Hero’s Creed

Chapter 193: Soul level 6 reached

The full name of the Sherman War Bear is called the Sherman Steel Armor War Bear. Its armor is forged with rare metals, and it has been blessed by the **** of the troll tribe in the ancestral altar. It not only has excellent defense, but also has more attack power. Is fierce. m

The armor is studded with thick millennium animal bones made of secret medicine, making the bear look like a hedgehog covered with sharp spikes.

In particular, the two long ivory-like animal bone dragon guns on the left and right shoulders are not only curved like a new moon, full of beauty, but also tough enough to penetrate all the barriers in front of them.

"It's so beautiful!" Looking at the tribal totem depicted in blood on War Bear's body, Walnut praised it and couldn't wait to jump into the saddle on the back of War Bear and took up the reins.

"Press here, you can put down the insurance to ensure that the mount will not fall during the high-speed charge." The element arm snapped on the lower part of the saddle, and a concave metal shield rebounded behind the saddle, which happened to fit the rider. His chest not only plays a fixed role, but also has a defensive effect.

"It's too big!" The walnut twisted and dissatisfied.

Zhan Xiong's saddle is basically designed for adults, so Little Loli sits up, the gap is very large, making her very uncomfortable.

"It's okay, have you seen those screw buttons? The saddle size can be adjusted." Homer asked Downton's opinion, "Is it for her?"

Walnut immediately blinked his eyes and looked at Downton expectantly.

"Well, it's rare to have something Walnut likes!" The unicorn is for riding, and it can't be used for combat. Although Downton wants to fight the bear, he still won't **** the loot with a little Lolita. Powerful, qualified to share.

"Woo. Big brother, you are so good." Walnut was moved by a mess.

The element arm adjusts the screw button, and the saddle is visually reduced until it conforms to the walnut's body shape.

"Great!" Walnut was very happy, communicating with the bear with his soul, and then shaking the reins and letting it act.

The bear's physique is too burly. And Walnut wasn’t familiar yet, so the bookshelf and desk were smashed and the wall was touched, and a crack immediately appeared.

Downton quickly pulled Celesce back, "Don't you say it's Super Warcraft? How much combat power is left?"

"No matter what super-level Warcraft, as long as it is made into a soul mount, its strength must be greatly reduced. It is good to retain the information of the body characteristics in front of it. The talent and the magic in front of it can not be saved."

"This way?" Downton was slightly disappointed. He thought that he could have a Super Warcraft mount, and War Bear's eyes were brutal and bloodthirsty, but that was out of instinct, but in fact there was no danger at all, because it had become a soul mount, a magician who instilled magic energy on the badge , Is its owner.

"To be content, the trolls chose Sherman to fight the bears as mounts because of their strong physique and fierce physical ability. The magic fell second." Homer Kopp, "The fighting style of troll heavy riding is generally the same It was 500 meters away from the enemy. They started to trot to accelerate, then charged, and at the moment of contact, they would stab a seven-meter-long dragon gun, and the war bear would also shoot the enemy's mount, and then crushed it all the way. Flatten each other."

As long as the magic stone is enough, the War Bear's soul mount can run forever, but it also has a disadvantage. Whether it is in front of or after becoming a soul mount, it is a short-distance sprint of no more than 500 meters. Then the speed will slow down.

"What about this?" Downton carried the silver chain and shook his pocket watch.

"A perfect magical level of magic equipment, no matter what plane you enter, it can automatically adjust to coincide with local time, but the biggest effect is still attached to a magic shield of the Dragon Slayer, as long as you instill magic power, you can Always exist."

"How much is it?" Walnut saw gold pockets inlaid around the pocket watch, which is not gold, but also more expensive star gold. As for the watch cover, there are various patterns of gems on the cover, which are simply gorgeous.

"More than ten million, this magic pocket watch is used to show status and wealth. The pursuit of luxury is actually not valuable!"

For the magician under the Dragon Slayer, he always said that the shield is a life saver, but Homer obviously doesn't see it this way, and there are not many things that excite it.

"Walnut, I gave this to Celes. She is a magician and has poor defense." Although Downton is the regiment leader and has the right to distribute loot, he still tries to get the opinions of others.

"Well!" Walnut didn't care about this. She was riding the War Bear and had fun. She wanted to enter the hallway, and the War Bear rammed out.

"Hold!" Downton threw the pocket watch to Celes.

"Give it to the walnuts, or you can use it." Celesce caught her hand in a hurry and was nervous. She felt that she didn't help much, she shouldn't take things, and Downton was always at the forefront and the most dangerous situation. The defense should be strengthened.

"Don't quit." Downton actually thought about giving the pocket watch to Yilian, but gave up, which would make the death banshee sad.

"It's just a perfect piece of equipment. What do you say goodbye? When you find the treasure house of the Duke's Mansion, it is estimated that there is a better magic costume." Homer urged everyone to continue.

"It's already a bumper harvest." After finding the vault, the study had no extra squeezing value, but Downton, in a cautious attitude, still thoroughly inspected it twice and started moving towards the third floor.

In order to save time, the rich team of the people gave up even the meditation accumulation of magic energy, and directly used the magic stone.

"I still use magic diamonds in the future. Frequent use of magic stones in a short period of time will cause damage to the body, but advanced magic diamonds do not have this limitation." Homer reminded that it did not want Downton to spoil the body.

"Will it be too extravagant?" Downey didn't mind it for Celes, but he felt distressed when it was his turn. This thing is a hard currency circulating in all planes, which is expensive.

"Can you take away Xiaojiazi's anger?" Homer really wanted to roll his eyes. "Remember, to cultivate temperament, otherwise you will become a noble, and you will be fooled."

On the third floor, as expected, Downton saw more than thirty armored knights, just preparing to let the hatred line up charge, Walnut had already rushed out riding Sherman and bear impatiently.

"Chong! Chong! Chong! Crush them!"

In Walnut's shouts, the bear went straight forward. The bulldozer ran through the whole corridor, weighing up to five tons and stepping on the floor, and the whole castle shaking shivered.

The knight and the bear were in contact. The three-meter-long spear and the walnut were out of reach. They could only poke the bear, but the armor was too thick. The tip of the spear slipped over, and in the burst of Mars, they had not been able to stab a second blow before they were hit by the war bear and trampled on their feet with their big feet.

Crunch! Crunch!

The construction knight was squashed directly, and the combat effectiveness was greatly damaged.

Walnut killed the enemy line, pulled the reins, and prepared to turn around again, but the floor couldn't bear the weight of the bear. With a bang, it shattered.

Walnut groaned and fell off.

The abomination warriors swarmed up and shredded the construction knight.

"Are you all right?" Downton didn't shoot at all, and Xianting strode to the first room and started searching.

Hate is worthy of being one of the strongest heavy infantry in the Western Continent. If it is replaced with a ghoul, even if the number is large. It is absolutely impossible to advance so fast.

Although in the corridors and some rooms, famous paintings hang. Antique vases are placed, but Downton is no longer interested in these purely selling items.

Throughout the day, the team cleaned the guards arranged by the mysterious master and searched the room, but there were not many valuable discoveries.

Downton found an oversized bedroom, presumably belonging to the Duke and his wife. He spent the most time in it, but he couldn't find a secret room.

"First rest!"

After a simple dinner, Downton took the people into the laboratory, let Celes and Walnut follow the magic book to learn, he began to deal with the materials of the powerful potions. After that, I will focus on the recipe and demonstrate the configuration process in my mind to ensure that I am familiar with each process and precautions.

During Western Continental Time, Downton led his team back to the underground city.

Walnut is wearing two dark circles, listless, and Celesis is in good condition.

The Duke’s Palace was large, but it was enough time to go again and again. Under the rolling propulsion of the abomination of the warriors, Downton was frightened, wiped out all the monsters he encountered, and completely recovered the mansion.

The vault has not been found, but found the cellar.

"It's so big? How many barrels of wine have to be stored to fill it?" Looking down at the extremely wide wine cellar, Downton calculated that it was more than ten times larger than the house he lived in.

"It's worthy of the Grand Duke's private collection, which is too rich." The wine cellar was full of dangling, Homer scanned the label and found many rare wines.

"It's sweet!" Walnut secretly unscrewed the tap of a wine barrel while Downton was not paying attention, tasted it, and felt very sweet, and immediately took out an empty rock beer can and poured it into it.

"Leave her alone. It's just fruit wine. It doesn't damage your body. It also has the effect of eliminating fatigue." Homer stopped Downton, who wanted to scold the walnuts.

"Forget it, teach the children you come, I really wouldn't." Downton squeezed his brows, with a helpless look on his face. He is a strict self-discipline, even if he has money now, he has never been drunk, lying Victory wine in the war space, except for the occasional treatment of the body, he would not drink at all.

One did not pay attention, the walnuts had drunk a lot, and there was a flush on his face, and some were dizzy.

"The Thunder dwarf's five series of Thunder beer, there are actually all here, and the Crown's gold mead series, walnuts, you should drink these, but every gram is more expensive than gold, and has a magical physique. Enhance efficacy."

"Really?" Walnut licked his lips and ran towards the wine barrel pointed by the element's arm, unscrewed the hose, and poured it into his mouth.

Poof, little loli fell to the ground, drunk completely, the saliva mixed with wine, wet the armor on the chest.

Ceres drifted past quickly.

"Stop work today and continue to explore tomorrow." Homer is unremarkable, the war space is opened, and the wine in the wine cellar is finished. "You have to drink a glass of golden crown coconut fruit wine for three meals a day."

"Why?" Downton frowned.

"After drinking this bucket, your physique will be doubled. Of course, the biggest benefit will be clearer to your wife in the future."

"What do you mean?" Downton was unclear.

Homer no longer answers.

"How many gold coins are these wines worth?" Downton locked the door of the cellar and asked casually.

"There is no way to calculate it, because you can't buy it if you have money. Any bucket stored here will be sold at the auction and will be sold at a high price."

"I won't sell it."

"It's true that I won't sell it if I change it. This is a symbol of heritage and wealth. When you become a noble in the future, you will hold high-end banquets and serve these wines, which will definitely scare those guests." Homer wondered whether it was Downton. Arrange some etiquette courses.

"Let's talk about it later. I'm not sleepy now. I'm ready to advance." Downton feels that he is in a good state. He has to rush to the stage and succeed. The power of giants and martial arts in heaven will increase.

"Just here?" Homer stunned.

"Yes, there is a labyrinth magic array outside the Duke's Mansion, don't worry about someone seeing the rule and rushing in to kill me. Besides, the monsters that can be seen in the mansion are all killed. If there is a new one, just track them."

Homer understood what Downton meant. There must be a guardianship in such an important place as the vault. Once there is a new monster, it must come from there, and then you can follow it.

The space in the front yard hall was large enough, Tang Zheng rushed over, and then changed to a new set of order armor, placed the shield on the ground, and sat down cross-legged.

After drinking a magic potion to squeeze the potion, Downton began to meditate on the statue of Holy Angel. At the same time, Homer took out a magic stone from a container and placed it next to it.

With enough magic power, coupled with the effect of the potion, Downton's body quickly became saturated.

Surrounded by soul angels, more and more magical light spots gathered in the front hall, because the concentration was too large, they all flickered like stars.

The sweat soaked Downton's clothes, and the huge pain almost bursting like iron tongs, constantly tearing his nerves, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably.

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"If you want to become a strong man, you have to pay continuously." Homer understands that Downton has more difficulties and pains in rushing because of the stronger soul seed, but it has no sympathy for Tang. Dayton, if he fails, it will abandon him without hesitation.

Downton bit his lip, and blood ran down the corner of his mouth. When he felt the nerve about to break, he ran his soul seeds, squeezed soul power, and used them to pull the magic energy in the body, like a wild Like a tsunami, it rushed to the soul seed in his head.

boom! boom! boom!

Continuous and uninterrupted impact, washing the seeds, this situation is like Downton's fighting style, fast and fierce, without giving the enemy any breathing time.

Wave after wave, the magical energy poured over the body and poured into the brain.

Downton felt that his head was about to explode and his consciousness was blurred, but he rejected all emotions, leaving only one thought, that is attack! (To be continued...) RT


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