Hero’s Creed

Chapter 234: Acting


As the warning sounded, the temporary camp immediately became noisy, and the veterans dropped their firewood and iron pots, stopped firing and cooking, and rushed to the stacked weapons. m

The soldiers washing by the stream also hurried to the shore, and there was a wading sound of wading.

"My gun skills are good?"

The Pear bears sent to monitor Romario proudly showed off, and pulled out a spear from the gun pocket, then shot it, and penetrated a 50-meter unlucky ghost.

"According to the plan!"

Romario ignored him and yelled, riding the Texas Red Wolf out of the woods and killing the camp by the creek.

More than fifty werewolf gangsters followed, howling, throwing a rope net, covering the enemy, and rushing across the wolf riding, the scimitar wiped off their heads.

"Be careful!"

Downton, who was sitting on the stone, was worried about being used as a target. He took Celace's arm for the first time and rolled into the stream. However, lowering his body, he found that the gangster didn't mean to attack him at all.

"It's the lone wolf!"

"Strategy defense!"

"Don't panic, they have few people and kill them."

The hundred heads of people shouted and wanted to control the situation and organize a counterattack.

Although these border guards are known as the Western Border Worm, they are regular troops anyway, so they are not as chaotic as the militia when they are rushed by the enemy. They are close together, forming a battle back to back, defending against the wolf ride.

The 100-year-old bearded man is the most sturdy. He ran towards a wolf ride, and dragged him down to the red wolf, and he was hacked to death.

"It's not right!" Downton took the order shield from the element's arm and blocked the two girls with his body.

Walnut looked at the probe from behind him and was pressed back by him.

"Yes, it stands to reason that the enemy's attack target should be placed on the officer. After killing them, ordinary soldiers will become a piece of sand. The combat power has dropped sharply, but they have no intention of moving the officer." Homer's observation power is also very detailed .

"I don't know why!" Downton couldn't figure it out, but he was glad to see that the soldiers were out of luck, after all they would deal with him later. It’s best to die.

Downton was still waiting for the bandits and the border guards to kill both sides, but the wolf riders fought back in less than a minute.

The bearded man was about to be chased, and was stopped by a hundred people.

"Keep on going!" Jovich relied on Rochelle's nephew. Temporarily command this unit, and after he ordered, although the soldiers were tired and hungry, he continued to advance.

"Don't the Wolf King say that they will kill each other? Why do we still have to do it?" Three werewolves died, and the bearmen were quite puzzled, and felt that the loss could be avoided.

"Who knows when the four hundred people are going to be dragged? I'm forcing them to get started soon. Solve it earlier. We can also go back to catch up with and kill Roquel, and get another one."

Romario said this sentence, which has two meanings. One is to show his favor to the bear man. After all, he wants to mix on the border, often dealing with Rooney, and one more ally. It's one more way.

The second is that he saw through Rooney's idea. Who dares to guarantee that it will not send people to kill Downton. After all, the human kid's net worth is too rich. With Rooney's greed, it is impossible not to take a slice of the soup.

With the king of wolves in mind, Romario never thought of swallowing the loot alone, but he definitely didn't want to get another one.

"It makes sense." Xiongren saw his lone wolf can tell the truth, his face improved a lot.

"This is also a fatigue tactic. Even if Downton is even more powerful, it is still very difficult to kill the four hundred captains, so the force of the hundred captains, help him." Romario can ride in the west for ten years, Wisdom is not bad, otherwise he would have been caught and hanged. "Did you not see this? This road is to the swampland. Once it arrives, the human abomination warrior becomes a decoration."

The bear was silent, and the leader of the prayer hurried to come, otherwise the soup could not be drunk.

The soldiers marched through the dense forest, and the four centurions joined together.

"Do you want to do it at night?" A long face pointed into a knife and made a beheaded gesture. "Those gangsters should still be chasing behind, the longer you drag, the more troublesome."

"No, his abomination fighters are too serious. Although there are only a dozen of them, it is no problem to explode our soldiers."

The bearded veto, what his subordinates are, he is very clear, they will run away with cowardice.

"Just hold on for a while, let's join the four, and we can't settle a sixth order of soul?" Long face disdain, he and Jovic are the seventh order of the soul, the beard and Aseco are the first order of the war, the strength is higher than Tang Too much pause.

In addition, there are more than two dozen commanders. In addition to those who climbed up by relationship, there are a few souls. If they go together, it is enough for Downton to drink a pot.

"Not optimistic!" Aseco is a conservative person. "I still recommend to act according to the original plan. There are not many werewolves, so there is no need to pay attention."

Because of the fear of hating the warrior, the Hundreds of People gave up the plan to kill Downton at night.

When the stars are mottled, night falls!

The Sequoia Forest in midsummer is not comfortable, wet, sultry, and annoying bugs, and the soldiers are too lazy to clean up the camp. , More topics focused on Downton.

"Be careful, I'm ready to do it." Downton, who is eating barbecue, doesn't want to wait any longer. There must be some conspiracy among these people. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable to himself.

"Wait, I have to help." Walnut pulled Downton's sleeve. "Let me cut that Jovic?"

"No!" Downton vetoed without thinking.

"I'm a little loli, he must not doubt it." Walnut spoiled, and she wanted to do something for Downton.

"No negotiation." Downton shook his head, then stared at Aseco, which was his first goal.

"With Ceres, you must not be able to escape. Are you going to wipe out these soldiers?" Homer reminded, "I can tell you with certainty that they can't do it. With the terrain like the jungle, they can easily escape."

"Those werewolves shouldn't let go of the opportunity to beat the water dogs?" Downton was worried about this. He hated the speed too slowly. If he had a hundred ghouls, he would feel confident.

"I'm worried that the werewolf will hit you. Your value is obviously greater."

"Anyway, I can't wait any longer. I don't think it's good to see these guys feeling calm and calm as if they've eaten me." Downton licked his lips. "Relax, if there is no direct evidence, what if they complain? There are also people in the background."

Downton had long thought about it and fed the killed to the beast, enough to destroy the dead.

After deciding to act, Downton loaded the Dawnbringer with a crossbow and then walked to Aseco.

"What's wrong?" Aseko smiled, pushing the ten commanders around him. "Go, let me get a seat."

This cargo is very afraid of death. There are six ten captains sitting beside him, and the veterans are not far away. If Downton can't do it with one blow, he will definitely suffer endlessly.

"Is it convenient? I want to tell you something!" Downton shook his head at the jungle, meaning to let him pass.

"What's the matter? Just say that, they are all my brothers and will be kept secret." Aseco was very careful, he didn't want to be alone with Downton.

"I want to buy a piece of news!" Downton took out a purse, threw it to Aseco, and glanced at Jovic, "About him."

"If you want me to speak, the price is not low." Aceko was teasing, but after opening the purse, he was stunned.

The other ten commanders also had similar expressions, because the purse was not full of gold coins, but full of precious stones. Under the bonfire, they almost blinded their dogs.

Goh! The sound of swallowing sounded.

"What news do you want to buy?" Arceco lowered his voice.

"Go there and say there are too many people." Downton pointed to the woods again. "Relax, as long as the answer satisfies me, I will pay you twice the commission."

Downton took out another bag and opened it for Asecco to look at.

"Damn, where did you get so many gems?"

"These gems are at least worth millions."

"Aren't you civilians? I think they are richer than the richest man in Chenwu Town!"

The soldiers who flashed their eyes again muttered, all staring at Downton with amazement like a dragon.

"Why? You're a war class, wouldn't you be afraid of me?" Downton's tone was a little bad. "If you don't cooperate, just give me the money."

"Don't be angry, say something!"

Aseko thought about it, he was more powerful than Downton, and he glanced at it, and found that Casimodo and a group of abominations were guarding Ceres, so he was relieved.

"Go, let's have a good chat!"

Arceco hugged Downton's shoulders and dragged him towards the jungle, but still secretly handed him a look, letting them be alert.

"Where are they taking me?"

After confirming that the figure can be blocked by trees, Downton asked to reduce Aseco's vigilance~www.wuxiaspot.com~Unclear! "Aseko hesitated, letting go of the last worry. It seemed that Downton was not about killing himself, but asking for information, and even using this method to make the other three hundred people think they had colluded with him. Then let them mention themselves.

"If you don't say it, will they believe it?" Downton asked back.

Aseko was silent, but he was sneering in his heart. Sure enough, this kid used the divisive meter, but he didn't know that because the two thousand people existed, he was doomed to fail.

"Are you with them?" Downton made a shocked expression, followed by holding the knife handle, and took a step back.

"Did you see it?" Arceco sneered, but his face was angrily, accusing Downton, "Fart, if I were to follow you, you died early, and the Chief Rukiah sent me, Is to protect you."

"Huh, let me just say, how could Lord Allfink's allies be unreliable." Downton sighed with relief, and then he became worried again. "They will definitely find a chance to kill me. I don't want to wait for death passively, Azei. Brother Ke, presumably Rukia will ask you to follow me, does it mean to help me?"

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