Hero’s Creed

Chapter 235: 0 people in a row

"This?" Aseco hadn't finished speaking, and Downton offered another price. m

"Are you asking for a price?" Downton threw the money bag to Aseco with a sincere look.

Aseko hesitated on his face and almost laughed at the bottom of his heart. This Downton was not a general stupid. He actually sought cooperation from the person who wanted to kill you. Besides, no matter how much money you paid, you were dead, but you can squeeze more. He is still very happy.

"You never want my magic diamond, right?" Downton induced deliberately, "That's a plane hard currency, more valuable than gold."

"Are you willing to give it?" Aseco said casually, but when he saw that Dunton was suddenly silent, obviously he was making a choice, and he was a little dry. "This kid wouldn't really be thinking about paying for my magic drill. ?"

"It can be given to you, but can you promise to kill Jovic and the Beard?" Downton said with a serious expression. "Attention, it's you who killed, I won't help. One magic diamond buys two heads. Not excessive?"

"Of course no problem, but are you willing?"

Aseko's vigilance has been reduced to the weakest. Downton used the dialogue to instill in him a concept that he needs him, and may turn his face after the event, but it is not now.

"If you die, what's the use of more magic diamonds?" Downton sneered. "Homer, take out the magic diamonds. By the way, I still need you to say something good to me in front of Rukia. Let He told the Duke of Xijing that I have exerted the most energy among the bandits."

"No problem." Aseko replied purely subconsciously, because his eyes were all focused on the black box taken out by the element's arm.

The box opened, and a hundred magic diamonds were lined up neatly, shining brightly under the stars, almost dazzling Aceko's eyes.

"How much is it worth? It is estimated that no one has so many magic diamonds except the Duke of Prasido in the entire Western Realm!" Aseco's eyes were full of greed, and he reached out and grabbed.

"Why did you take it all out?" Downton questioned Homer. Grabbed Arceco's hand, and at the same time grabbed the box, "Quickly put it back."

During the push, the elemental arm missed. Suddenly dropped the box on the ground, the magic red diamonds spilled out.

"Look at what you did!" Downton lowered his voice and cursed, quickly squatted down to pick it up.

"I help you!" Aseco couldn't bear the temptation at all and squatted on the ground. When the hand touched the magic diamond, feeling the coldness, he immediately wanted to put it in his arms, and even a murderous intention came to his mind.

"If I do it now. Can I kill him?" Arceco lost his mind, analyzing the pros and cons, and looked sideways. But there is no one figure.

"It's a hit. It's a good idea!" Aseco reflected, almost instinctively opened the soul shield, but the next second came a sting.

The shower dagger enchanted with the effect of breaking the magic was like cutting tofu. It stabbed into the heart of Aceco without hindrance. As Downton stirred hard, he killed him with a stroke.

The blood flowed down the blood tank. There was almost no splash on Downton.

Aseko struggled and wanted to call, but Downton's palm was draped over his mouth so that he could not make any sound.

"Did you think I was stupid just now?" Downton leaned his head close to Asecco's ear. "So are you stupid now that I have been killed?"

As the blood drained, Aceko struggled more and more slowly, he was not angered, not reconciled, but there was no chance to reverse the results.

"Do you want to kill me? Unfortunately, you don't have a chance. Your corpse will be discarded here. It will either rot to the full of maggots or beasts." Downton chuckled, "Aseko, bye! "

This hundred-person chief who likes to laugh at the skin and laugh at him is dead by Downton. He has the strength of a war rank, and he has not played it at all.

Homer stretched out the elemental arm and took back all the magic diamonds and gems. He wanted to take advantage of Downton. Let me reborn in my next life.

"How about letting his men call out the beard? It's easier to convince him than I did!" Downton leaned the body against the tree trunk in a chatting posture.

Before Homer vetoed, Downton himself denied first, and walked directly from the jungle to the beard. "No, there is a **** smell. For a veteran, he will smell it."

Aseko’s men have been staring at the place where they talked, but unfortunately the woods are too dense, plus it is dark, you can’t see anything, and now you see Downton walking towards the beard, it’s a little unknown, so there are a few more stations stand up.

"Hey, Arceco asked you to discuss something!" Downton greeted him from afar, and his voice was loud, which was a hint.

If they are sneaky, the other party will naturally be vigilant, but once bright and upright, the bearded can't think of his purpose as killing him, and other people will not come close to check the life and death of Aseco.

After all, killing people in a large crowd is a bit incredible, not to mention that Arceco is still not the best mobile phone meeting.

"No time!" Bearded refused directly.

"Don't you want to hear what's going on?" Downton reappeared again, took out a bag of gems, and tossed up and down, "That's about making a fortune!"

The soldiers' eyes were straightened, they were all hard-earned soldiers, and they never thought of giving up much money.

"Don't be too busy to refuse, you don't want to make a fortune, you have to give your men a chance?" Downton hesitated when he saw the big beard, and swept the soldiers in.

"Okay!" Bearded knew that he didn't talk to Downton. Even if the subordinates didn't say anything, they would have a pimple in their hearts, because they would think they blocked their money.

"If it weren't for Arceco to call you by name, I can't believe you!" Downton pointed to the woods. "Look, he's waiting for us."

"What's the matter?" Bearded glanced at Jovic, who was regarded as Rockell's heir, and was too close to Downton, not very good.

"I want to pay for a reward, are you interested?" Downton turned back deliberately, glancing at Jovic, a hint to the beard that he was the one to clean up. "That guy always finds me Trouble, I don’t want him alive."

"It's very troublesome to kill him." The beard was casual.

"It's okay, I believe you can definitely settle it." Downton smiled. "I got a magic drill, and Aceko agreed."

Bearded just wanted to say something, suddenly sniffed his nose, and subconsciously asked, "How come there is a **** smell?"

Downton's eyes narrowed and he started ahead of time.

After saying this, Bearded came to his senses and looked at Downton with a shocked expression. He actually killed. At the same time, it almost instinctively retreated, but it was too late.

Elemental's arm held the shower dagger and thrust into the bearded vest.

Downton grabbed the bearded wrist with one hand, and squeezed his chin with the other hand, covering his mouth just to prevent him from shouting a warning. A knee hit his lower abdomen.

The bearded man also lifted his legs and hit his knees. The two men's legs touched and bounced off. He just wanted to change his way. Downton's head had hit him.


The bearded head was dizzy, and then the vest came with a tingling pain. His heavy punch hit Downton's stomach, and when the second shot was about to hit his cheek, he could no longer feel the strength.

Giant Steel Claw!

Downton's right hand slammed and smashed the beard's chin, and the throat was rotten.

"Big brother seems to have succeeded. The remaining two are not easy to clean up. I will help him kill one." Walnut has been paying attention to the situation in the jungle. She thinks Downton will not miss, so she takes the empty rock beer can and walks towards Jovic, "Relax, I have thought of a tactic."

Jovic and Long Face sat together, eating dinner, constantly looking at the jungle.

"What do you say they discuss again?"

"Whatever it is, Downton is dead tomorrow in the swamp." Jovic spit out his bones, and his face was depressed. If it weren't Downton, why would he suffer this crime?

The walnut deliberately walked back and forth in front of Jovic’s bonfire and took a sip of wine from time to time, but she also knew she would attack later, so she drank very little.

"What are you doing? Look for beating!" Jovic hates children.

"It's nothing, I just think you're drinking poorly." Walnut shook the beer can and watched Jovic come over, excited, "Great, he's here."

Walnut's original intention was to provoke Jovic with fine wine, let him come over and beat himself, and she took the opportunity to slaughter him. She had never thought that this was no different from the killing. If Jovic was not distracted, it was impossible. The attack was successful.

"What do you want to do?" Downton walked out of the woods, thinking about **** the remaining two hundred men. When he saw Walnut and Jovic stalemate, he ran quickly and thought about the tactics quickly.

"Little Bunny, I want to teach you today." Jovic remembered that there was a soul mount badge on Little Loli's body, wondering if he would grab it first. After tomorrow's slaughter of Downton, the province would have to allocate.

"Huh, your wine is already terrible." Hu Tao sarcastically, as Jovic walked to her side and reached for her cheek, she clenched her right fist and slammed it all the way toward his stomach.

Jovic dismissed his face and activated the soul shield, but he froze the next second. Little Lori's fist actually smashed the shield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ thumped on his stomach.

Boom, Jovic's body was almost bent into a horizontal V shape, and he threw it straight, hitting a big tree.

The soldiers were all dumbfounded. Although they knew that this little loli had a lot of strength, she never thought she could fly a hundred people with one punch.

"What do you want to do?" The long face jumped up and shouted, "Pay attention, prepare to fight."

The soldiers stared at Downton with their weapons, and were close to Celesce, and they rushed.

Casimodo immediately protected Celes with hatred.

"Don't you feel embarrassed to bully a child?" Downton drew as close as possible and put his hands on the weapon. He didn't shoot out the knife, so that the long face felt that his danger was not great.

Walnut didn't care about it, and rushed to Jovic after a hit, to take the opportunity to kill him.

"Damn, what are you waiting for, kill them!" He coughed up two bloods, making Jovic do not want to endure, so he had to start ahead.

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