Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1524: The end of blood!

Twilight King City, after being hit by the domination, as if the end of the world came, half of the city, showing the ruin of the ruins. ??????????`???

"Heinrich, don't you still show up? In this world, the person you love the most is always you, the plan, the plan, what you hang on your lips, your plan is always, you are just for you Alive!"

In the run-down Xia Zhimian Palace, Di Lanxue's roar resounded, "You treat everyone as a chess piece. As long as necessary, even those who worship you, you will give up without hesitation, and Tang Dayton, never do such a heartless thing."

"Desperate? I'm here for the future of All-Grand 6, what about death? At least I let their lives explode to the greatest value, not live like walking dead."

Heinrich pointed out, "Like those nobles? Drunken and dreamed every day? Like those civilians? What is the value of working around every day? It's better to die clean."

"I like this argument."

Evil God laughed, "So why don't you give me your body? Let me use it, Junlinda 6, conquer the world?"

"Huh, because only I am qualified to climb to the top of the world."

Heinrich ignored everything. "The attack just now was just a test shot to correct the target. The next time, the master will hit here. By then, everyone will die."

"Cough, you go first!"

Downton urged to intercept the Infinite Dragon King with all his strength, and spit out blood because of too much force.

The Soul of the Netherworld is a powerful and powerful artifact, which involves the realm of the soul. Downton holds it, no matter how serious the injury is, he will not die, but after all, he was pierced by the heart of the Kingdom of Heaven, and he only repaired the body. It takes time, so the fighting power he is now bursting out is barely supporting.

"Haha. Go? It's naive, none of you can go!"

Heinrich's face was crazy, hating everything, on the jewel-colored pupil. There is a lot of data flowing, "Dead here!"

Above the sea of ​​clouds and under the stars, a hot ball of light suddenly lit up like the sun. Even the thick dark clouds cannot block its light.

The entire Big 6, legendary and powerful, as the master gathers energy, the soul feels an endless force of death surging, destroying the world, almost suffocating them.

"Do you feel it? This is the real power of the master. It can annihilate the soul of any soul, even the deity is no exception."

Heinrich laughed wildly, especially when he saw those powerful men opening shields as much as possible. Fleeing hurriedly like a headless fly, he even laughed out loud.

"Useless, the situation of energy is divided into many types, and the dominant force directly hits the soul and the body. Those shields are in front of it. The fragile is no different from the paper."

Heinrich spread his hands and began to count down.

"Let's meet the end, five!"



The will of heaven in Downton's hands suddenly disappeared. He was startled and turned around, and saw the Excalibur returned to Di Lanxue's hands, being with her. A huge holy light burst out.

"What are you doing?"

Downton growled.

"Stop casting spells or you will die."

Holy lily burst into tears. As a confidant for many years, she had already guessed what Lion Ji was about to do.


Heinrich sneered, admiring the desperate gesture of these people when the death came. It's perfect!

"Twilight, don't do stupid things!"

Downton forced the Infinite Dragon King back towards Dilanxue.

"I'm sorry, Downton, I'm really sorry."

Di Lanxue's entire body has been shrouded by the dazzling light, and flew to the sky, "I really want to live with you, go to the grasslands to watch the long river sunset, go to the mountains to see the mountains and forests, until I am old, but I have been disqualified."

Tears drowned Dilanxue's cheeks.

"you come back!"

Downton yelled, he wanted to chase Di Lanxue, but what about the girls like Sissy and Elaine? Who will protect? And as a soulmate, he knew that Di Lanxue was desperate and could not be saved.

For the guilt that stabbed himself, the disaster that caused all of his choices, for the inability to face Sissi and Yilian, the debt to the imperial people, the promise to abandon his father...

Di Lanxue, who carried too many responsibilities and expectations, had completely failed at the moment of Heinrich's rebellion, and all his perseverance was trampled into the mud, filthy and worthless.

It can be said that at this moment, the significance of Di Lanxue's existence has been completely negated.

This girl, who adheres to the eight virtues of the knight, has some little moral addictions, eager to be understood, but never understood.

As Di Lanxue said Heinrich, in fact, it can be applied to her.

Di Lanxue does not understand people's hearts!

She is a paranoid girl with good intentions, longings, and expectations. She wants everyone in the world to live happily, eat well, dress warmly, and have family warmth like the flames in the fireplace in the winter. , There is work that can be dedicated to sweat, there is an ideal to fight for...

This girl just wanted to protect every empire's people and wanted them to be happy, but what the girl did harmed the man who loved her and hurt the people she vowed to protect. Finally, let this empire Towards defeat...

Di Lanxue does not understand people's hearts!

She just paranoidly walked at her own pace. As a king, she was pitiful and pathetic, had no like-minded partners, no family members who could talk and smile, and no arms that could be coquettish and crying...

"Happiness, it's really hard!"

Di Lanxue sighed deeply, she looked at Xia Zhimian. In the ruined palace, there was Downton standing. The anxiety and worry on his face were vivid.


As Heinrich's countdown ended, a thick red beam descended from the sky, penetrated the sky, and also crushed the sea of ​​clouds, slamming straight into the Twilight King City.

At this moment, ruin the world.

"If I knew you earlier, my life might become different?"

Di Lanxue rushed towards the beam, and she stared affectionately at the tall figure, showing a smile, her lips moving slightly.

"Downton. I'm sorry!"

"Downton, I love you!"

"Downton, you must be happy!"


The light beam hit Dilan Xue, which was finally engraved in Downton's eyes. It was the girl's remorseful, unwilling, and finally fixed eyes that were nostalgic.

For Dilanxue, death is a confession, a redemption, a relief!

"Twilight!" Downton murmured. I clenched my chest tightly, so painful that I couldn't breathe, I wanted to crush my heart, "You are too tired, take a quiet rest, it's OK!"


After the red light beam flooded Dilan Snow, it fell on the Twilight King City, and a huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky, with dazzling red light.

The violent and fierce energy impacted one circle after another and radiated outward, destroying everything along the way.

"Ah! My hands!"

"Save me. I don't want to die."

"Don't block the road, get away!"

The Evil God Army made a mess. When they were irradiated by energy, their bodies collapsed and collapsed with naked eyes, and their souls disappeared without a trace.

Even the powerful men, such as the Governor of Evil Gods and the Duke of Devil, are not spared. Under the will of the overwhelming power, everything will be reduced to nothingness.

Only the twilight people and the Western soil camp, and these people who were guarded by Di Lanxue, survived. Their body, with a warm light, resisted all injuries.

Di Lanxue used her life to move the Great Destiny technique and moved the goddess of light flame to guard. Moved the sigh of the gods, these three magical skills allowed the lives other than the army of evil spirits to survive the annihilation of the dominating force.

When the light disappeared, people looked around blankly. What I saw was the Twilight King City razed to the ground, the world transformed into the end.


A little girl, wondering whether it was the joy of the rest of her life or the peace of mind after fear, rubbed her eyes with her hands and cried loudly.

"Haha, die, die!"

Heinrich laughed wildly, and under this violent attack, he could feel that the soul of the evil **** was directly annihilated in his body.

The golden power of law condenses, and a huge illusion of the throne appears behind him.

"Long live the king, dominate the will!"


Heinrich, who is well-versed in thoughts, condenses life strength, glory, and will into the throne of the king.

"That's the throne?"

After seeing this scene, the surviving dragon patriarchs, popes, and wealthy family heads were all stunned. Only in a certain field, above the peak, can the throne be condensed.

The king's throne means that Heinrich is a well-deserved king no matter in the state of mind or the will.

"Yo, rubbish, haven't you died yet?" Heinrich glanced at the audience and looked at him, "But it doesn't matter anymore. Now, I will send you to hell."


Downton growled, his voice weeping blood.


Heinrich turned his head and looked at Downton.

"In my heart, Twilight is the most perfect king. It is an insult to her perseverance to give you the throne."

Downton growled.

"So what? Unsatisfied, come and kill me?"

Heinrich ridiculed that he never felt as powerful as this moment. This gesture of full of power was really fascinating.

"I fulfill you!"


Downton charge!


The fiery red flames on Downton had to write a perfect hostess, and no one stipulated that a perfect hostess must be written.

Judging from the various reviews of the book reviews and posts~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Cici’s voice and praise are the highest. Everyone is eager to have such a girlfriend, and then? Let's write another perfect Dilan Snow?

No, it's not that we can't do it, but that we don't want to.

In most novels, the heroine is goddess-level, and there are no flaws in the perfect one, but can this kind of facialized heroine really make people remember?

Di Lanxue, who has a personality defect, is a real girl. She will hurt and cry, and she will also be happy and troubled...

Yes, there are too few pens and inks for Di Lanxue, but can you forget her through the description of these days? Even if it is hate, it is a grudge, at least a figure is left in my heart, at least Lion Ji is alive, at least she let you hate it, even if she is not recognized!

We don’t want to write that kind of stereotyped character. It’s controversial that we have to look at it. Besides, Zhujun, since you don’t like Dilan Xue, and Sissi!

Not that we are self-willed, but really want to write a colorful chapter for each character and present it to everyone!


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