Enough is enough. The farce should be over!"

A middle-aged man stood up and scolded unpleasantly. He had been silent for a while, but seeing that the problem was still not resolved, he became worse and finally made a sound.

The noise in the hall disappeared directly, and everyone was silent.

"Don't complicate simple questions."

The man’s female companion stood up, commanded by a manly gesture, but even the powerful woman like Queen Liv did not show dissatisfaction.

Because these two are the patriarchs of the higher dragons living on Long Island and their husbands and wives, and the giant dragons of the entire continent are within their jurisdiction.

The Dragon Clan prides itself as the guardian of the Western Territory, but not only talks about it, but also has a crushing level of terror fighting power. Their words represent the will of the Dragon Clan.

"Human, leave here, this is your last chance."

Mrs. Long took care of the overall situation, otherwise, the ants of Downton had been bombarded.

"Brother, can I kill her?"

Walnut is very angry. What do you mean by a gesture of disturbing you?


The middle-aged people are more direct, with a roar, Longwei broke out,

Not only the people in the hall, but also the citizens of the whole city felt palpitated and suffocated.

"Uncle, after so many years, your temper is still great!"

The long military boots stepped on the carpet, and Nicole, dressed in a uniform, walked in~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at the eyes of the Longdao couple, full of hate.

"Nico? Are you in the Dragon Cemetery?"

The wife of Dragon was surprised.

"Who released you heresy? I'm going to peel him!"

The middle-aged man's forehead is so blue, Nicole is one of the most untouchable secrets among the dragons.

"it's me!"

Downton looked at the middle-aged man and did not flinch. "Before the duel with Heinrich, I don't mind playing a fight with you first!"


Many people muttered.

"Yes, this is the man I like!"

Nicole snapped Downton's back, "Don't wait, I will ransack all the dragon graveyards and build a group of undead dragons."


The middle-aged popular is going to be shot, and his wife is holding it down. At this time, it is not appropriate to take advantage of the outside, and with Nicole's talent and courage, if one blow can't succeed, it is a big trouble.

"How many women are there in Downton?"

The ladies and ladies are still gossip, and the politicians are busy thinking about the overall situation. After the Dragon clan intervenes, Downton must fall into the disadvantage. As they speculate how things will go, a beautiful and majestic voice sounds outside the hall.

"Establish a tribe of undead dragons? This is a good proposal. If necessary, the Duke can help!"

The guests looked at the past and dare to do the right with the Dragon Patriarch. Who is this person? Then they realized that in the square, as if entering the winter, Wan Lai was still, only the voice of the dead.

Staring at the middle-aged man's teething walnut like a hound, he suddenly froze, raised his ears, listened carefully, then looked at the door, his expression changed from doubt to joy.

(To be continued.)

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