Hero’s Creed

Chapter 213: Violent loli

Downton felt that Di Lanxue would refuse to face the challenge of a stranger, so he didn't get up and found him uncomfortable. He couldn't afford to lose that person. M

After a simple movement, Downton returned to the guest room.

"Sirace, get up for breakfast!"

Walnut was wearing pajamas, his small fists rubbed his eyes, and he opened the door with a sleepy look. "Sister has already got up and is ordering food in front."

"Go wash!" Downton frowned a little, and Celesce wanted to do more, but didn't bring Casimodo. What if something went wrong?

"You are too nervous. Early in the morning, who dares to kidnap you in the tavern?" Homer guessed Downton's thoughts. "Besides, she is also the magician of the fourth-order peak of the soul. It is not so easy to be defeated."

"I'm worried that she was cheated!"

Downton rolled his eyes, not to mention that after the natural transformation into a death banshee, Celesi had not been in contact with humans. Even when she was alive, she was also a princess who was carefully protected by the maid and the guards. Social experience.

"Then you should prepare the sacrifice as soon as possible and let her complete the ceremony of summoning the devil!"

Breakfast time was spent in a chat. After eating and drinking, Downton took two girls to the Deepwood Barracks twenty miles away from Chenwu Town.

This is the largest camp on the border, usually with 1,500 standing troops. However, due to the order of the bandits of the Western Duke Prasido, a thousand-strong border guard was recently transferred, plus one thousand. Of the militia, so the camp was overcrowded with noisy noises everywhere.

"Stop. Who?"

There were checkpoints 20 meters away from the camp gate. Downton had not approached. Two sentries had come out happily, and a fat sheep came again.

"The militia. Come here to report." Downton was the first time he came to the barracks. It was intriguing. He was different from the expected security guard. It was chaotic like a vegetable market, and no one came out.

"Nonsense, I know, why didn't I bring my luggage?"

The sentry looked at Downton, and his face looked bad, and every time the militia came to perform military service, it was for them. This is the opportunity to make a fortune. So Downton, who didn't even carry a burden, made them very dissatisfied.

"No need!"

Downton smiled. If it were changed to peacetime, he might just give the money away on the principle that one more thing is worse than one less. But he knew that it wouldn't work today. If the sentinels were blackmailed, his 100-man militia would definitely become the laughing stock of the entire military barracks, and he would later be given a timid title.

"Yeah, a hard stubble came early in the morning!"

The sentinel said this, he was going to beat Downton, but he was caught by another companion.

"It's not a hard stubble, it's stupid."

The other sentinel was smiling, ridiculing Downton, and he made a count. "Entrance fee, you know? If you don't give it, don't think about going in, yes, if it's past the check-in time, you'll be charged with deserting."

"Huh, by the time I was hanged, don't blame us. It seems that your equipment is good, we don't need much, five gold coins!" The sentry threatened, and then the lion opened his mouth, and he regarded Downton as The child of a businessman.

The border guards came from all over the western border, so the soldiers didn’t know Downton at all. Besides, he was famous in Chenwu Town because he was a hard-working postman. He left here and was worthless.

"Huh? Ask your elder brother for money. Is your brain broken?" Walnut, like a kitten stepped on its tail, squeezed his teeth and glared at the sentry.

"What are you guys? Don't you know that this is a military camp? The idle man waits to avoid it." The sentry spoke while looking at Cerise's body, and even had to measure her cloak to hide her face, "Let me see, Is it a spy?"

When was the Death Banshee stared at by a man like this, two slender index fingers were entangled together, and when looking at Downton with some help, a big dirty hand stretched out in front of him, She scared her subconsciously back and almost fell.

Slap, Downton reached out and grabbed the sentry's arm.

"Haha, look! This guy came to perform military service and actually brought women and children. Did he use this as a church?"

The sentry laughed unscrupulously, but his voice became more and more fierce, "Boy, get acquainted, don't force us to start...Ah!"

Downton's answer was simple, his fists slammed, hitting the sentry's mouth, and struck back all his second sentences.

Ah, the sentry screamed and knelt down, his mouth full of teeth was interrupted, blood was spraying, and it was terrible.

Another sentinel did not expect that the young militia dared to beat the regular army, and was shocked. He quickly pulled out his long sword and was about to cut it down. On the chest of a comrade in arms.

Click, in the sound of the fracture, the unlucky sentry fell over like a broken sack, rolled the dust, and blood spilled on his chest.

Downton took a step forward and waved his hand to the sword-sentinel's face, then bowed left and right with eight slapped faces.

The sentry's front teeth were all flying, his face swollen like a pig's head.

The other sentries slapped King Pu'er lazily. As a result, they saw that their companions had not managed the militia, but they were beaten badly.

"Rebel, stop!"

The sentries scolded.

"Brother Downton is a hundred people long, did you not allow him to enter the barracks, and even extortion, did you eat the dragon's bile?"

Walnut is very angry, these guys are too deceiving.

"Which one are you?"

The sentries looked down at Dunton and wondered, these soldiers had already recognized every hundred of the border guards, but he had never seen this kid, and he was too young.

"Hundreds of militiamen!"

Walnut carried his small chin, showing off proudly.



The sentries couldn't help it anymore and laughed.

"My emperor Polo, the militia's hundred men count as farts? But it is a temporary appointment, not even a formal military position. No salary, even our big-headed soldiers!"

A group of sentries slurped and sneered at Downton, but they quickly closed their mouths. Because Downton smashed the sentinel in his hand.

A group of people turned their backs.

Some people in the barracks noticed the conflicts here, and they all gathered around. There were also some soldiers who knew the sentry chief mocking him, and he could not even get a militia.

As a border guard with a reputation as a worm in the West, blackmailing ordinary people is the norm, so they guessed the cause of the conflict.

"You're dead! Tell you, don't take out a hundred gold coins today, don't want to step into the barracks." The sentinel's face was grim, and he yelled, "I will teach you some army rules today!"

Downton's age is so young that the sentry chief thought it was a merchant who bought a hundred-person position for money. The son who gilded his son's qualifications.

"Boy. Even if you kowtow to admit your mistake now. I won't let you go!" Listening to the sarcasm of the comrades, the sentry growled, but the next second. With a flower in front of him, the boy appeared in front of him.

Downton clenched his fists, pulled his right arm back, and then shot like a ballista, slamming into the Sentinel's face.


The sentry chief spit out blood, only to feel his head startled, as if hit by a siege hammer, followed by all the consciousness flew away, fell out of control and fell to the ground, but did not fall. Downton's military boots kicked over and kicked against his chest.


The sentinel flew straight out a dozen meters away, smashing the wooden house where the checkpoint was built. He howled and half of his chest collapsed.

All the noises disappeared, and looking at the sentinel chief with half of his ribs, the soldiers were all surprised to see the undead.

"You're crazy, you fight the regular army, you are going to be hanged."

"What's the origin of this kid?"

"A stupid boy who hasn't seen the world before, just wait for a hundred people to come, and he feels good."

The soldiers whispered and waited to watch the show, but the other party did not disappoint them!

"Walnut, it's yours!"

A group of miscellaneous fish, Downton is too lazy to start.

"Okay!" The belligerent walnut was happy, sprinting with a smile on his face, and then he jumped and kicked directly on the face of a sentry.

The sentry fell, and Walnut jumped from his face and rushed to the next sentry.

The audience was silent again, and each of them seemed to suffocate Homer, with her mouth wide open, full of disbelief as she watched a little loli chasing the hoodie that beat dozens of soldiers, with no power to fight back.

The sound of military boots stepping on the ground quickly approached, and a team of fully armed soldiers arrived.

"What are you doing? Stop it all!"

Hundreds of people Aseko walked out of the crowd, and then dumbfounded, because he saw a soldier running away, a cute little loli overthrew another soldier, chased like a cat, then followed three meters The distance directly kicked and kicked on the back of the escaped soldier.

The soldier fell on the ground like a wooden pestle, and had not yet climbed up. Little Loli had already sat behind him. His small hand grabbed a blood-stained stone and slammed it toward his back.

boom! boom!

After two combos ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the **** soldier fainted.

"Well, I don't want to beat you. If it weren't for me under the mercy of Master Walnut, you died a long time ago, you know?" Walnut dropped the stone, akimbo, and looked all around lying on the ground. Sentinel, she proudly wanted a middle finger, but after glancing down at Downton, she quickly replaced her **** with an index finger.

"What are you guys?" Aseco is not a stubborn man and dares to make trouble in front of the barracks. This kid should not be a good man. Of course, if it proves to have no background afterwards, then he is absolutely dead.

"I was recommended by Dolfink to serve as a militia captain!" Willie passed, and naturally had to negotiate, Downton was not stupid enough to offend everyone, let's say that this one was Ruki What about Asian people?

Rukia was one of the two captains presiding over the military operation and one of Dofink’s friends.

"Well." Asecco waved his hand, and his soldiers immediately dropped their weapons.

Through this move, Downton understood that this is his own.

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