Hero’s Creed

Chapter 224: Tough cards

Although Rockell had not participated in the war of the twelve Principalities, he also relied on military merit to rise, so he had a lot of experience as a leader.

On the second day of the attack, he slowed down the army and marched with the logistics team, so even though he was still frequently harassed by the gangsters for the next three days, even Tyson appeared, but the army still did not Attrition of more than one hundred people.

The thunder and heavy rain and the small ending also made the low morale start to pick up.

On a sunny summer afternoon, facing the white flowing clouds of the sky, the army arrived at the Boulder Mountain Pass. After a half-hour trek, everyone saw the cottage built on the mountainside.

"Why didn't they run away?"

Rockell rode on the war horse and looked at the cottage with a binocular. He saw that there was still an ogre on the sentry tower, and he was stunned.

"They're not brains broken, are you going to die?"

Rujia's face was gloomy. If there were no gangsters, the soldiers could easily take down the cottage, and then use dv crystal to take pictures of the burning nest, plus the lens of killing some robbers, you can make a mission to the Duke.

They used to do this before, but this time the Iron Man Bandit Group seemed determined to die with the army.

"Walnut, give me the telescope!"

Hundreds of people gathered together to chat, except Downton stood alone, but he was still the most conspicuous existence, because twelve tall and strong bear gnomes stood behind him.

These captives didn't even think about escaping, because these three days made them feel happiest in this life, delicious food that hasn't even been eaten by the leader can open their belly to eat, without having to work, never again Life is more wonderful than this.

Downton was so soft-hearted that he hadn’t learned how to treat captives. If he was replaced by a veteran, let alone eat, and thank each other without hitting these indigenous fractures every day.

"Uncle. Will you attack the cottage in a while?"

There was excitement on Walnut’s face, and he wished to charge immediately.


After taking Hubble and adjusting the multiples, the situation of the cottage is clearer, and Downton can even see the skin of the ogre on the sentry tower.

The Boulder Mountain Pass is the first large hill facing the Dragon Hill facing Drankfork. It consists of more than a dozen mountains at an altitude of about 700 meters.

Tyson chose a hill with the steepest **** and built its cottage on a 500-meter mountainside, and wanted to attack. There is only one winding mountain road.

"If you attack hard, the casualties will be great."

"The widest part of the mountain road is only five meters, and the narrowest part is only more than one meter. Our soldiers can't expand their formation at all."

"The most troublesome is the last 100-meter mountain road. The **** bandits actually repaired it into a straight line, if they prepared enough sapwood and rolling stones. The consequences are unimaginable."

Listening to the sound of discussion floating from the side of the hundred people, Downton was also thinking about the method of attack. The cottage was filled with five meters of forest fences side by side, the tops were sharpened, and the surface was carbonized into black. Barbed, even if the army is attacked with casualties. It is not easy to break the camp.

"Let the militiamen come first and consume the gangster's sapwood!" Rockell glanced at the telescope in Downton's hand, looking at the rough dwarf-style pattern on it, and there was thick greed on his face.

"Isn't this a good solution?" Arceco questioned Ruchia's heir.

"Just knock down the cottage and get Tyson's head, even if some people die. I believe the Duke is acceptable." Rockell pointed the mountainside with his whip. "Looking at the terrain, the houses that can be built are limited. After the gangster's family, it would be nice to have three hundred soldiers."

"They didn't wait for us to kill them before, and they fled. What madness this time?" Jovic's expression was grim. Growled, "Must teach them a lesson!"

As for the use of the militia as cannon fodder, these officers did not actually have much resistance. They were worried about dead people. But can't capture the cottage.

"Even if there are 500 people, it is not difficult to deal with. Don't forget that we still have three enchanted magicians that can be supported remotely!" Rockton gave a smile and smiled, "No, it's four!"

"Downton has hatred and ghoul fighters, let him take the lead." Jovic has begun to count Downton, in any case, let him fight.

It's better to die, not to die, even if you are not injured, you can consume his physical strength and strength, and then it will be easier to kill him.

"Go tell the militia to prepare, the sixth brigade is the first!" Rockell loves this feeling. With a command, many people may give their lives.

Aseko was supposed to question, but when he saw that Rugia was silent, he quickly closed his mouth.

Rockell was still wondering why Rukia didn't help Downton, but a moment later, he understood that although Downton was young, he was definitely not a tough guy.

After the messenger notified the sixth brigade, there was an uproar immediately, followed by scolding and complaining.

"Shut up!" Jovic glared at the militia and pulled out his saber. "Do you want to disobey? Then I can kill you directly!"

The guards pulled out their scimitars in coordination, and the sharp blades shone brightly in the sun, and the murderousness filled them, instantly shutting up the militia of the sixth brigade.

"It's time to blame Downton, you were chosen!"

Little Grande crowded the crowd and ridiculed him. He wanted those militiamen to hate Downton. It would be better if he stabbed in the back.

Sure enough, hearing the words, the militia of the 6th brigade looked down at Downton with resentment. Some of the militia of the other brigades could not bear it, but more of it was eagerness and hatred.

"Let you ride a bear, keep a demon servant, and eat bread and honey for the captives, isn't it bad?"

The militia's jealousy of Downton was completely exploded at this moment, and they discussed with no scruples, as if looking at a dead man.

No one is a fool. The first wave of militia attacking the cottage is definitely cannon fodder. It is a good achievement to survive. That is still the mercy of the war team, and they have not hacked them. However, with the relationship between Downton and the officers, he is dead. Too.

Downton had planned to take all the militia together to resist, but looking at the eyes around him, he suddenly felt a huge loneliness invaded like a cold wave in Siberia, making him cold all over.

"If there is no way to open the cottage, Rockell will fill in more militia cannon fodder. Do you think you will be spared?" Downton pointed at Little Grand Terrace and smiled. "I swear, you will die." In front of me!"

"Go on your dreams!" Little Grande said with a middle finger, "I'm waiting to see how you die! Rest assured, I will tell Elaine your death!"

"Why? Do you want disobedience? Don't you have hatred or ghouls? Take them with you and charge, and you can definitely knock down the cottage." Jovic laughed at Downton. What's the use of your richness? The status is not enough, the same as our nobles crushed.

"Sir, I will obey the command charge, but his squad must be the first!" Downton did not take Lević, looked at Roquel, and pointed to Little Grand Terrace.

"What are you crazy?" Little Grande was startled. The militiamen of the same team also had similar expressions, and looked at Rockell uneasy.

"Downton, remember your identity. How can you bargain here?" Jovic yelled, "Operator, press them to charge!"

"Homer, Walnut, Celes, ready to fight!"

Downton took out the soul mount badge to infuse magic energy, the unicorn sprang out, and the space for war also opened behind him. The ghouls all came out around him, and ten abominations acted as meat shields. In front of the entire team.

After Walnut released Sherman to fight the bear, one turned and jumped up, carrying the torn dragon tooth, full of fighting spirit.

Celesis, protected by Casimodo, took out her staff and began to prepare for magic.

Well, all of them took a step back, and it was Downton's attack lineup that was too strong. They didn't want to be the first to be attacked.

"Downton, are you going to rebel?" Jovic was furious and gave his uncle a look, asking if he had taken the opportunity to hack him.

"Rebellion? I have captives, I have dozens of levels, and I have Dofenk to help, do you say that the Duke will cure my sin?" Downton mocked.

"Have you ran? We have more than two thousand people here, and everyone drowned with a spit." Jovic growled, and he was mad.

"Have you caught up with my mount?" Downton stroked the unicorn's mane, and it sniffed comfortably.

The sight of the audience fell on a white fur unicorn. It was so smart and pure, and its four hooves stepped on it, as if stepping on the cloud.

The heads of the hundred people glanced at Roquel, and under his crotch was a Franconian pure-blooded horse, worth 100,000 gold coins, which was used to escape without any disadvantage, but a sum with a unicorn was a scum. , Within 100 meters, it will be thrown behind and eat dirt.

War Bear Roaring ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A paw was slammed on the ground, and the roaring ground was torn apart, breaking into a big pit.

"If you let the fifth brigade come first, would you fulfill your promise to charge?" Rockell estimated the strength of Downton, it is impossible to achieve a second kill, as long as he hates to give him some escape time, he can't catch up with himself. it.

"Yes, but I asked for the fifth charge, you can all testify!" Downton knew Rockell would agree, because the soldiers could not capture the cottage at once, so they used several teams of cannon fodder, Now I am just changing the order of attacks.

Even if Rockell didn't agree, there was Rukia, but until now, he didn't say a word, Downton felt he was unreliable.

"I hope you remember what you said. If you lose your word, I will let you know that I deceived me." Rockell let go of the cruel words and pointed the small whip to the small Grand Terrace. "Let the fifth team be the first echelon. , Attack the cottage ten minutes later."

"Little Grande, don't die!" Downton teased and repaid the original words, "but rest assured, I will tell Grande in detail about your death!" (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

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