Hero’s Creed

Chapter 214: 0 people long

"Master Dofink wrote a letter and asked me to give it to Chief Rukiah!" Downton was identifying himself. M

"Look what you see, it's all gone." Atheko scolded the onlookers and walked to Downton with a smiling face. "I heard the officer say, but you just reported that there was such a riot that affected not good."

"Master Dofink has told me that it is our time. Let all the hostile people understand that the future border is our world." Downton raised the banner, anyway, as Aceco, also Not qualified to ask Donovan for verification.

"This is very domineering. Let's go. I'll take you to the camp." Aseko patted Downton's shoulder affectionately. "Yes, are these two? IMHO, women are generally not allowed in military camps. "

"She's my personal magic advisor." Downton introduced Celesia, and as for Walnut, she simply ignored it.

Arceco drew a cool breath and looked at Ceres in surprise. Unfortunately, she wore a black cloak and her brim covered her lips. She could see nothing but the white chin.

"Hello!" Ceres said hello.

"Hello, hello!" Aseko smiled in a cramped manner, and some souls were not attentive. Although he didn't see Celace's face, he still had the urge to accelerate his heartbeat.

No way, the skin of the Death Banshee is so good, just the chin and the occasional red lips are enough to make the man addicted, and the most important thing is her voice, which naturally has a slight charm effect, you know they are born He is good at the phonological magic of the soul system.

Siren Siren, Mermaid, Death Banshee, these three races are recognized as the races with the most beautiful voices on the Western Continent. They are born to be singers of the soul and can be lost in their voices.

Even the elves, who have always claimed to be higher races, have to admit in terms of sound. Women of these three races have an insurmountable advantage.

With the higher and higher ranks of Celesque, the power of soul wailing is also increasing, and after becoming a war rank, she can naturally realize new phonological magic.

As the upper race of the undead, this is the blessing of the undead queen to them.

The soldiers did not all disperse. After hearing Downton's words, they were immediately upset, and then began to think about his identity. They even had private magic advisors. This cowhide is also too big?

The magician is a noble profession at all times. As long as your knowledge is not bad. At least one noble title can be found. So ordinary people can't afford them.

You have to know that there are only three enchanted magicians in the entire barracks, and they are still not famous and can only enter the army.

Downton has no choice. Without this reason, women are not allowed to enter the barracks.

"Is she your friend? Or was it hired by Lord Dovek?" Aseko knocked sideways, feeling that he could not afford a private magic consultant as a civilian in Downton.

"My friend." Downton said perfunctoryly, pointing to the whistling sentries, "What are these guys doing?".

"Relax, hit when you hit, no one dared to trouble you when I was there." Aceko straightened his back and said loudly deliberately. In order to show her status in front of Celes, "a team of doctors will take care of them later, hum, not even a little girl, it's good not to eat military sticks."

Unfortunately, Siles didn't pay attention at all, and she remembered how Downton grabbed the sentinel's arm just now and exhaled herself.

"It's really bad!" Walnut nodded in agreement.

Aseko's expression froze at once, turning his head to look at the walnut, and he remembered the sturdy look of the little loli just hitting someone's head with a stone.

"Which kind of tutor can teach such a violent loli?" Aseco looked at the soldiers' miserable behavior and subjectively regarded Downton as a violent madman.

The soldiers were stunned as they watched the hundreds of people entertaining Downton ardently and dropped a group of seriously wounded sentries into the camp.

"It's over, the captain sentinel kicked this time."

"That kid should be a child of a noble family, come gold-plated? Otherwise, how can you have a private magic advisor?"

"Who is the top officer of the camp now? Don't I have to report?" Looking at the barracks and playgrounds around, Downton banged on the side to inquire about the power of Rukia. After all, the camp has two captains, always led by one .

"Uh, the Duke asked Rockell to take charge of the affairs, no matter if our Chief Rukia did not bird him, he could do nothing." Aceco is also a personal elite and understands the meaning of Downton, but he didn't care about it. Embrace his shoulder affectionately and explain to him.

"You are a militia, not in the military establishment, but under the control of the militia's thousand captain Campana. By the way, he is a first-order war and has good strength. You need to be careful."

"Be careful?" Downton was puzzled. "Am I not in conflict with him?"

"You will know when you see him. Okay, here is the barracks of the militia. I will not send more." Aseko said with a smile, "I invite you to dinner at noon!"

Downton took two girls and received a lot of instructions. He didn't care. After asking Campana's barracks, he walked over.

The guard on duty asked Downton about his intentions and went in to report, but after leaving, he just dropped the sentence "Wait" and he no longer ignored him.

After waiting for a while, Walnut poked Downton's thigh, covered his lips, and whispered, "People don't seem to like you! By the way, is this the legendary dismounted horse?"

"Yes!" Downton released three benches and lay down, enjoying the sunlight while watching the "Monster Book".

The guards were shocked to see that Downton was so bold that he did not take the order of thousands of people seriously.

If it is a thousand soldiers like the regular army of Rockell, Downton will also scrutinize, as far as Campana, how far.

The thousands of militiamen are basically either spending money, or sitting on the back door to get rid of some military resources, and those who are full of money also have some military merits. As for the real skills, there are almost no.

"I don't know which noble family's child this time?"

The militias are almost not responsible for fighting. They do the logistical transportation and care for horses. Although they are tired, they win safety, so they are shortcuts for those noble children to get seniority.

"It's just a civilian, but it's just the relationship between Dovek, I thought I could be lawless? Huh, I want you to understand that the militia is my world. When you get here, you have to listen to me."

Campana sat behind the chair and glanced at the door, imagining Downton's unlucky standing and waiting, and couldn't help laughing.

He was thirty years old this year. The thousand-person long position was bought by his earl father for a lot of money. He naturally wanted to earn it.

Ten positions with a hundred people had been sold to the children of those noble families, but the father suddenly sent a letter asking him to give up one to a civilian named Downton.

The arrogant Campana knew that he couldn’t afford to offend Donovak, but he was not willing to wear it, so he wore Downton shoes, such as the "waiting for punishment" and other small means of the whole person, there were more in the army, Even Downton complained to Dolfink, he had enough excuses to shirk.

"It would be best if he left his militia regiment on his own initiative." A 100-person long position can sell five thousand gold coins, which reduces the income and makes Campana sad.

Although Campana's family didn't seem to be standing in the team, he backed his eldest son, so he wanted to drive Downton away from the public to the private.

It took two hours, and Campana even thought of Downton after he fell asleep. "Haha, that kid must be in a hurry."

The contented Campana walked to the door, but after opening it, she was dumbfounded, and the kid was lying on the bench reading a book.

There was a girl in a cloak sitting next to her. After peeling oranges, she stripped the white silk from the top, and then put it in his mouth.

"My Emperor Polo, enjoy it more than me!" Campana cursed, his face sinking. "Who made you read here?"

Downton got up and shouted out loud, "I am Downton's hundred people, come and report, it's done!"

"That's what you reported?" Campana was mad, and the boy's attitude was too abhorrent, "Who are they?"

"My magic advisor!"

"What are you talking about?" Campana froze, and he noticed that Siles was wearing a black mage robe, but wasn't this kid a civilian? How can I afford a magic advisor?

Nearby soldiers are also peeking here. Two hours is enough to allow the conflict at the checkpoint to spread through the barracks. Now everyone knows that there is a hundred civilians in the barracks, arrogant!

"Sirace, show the sir!"

Hearing Downton's words, Cerise raised her staff and chanted the spell softly, and within a second, the Phosphorus rocket shot at the fence thirty yards away.


The magic hit a large hole in the wooden fence and sawdust flew.

"But why does she feed you oranges?" Campana asked subconsciously~www.wuxiaspot.com~A magician willing to feed a civilian? I'm right, he thought it was a nobleman playing SPLAY with the maid!

"Is this a report? Where is my 100-man team? After the handover is over, I have to hand over the letter from Lord Dofenk to Chief Rukiah!" Downton is suggesting Campana, I also have a backstage, don't leave You clean me up with ordinary people.

"Come with me!" Campana's mouth twitched a few times, but still held back. There were many opportunities for him to clean up in the future, and he couldn't guilty of tearing his face in person.

As a nobleman, Campana knew how to fight the enemy while preserving herself.

"Okay, there is the sixth brigade, all under your command, yes, you will leave the day after tomorrow, don't poke out any baskets, or military practice!" Campana pointed to a barracks and showed Downton, face Can't help but show a grinning smile. As a sir, the sixth brigade was carefully prepared by him. Now he can't wait to see Downton's deflated appearance.

"It seems that it is not so easy to get military power." Downton shook his fist and walked towards the barracks.

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