Hero’s Creed

Chapter 195: Mengnengjing (Happy New Year!)

"I'm advanced!" Since there was no time to wait for Casimo, Downton opened the soul shield, holding the shield and plunging into the magic circle. m

Celice, who couldn't swim at all, drowned, fluttered wildly, and spit out a string of bubbles.

Casimodo weighed excessively and fell directly to the bottom of the lake, then ran towards the magic circle.

Homer didn't dare to let Celes stay alone in the Duke's Palace, so the elemental arm grabbed her and dragged her towards the magic circle.

Passing through the magic circle feels like breaking a layer of spider web, Downton rushed forward a few steps and found himself in a dark corridor.

Downton took a defensive posture and took out a night pearl from the tactical bag with the fastest speed. The soft light like moonlight overflowed, illuminating the radius of ten meters.

This pearl of night was found in the dressing table in the duke's bedroom. It should be the ornament of the duchess. Downton took it, naturally for lighting.

For example, in this situation, let alone the oil lamp can't be carried, the ignited kung fu alone is enough for the enemy to kill him several times.

There were no shelters around, and there was a faint sound deep in the corridor.

"Damn!" Downton looked for blood stains on the ground, and the demon could fly, so he couldn't judge the distance by footsteps.

"Secret way?" Homer entered, elemental arms quickly flattened the lace, pressed her abdomen, and drained the swallowed lake water.

"Is she okay?" Downton asked, chasing out.

"It's okay." Like Walnut, Homer simply put Celese into the war space.

"Where do you think this leads to?" Downton felt that he must be mad, and he was a soul order. He dared to break into this place, but the burning blood and the rushing heart in his body made him not want to. Can't stop.

In his heart, Downton is also a man who likes to take risks!

"Just follow it." Homer was not sure, generally. The noble mansion must have a secret passage for escape, but this one is different because it feels that the magic energy concentration is higher than outside!

Inside the channel. With a strong breath, step on a foot casually. The dust will swell, making the chest uncomfortable.

Downton wore a heavy order suit, which affected the speed a little, so the elemental arm stretched out and stripped him off.

About ten minutes later, Homer shouted to stop Downton, "Stop, stop. Lean against the wall."

"What's wrong?" Downton puzzled.

"It's a small crack in the plane." Homer released a lighting ball, and the light of the fifty yards was illuminated.

Downton saw a crack in the wall, but a closer look revealed that the crack was just next to the wall. It wasn't on it, and the air around the crack was fizzing and twisting.

"Understood, those demons appeared in the dungeon through this rift." Homer rejoiced, "Fortunately. This gap is narrow, and only some low-level demons can pass through, otherwise it will be troublesome."

"Why didn't the demon escape from here?" Downton pointed to the blood stains on the ground, it plopped and continued to extend along the secret road.

"Do you think the taste of passing through the plane crack is very good? Tell you. It's just like a car crack, no, it should be like putting it in a meat grinder. The average person definitely doesn't want to experience it a second time."

Homer's guess is correct, all the demons who came to the dungeon were inadvertently stepped into the plane crack and transmitted.

The other side of the secret road is the area of ​​magical energy wells. The concentration of magical energy is very high. If it is not Downton's promotion, a large amount of magical energy will condense in the front hall and attract the demon who has just passed through the crack. It will definitely go to the magical demon. Noi.

"According to the concentration of magic energy, the other end should be a magic energy well." Homer's reasoning ability is very strong, guessing the answer.

"That must be followed." Downton understood Homer's subtext, and there must be higher undead creatures across from him.

Homer is silent. It respects his choice. How can he grow without experiencing a crisis?

Downton asked Homer to take out some cloths and wrap them around military boots to minimize the sound of footsteps. Casimodo was temporarily put into the war space.

One person, one book, steadily moving forward without hesitation.

Downton didn't waste time, blessing himself with the wind of the gods, healing the wounds, while absorbing magic energy from the magic drill, adjusting breathing, and trying to keep it in the best fighting state.

"Use this, resonate with soul power, and extract elemental energy." The element's arm hands the core of the element that fell after exploding the flame tornado.

As he drew energy, Downton felt hot in his body, as if soaking in a hot spring. Not only did he sweat like pulp, but even the exhaled gas became steam, but the body did not have any damage, but felt energy. Abundant, with endless power.

"Good stuff!" Downton felt a flame of heat in the soul seed, and couldn't help admiring, "I'll fight more tornadoes in the future."

"Stop playing," Homer warned.

Although he still can't see the end of the secret road, Tang Zheng knows that it's coming, because the concentration of magic energy is very high, and there are some light spots, which are scattered like fireflies.


The scream of the devil's heart-breaking heart suddenly came to surprise Downton, but he accelerated his pace.

"You're so bold." Homer quipped, reminding, "Fold away the night pearl!"

In fact, it is no longer needed. At the end of the secret passage, it is an empty room, because the magic is rich and shining green.

A mid-level ghoul ripped off the demon's arm and was chewing on his mouth. It glanced at the secret road and apparently found Downton.

Except for smoothing the walls, there was no covering in the secret passage, so Downton walked out.

"It's a good choice." Homer Anzan, Downton is too weak. In the eyes of the ghoul, even the seriously wounded demon is the number one enemy.

If Downton does not go out, he may be attacked first.

The ghoul was stunned for a while, and he laughed out loud, "Jin Jie, is it actually a human? One hundred years, or two hundred years. Since I used it for memory, this seems to be the second time I saw a human?"

"Where is this place?" Downton pretended to be afraid.

"Damn human!" The devil grunted a lot of curses. This guy had a tough face just now, and he even dared to cut himself. It doesn't look like a coward at all. Then it must be acting.

The devil guessed Downton's plan, but it was a pity that the language was not available, and he could not communicate with the ghoul.

"The devil is indeed the most evil existence, all injured, and still so cruel." Downton took a few steps back, kept aiming at the secret channel, and made a gesture of escape.

He speaks Jutland, and the ghoul should be Jutland, so he can definitely understand it.

"Ji Jie, is actually a fellow countryman. You must not run away, otherwise I will kill you first." The ghoul warned, and then looked at the demon. This level of monsters is the best for it. You can't give up anyway.

The demon looked at the only door in the room and was locked. Then he looked at the secret road again. After thinking about it, he decided to escape from the secret road to the abyss. Instead, he flew a few meters and saw the human eye. Squinting, clenched the saber.

The pain from the wound immediately reminded the demon of the misery he had just engaged in with the human being, almost subconsciously deflecting his direction and rushing towards the door.

"I'm actually scared?" The demon froze for a moment, and then there was a thick humiliation in his heart, but it was too late to regret it, because the ghoul killed it.

Stepping on the aura of swiftness under his feet, the ghoul appeared under the demon at almost the same speed as a hurricane, approaching with a longitudinal jump and waving his arms.

The sound of the wind breaking, the sharp claws burst six dazzling cuts in the air.

Um, the demon covered with blood, lost his balance, fell on the floor, didn't wait to get up, the ghoul fell on it, and grabbed it toward his head.

Click, the skull was torn, and the ghoul dug out its brain.

"This doesn't seem to win!" Downton wanted to leave, but didn't want to give up the devil's heart and soul wreckage.

"It's hard to do, you have a choice!" Homer felt that Downton's character would definitely choose to fight. As expected, he pulled out the sword of order in his waist with his left hand.

"Give me armor and release the abomination warrior!" In the face of such a strong enemy, there is no need to show weakness, there are only two words, that is the attack!

"Human, how did you come in?" The ghoul wanted to leave this dark underground city, so he temporarily left Downton, but the other party's move made it stunned, and then laughed out loud, "Haha, you Fight me?"

"Can't it?" Downton said flatly. "Sirace doesn't need it anymore. This monster is too fast and the aversion may not be able to stop it."

"Of course not, you are too weak." The ghoul could feel the strength of Downton's soul seed, and wanted to sneer a few words, but watched the abhorrence of walking out of thin air, standing neatly behind him, it stuttered, "You...where did you get so much hate?"

"It has been killed by me, and I am now the owner of this dungeon." Downton said,

"Impossible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How could you kill the Duke's son, it came back last time, or one hundred years ago, it's not right, if you killed it, how could you come to the dungeon?" Ghoul? She screamed, but she quickly denied herself, and after a while, her brain became a mess.

"Leave?" Downton's mouth overflowed with a smile. The mysterious master was like a mountain, which had been pressed against his heart, and now he knows where it is going, much easier.

"What are you going to do to let me go?" Downton kept peeking at the secret channel, with a sullen expression.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you for a while, tell me about the outside world." The ghoul was paralyzing Downton, but was about to attack, and a golden dragon gun suddenly appeared, nailed to its back on.

Downton sprint!

"Damn, you are cheating!" The ghoul understood. It turned out that he had always been treated as a fool. How could he be afraid of seeing that man's aggressive attitude?

The ghoul also cursed the anger in the catharsis, and launched Downton, who shined in heaven, to get close quickly, and the three stars slammed!

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