Hero’s Creed

Chapter 223: Fight for slaves

The other indigenous peoples were originally uneasy and hostile to Downton, but after seeing him rescue the tribe, they became quiet. M.

Never before has humans treated hilly natives this way, so they have been a little confused about Downton's plan for a while.

"If I try to resist or run away, I will kill you." After warning the captives, Downton tied their hands with ropes, like a string of sugar gourds, and let walnuts pull them out of the woods.

"Your heart is too soft." Homer sighed. Downton had too little war experience and would not kill the descending soldiers who had no resistance. This is completely an idealist.

"I know, but I don't want to go!" Downton was silent, he killed so many indigenous people, even the idiot knew that once these captives got a chance, they would definitely avenge their compatriots, but he thought he was a soldier, no These captives should be slaughtered.

"Why is he not dead yet?"

Looking at the little loli riding the oversized war bear, holding a string of slaves out, not only Campana was dumbfounded, but even other militiamen had similar expressions.

"This guy is so fateful!"

"No, wouldn't he fight off those bear goblins? Otherwise, how could there be a chance to capture the captive?"

The militias whispered, and looked down at Downton with surprise and puzzlement. A hundred-person cavalry was repulsed by the indigenous people. How did he survive?

"Does he have more hatred warriors? No, did he hate the workshop, how could he get the source of the troops? It should be the enemy who retreated voluntarily!" Jovic did not believe Downton had an army of hatred at all. It's already sky-high.

"Sir, go and collect the captives and the head!"

The adjutant leaned into Campana's ear and reminded quietly.

Campana hurriedly sent a team of soldiers to cut the first rank in the woods, but the selected guards were hesitant and worried about being ambushed. They didn't hesitate to walk until they were hit by a few whips.

Walnut proudly raised his small chin and led a bunch of captives back to the forest road.

The wounded and dead militiamen couldn't help it anymore and picked up stones to hit these bear goblins.

Indigenous people are very conscious of being captives, covering their heads, without resisting, which instead encourages the arrogance of the militia, they fight even harder, but no one dared to get close.

"Stop hands!" Walnut frowned as he saw the head of the soil smashed with stones smashed, "This is the big brother's captive, not allowed to fight!"

The militias don't care, they just want to vent, and even a few people find a spear and want to stab these natives.

"Stop, who's fighting, I'll break his leg!" Downton roared, and his cold voice seemed like a cold wave, instantly freezing the boiling atmosphere.

When Minton glanced past, the militiamen turned their heads away.

"Haha, Downton, you did a good job. You made a contribution to our militia!" Campana walked to Downton on a Franconian horse and pressed the credit directly to the militia. Then he waved. Waving, "Come here, take these captives down and take care of them."

Campana thought until now that his military career was about to end, and so many people had died. He was to blame, but the appearance of Downton changed all this.

With captives and first ranks, Campana can even describe this terrible ambush as a big victory and completely defeat a goblin tribe.

"I might get a reward for it!" Campana was dreaming, and suddenly heard the screams of his men.

A guard who wanted to get the rope was kicked by the walnut.

"What do you want to do?" Walnut was very alert.

"Downton, what do you mean?" Campana's face was somber.

"I will take care of these captives, so the Chief Officer will not bother." Downton refused indifferently. He knew that if Campana took his captives away, it would have nothing to do with him.

"Do you want to violate the command of the sir?" Campana was furious and Downton was really a thorn.

"I'm worried that you can't hold the bear gnomes and be run away by them." Downton said frankly. "The facts just now proved that the militia's combat power is very weak!"

The militias confessed, and the cavalry did not go well, but they could not refute. If it were not Downton, what was the point of confusion?

"Sir, the heads of the bear goblin corpses are all cut off."

The guards came back to report, leaving Campana's face directly black as a pan.

"It's kind of your kid!" Campana saw that Downton didn't say anything. He was determined to fight against him. He left a ruthless word and left. Anyway, there is still time. He must let the kid know that he offends himself. The end.

"Downton, your loli killed my horse and broke my teeth. What are you going to do?" Jovic glared down at Dunton deadly, and he ran out of breath.

"Huh, a bunch of waste, hit it, what can you do?" Downton came back without showing any weakness, even if the walnuts didn't do it, there was no room for relaxation of the relationship between the two parties. .

"What?" Jovic thought he had heard it wrong. He thought Downton would be stupid, and he expected to surrender some collections and captives to have a good relationship with himself first. Unexpectedly, he didn't even save face.

"Are your ears deafened by the soil? Do you want me to repeat it again?" Tang paused, stunned, and made a stunned gesture, but it was estimated that he could not deceive the other party.

"You are dead!"

"How do you talk to the chief?"

"beat him!"

The cavalrymen gathered around, pulled out their blades, and roared towards Downton. At this time, if they did not maintain their bosses, they would wait to be worn with small shoes!

Downton's answer was simple, and ten hatreds were released.

The atmosphere on the forest road suddenly solidified.

The militiamen are hiding far away, fearing that they will be affected, and they are not used to the camps of Campana and Jovic. They are not defeated, and they still **** the military power of others. It’s too shameful, but Tang Dunton was also somewhat reckless. He, a civilian, was always weak.

Unsurprisingly, the noble voiced hundred heads of people all stood on Jovic's side, hostile to Downton.

"Just wait to die!" Little Grande was mixed in the crowd and was still jealous of Downton, but he was happy to see this scene.

"You pay my warhorse, it's a pure blood highland horse, worth 30,000 gold coins." Jovic's angry lips were bluish, and the roar almost ripped his vocal cords.

"What compensation do you get for those who died because of you?" Downton shifted the subject and directly hit the point. Jovic's reputation among the militiamen plummeted.

The two sides broke up.

Probably due to a heavy blow from the Downton Legion, until the meeting of two Thousand Regiments at dusk, the logistics team was no longer harassed and attacked.

In the temporary camp, the bonfire lit up like a star, but there was no laughter from the joys of the previous few days.

The regular army was also attacked, and a hundred people died, and as many as two hundred people were injured, causing morale to fall quickly.

The three Downtons were surrounded by a bonfire and grilled a hare from Walnut. They were extremely lonely because the other militiamen were hiding away.

If he is not optimistic about Downton, he will definitely lose to a thousand people, so in order not to be implicated, he can only maintain the relationship. Even the soldiers rescued by Downton did not send a thank you.

Downton didn't care, anyway, he came to salvage military merits, and he wouldn't always lead these militia, otherwise he would adopt other strategies.

"Hey, a few of you, come and eat!" Downton looked at the captive bear gnomes curling up to the side and opened the war space, taking out some bread, honey, bacon and fruit.

The bear goblins were still hesitating, but watching the walnuts smear the yellow honey on the bread, smelling the fragrance, they couldn't help it anymore.

When a bear goblin bravely grabbed a piece of bread and swallowed his stomach, the other natives saw that Downton didn't beat the people, they really let them eat, and they all rushed over.

"good to eat!"

A bear goblin eats a mouth full of saliva, as the hills are native, they eat dried meat and wild fruits for three meals a day, and they are often not full. Where did you taste the taste of human bread?

They are notorious bear gnomes, and human businessmen have never dared to choose them as trade objects, because they are worried about being killed and then eaten as dried meat.

Downton is the chief engineer of the Dagger Mine. He is under one person and above 20,000 people. His supplies are prepared by the restaurant.

Those chefs dare to perfunctory, they all use the best flour and come up with the best skills to cook, and some of them are decorated with cream, dried fruit and other embellishments, which is not much worse than those high-priced pastries.

For the first time in their life, the bear goblins enjoyed this delicacy and almost swallowed their tongue.

The nearby militiamen glanced at Downton’s bonfire from time to time, swallowing saliva uncontrollably, and then looked at the potato soup in the dinner plate, nausea for a while.

I can’t even find a diced meat in the soup. The potatoes are cut into small pieces. As for the brown bread in my hand, it is the cheapest food. It is rough and hard, and it also contains sand. Even the esophagus can be ground. broken.

"My Emperor Polo, our food has not been captured by a group of bear gnomes, it's really annoying!"

A militiaman smashed out the bread in his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~It was hard and hit the stone with a sound.

"Come on, people eat Downton's food. If you are not afraid to offend thousands of people, you can eat it?"

"It's good to have space equipment, how much do you say he brought?" Watching the walnuts peel off a fresh pineapple and cut it into pieces to feed Downton, the envy of the militia cannot be overstated.

"No matter how much you bring, you will soon be someone else!"

Jovic's supper was eaten at Rockell's military account, during which there was no bad talk about Downton.

"Uncle, I saw, the dwarven military Hubble telescope, Sherman and the bear, and those hates, all are good things." Jovic did not hide the greed in his face, "You must get it!"

"Don't worry, let him be proud for a few days, kill some more enemies for us, wait until we get fat, and then slaughter him." Not to mention Downton's superb equipment, he is only a close friend of Dofink, Rock. He had to kill him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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