Hero’s Creed

Chapter 171: Order Set

The armory is smaller than expected, only two-thirds the size of a basketball court, and the silver boxes on the steel table add up to only two hundred. M

Although the box in front of Jackson is also silver, no matter the pattern or the quality of workmanship, it must be much better, and the armor stored in it will naturally not be an ordinary product.

"Little Princess, you come!" Jackson, as a dogleg, was very competent, bent over, and handed a crowbar respectfully.

"You play me, this is a magic lock." Walnut gave Jackson a white glance, beckoning to the suspended magic book, "Homer, come on, look at you."

Ceres also came around curiously.

After the element arm is unlocked, the lid is lifted up, revealing a set of white light armor. The holy one is like the blessing of the goddess. It emits white fluorescence and looks gorgeous.

A one-handed knight sword is placed on the right side of the armor, and a kite-shaped shield is placed on the front. On top of the shield, there is a pair of white wings decorated like angel wings.

"It's beautiful!" Walnut reached out and touched it, feeling a cold, and then looked at the magic book, "Homer, what is this?"

The eyes of other people have also fallen on the magic book. As the existence of the Encyclopedia of Bibi, everyone has become accustomed to its popular science lectures.

"Order set, the standard equipment of the Holy Knights of the Holy Flame." Homer really lived up to expectations. "Including the long sword and the shield, they all belong to the perfect middle class. The armor is attached with two magic patterns of magic and weight loss. And for any magic, it has a one-fifth synergistic effect."

"Hmm, go on!" The walnut nodded pretendingly.

"The enchantment on the shield is the stone barrier, the attacks below the war level are not broken, and the long sword is the armor-breaking enchantment, especially for the soul shield, which has a sharp breaking effect."

"How much is a set?" Jackson is definitely a fortune fan, and even the little walnut has raised his ears.

"The three-piece set of order is worth at least three million gold coins. But even if you have money, you can't buy it, because only the Templars are eligible to get them. They are a symbol of sacred status."

"Doesn't it mean that Downton can't wear it anymore?" Ceres was disappointed. She felt that Downton put on this white armor, it must look like Prince Charming.

"He was originally a knight. The average person would definitely not question him. Besides, this is the equipment that was 3,000 years ago. The current order set has been updated earlier, and people who can recognize it. It is estimated that they are buried in the grave." Homer gave Downton had a reassuring pill, "Wear it with confidence, if you are not at ease, you scratched the suit or smeared it with some paint to cover it. Guaranteed no problem."

"Never, how ugly is this beautiful armor!" Walnut disagreed.

"No matter what, the problem of the equipment is finally solved." Homer was very satisfied, not waiting for Downton to command, the element arm directly stripped off the 100-man Warrior to reload. Pick up the order suit and armor him.

Downton raised his foot, Homer changed his boots, and he stomped. It feels a little big, but the armor is okay. It is a full set of elf craftsmanship. These conditions have been taken into account when making it. The leather buckle behind the armor can be selected to be elastic.

"Just wear it, wait for Wangdu, let's make a perfect suit!" Homer stepped back. Appreciate Downton. "What do you think?"

"It's cool, it's like a paladin!" Walnut gave a thumbs up.

Downton, who puts on "order", has a sacred atmosphere flowing all over him. He's not bad in appearance, elegant and elegant, coupled with clothing matching and confident smile, completely removed the rural taste of the border town people.

"Is this gloss too bright?" Downton thought he wanted a light bulb and would go out wearing it, and he would definitely be onlookers.

"I think it's good!" Elemental arm holding a shield and a knight sword and handing it to Downton, "Come, hold, and pose a few!"

"Oh, oh, you want to look like a dragon!" Walnut roared, and Celis was looking forward to her face.

"Don't make a fuss" Downton's face couldn't hold anymore.

Jackson started doglegs again, ran to Downton, and lay on the ground, making an embarrassing gesture of dodge and beheading.

"Go!" Downton kicked the demon servant lightly. "Go check the other boxes."

"Observe, master!" Jackson ran back obediently.

Because the weight loss rune array was enchanted, the entire set of armor was very light, and there was no difference between wearing a leather armor. Downton tried the feel of the shield and pulled out the knight sword.

The long blade is smooth and clean, flowing like water and the moon, and Downton's wrist trembles, holding a sword flower, like a rose blooming.

"Speaking of it, the eldest brother is a clergyman. He doesn't actually use the Paladin's martial arts, but what giant martial arts he uses. Although he is a Dragon Slayer, he is too engineered?" Walnut felt that Downton's martial arts were not gorgeous enough. It's like a melee hard work in a team.

"Homer, I also think that the current martial arts routines are lacking, can you teach me a new martial arts?" Downton considered another question. He often used giant martial arts skills. If he was correctly identified, he would be very passive. And, with a single martial art, there are too few changes.

"Relax, I've thought about this for a long time." Homer has been worried about how to inspire Downton's greatest potential. "I was prepared to wait for you to advance to the war rank before teaching you new martial arts, but you want now It’s not impossible to learn.”

"What is it?" Downton was excited.

"Heaven martial art is still a dragon martial art, but it is only for the Paladin. The blow released will bring some purification effect, so for dark, undead, and abyss creatures, the killing effect is better!" Homer introduced, It even projected a paladin to release various martial arts.

"Pretty!" Downton was happy, worthy of the ancient magic book, and he had a lot of stock.

"Homer, I have to learn too!" Walnut watched the magnificent offensive of the Magic Flame Knight, envious, blinked, and looked at the magic book like a poor kitten.

"No problem." Homer also loves walnuts, and Little Loli's power is great, and there is huge potential to dig. If the tune~ is taught, it is definitely an excellent combat power, which can help Downton a lot. busy.

"Great, Homer, you are so good!" Homer leaned over, trying to touch the magic code, and the result was abrupt.

"Be careful!" Jackson pushed away the walnut, blocking her.

Just when the element touches the'Order Set' in the box. It seemed to have life, and suddenly sat up, slashed with a knife, and chopped the walnut in front.

The walnut fell to the ground, but Jackson, who had made a meat shield, fell into bad luck. The perfect order knight sword drew a touch of silver, cut the leather armor of the 100-man warrior on it, and directly cut into the waist, half full.

Jackson, who is already low-level, has evolved his nerves. So it felt a huge pain, but this time it held on, hugged the'Order Set' and fell to the corner together. Keep it as far away as possible from Walnuts and Celesis, while giving Downton reaction time.

"Homer, what's going on?" Downton was startled and rushed over to attack the order suit.

Bang, the order suit waved the shield in his hand. Flying directly to Jackson, he quickly stood up, a charge, and slalomed to Celes.

Giant Charge!

Downton also sprinted. Intercepted in time and collided heavily with the'Order Set'.

Bang, Downton rolls over, the "Order Set" just backed away and stumbled a few steps, then stopped the retreat and continued to attack.

"Sister Celestial is hiding!" Walnut hurried to help. If the monster succeeded in close quarters, the dead Banshee had ten lives that were not enough to die.

boom. Knight sword and torn dragon teeth collide. In the sparkle, "Order Set" is like an experienced warrior, blocking and hacking. Then kicked the walnut.

"Damn, it's a special heterogeneous body. The mysterious master is too sinister. He actually made a perfect body suit and hid it in a box." Homer released the remaining ghouls as quickly as possible.

The demon servants were divided into two parts, half of them besieged the robbery order structure, and half of them swarmed in front of Ceres to protect her as a meat shield.

The mysterious master not only placed abomination and gargoyle outside, but also put the construct in the box, which was simply a serial trap.

For any one person, after killing those monsters, it is easy to come in. After seeing these trophies, I will definitely relax my vigilance happily. Who can think that one of the armor is actually a construct? At this time, it will definitely hit the enemy, which can definitely inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

In fact, if Jackson was not timid by nature, he was very clever in doing anything. When he found improper and reckless rescue in time, Walnut was absolutely dead.

"Ghoul, siege tactics!" Downton felt a lot of pressure, the construct was too powerful, the martial arts were skilled, and the offensive was fast, making him feel that the enemy is an experienced mercenary.

The demon servants can't complete the encirclement at all, and the construct can always take the lead, and fully repel one person and kill the encirclement.

"Damn, the core of the soul is covered with cover magic." Homer is very depressed. This method is to prevent the detection of magic. Besides, it didn't expect such a trap at all, so it was relaxed, but it didn't cause damage, otherwise It will feel guilty.

"This guy's fighting power is so high, probably around the seventh order of the soul!" Walnut saw Downton in a state of being suppressed and hurried up to help.

"It is a metamorphic body made with taboo magic, and its soul core definitely contains the soul wreckage of a magician with outstanding martial arts." Homer reminded, "Don't be careless."

Downton also discovered that the movement of the current construct is not as full of jerky and mechanical sense as those previously encountered. It is more like a person, or a slightly stiff dead body.

"Discover large creatures and expel them!" The construct made an unpleasant noise, and the offensive was even more aggressive.

"Put the loot away, you withdraw first." Downton drew the power of a troll and joined forces with Walnut to temporarily block the construct, "Jackson, can you go?"

"Woo, my body is broken." Looking at the broken waist, the expression of Jackson's face was hard. "My perfect body was destroyed by this guy."

"It's okay without dying." Downton quipped, but that moment just changed his senses about the number one demon servant, "It's a good job."

"That is, we are absolutely reliable!" Jackson became proud again.

Bang, the construct fell, and the scared Jackson hurried away and didn't fight at all, and his fearless character's character remained unchanged.

"Exit and close the door." Downton didn't want to fight this thing, everything in the armory was taken away, and it was simply a waste of effort.

The Grimoire loaded everything and flew into Ceres' arms, urging her to leave quickly.

After being promoted to the adjudication stage, the magicians of the legal system can activate a magic called gaze lock. As long as they are stared at by their gaze, the released magic has its own tracking effect.

In this kind of dogfight, Celesque can't help at all, because the magic she shoots is likely to attack Downton and Walnut.

Downton battled and retreated, the last stepped on the door.

The ghouls on both sides grabbed the door handle and pulled the metal door over.

Downton saw that the time was ripe, first a giant beheading attracted the attention of the construct, followed by a giant iron fist, slamming into its chest.

Bang, the construct was beaten back.

The ghouls took advantage of the machine and closed the door.


There was a loud noise at the gate, and the dust fell, which was obviously the impact of the structure.

"Be careful!" Downton thought that the impact was estimated to last for some time. Unexpectedly, after six hits, he quieted down.

"What's going on?" Walnut guessed. "Is its warning range only an armory?"

Little Lori guessed right.

"Why don't you, as long as we don't chase us down." Jackson almost got slashed, and he didn't want to face the guy again.

"It's a pity three million gold coins." Walnut smacked his mouth. "It's better to let me go in and chop it. Even if it is scrapped, you can sell a few dollars!"

Walnut, who has been living a wandering life, is like a Downton family, and a copper plate can't wait to break into two flowers.

"It's not necessary." Downton vetoed. "It's important to find the abomination workshop first. Since the abomination sutures and the core of the king are available, there may be standby aversion in the war workshop."

The end of the basement is not the same as the structure of the cathedral ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is obviously transformed.

"How to get there?" Walnut stood on tiptoes and looked back and forth toward the left and right corridors, but it was dark and could not see anything. "Would you rather toss a coin?"

"Male left female right!" Downton pointed to the left.

As the head of the group, Downton's words were naturally unopposed.

Although Jackson was injured, it didn't hurt, so he had to continue to be a scout.

"I might as well die." Jackson began to shatter his thoughts again.

Many of the gargoyles killed just now were heard moving from the second floor below, so now they are much safer.

"Great, there is no aversion to patrol." After a long walk, no one was even in danger, and the walnuts began to be proud. "Our good luck is finally here."

"On the contrary, it means that there are more powerful monsters inhabited here, and there is no need for abomination to stay." Downton's voice just fell, and in the darkness, six fist-sized beams of light flashed.

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