Hero’s Creed

Chapter 194: Unexpected enemy


Soul Seed finally could not withstand this tsunami-style offensive. Under a wave of magical energy, the shell shattered directly, leaving only the most essential essence. m

Downton's body was shocked, and then he breathed out for a long time. It was half a meter long. The magic spot was mixed in it, and the starlight flickered, like the dragon's breath.

The soul angel disintegrates, returns to magical energy, and overflows in the antechamber.

Not waiting for Homer to remind that Downton had picked up the order shield and flicked the ground with his right hand.

The light element tornado formed a 100-meter-high sky, and the first attack was launched, just like the light of the dragon gun.

"No? The attack has become stronger again?"

Downton dodged, and the arrow hit the ground beside him, exploding a large pit that was half a meter deep, the gravel splashed, hit the shield, and made a dense noise.

In the antechamber, a light blue airflow merged turbulently, and a tornado-like cloud formed in a blink of an eye, releasing lightning towards Downton.

Six soul shields flicked out and revolved around Downton, stopping a favorable arc.

"Be careful, the tornadoes are out!" Homer stayed in Celes' arms, hiding in the distance, reminding him.

"I have seen it!"

While Downton answered, a coconut-sized fireball shot and he waved his shield.


The fireball exploded and Downton took two steps back with shock.

"Haha, easy!" Downton ran on a fast broken line, dodge the elemental blow, his right arm raised, and he quickly blessed the three-handed magic.

The golden light spread from the top of the head, and after taking effect, it made his movements faster.

"Don't care!" Homer understands that because of the order suit, Downton's defense is greatly improved, dealing with the elemental tornado in front of him. Has eased.

"What would happen if these tornadoes were exploded?" Downton flickered and the shield was shot from time to time. Block the elemental blow.

Downton has risen to the sixth order and is already very familiar with such elemental strikes. So he is not satisfied with dodge, he wants to avenge, but he has not forgotten that he was mistreated by these "guys" before.

"In addition to ending the rule exclusion in advance, you can also harvest the core of elements. After eating, you can nourish the soul seeds, enhance the fusion of magic power and improve the reserve!"

"So many benefits? Why didn't you say that before?" Downton stunned. Unexpectedly, these tornadoes are still good things.

"Even if I say it, can you beat them?" Homer despised, "Don't try to be brave, just pass by safely. Don't be greedy."

"Try it!" Downton's words just fell, and a golden dragon gun suddenly appeared in the sky, followed by a burst of fire, slamming into the flame element tornado.

Bang, there was an explosion in the tornado. The scale has shrunk somewhat.

Although its offensive is not reduced, the flames bombard Downton like an RPG rocket bomb, but the flames are smaller.

"It can be done!" Downton rushed towards the flame tornado, constantly changing direction. If you can't hide it, use a shield and a shield to hard connect.


Downton pulled out the wings of the black dragon, waved with one hand, the dragon bomb was shot and hit the tornado.

The strong elemental meteoric explosion caused unstable changes in the internal structure of the tornado, and the offensive weakened. Downton continued to work hard and was another sacred revenge.


The tornado was almost dumb this time, and the shot was much smaller.

Heaven shines!

Downton's acceleration charge not only avoided the impending attack, but also approached the flame tornado, followed by a giant windmill!

Rotating like a sword, Downton clenched the wings of the black dragon, twelve consecutive knives, and slashed firmly on the body of the tornado.

call out!

Flame bomb.

Downton slammed the homeopathic shield, exploded it, and then continued to attack.

Soul shields lingered around, blocking the impact of the elements shot around, and shattered three in a shaky way.

"Downton, you can do it!" Downton yelled out, his wrists flickered, the three stars of heaven stormed, and then he took another shot of heaven.


The flame tornado finally couldn't bear this kind of blow. A large number of fire elements overflowed and fluttered, and the whole body was deformed.

"Come back, it's about to explode." Celice yelled out at Homer's instructions.

Downton couldn't stand it anymore. Elemental attacks were too intensive. If it wasn't for the defense power of the order suit, he had already won the prize. So he opened the holy armor immediately after hearing the words and quickly retreated.


The flame tornado exploded, and countless Martian splashes were as splendid as fireworks in the dim dungeon.

The soul shield disappeared, the sacred armor blocked the rest of the attack, Downton poured a potion of potent magic energy, and then opened the soul shield.

This time he dared not resist, and shrunk his shoulders, hiding behind the shield, and fled in embarrassment.

Dingdong, a fist-sized red stone fell on the floor, flashing brightly and suddenly.

"No, did he really do it?" Homer marveled. He didn't expect Downton to be so bold that if he made a mistake, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

"The best equipment is good!" Downton lamented that if it weren't for the wings of the black dragon, he wouldn't be able to cause damage to the tornado. In a sense, they actually have low intelligence and belong to a high concentration of elements. , Formed a living body.

Downton didn't dare to be arrogant, and used sly tactics to flee non-stop. He thought it would be safe to the end, but he didn't expect an unexpected burst.

A demon covered with pustules flapped its wings and flew out of the castle, flying at low altitude, and killed Celes.

"Open shield!" Homer discovered the enemy for the first time, and the magic flame flashed.

Seeing the demon's hideous face magnify in the field of vision, Ceres was almost scared and stupid, not paying attention to Homer's prompt.

The little walnut was held by Kasimodo, and the sleep was sweet, which also delayed the rescue of the devil.

"Damn it!" Homer cursed, not paying attention to saving, and shot out of Celestial's arms, consuming the source of life, and exploded a flame.

The demon fluttered its wings, changed its direction, and turned an arc to avoid the fire bomb. It was in front of Celesce, but the claws had just been swung out, and the flame bomb also traversed the same path. Caught up.


The demon rolled over with the impact of the explosion and hit the floor with one end. The burning flame engulfed it even more.

"What a fool, shield, counterattack!" Homer flew, hitting Selice's head fiercely, but it was an ancient magic book, and the magic cast had a locking effect, except for hard resistance. Can hardly escape.

"Oh, oh!" Celesce responded instinctively, finally waking up, and the magic energy instilled in her pocket watch. Turn on the shield.

"Hug her!" Casimodo threw the walnuts to Celes, and rushed to the demon.

The space for war also opened up, and only one abomination soldier walked out and surrounded Celes as a meat shield.

Seeing the demon pounce on Celes, Downton was almost scared to death. Fortunately, Homer's response was quick enough to force him, or he must be guilty to die.

"Casimo, go back!" Downton rushed to the demon, shining two heavens in a row, over thirty yards. Appeared next to it, followed by a roar.

The horn of heaven was launched, and the white halo ripples burst out of Downton's mouth, instantly covering the devil.

The demon's body was shocked, and there was a short stiffness. The next second, the remaining elemental tornado suddenly expanded and exploded.

Elemental Strike reached the maximum attack level. The demon was unable to dodge due to his sluggish body and was affected by the Elemental Strike.

Water blades, lightning, arrows of holy light, and ice guns sturdily blasted on the demon's body, cracking the flesh it beat.

The devil screamed and fell over, spilling blood all the way.

"It's not dead?" Downton gasped breathlessly, rushing to the demon, continuously casting the heavenly blaze, which put a heavy burden on the muscles of the legs and a slight tear.

This ultra-high explosive skill cannot be used too often, otherwise it will cause damage to the body.

"It's a war rank, how can it be so easy to die?" Despite the poor language, Homer's dissatisfaction was mostly directed at Ceres. The death banshee's qualifications are good and the cultivation is fast, but the fighting consciousness is too bad. If the actual combat, come to five, are not Downton's opponent.

On the other hand, Downton is simply a fighting genius. The first time he thought of using elemental tornadoes, he also successfully caused devastation.

The demons are fierce by nature and happy to kill, but it does not mean that they are fools. They were originally prepared to kill these people with injuries, but the sudden appearance of the abhorred warrior put away its last trace of confidence.

The title of hating the war machine was once spread to the abyss plane.

The demon did not dare to fight, suddenly fled into the castle with his wings.

"Chasing!" The demon's move was actually just as Downton wished, but he still had some doubts, "The monster guarding the vault should be an undead or a construct?"

"Don't care so much, let's see where these guys come from first?" Homer was dying righteously. The outbreak just now wasted a lot of soul origin, and it was hard to let out the hatred without killing the demon.

Although the devil has wings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but was seriously injured, he didn't escape quickly, and there was blood spilled on the ground.

Downton took the lead and chased him out, but he was not dauntless, but because Casimodo could not keep up. At this time, he missed Jackson's quick aura, but unfortunately it was recovering from the base.

The devil was circling around and rushed into the back garden, then plunged into the small lake.

Downton jumped in without any hesitation, and then saw a dim magic array at the bottom of the lake more than 20 meters deep.

The demon rushed into the magic circle and disappeared.

"Follow up!" Homer also came in. A transparent shield was wrapped around its body to separate the lake from water, ensuring that it would not get wet.

"Will there be a group of demons waiting for us?" Ceres, who wanted to speak, ended up taking a sip of water.

The Banshee of Death actually didn't like water, but worried about the comfort of Downton's people, she dared to follow her.

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