Hero’s Creed

Chapter 239: Windfall

Lone wolf has no savings. Except for the perfect-level scimitar, there are still excellent leather armor worth some money. There is no way. As a gangster, it is not important to save any amount of money, so use it all. It's time to buy equipment. m

Downton scrambled to find a purse containing only a dozen gold coins from Romario, inspected the other bodies, and found that one was poorer than the other, and with his present net worth, he had lost sight of the small money.

Those Texas Red Wolf mounts are good, because when the wolves attacked Downton, they dropped their reins on the trunk, so none of them ran away, and it was cheaper for him.

"In the human country, a red wolf can sell 30,000 gold coins, which is a lot of money." Homer counted a total of fifty-two red wolves, but they were all ordinary goods, even Romario. That one is not pure blood.

After cleaning the battlefield, Downton went on his way.


The dark clouds obscured the sky, and the rain poured!

The bean-sized raindrops smashed down, and the roaring redwood forest fell into a huge rain curtain.

Downton wore a large bag of clothes, squatting on the thick roots of a large tree growing out of the ground, waiting quietly.


The thunder flashed, and the silver dragon ran like it.

"This **** ghost weather!"

Downton wiped off the rain on his face. If he hadn’t worried about the danger, he would have hidden in the big library to avoid the rain.

Yesterday's battle ended, there were still more than a dozen werewolves running away. Downton estimated that they would not give up, so they wanted to leave the forest early. After all, those guys are indigenous and are familiar with the plants and trees here. But the heavy rain that lasted for nearly three hours disrupted his plan.

Downton didn't know that while he was hiding from the rain, Rockell's forces were attacked by a bear and Tyson, and they persevered after less than half an hour. Start running away.

Those seriously wounded soldiers fell into bad luck and were all discarded, then beheaded by the fierce ogres.

"Sleep for a while, I'm on alert!"

Homer can do nothing about natural weather. The only thing that can be done is to allow Downton to recuperate.

The ghouls and abominations are devoted to their duties, standing in the heavy rain, like a stone statue, letting the rain wash. Did not move too much.

In the evening, the rainstorm finally stopped, but the dark clouds did not disperse much, in the forest. The light is very dark, resulting in a poor view.

Downton walked less than 100 meters and had to stop. The accumulated water makes the soil soft. Stepping on one foot, it directly fell into the ankle, which was too laborious.

"Just camp here tonight!"

Homer does not recommend Downton to hurry.

The forest was filled with moisture, and Downton slept very hard. He got up early the next morning, and he noticed some small red bumps on his body.

Walnut and Ceres are okay because of their race physique.

Complained a few words. Downton gnawed the bread on the side and went on the road again. At noon, he arrived at a lake.

"It's so beautiful!"

Celes, who came out of the rest of the war space to see this lake dotted in the forest, was emerald green like an emerald under the shade of the trees.

"Get some DV crystals in the future, and then encounter these beautiful scenery, you can keep it." Downton took a deep breath and looked at the surrounding environment, anyway, just a few minutes to rest, he was too lazy to release the ghoul guard, but Just encountered a surprise attack.

Some self-made long arrows were shot out of the jungle, and hit the town near Downton.

"Be careful!" Downton pulled out his saber and pulled the arrow cluster away, pounced on Celes, "Walnut, pay attention to concealment!"


Hundreds of fishmen living on the lake shouted and rushed out, holding wooden guns and stone axes, and killed Downton.

Compared to archery, they prefer to charge and slash.

"The momentum is good, but is this weapon too bad?"

Downton was still nervous, but after seeing these monsters with green scales, he was relieved that he knew that the fighting power of these guys was all at the level of five slags.

Casimodo stepped across the gate of war with a group of hatreds, and appeared in front of Downton, like a barrier, blocking the path of the Murloc.


The fishermen braked collectively, and some even fell too fast because they ran too fast and couldn't stop.

There was no sound. These fishmen who lived all year round on the lake originally thought that the prey came to the door. When they thought that suddenly there was a vote of a burly and powerful soldier, they were almost shocked. They even stunned their eyes.

Almost at the same time, the fishermen turned around in unison, and then escaped with all their might.

"Stop chasing."

Downton had just ordered to be interrupted by Homer.

"Wait, it seems that this fish-man tribe has lived here as a teenager, and keep up with it, maybe accumulating a lot of belongings."

"I don't lack money." Downton wanted to leave as soon as possible. "Maybe Tyson is killing us."

"I'm not talking about gold coins, but medicinal herbs, or other rare ores," Homer said with patience. "Compared to your human beings, these forest tribes will recognize and accumulate such valuable items. "


Downton couldn't help but let out all the devil servants in one go, let them chase down.

There may be some good IQs among the murlocs, but they can’t resist the bad things of the pig teammates. Under the persecution of the hot pursuit, they panicked and subconsciously chose to escape to the tribe. It seems that they can give them a sense of security.

Downton only took twenty minutes to find the monster's nest along the road.

This is a small tribe with more than 300 murlocs. It is surrounded by a two-meter-high wooden fence. In addition to a mushroom-shaped hut made of leaves and soil, there are ten ten-meter-high wooden whistle towers. At this time, two sentries were standing above each other, and they were alert to the suddenly appearing enemy.

"The defense in this place is terrible. Master, I promise you can knock it down with a single charge!" Casimodo knelt on one knee to fight.

For the murlocs less than one meter and two tall, these one-round logs cost them a lot of effort before they are erected, but for the abomination, they don’t even use weapons, and they can be used by brute force alone. Push down.

"Wait a second!" Downton observed the grass and trees in the tribe with a binocular telescope, and all of them were murlocs running in a panic. There are also some children crying, as if suddenly entering the age of the end of the Fa.

"Aren't you soft-hearted?" Homer immediately guessed Downton's thoughts. He has always been the type that people don't commit me and I don't commit anybody.

"I'm not a racist, but slaughter a tribe casually. Isn't it too cruel even if it's a monster like the Murloc?"

Downton lowered his mouth, and insisted on saying that the murloc is also a wise creature. It's just a little uglier.

"Don't forget, they just intended to shoot you just now." Homer reminded, "If you were deterred by them, did you think you could leave?"

"Forget it. But you, Casimodo, take your men's preparations. Don't kill people first. Smash the fence to give them a warning." Downton clenched his fists. "If you don't offer a ransom, kill it again."

"You seem to have forgotten, we still have a murloc shaman captive." Homer smiled, "Let's put it out and see?"

"Yes, that guy is probably moldy?" Downton patted his head, remembering the unlucky shaman caught in the dungeon. "Isn't it starving?"

"Not dead, in order to detain it, but a little wasted some magic stones."

The shaman was thrown out by the elements and fell into the ground covered with fallen leaves, immediately stained with muddy water.

The space it lives in is not the same as Walnut. It is completely a small black jail. If Homer is worried about driving it crazy, he will not even give it a little light, even the air must be controlled. After all, the smaller the consumption, the magic stone needs to provide The less energy.

Like a mental patient, the shaman narrowed his eyes and struggled indiscriminately, then glanced at the sky, his face full of ecstasy.

"I came out, I finally came out!"

After stunned for a while, the shaman got up and ran headlong, trying to escape, and fell continuously.

Casimodo caught up with several steps and kicked a big foot on his knee.

The shaman's thin body could stop this attack. After the fracture, he lay in his arms and wailed in the mud.

Many murlocs in the tribe are looking around with their probes in their heads. There is no way. This is already the last home, and they are reluctant to throw it away.

"Let it shut up!" Downton was noisy.

Casimodo raised his foot to kick and was stopped by Downton again.

"Wait, change a person. You have too much strength. If you go down, it will die." Downton sighed, Jackson was not there, otherwise it would be the most suitable job for this job.

Casimodo scratched his scalp awkwardly.

"Don't fight, I won't run." The shaman finally woke up and then asked confusedly, "Master, where is this?"

I have to say that the shaman was very jealous and consciously became a slave.

"It's the Western Continent." Downton threw a shamanic wind to the shaman, helping him relieve his pain.

"I'm leaving the dungeon?" The shaman froze for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After seeing Downton nod, he looked subconsciously to the sky. Although there was a dense profession, there was still some light from the gap Drop.

The shaman stretched out his hands, and he wanted to grasp with piety, and then there was ecstasy on his face, "I came out, I am the first fishman in the tribe to leave Porusna, my name will be loaded into the fish Human history books."

"Hello, are you too arrogant?" Walnut was dissatisfied. "I think it is true that your body will be eaten."

"Great master, praise you!" Shaman kneeled, "I am willing to offer you loyalty!"

"What can you do?" Casimodo sneered. The murlocs were too thin to qualify as artillery.

"I can take this tribe for you." The shaman had long noticed the tribe full of fish-man decoration styles. Is this the surface fish-man? Those female murlocs are so beautiful!

In fact, the shaman had figured it out as long as he was being held. That was allegiance to Downton, but he just came out suddenly just now, and was agitated with some excitement before he was beaten.

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