Hero’s Creed

Chapter 1528: Detective Downton

"The Holy See has confirmed Beckenbauer's betrayal of the Western Territories. From now on, he was removed from the post of Vice President of the Royal Pharmacist Association. If you have any information, please provide it as soon as possible."

St. Lily in a white robe walked into the hall. She was wearing the crown of the Holy Queen and holding the magic wand. This meant that she appeared in an official capacity. Any words spoken represented the position of the Holy See.

"Your Highness!"

A group of magicians quickly bent over to salute.

Downton's eyes glanced coldly at these people, and each person's heartbeat clearly appeared in the mirror.

The soldiers are searching, but Downton already knows that there is no drama, because Beckenbauer is a legendary powerhouse, and there is no such fluctuation of soul in Schönbrunn Palace.

"Your Highness, forgive me to ask, Vice President... What did Beckenbauer do?"

A professor of potions opened his mouth, not waiting for St. Lily to answer, and a brutal roar came suddenly upstairs, followed by the sound of fighting.


A wall was collapsed, and a monster fell **** from the five-story building. Behind it, three barbarians with sharp blades chased down.


After the monster hit the ground, his arm and half of his sternum were broken, but it didn't care, and used both hands and feet, and flew directly into the potionist.

The potions were frightened and evasive, but there was still an unlucky egg that was thrown. Just as the monster's big mouth with corrosive saliva was about to bite him, the brutal Downton illusion appeared beside him and punched hard.


The monster was beaten.

"Save me! Save me!"

The unlucky egg yelled in horror and his pants were soaked.

"What is this?"

Looking at the monster caught by the barbarian, the gang of potions was cold, covered with purple scales, with ugly magic lines and pimples, and deformed bat wings on the back. It looked like a demon, but it was not like it. .

"This is what Beckenbauer does!"

Sacred Lily releases the magic arts to make the monster fall asleep. This is an important specimen.

"No way?"

The potionists didn't believe it, but the monster still retains some characteristics of the human body. Some people recognized it, and he was the apprentice of the vice president.


The three potions suddenly screamed. As the body swelled, he broke his robe, blinked his scarlet eyes, waved his enlarged claws, and waved. You will tear your companions by your side.

call out! call out! call out!

Holy Lily slammed the ground with the scepter, three golden auras shot out, wrapped around the monsters, imprisoning their bodies.

"this is……"

The potions were frightened, and with their professional qualities, they could see that these people must have eaten something, causing mutation.

"Quick, tell the whole city not to drink anything. Also be careful not to cause riots."

Holy Lily looked solemnly commanded.

"Master, nothing was found."

Gansuo reported with his men.

"Everyone leaves. From now on, the Schönbrunn Palace is under martial law."

Downton finished, turned and left, but when he was almost out of the gate, he suddenly turned and stared at a young man.


The potions were as if stung by the scorpions, and they all receded.

The barbarian swarmed up and took the young man.

"What are you doing?"

Youth struggled.

"Say. Where did Beckenbauer go? What did he do before he left?"

Downton asked.

"How could I know?"

The young man looked indignantly, "You are slandering."

"Slander? Why did your heart beat faster than others when I first stepped into the lobby?"

Downton sneered.

"I'm nervous. Because I saw an idol."

Youth sophistry.

"Very well, why did your heartbeat relax again after I left? Like being relieved?"

Downton stared into the youth's eyes.

"I'm afraid of your majesty!"

The youth is depressed.

Downton showed eight white teeth, and smiled brightly, just when the young man thought he was hiding, he suddenly shook his hand. Throw a halo.

Holy light praising blessings, the young man's body immediately ignited flames, so painful that he rolled over.

"Forgot to tell you, I don't need any excuses at all, I want to clean up you, I can do it hard!"

Downton's words are very arrogant. Even friends who are acquainted with young people, they dare not intervene at this moment to plead for him. There is no way, his status is too high, and he can't afford it at all.


The potions looked at St. Lily and found that she didn't blame Downton for presiding over justice.

"You frame good people!"

The youth screamed.

"It doesn't matter."

Downton didn't care, turned around and left, "Are you waiting to be burned to ashes?"

Seeing that Downton really wanted to leave, the young man couldn't bear it anymore, and begged for mercy, "Don't kill me, extinguish the flames, I will all explain."

Even a determined fanatic will collapse under the burning torture of the praises of the Holy Light, not to mention the innocent youth.

"Beckenbauer ran from the sewer. He asked me to put the devil's plague potions in the water of the city. Now, it should be out of the city!"

The words of the youth surprised the onlookers.

"Do you know the route?"

Downton asked.

The young man shook his head, and when the potions were disappointed and the big bad guy ran away, several guys with their heads wrapped in black robes and exuded with terror appeared.

"Heir here?"

The potions were shocked, these guys are the most mysterious armed forces in the Holy See.

"His Royal Highness, found traces in the sewer."

This action was too important, and Shengli brought an adjudicator who was good at tracking.

The barbarian was about to open the way and was stopped by Downton. He jumped into the sewer as soon as possible, and the mirror stopped the water from radiating, opening up the whole city.

Click! Click!

Stepping on stagnant water and enduring the stench of silt, Downton ran all the way in the narrow darkness, until he climbed out of a water outlet in the suburbs.

It was another rush, and a manor on the outskirts appeared in the field of vision.

Without any greetings, the barbarian attacked directly.

"Be careful, it's the hammer!"

Just as the Paladins reminded, Downton waved his fists, and the stars burst into the sky. Sweeping the whole manor, the hammer-hammers who rushed out exploded a cross-shaped wound directly on their body, bursting with blood.


Downton punched. The entire wooden castle was blown away, and then he landed on the mouth of a cellar, "Are you out, or will you be buried alive forever?"

Beckenbauer also wanted to pretend to be dead, and the illusion of brutal Downton emerged from him. Waving his fist for a violent attack, he opened the floor and pulled him out of his way like a chicken.


The Paladins who followed were very happy, just about to capture Beckenbauer, they saw Downton throw it away and turned away.


Everyone is puzzled.

"This guy is fake. The legendary soul strength was forcibly simulated with drugs."

Downton explained that this is the only way to escape soul detection.

"What should we do now?"

The judges were helpless. After so long a delay, Beckenbauer must have ran early.

"You take him back first, let St. Lily appease the people, and I will come as soon as I go."

Downton commanded, flame wings spread out behind him, and he jumped into the sky without hesitation. As early as he pursued, he was thinking about what to do if it was a trap.

"Where is your majesty?"

"how could I know?"

"Oh, look at him like this. Obviously there is a goal. It's a man who defeated Heinrich and was recognized by the saint!"

The Paladins muttered.

"Can't you hurry anymore?"

On a floating ship of the Gun Flower Merchants Group, Beckenbauer, disguised, urged anxiously.

"Don't worry. Even if Downton and St. Lily want to break their heads, don't think about where we are now."

A teacher in black robe laughed strangely and could put Downton together to make him very happy.

"I hope!"

Beckenbauer was upset and looked back.

"Relax, let's drink some tea first!" Master Black Robe pushed a cup of black tea. "On this ship, there are three Saint O'Hun escorting you."


Beckenbauer laughed, he knew it was a threat.

"What about the information?"

Black robe urged.

"Relax, when I'm safe, I'll give it to you all." Beckenbauer spread his hands. "Trust me, St. Lily has come to catch me, I have no way out."

"So you should show your sincerity even more."

Black robe knocked at the table with his fingers.

"I have put the Devil's Plague Elixir all over the city, isn't it enough to make a name?

Beckenbauer sneered. He was Heinrich's heir. He and Francon made a devil's potion. He originally developed the devil's potion for him. Originally, he should have married Dilan Xue and climbed to the top of the continent. The water is rising, but who knows everything was destroyed by that Downton.


The black robe should bear it, but the bottom of his heart is pondering. Do you want to demonize this guy first, or worry about it will damage his brain, lose the knowledge of magic potion, and have fallen to him long ago.

"Very good, smoothly entering the borders of Brittania, the signboard of the Gunflower Merchants Group is hard enough!"

The battlefield virgin sighed.

"Nonsense, Downton is the prince of this country." The black robe rolled his eyes. "No matter what, beyond the border, we are safe."

As early as the death of Heinrich, the black robe began to plan to win over Beckenbauer. If this guy had been hesitant and the information had not been transferred, why use such an embarrassing escape?

On the deck, passengers were blowing light breezes and were enjoying the scenery, and suddenly someone cried out.

"what is that?"

Behind the ship, there was an orange-red shadow, which shot quickly.

The guards immediately rushed out of the cabin and lined up on the deck. The weapons they used were expensive magic outfits. The purpose was to give guests a sense of security.

In fact, the robbers who have the courage to hijack the gun flower merchants must be well equipped.

Soon, as the distance drew closer, the orange-red shadow fell on the deck, and the crowd discovered that it was a man with gorgeous flame wings.


While the passengers were guessing what would happen, the captain of the guard suddenly pulled his feet together, drinking high, raising his hands to salute.

"Downton, it's His Majesty Downton, the big boss of the Gunhua Merchants Group!"

Those who can ride a merchant ship are either rich or expensive, so they've seen the Diwei Crystal with Downton.

"His Royal Highness, I am your fan, sign me a name?"

A girl ran over, but before being approached, she was stopped by the guards.

Downton glanced around, his eyes falling on the black robe, then walked straight over and sat down.

"Run very fast!"

Downton teased.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

The battlefield sneered.

"How did you find us?"

The black robe is very curious and understands that such a lie can't fool Downton, even if Beckenbauer is easy to change, his soul fluctuates, and he can't escape from the mirror.

"The one in the sewer is a trap, so the direction you leave must be the sky."

Downton raised his index finger.

"We may also hide in place and leave?"

The battlefield stared at Downton scorchingly.

"People like Beckenbauer have committed a crime. If you want to arrest him, it must be the laborers who move the crowd and dig the ground three feet. Do you hide in the same place and wait for death?"

Downton sneered.

"carry on!"

Black robe nodded.

"From the point of view of your preparation for the avatar, there must be a plan already. To leave Venice as soon as possible, it must be an airship!"

Downton raised his second finger.

"There are at least four directions?"

The battlefield virgin didn't understand.

"Eastern, the forces of the evil spirits are the weakest, you can't escape at all, the north, that's my site, and the forces of the evil spirits are also rotten to die, do you run over to the north to freeze the northwest wind?"

Downton explained, "The South Line, I hesitated. After all, if you cross the war zone, there will be an army of evil spirits to guide you, but the battle here is too fierce, and the inspection is very strict, and the airships you take are mostly gun flowers. For shipping, Jutland and I are in a confrontation. Even if it is not troublesome, we have to find some."

"Now only the Western Front is left?"

Battlefield ridicule.

"Yes, because of the relationship between Great Britain and me, the gunflower airship can be unimpeded, and as long as you cross the war zone, you can reach the Northern Ireland mountains, and then the sea will jump from the sea."

Downton flew all the way, and Ding Jing stopped the water to search for full radiation, even with his magical energy reserve, it was a bit overwhelming.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The black robe applauded and took off the hood.

"Under the **** of evil, the blind angel is also, today I met your lord, and it really deserved the name."

As soon as the voice of the **** fell, the passengers who were still listening to the Yunshan fog hood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were startled suddenly, and they stepped back in unison and appeared frightened.

"Are you surrendering? Or are you waiting to be killed by me?"

Downton asked.

Almost as soon as Downton's voice fell, the battlefield virgin had drawn his sword and chopped his head. The blind **** quickly moved his lips. Dozens of different effects of magic burst out and shot at Downton to suppress it. The dragon **** also teleported, appearing behind his back and pounding his heart.

The siege of the three Saints Auxun, the outburst of soul pressure, would scare the legend of Beckenbauer.


Countless black vines protruded from Downton's feet and wrapped around him, like a leech, sucking blood like crazy.


The Dragoncracker punched Downton's chest with a punch and forced his heart out.

The battlefield was also beheaded with a knife, which cut Downton's head.


The passengers exclaimed.

"Oh, it's a mirror flower month!"

The blind **** made the reaction fastest, but it was too late. The thought had just hit his mind, and the huge pain had invaded his nerves.

The Dragon Slayer and the battlefield were not pleased, their attacks hit their own bodies. (To be continued.)

PS:    went out today, someone lost his mobile phone on the bus, and then called the police. As a result, no one could go, so he could only wait for the police to come, which delayed a lot of time!

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