Hero’s Creed

Chapter 172: Devil 3 head dog

Celesce raised her hand and released the lighting technique. Three spheres shining with white halo gradually rose, illuminating the dark passage.

A stitched demon three-headed dog appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Judging from the layout of the cathedral, the owner of the hate workshop is definitely a cautious and insidious guy, so Downton did not have any accidents when he encountered such a monster on the second floor of the empty underground.

"What's this?" Walnut carried the battle axe and looked at the dark red monster covered with stitches.

The three-headed dog is majestic, twice as big as an elephant. Except for the head of an abyss dog in the middle, the two left and right are the heads of the heroic World of Warcraft Chimera, with a total of six eyes staring at Downton. One line.

"It is like the spider demon, it should be a monster made by the mysterious master in the laboratory." Homer can see some characteristics of the abyss demon from the three-headed dog. "Be careful, look at the physique, except for the strength. , It is estimated that the magic ability is not bad."

The three-headed dog groaned in its throat, and saliva dripped from its wide open mouth. They landed on the floor, popping green smoke, which obviously had a strong corrosive effect.

It did not attack forward because the channel was too narrow and would restrict its movement.

"There is no information at all, how to fight this?" Downton was depressed. This rare monster is the most annoying, because there is no way to judge the way they attack through the existing species.

"Cut directly!" Little Walnut was eager to try. When he met the enemy, he would fight and talk before he would think too much.

"What kind of creatures did this guy use to sew them out?" Downton felt that since it was a sewed Warcraft, it should have the magic in front of him.

"Your idea is correct, but the owner who made them is not stupid. The ones you see, even the heart and brain inside, are probably not abyssal dogs and Chimera, so new ones may also be born. Magic." Homer taught, "This is a good opportunity to exercise your on-the-spot energy, fight hard!"

"You're waiting here. I'm going to pretend!" Downton, dressed in an order suit, took the shield in one hand and the knight's sword in the other, and slowly walked towards the three magic dogs.

Downton has already seen that at the end of this corridor, where the Devil Dogs are stationed, is a hexagonal colosseum with a lot of bones stacked in it, and there are even more than a dozen wreckages of hatred.

Throughout the corridor, only Dunton's footsteps and the dog's heavy breathing sound remained. Instead, there is a kind of repression.


After Downton approached thirty meters, Chimera's head on the left side of the magic dog suddenly opened his mouth, and a blue lightning flashed out of thin air and shot out.

"Be careful!" Ceres shouted anxiously.


Lightning struck the Order Shield and burst into a fine blue arc, but it could not hurt Downton.

Worthy of being a perfect shield, the added magic can even defend against lightning without worrying about conduction.

Downton praised secretly in his heart. Continue to move forward steadily.

Zila! Zila!

A series of lightning bolts shot from the mouth of the magic dog and bombard Downton. The entire Yongdao Road shone in the blue.

"It's a monotonous attack, is it too stupid? It's impossible to kill big brother by this! It's impossible!" Hu Tao hummed a few times, and put out a small adult's appearance comment, but the voice fell, magic The mouth in the middle of the dog's head suddenly opened.

call out. Hey, hey!

Coconut-sized fireballs burst into flames, and shells were generally shot at Downton.

Downton retreated, and even the soul shield was opened.

The next moment, the fireball hit the shield one after another.

In a huge roar. Downton's body was shocked, and he kept going backwards.

For a time, the exploding fireball made it seem like a rain of fire was falling in the Yongdao, colorful and colorful!

"Stupid, right? People just used tactics all the time to paralyze the enemies with lightning, and then suddenly changed the magic. If Downton was cautious enough and did not underestimate the enemy, he would have to suffer a big loss!" Homer was very satisfied with the performance.

"Why don't you avoid it?" Ceres watched Downton resist magic, worried about his miss.

"He is evaluating the power of magic, let's say we are behind, and he also means to protect us." Homer did not let everyone leave and watch the battle at close range, in addition to being able to see more clearly, increasing guts and insight, he can also be at any time. Support Downton.

"Has wisdom and can shoot eight flames together?" Downton waited a little while after the magic attack stopped before moving on.

This time Downton moved closer, until the fifteen-meter range was reached, the three magic dogs released the attack, and the lightning and the fire bomb shot together.

Downton flew back immediately, like an agile spirit cat, flashing to avoid the flames.

Zila, a flash of lightning struck Downton's left shoulder, rubbing against the soul shield, and then it was easily exploded.

The ghouls acted as meat shields in front of the team, and even if they were struck by lightning, they would not feel paralyzed.

"You hid behind me!" Walnut lifted the tower shield as far as possible, covering Celese.

The Death Banshee released a large shield that covered the team.

"Some troubles." Seeing the three magic dogs not foolishly releasing magic bombardments, they knew to change tactics the second time. Downton had a big head, but he was more curious about what the monster guarded?

After this wave of magic attacks fell, Downton immediately began to charge, creating a momentum to attack. He even inserted the knight's sword into the sheath hanging around his waist and pulled out the wings of the black dragon.

Wield the sword, instill magic power, and launch the Black Dragon bombardment special effect.

After two unsuccessful attacks, the three magic dogs are a little irritable, preparing to retain the magic energy, let the enemy get close, and then kill him, but the other party's aggressive killing comes over, but it makes its barren brain not understand the situation, and the other party calms down Zuo Ruo's expression made him aware of the danger. In addition, the Black Dragon Bomb was fired, and the three-headed magic dogs fired a flame again without hesitation, intercepting the other party's magic.

Boom, the magic energy can explode, and the scorching shock wave rolls around, swaying the dust on the ground.

"Huh, isn't it a feint?" In the vague vision, Walnut found that Downton was really close to the three-headed magic dog. "Why not consume its magic energy?"

"It's still a feint, but it's just to test the monster's physical attack power, and at the same time give the other party the illusion that I'm going to fight hard." Although the contact time is not long, Homer has figured out Downton's character and habits.

Giant flail!

Huh, the magic chain was connected to the saber and shot out with the sound of breaking wind.

The three-headed magic dog has no body shield and can only intercept with spit fire.

"Huh? Isn't that agility?" Downton rushed to the end of the tunnel with a shield, and was a giant seal toward the three-headed dog.

Sure enough, the magic dog moved slightly slower, and the saber rubbed its body and cut off a piece of flesh.

Roar, the Devil Dog roared, bumped forward, and slapped his paw towards Downton.

Downton immediately backed away, waiting for the Demon Dog to pursue, but unexpectedly it backed away, still a jet lightning attack.

"Don't it want to enter the Yongdao?" Downton blocked the attack and looked at the Yongdao. Indeed, according to the size of the Devil Dog, he could enter the Yongdao, but the exposed lateral gap was less than half a meter. impossible.

"Try again!" Downton was another giant seal, chopped on the dog.

This cargo has a high defensive power, enough to slash the ghoul's attack and only scratch its skin.

The dog was angry, exerting force on its four feet, and suddenly rushed forward, its huge forepaw slapping towards Downton.

In order to paralyze the enemy, Downton did not increase the speed to the limit, and he also deliberately resisted with a shield.


As if the front paw like a stone pier hit the shield, Downton rolled directly out, waiting to get up, and lightning and flames fired again.


"Big brother!"

When Celes and Walnut were in a hurry, they ran over to help. Homer quickly reached out the elemental arms and stopped them, "Don't mess up!"

"Don't be nervous, the master plays the stupid dog!" Jackson leisurely complacent, "I haven't seen the guy who can make the owner lose money!"

Hearing this, the two girls, one big and one small, looked closely again and found that Downton looked embarrassed, but there was no danger, his defense was not chaotic, the soul shield and the order shield protected the body strictly, he It's totally a precarious look, tempting the dog to attack.

After some indiscriminate bombing, the Devil Dog found that the enemy was still alive and snarling, and he roared angrily, trying to rush into the channel several times, but he could not hold back.

"It really won't come in." Downton took out the magic stone and added magic energy. "I have deliberately revealed a defeat. Why does the right side of the head still not release magic? Is it? Or is it reserved for the card?"

Unable to guess the answer, Downton can only come again. Because he is wearing a helmet and can't clearly see his facial expressions, facial expression acting is useless. He only needs to make an embarrassed gesture.

The Devil Dog was really fooled, but the big mouth on the right still didn't let go of any magic.

A lot of magic energy was consumed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Still did not kill the prey, making the dog more and more irritable, roaring and salivating, but its offensive stopped.

"There are only so many magical energy reserves?" Downton has estimated that the attack and defense of the magic dog are in the war rank. He wants to kill this guy alone. It is very difficult. "Still have to team up!"

"Brother, are you okay?" Walnut waited anxiously. "Let's be so powerful, let's just kill it together, don't be so careful!"

"Team advancement, fifty yards, Celes, rapid-fire magic attack, walnuts, Jackson, protect her." Downton felt that the time was almost up, and he wouldn't get valuable data when he tried.

The ghouls immediately moved forward, and Celesce also floated over. After arriving at the place designated by Downton, he immediately chanted the magic and released the phosphorus rocket that he took most.

The green arrows resembled a steam crossbow car, shot at the three-headed magic dog standing at the end of the Yongdao.

The three-headed magic dog was supposed to dodge, and as a result, he saw that the human rushed over, hesitating suddenly, wondering if the magic was against the object, kill him first and then hide. (To be continued...)

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