Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1526: Jihad begins

In the early February of 1986, the twilight calendar was supposed to be the time of early spring, but it did not arrive, but the winter was cold and the sky was full of snow. ranw?en???`

It has been more than a month since the century-old wedding of Heinrich and Dilan Xue.

Everyone believes that the Big Six First Star of Hope and the Big Six First Queen will be the happiest marriage that everyone envy, but I did not expect that even if the wedding was not completed, the bride and the bride would both die.

A Downton, who did not know where he came from, even dared to lead a brave marriage at the wedding banquet gathered by the 6th royal family and the rich family.

This is simply amazing. What is even more shocking is that he actually succeeded, defeating Heinrich under the eyes of everyone.

Downton's name and deeds began to be explored and known.

The illegitimate children of the previous generation of Her Royal Highness the Virgin and the King of Great Britain, but it is useless because he was raised in a border town.

In his childhood, he lived a poor life. In order to allow his talented sister to study in Wangdu’s institutions of higher learning, he gave up his studies and worked several odd jobs a day, working hard to make money, until he was 16 years old, traveling in a In the hands of the businessman, after buying a magic book fortunately, it began to trace.

Fighting against the genius in the town, and finally taking ownership of the underground city of Porosna, was his first step on the road to heroism. Later, in the lava realm, he defeated the champion of Saint Judeland’s Magic Youth Competition The winner, Torres, got the Flame Banshee, and was recognized by Shalomanda, and the glory returned. Then, in order not to be enslaved by the nobility, he raised the anti-~ flag.

During the adventure, the friends they met were convinced by Downton's personality and charm, and became his subordinates, scoring the west for him to fight the south and the north, making him the youngest Duke of West in history at the age of 18 . And finally won Deranke.

Downton went to the underground world and convinced the dark elves with his talents to get a trade order, of course. Some people say that he only got the favor of the eight drow mothers by selling ass. After all, drow's style ~ Sao ~ lewd ~ swing, is well known all over the world.

Downton also played the king of the Red Dragon and took a big risk in the furnace. Make a big profit, and get the loyalty of the Black Hand clan.

In the process, Downton met the Bavarian Rose, and it was also at this time that Princess Sissi was impressed by the qualities he showed and fell in love with this man.

Downton’s subsequent adventures, one by one, were not frightened by the heirs of the wealthy families, but he threw a heavy punch in the face of their malice. Kill them.

The Dupont family, the Wood family, the Napoleon family, and even the orc prince Tiger, at that time, Downton was simply a giant killer.

In the end, Downton even defeated Woodford, the younger generation known as Heinrich, the most productive young generation.

Downton not only faced the giants with no legs, but also made no compromises under the death threats of the three dark forces. The Governor and the Magic Mountain in the three dark stars all died in his hands.

Because I don’t like the style of the three majors. Downton was the first man to stand up and declare their war openly.

Several classic battles played by the first star in the North were included in military textbooks.

Opened up a trading zone. Established a new trading model and made great profits.

The broad mind, containing the indigenous people, whether it is the indigenous army or the goblin consortium, has contributed enormous power to his empire.

Gun Flower Merchants Group. The first airline of Big 6, it can be said that Downton's decision made the distance between the world shorter, and made this unattainable dream of world tourism a reality.

The wildly debuting Paladin, but epiphany of the four of the eight salutes, has the qualification to become a pope alternate. He is still a working potionist. If he is not distracted by other matters, he can definitely make a huge achievement. But there is news that Downton knew a potion that could change the world.

Speaker of the Northern Parliament.


There are too many titles for Downton, but gossip and gossip are always the focus of attention. A man who was chased down by Princess Sissi even went to open marriage.

If there is no big drama, no one will believe it, and yes, Downton’s sister Elaine is Princess Saint Laurent, Sarace is Princess Xueman, the current Duke of Death Banshee, and his relationship with St. Lily is unclear. Unclear, by the way, no matter where he went, he always took a little girl, and the essence of Rolicon was already obvious.

After listening to Downton’s growth trajectory, people have deeply admired. After all, in this world, most people are civilians. They are more like Heinrich’s genius children with golden keys. Appreciate Downton.

Especially knowing that after the process of meeting and loving Dilanxue and Downton, they even gave an inclusive look.

You know, Heinrich is in power, allies are everywhere, Downton is robbing the marriage, and he is an enemy of the whole world. Once he fails, he will lose everything, but he has no regrets. In the end, he succeeded.

"Isn't Dilan Xue dead?"

"It was dead, but I heard that Downton was so sad at that time and sang a song, but the song actually caused a miracle and resurrected Dilan Xue."

"It is said that the song has a magical power comparable to the eight commendations, so the Cardinals of the Red Flames, after an experiment and through discussion, now list it as the ninth commendation, named the hero's commendation."

There are similar gossips in all taverns.

At the end of the wedding, the evil **** who had been sleeping for 10,000 years suddenly came and opened the killing ring to kill the high-level 6s. Heinrich, ashamed of the heart, and Dilan Xue, who blamed himself for guilt, chose and It will all die.

The death of the couple, coupled with many deaths and injuries, is almost full of tragedy, not to mention that it has changed the situation of the Big Six, so people call this wedding, also known as Imperial Blood Marriage.

The jihad started, and at this time, it was natural that the negative news could not be allowed to spread. Therefore, Wei Guangzheng’s ending of Heinrich was officially changed, even if some small news flowed, it was ignored, because the army of evil spirits was under the city.

The jihad has begun!

The Evil God who woke up on top of despair couldn't wait for a moment, and issued the order of full-scale offensive, so he prepared, waited, and also looked forward to the army of Evil Gods for 10,000 years, and rushed wildly to the 6th.

Taking the three ace corps of death, sigh of despair, death and fear of nightmares as arrows, it took only a week for the evil spirit army to lay down the front line of the army, destroyed all forward bases, advanced to the trail of blood, and then used it for a long time. It cost the lives of millions of soldiers, broke through the fortress, and landed on the ground.

At this point, the southern battlefield of the human kingdom officially entered the ground.

This result, except for the civilians who were shocked, the generals with a little common sense of sergeants, were not surprised. The front line of the legion, after all, belonged to the abyss. The evil spirit army was completely at home and prepared for another 10,000 years. It was ready to stay and could not get this The result is an accident.

Subsequently, this powerful soldier front slammed into the defensive line constructed by the St. Jude's army and the servants. The two sides launched a protracted and fierce fighting in the Stuttgart theater known as the steel fortress.

The tactics used by the Evil God Army are to construct portals in a sparsely populated area, and then drop a large number of legions to carry out carpet-style sweeping propulsion.

This time is no exception.

The western battlefield, that is, northwestern Great Britain, is a vast mountain range covered by snow and ice. It is impossible to stay completely if it is to be stationed. Therefore, a large number of fortresses were built in Northern Ireland.

This is not the main battle area, but the advantage of the evil spirit army is that there are many soldiers, so the Bretonians have to face a vast army of demons.

The west line is worse than the south line. The soldiers of the real monstrous empire don’t eat the corpses of the enemy at least when the supplies are sufficient, but the demons will swallow them regardless of these, as long as they are creatures, so only wherever they go, Under the dead bones of Bai Sensen, he died.

The generals in Brittania have not scolded their mothers. Although they say that jihad is a crisis in the Grand Six, who doesn’t want their own defensive pressure to be less? This continues with more room for maneuver.

On the eastern battlefield, Lombardi is the most eastern city of the Big Six. Because of the endless sea, coupled with the economic prosperity and dense population of the Big Six in the east, the defense system is best constructed, and the Evil Army has not enough time to build and transmit. door.

In the seven jihads, relying on geographical advantages, the pressure on the Eastern Front has been the smallest, and this is why the Eastern Big 6 will be the most prosperous. In addition to relying on the ocean, shipping is convenient, and here is also the safest, naturally attracting A large population.

Of course, although there is no need to face the war directly, the pressure of Lombardi and Saint Laurent is still not small, because they are the granary, energy area, and reserve area of ​​the entire Big 6, in short, this is the core of the Big 6, and any war zone can choose Strategic abandonment, only here, must stay dead, because this is the last place of hope and kindling for mankind.

The northern battlefield is also a less intense battle area.

On the vast expanse of the extremely north frozen soil~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Except for ice and snow and hurricanes, there are not many mosses, and there is no sign of life at all. The Evil Army can send troops without any care, but afterwards, it went south The road was blocked by the Great Wall.

This great wall, which is unknown for thousands of years, provides a natural barrier for the northern region.

In fact, the Evil God Army came in and faced a fierce orcish orc, as well as a poor clanking Rosello floating orc empire.

The evil spirit army is for conquest. Before it can be conquered, it is necessary to eat a meal. This kind of area that has no oil and water and struggles is naturally thrown to those army.

This time, the legion that carried out the first wave of raids on the sunset prairie was composed of half-orcs, and it was also a bitter race, even inside the evil spirit army, it was also a bad luck that was excluded and despised.

These soldiers were completely used as cannon fodder to add trouble to the northern war zone, making them unable to reinforce the south line. As for obtaining greater results, as the supreme commander of the infinite dragon king, there was little expectation. (To be continued.)


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