Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1527: Assault on the Royal Society

Infinite Dragon King Orpheus likes to visit the battlefield and enjoy the feast of killing. However, in the Twilight King City, Heinrich posed for it. Although he was not killed by the master's artillery, he was seriously injured and had to rest temporarily.

In the current war situation, the governors of evil gods who are commanders of various theaters are responsible for themselves.

According to the development trajectory of the last jihad, Drankfork in the northern inland area should be a fertile land at present. Apart from preparing supplies and training reserve personnel, it has no other responsibilities. At most, it is to send expeditionary troops to defend the northern frontier. Stop the Orcs from going south.

However, this jihad has changed.

Downton was on the front line of the legion, looting the treasure trove of the demon princess Ajani, and plundering the wealth accumulated by others for thousands of years. This tone changed no one can swallow it, so Ajani asked for help, led the army, and conquered Germany. Frankford.

Browning, the northernmost duchy of mankind, lost his ownership of the lava to the secret realm, and the grand duke abandoned himself, dreaming of death all day long, and craving beauty.

A magnificent palace was built and used by him for pleasure, but no one thought that this turned out to be a demon portal.

The Duke’s beauty harem has long since become a succubus lair.

Even if it is a declining and impoverished northern principality, the defensive strength here is not weak. The Infinite Dragon King originally used this as a trick to manage it. Unexpectedly, Ajiani took the initiative to ask for a tassel.

The Hells End Legion, which was about to land in Northern Ireland, appeared here. As the Ace Legion that can be ranked in the top three of the abyss demons, they exploded into a huge combat power, even in the early stage of the transmission, with less fighting and more. In the end, the two main legions of Lithuania were still destroyed, and then the northern coalition attack was blocked, and the front was established.

At this time, without the worries of the demon army, they continued to walk out of the portal, without rest, and went directly south to attack Drankford.

For a time, the North jumped around, and all countries rejected their previous suspicions and sent out legions to besiege this army, because they all knew that once they let them lay down their strategic aspect, the whole North would fall.

After learning of Adjani's goal, many people scolded Downton, but there was no way out, and he had to rush to ask for help.

Nicole is currently the commander-in-chief of the Drankfurt Army and is preparing to send troops to the neighbouring countries of Musbun, Tumzi, Hajik, to launch a political change, and the Black Flame Church, which has operated for thousands of years, overthrows the political~ Power, hanged the king and a large number of unaffiliated military and political leaders, and then did not consolidate the political power, but instead recruited heavily and launched an attack on Drankford.

Even the Brotherhood and the Assassin's Creed will not fall into the holy war. The reputation of the Black Flame Church has suddenly deteriorated to the extreme, but those bewitched believers have completely lost their minds.

At this point, people also know that Pope Black Flame turned out to be a black dragon. Downton killed his only sister. Now, people have come to revenge.

The originally stable northern countries, because of the rebellion of the Black Flame Church, suddenly became a pot of congee. They had to take the lead in calming the country's chaos. This time difference also gave the Devil Legion the opportunity to make their resistance to the south less.

The situation of jihad, because this scene turned sharply.

"What? His Majesty Downton is not there? Where has he gone?"

Many messengers are waiting to see Downton, let him send troops, annihilate the Demon Legion as soon as possible, and calm down the north. After all, he still has the title of the first star in the north, and his men are also the most able to fight, but who knows, got the news But he was gone.

Vienna, the Principality of the East, has a reputation as a water capital. Because of its beautiful natural scenery, it is also the headquarters of the Royal Pharmacists Association.

It is impossible for such a huge organization to have a stronghold in an empire, and Vienna, in fact, is also the finale of the association. In this city, apart from citizens, tourists and tourists, the rest are students and those on the street Most of the shops are also related to potions.

A huge battleship came out of the air and cast a dark shadow on the marble street. The students looked up.

"Which prince and grandchildren's car?"

Poor students are disgruntled and hate such spoiling.

"You are stupid, a warship of this size can only be taken at the level of the wealthy head of the family. Looking at the direction, I went to the headquarters of the association. There must be some big people."

There are nobles who are knowledgeable.

"Wait, the pattern on the battleship, isn't that the flag of Drankford?"

"What? Is Downton down?"

After the students figured out where the battleship belonged, they immediately caught up with excitement. The name Downton is now an absolute idol of the younger generation.

Schönbrunn Palace, located in the city center, is also the headquarters of the association. The guards yawned and looked at the battleship in the sky.

"The show is so big!"

The guards muttered, and soon found out that something was wrong. After the warship stayed at a low altitude of 50 meters, thick ropes were dropped, and then a heavily armed barbarian descended and rushed up the stairs. .


The guards didn't figure out the situation for a while. The long commander put the siren in his mouth, hesitating whether to blow it.

When was Schönbrunn Palace last attacked? Hundreds of years ago? It seems that no one has ever done this. You know, those who live here are the top potions of the mainland. Offended them, even if the potion system in this country is abandoned, it will be resisted by the potions of the whole continent.

"Blow it first before talking."

Out of duty, a hundred people swelled their cheeks and prepared to blow the siren, but the hesitation of less than two seconds just made him lose his chance.

A barbarian teleported and lifted the handle of the knife and chopped it on the back of his neck. The dragon-slaughter's hundred people were long and his eyes were stunned.

"Daggers, die!"

The barbarians shouted with a fierce expression, and they calmed down these guards who hadn't seen blood in years.

boom! boom! boom!

The barbarian kicked the guard's legs and made them kneel, holding their heads in both hands.

"Who are you? Don't you know that this is the Royal Pharmacist Association? Dare to make trouble here, our president will cut off your head!"

The person in charge of the association ran out and shouted loudly. He had also seen the market, and it was estimated that the children of a high-ranking official were jealous with their subordinates.


Gansuo hit the person in charge with a punch, and his eyes were too lazy to take care of it, and he commanded his subordinates aloud, "grab everyone, bring it here, and thoroughly search every corner."

"Let go, do you know who I am? Let me go." An old nobleman wearing glasses was angry, "Call your master, I want to see him."

"Damn, what are you going to do? Every piece of paper here is more important than your life. It's broken, and our president will peel your skin."

"Fuck, call your master!"

The potions who were brought to the hall of Schönbrunn Palace were scolded and angry. This was a distinguished profession. Since they received the medal of the potion, they have enjoyed the sight of envy and respect. This treatment has never been I have seen it.

"Who wants to see me?"

A sturdy voice filled with iron blood sounded, followed by a man from Yuanzhu Yuezhi, behind him was a team of guards with helmets and armours, their military boots stepped on the ground and made a dull sound .

A knife-like gaze swept across the hall, and hundreds of cursed potions suddenly shivered, as if a scimitar rested on his neck, and he closed his mouth subconsciously.

In a flash, the Schönbrunn Palace fell into the needle.

"Who is the person in charge?"

Downton asked.

When no one answered, they were frightened until Downton repeated the sentence again, and the person in charge stumbled out.

"I...I am."

After saying this, the person in charge remembered his duties and felt confident that he could not help but straighten his back. "What do you want to do? If you want to make trouble, don't look at where it is?"

"Is Beckenbauer here?"

Downton interrupted the person in charge impatiently.

"Are you in trouble with the vice president?"

The person in charge couldn't help laughing, with a high-profile display in his voice, "The vice president is the honorary master potion master in the five great empires. He is the mentor of many princes and princesses. Your brain is broken. Right?"

"Downton, are you His Majesty Downton?"

One of the potionists suddenly shouted.

This sound also dumbfounded the voice of the person in charge~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The expression on his face subconsciously wanted to be replaced by a flattering smile, but because the ridicule had not faded, for a time, it was a bit daunting and distorted.

"Yes, it is His Majesty Downton!"

Ordinary people only know the name of Downton, and have no chance to see it, but these potions are different. They are rich and related. It is not too simple to get Diwei Crystal with the image of Downton, so many people have seen him. .

"Is Beckenbauer here?"

Downton frowned and asked again.

"In the……"

The person in charge is scared, who is Downton? The prince of Great Britain, Sissy and Dilanxue's fiance, and Elaine's brother, as long as he wants, in one sentence, he can set off a huge wind in these four empires, not to mention he recently killed Heinrich... …

Not to mention tidying up a Beckenbauer, it is to provoke the chairman of a hundred associations. Downton is qualified because because of his status, I don’t know how many people are waiting to be loyal to him.

"Your Majesty, take the liberty to ask, what are you doing?"

Among those who are engaged in academics, there is always some lack of guts. A young man stands up and asks Downton euphemistically.

"Sorry, Beckenbauer turned to the Evil God, and now I have received the personal orders of the Nine Empires and the Pope to arrest him."

Downton explained.


"how is this possible?"

"Is the message credible?"

The potions immediately discussed, but when you think about it, Downton doesn’t need to pit Beckenbauer. Even if you think there is a conspiracy theory, after seeing St. Lily enter, the doubt disappears.

Compared to Downton, Her Royal Highness is a household name, and I don’t know how many potions are hiding her Diwei crystal, and sneaked over in the lonely night.

(To be continued.)

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