Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1525: Goddess Ballad

Under the dark sky, heavy snow flew!

There are dull eyes everywhere.

The **** of the world dominated by the Domination, completely destroyed the Twilight King City, and also annihilated the souls of all Evil God Army, so that the main city returned to calm.

Because Di Lanxue gave his life and guarded these people, they survived, but the trauma of war has been left in the soul.

Some timid guests ran away, but some others stood on the spot, waiting for the finale of the battle of the century between Downton and Heinrich.

As Di Lanxue died, everyone knew that the fight between the two mainland talents was inevitable.

"Why did it look like this?"

Many nobles in the Heinrich camp were trembling, and since he launched a large array of soul furnaces, it represented that he had become the enemy of the mainland.

"It shouldn't be the result. He will marry Di Lanxue, become the leader of the Western Territory camp, and then take the Allied forces to defeat the evil **** and build the greatest and most glorious merit."

Flores murmured, trying to stop, but found no excuse.

The people of the Heinrich camp were silent and correct, and the Downton camp was madly crying to cheer. After going through this repressive process, they needed a channel for catharsis.

Is the heir of the giants remarkable? Is the mainland's No. 1 star awesome? Are there any artifacts that are amazing? Without saying that Downton is the illegitimate child of the former saint and the king of Great Britain, it is an irreproducible miracle that he climbed from a civilian on the border to his present status. If Downton and Heinrich are flush, then he must Can get more brilliant achievements.

Even though the ranks are all St. Aoxun, Downton still has the title of God of War, on the use of force, after the artifacts are offset. It is not the whole fight.

"It's just a king's throne, what is there to show off?"

"Yes, has our majesty also condensed the throne of heroes?"

"You scum of selfishness. Doomed to be spurned by the world."

People scolded loudly, and raised their middle fingers towards Heinrich in unison.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! You garbage, what do you know?"

Heinrich's face was distorted, and his body was constantly being cut out of the wound by the soul of Hades.

In history, only by condensing the throne can you qualify for the reputation of the holy coffin. It can be said that Heinrich is one step closer to immortality.

Everything is perfect, but there is a Downton who crosses the bar.

"Why are you bothering me?"

Heinrich looked at Downton's determined face. For the first time, there was despair in my heart. Why did he fail to defeat him with so many means and so many cards? Why is this guy's will so tenacious, is it not a bit discouraged?


Downton punched in Heinrich's cheek with a punch, blasting him, followed by a series of successive attacks, vigorously, without stopping.

boom! boom! boom!

Heinrich smashed into the ground, and a large amount of dirt and gravel was due to the strength of the anti-shock. Flying like a fountain into the sky.


Heinrich vomited blood and looked at Downton, really didn't know what to do. This guy, like those sick cockroaches, can't be beaten to death.

No matter how serious the injury is, no matter how desperate the situation is, this guy has been punching and has been punching without hesitation!

"Damn, are you a mechanical golem without any emotion?"

Heinrich finished his scolding and was hit with another punch. The spinner flew out, and he just condensed the throne of the king. Under this blow, cracks began to appear.

"Heinrich's will. Downton is too much."

Asadin sighed.

A man who has always been surrounded by success and applause, after suddenly facing insurmountable setbacks, is no better than a man who climbed out of the blood of the corpse mountain. The former will worry about failure and will lose all the glory of glory, while the latter , All I think about is how to crawl over...

After so many deadly battles, Downton's will has become more pure than Heinrich.

Knowing why to fight, and desperate to fight, can stop him, only success, or death!

"No, all these are illusions, how could I lose to you this kind of garbage? I am a genius, I am the world's first, I am the star of hope on the mainland, this world should be under my control."

Heinrich hysterically roared, his heart was already messed up, all kinds of thoughts were coming in a mess in his mind, and Downton still waved his fist firmly.

"The outcome is set!"

Asadin sighed and turned to leave.

"To win!"

Literary girl looks excited, she is the number one fan of Downton.

"Yeah, I'm going to win."

In Madeleine's voice, there was a little bit of loneliness. The duel has been up to now. No matter what the result is, there is actually no winner.

"Garbage, die!"

Heinrich stared at Downton violently, preparing for the final connotation. Until now, he was reluctant to call Downton's name, feeling that his mouth would be dirty.

"It's you who is going to die!"

Downton roared, the blood of the hero in the body, surging and burning, he also began to show the mystery.

boom! boom! boom!

Downton and Heinrich broke out the strongest fighting intentions, tyranny, irritability, coercion, sacredness, and inviolability...

The magical energy gathers frantically. Because the concentration is too high, the cruising spots are like the salmon colony that migrated to the nest. Until the end, the whole battlefield is full of light.

The elements in the environment are resonated by the souls of the two men, and the degree of activation is so high that elemental elves are condensed and chanted in a loud voice.

The two men rose slowly, suspended in mid-air, and behind Heinrich, a king's fantasy appeared, wearing a crown, holding a scepter, and gazing at all beings.

Behind Downton is an illusion of a hero. He is full of blood, holding a broken sword, and his eyes are unyielding.

Suddenly, almost instantly, two people charged at the same time.

God cry!

Divine Revelation!

The king's phantom scepter angered, issued orders, heroic illusion fearless assault, wild beheading.


The illusion of the king and the illusion of the hero hit hard together. A violent explosion of elements erupted, and Downton and Heinrich crossed each other.

after that. Gradually return to calm.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Downton and Heinrich. The eyelids didn't dare to blink, fearing that they would miss every scene.

"Garbage, there are some merits!"

Heinrich got up and closed his sword.

Downton stood still.

"This thing is regarded as the wedding gift I gave you, Downton, we must make Dilan Xue happy."

Heinrich took out a stone and threw it to Downton.

Downton stood straight. Unprecedented silence.

"Okay, the mission of defeating the evil **** is given to you." Heinrich looked at the sky. In the sword just now, he realized.

"Rommel, sorry!"

"Manstein, sorry!"

"Xing Ling, sorry!"


Heinrich murmured every subordinate's name, and his body gradually shattered into a streamer. The ending is self-evident.


Floris shouted, unable to accept this fact. Completely passed out.

Heinrich glanced at his father, shook his head, a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and after a last silent word to Downton, he slammed it completely.

"What did he say last?"

The onlookers were curious, but no one knew. They looked at Downton, eager to get answers. Because that is obviously soul transmission.

Downton ignored these people, but saw Sissi, Elaine, Charlotte... a few girls' cheeks. Then he looked up at the sky.

Snow is cold. Tears cut his cheeks.


Elaine whispered and was about to pounce, but was stopped by Sissi.

"Let him be quiet?"

Sissi turned her head away and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She couldn't bear to look at Downton's lonely back. It was like a dead leaf in the autumn soil, covered with long scars.

Downton won, but also lost Di Lanxue. For him, even if he defeated the mainland's first hope star and reached the peak of life, it doesn't make any sense.

"Big brother!"

Walnut sobbed in a low voice, and she could feel that her brother's heart was dying.

"Is there no way to save Sister Di Lanxue? What about the big resurrection?"

Ceres asked.

"Both body and soul are reduced to nothingness and it is impossible to resurrect."

Holy Lily sighed, this result was unacceptable to her.

The people who originally cheered and celebrated, saw the expression of Downton, and gradually closed their mouths. Finally, the whole city was immersed in an inexplicable sentimentality.

In every night's dream,

I see you, I feel you,

I understand your heart,

Every night,

Across the barrier of time and space,

You knock on my heart, you blend into my heart,

Your heart is with me,


No matter how far away,

I believe that our hearts have followed,

You are beside me, I am fearless,

I know my heart depends on you,

We will always walk together,

In my heart, you will always live forever,

My heart belongs to you, love is endless!


The ethereal and melodious singing overflowed from Downton's throat, and in the snowy winter, it floated to the sky and to the distance.

There is no joy of victory, only endless thoughts and sorrow.

At this moment, everyone understands Downton's love for Dilan Xue.

"Hellaher, this is the result you want?"

Madeleine was on a street, blocking the trembling witch who wanted to leave quietly, "What the **** do you want to do? Suddenly appear, want to disappear suddenly?"

"I'm helping these young people to make choices and grow up, Madeleine, you holy coffins are too short-sighted, and they have always stayed with the evil god. As everyone knows, there is a wider world and greater opportunities outside. And risk, you should go and see."

Hailaheer glanced at the two women and was not scared by their fighting intentions.

"We just want to understand what the undead evil spirit is, what is wrong?"

Lorraine Sasha sneered. It can be said that the Evil God is an eternal thorn in the hearts of these holy coffins. Yes, they can throw away all this and enter a wider world through the heart of the world, but they Not reconciled.

"Oh, so you are ignorant, okay, Downton wins, the holy war also begins, you will see the end, and I will continue my journey."

Haila Heer stepped, "Lost balance, welcome you anytime!"

While walking, the trembling witch's figure faded away until it disappeared.

"I hate this woman."


The angry literary girl snapped off her pen.

"Then why don't you kill her?"

Madeleine rolled her eyes.

"Do you think I can't see it? This guy is just a projection of the soul, and the body doesn't know where it is."

The literary girl hit back.

"Yeah, we are already in the Western Continent and have been staying too long."

Madeleine sighed and listened suddenly.

"What a poignant song!"

The literary girl looked in the direction of Xia Zhimian's palace and sighed in a low voice, but soon she was refreshed and there was a magical power in the ballad.

"What song is this? It's awful!"

Dvořák was nagging, feeling very unhappy. Heinrich had not been beaten down by Downton. He couldn’t do anything if he wanted to. He had planned to take advantage of Downton’s serious injury and kill him. On the mainland, no one can compete with himself, but who knows, those old guys hiding in the dark have been staring at themselves.

Think about it too, the two flags of Heinrich and Dilanxue were destroyed, so the remaining Downton will inevitably shoulder the important task of fighting against the evil spirits.

"Damn you, Heinrich, you're a waste, I'm really disappointed." Dvorak kicked a stone away. His ultimate goal was to let Downton consume Heinrich and then **** his head, But who knows, that kid was so powerful that he killed him.

"Forget it, let's quickly accept his legacy buried in the dark world!"

The first star looked back and teleported away.

"This song..."

The Pope had intended to comfort Downton, but he was stunned by the ethereal ballads. As the strongest priest, he could feel the power contained in this voice.

A valkyrie appeared, and they appeared translucent, with white wings behind them, and feathers would fall during fanning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are fully armed, wearing white armor, wearing face shields, holding Flag gun, lined up above the sky.

The light spot condenses, forming a heroic avenue, at the end, is a magnificent door to heaven.


Engraved with angels, clocks, unicorns... The doors of many creatures were shining brightly, slowly opened, and a shadow of beauty stood silently there.


All the girls in Yilian exclaimed.

Downton's eyes, like dead grey eyes, burst into a dazzling look instantly.

On top of despair, the Temple of Evil God!

The terrifying divine power pervaded, death shrouded everyone's heart.

"Damn! Damn! Tiny ants, dare to rebel against the will of my evil god."

Evil God was furious.

Evil God didn't die, but lost a will and caused it to be hit hard. What's worse, 10,000 years of waiting, perfect appearance, completely messed up, made a gray face, and withdrew like a funeral dog.

"Offensive, the whole army attacked, flattened Franke, and hanged every one of its citizens!"

Evil God roared.

The chariot of the Evil Army, the rumble started, and the holy war after 10,000 years, began again, and death came! (To be continued.)

ps: The Imperial Blood Marriage is over, and the last volume has begun. Suddenly it's sad!

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