Hero’s Creed

Chapter 215: I’m Downton in the morning fog town, your sir!

The militiamen were divided into ten groups. Others were busy under the command of a hundred people. They organized materials, loaded cars, and even did simple exercises. Only the barracks of the sixth brigade were quiet, except for more than a dozen in the eaves. The man playing cards can't see anyone. m

"What about the others?" Downton approached the group and asked.

"Don't you read it yourself?" A man with triangular eyes glanced down at Dunton, and then snarled at his companion, "Quickly play cards, grinning like a lady!"

"Very good!" Downton nodded, walked to the side of the triangle, and kicked his shoulders.

The Triangle Eye guarded Downton early, but unfortunately he wasn't even a magician, but was a relatively strong body ruffian, so which would be Downton's opponent.

Boom, the triangle eyes flew out sideways, hit the wall with one end, and suddenly the blood was bleeding.

Others were stunned. Unexpectedly, Downton was so violent, he started to come up. In fact, he just saw him coming with Campana, and they already guessed the kid's identity.

Thousands of people make him the whole person, but I didn't expect to be so young.

"Go, call the others!" Downton didn't really care about their answers. As long as they had a little disrespect and resistance, he would take them out.

Sure enough, the casual and hostile attitude proved that they had been commanded by thousands of people, so Downton was too lazy to be polite.

Someone got up, but more people were watching each other without moving.

Downton didn't say a second sentence, but lifted his legs to the man next to him.


The man raised his hand to resist, but he completely miscalculated Downton's strength. The opponent's right leg kicked like a steel whip. His body flew out involuntarily and slammed against the wall.

This time all the people next to them stood up, but Downton didn't stop and kicked over.

The militiamen in other nearby barracks stopped their work and looked at this with amazement. Although there were many incidents of fighting and fighting in the military camp, they had not seen a dozen cases.

"What's the kid doing?"

"It should be the 100-man commander of the sixth brigade!"

"No, it's so young, but it's good to fight, look, and kicked another one!"

The militias discussed curiously, and even the nine hundred militias who had received the news showed up, standing in the distance and watching.

Is this the boy who has been the director of the dagger mine? Younger than the rumors, a green face, like unripe fruit.

He wore an old black leather armor, a long sword and a saber at his waist, and knee-length boots on his feet, which made him look tough and iron-blooded. .

"Don't fight, let's call someone!"

Looking at the tyrannical Downton, and the six unlucky ghosts falling down on the ground, the rest of the people flashed away, and the heroes did not eat the loss in front of them.

"They're all sleeping?" Downton walked to the door of the room, kicking it towards the wooden door.

Bang, sawdust flying around, the wooden door that opened a big hole completely rotted.

The sleeping militiamen in the barracks were disturbed by their dreams, sat up scoldingly, and then saw a young boy standing in the doorway.

The dazzling sunlight shot from behind him~ and cast a shadow on the ground.

Walnut hid in the doorway and glanced inwards. When the men were undressed, they quickly drew back their heads and covered their eyes.

The barracks are large and have a rectangular layout with double beds on the upper and lower floors on both sides. Due to the large number of people living, the smell of feet and sweat are mixed, which is unpleasant.

"Go out now and take a shower!" Downton frowned, and he glanced at it. He thought it was all old and weak, and he did not expect it to be different from what was expected.

With a little thought, Downton understood that the greed of the Duke of the West Realm, the adult man he requested for military service was 18 to 35 years old, if any family dared to pass through the old man and the child, just wait for the prison Go to jail and pay three times the penalty.

"Which woman's thighs were not clamped and exposed you?" A man nearly two meters tall yelled, grabbed the one-handed barbell on the head of the bed, and smashed it out.

This guy is very powerful, and with a barbell of fifty pounds, he went straight to Downton's door.

Giant Tekken!

Downton blasted towards the barbell, it was like a shell fired, the intact reflection reflected to the muscular man, he was startled, just wanted to hide, the barbell was close to him, banging on his chest.

Buzz, the trembling of the barbell flying has not disappeared. Everyone saw the most muscular man in the brigade spurting blood and fell off the bed. The sternum was a little sunken, and obviously several ribs were broken.

"Get up and take a shower." Downton took off the saber and walked in, knocking on the bed. If someone slowed down, he would pull it over.

The beaten militias looked at the bruised marks on their bodies and dared not to speak, some of them were timid and calmed down by Downton. They were too scared to even wear their clothes, and grabbed them and ran out.

The militiamen ran out, but they all gathered in the camp and did not take a bath. Several of them joined together and muttered to each other.

"Why? Rebellion?" Downton came to convict these guys.

Campana did not have the old and weak, but there were a lot of thorns and slips. He threw the guys who did not obey the discipline into the sixth team, which caused Downton to have a headache.

"The sir laughed, how dare we?" Willer nodded and said back with a smile.

"Are you a commander-in-chief?" Downton stood in front of the crowd, glancing at these guys.

This is not a very burly man, but his eyes are hanging, full of ruthlessness, and looking at his muscles, he is obviously a magician, but the rank will not be too high.

Walnut walked to Downton to cheer for him, but was pulled by Celes.

"Sir Montcampana trusts!" Weiler's subtext is very simple. He tells Downton that he also has a backstage. Don't overdo it.

"I'm Downton in the morning fog town. It doesn't matter if your sir hasn't heard this name before. After today, you will remember it thoroughly and remember it all your life. It will be carved into your bones!" Downton nodded. Walk slowly in front of the team.


Seeing the lively militiamen booing, Downton's words are really arrogant, but they are also domineering. Although he is young, he does not have any stage fright, and he looks like he talks, and indeed has the momentum of a few hundred people.

"You seem to be very dissatisfied with me, so now I will give you a chance to challenge me and win me, I will get out of the barracks!"

Downton knew that the barracks used fists to speak. To convince these pricks, they had to fight, and they had to be more ruthless than them, and crush them with absolute strength.

There was a commotion in the crowd, and they did not expect Downton to show up as soon as they came up, and chose the simplest and most direct way.

"Joke, you are a magician, and we are not your opponents together!" Willer smiled sinisterly, trying to force Downton to Liangshan.

"Don't think we don't know, you slaughtered Tyson's younger brother with your own hands, which of us is your opponent!"

"Yes, you have won five games in a row in the dark fighting game, we have heard."

These stings dealt with Downton because of Campana’s orders. Besides, they did not worry about offending him. Let me not mention that there were many means for the whole person in the barracks. He could not grasp the handle. As long as he did not go to the mine, he rolled out of the barracks. , And no chance to pack up.

There are some news about An Shanliang and the people that are not as well-informed as the thorns of these pubs every day. I was shocked to hear these words. I did not expect Downton to have such a tough record.

"Following a powerful sergeant, on the battlefield, are you more likely to have a life-saving chance?" Downton took the opportunity to show his benefits. This is how people do. You don't give others benefits and future. Why do people give you their lives?

Willer was stunned, but quickly responded, "Tyson threatened to swallow your skin and follow you, we are more dangerous."

"Then you just roll back to your mother's womb, it's safer there." Downton sneered. "Get out of it if you dare not fight, what nonsense?"

This remark immediately caused a big laugh, and the strong men in the barracks were respected, and the softer the bullies, the more they were bullied.

"You are a magician, and we all can't beat you on all levels." Willer bit this sentence, trying to avoid a private fight, and then used a passive slack trick to kill Downton.

"Well, I don't need any martial arts, I rely on a pair of fists to fight you." Downton extended his index finger and slowly crossed everyone. "Or, even if it is so, you don't dare to go?"

Still no one moved. To be honest, the young man's face was calm and self-possessed, and he completely suppressed them in his momentum. No one thought he could beat him.

"Well, it seems that my subordinates are a group of cowards, so let's go together!" Downton ridiculed, "Still afraid?"

Once again, the audience was in an uproar, and felt that Dunton was too big. This was almost a hundred people. Without martial arts, you would be dragged to death.

"If you don't dare~www.wuxiaspot.com~I will report to the chief officer that you are soft eggs and can't complete military service, so wait for the prison!"

Downton sneered and forced them.

The more this kind of choice, the more the soldiers' eyes will be looking at the boss, seeking advice, so Downton has locked several guys, and later, he will take advantage of the opportunity, he will take the opportunity to beat them, and they can't get up.

"Boy, this is what you said, if we are killed later, don't call it wrong!" Willer can't step down because the militiamen around him have started coaxing, if they don't dare to fight one hundred, then they He will be laughed at afterwards.

"Selice, pull the walnuts aside, don't let her do it." Downton fists a pair, looking at the group of militiamen, "Miscellaneous fish, do you want me to wait for you to form a formation?"

Walnut, who was eager to try and thought he could fight, suddenly pulled his head down and walked to the side with a muttered mouth.

"Surround him!" Willer had some brains, and did not rush out, but let the militia spread out and surrounded Downton, so that he could be prevented from fighting back and playing guerrilla tactics. RS


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