Hero’s Creed

Chapter 240: Expensive magic lake beads

"It's up to you?" Walnut didn't believe and pulled out a dagger and handed it to the shaman. "Go, attack! Let me see your courage!"

"That, I am a shaman, not a warrior." The shaman's face flushed suddenly. "We rely on wisdom, not brute force."

"What?" Walnut looked like a cat stepped on its tail and jumped up. "Are you despising me?"

"Little Princess, I dare not!"

The shaman had heard Jackson shouting at walnuts and borrowed them immediately. It immediately lay on the ground and kissed walnut boots.

"Oops!" Walnut was startled and quickly stepped back, looking at Downton without knowing what to do.

"I will consider your loyalty. Letting you come out this time is to look at my strength!" Downton finished, no longer worrying about the shaman, "Homer, persuade, let them send the treasure!"

Homer used the Haizu lingua franca, but the fish people didn't respond, but it wasn't stupid. After listening to the whispers of the fish people, they found their native language.

Homer as an ancient magic book, there are still some reserves of knowledge, but the fish people are stunned, to know that as a small tribe, even those indigenous tribes who have lived together for more than ten years, do not understand them. The language is completely communicated by gestures.

The fish people's answer is very simple, refusal, no one would be stupid because of a few words of intimidation, before sending the witness to the bloodshed with their own eyes, and sent the entire tribal treasure.

A middle-aged murloc with a dozen colorful flower feathers on his head separated the murloc warrior and came out, yelling at Downton.

"What does it say?" Downton pinched his earlobe.

"It allows us to leave, otherwise we will be cursed by the goddess of the lake and die in pain!" Homer smiled. "There are still goddesses in such a small lake. Their eyes are really shallow."

"Casimo, let's attack!" Downton didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, evening this little tribe didn't even need five minutes.

After the disgust gathered, the tall figure was full of visual oppression.

The murloc warrior climbed up to the guard tower and squeezed against the fence. Demonstrating their willingness to die and resist, but after seeing the abhorrence and striding forward, their bodies shivered uncontrollably.

Like a chariot, it abhors and crushes the past. If the land is not soft, making them difficult to exert force, it will rush faster, but the speed is now enough.

Some timid murlocs could not bear the pressure and jumped off the fence.

The feathered middle-aged fishman shouted. Let the tribe calm down, then waved the wooden staff in his hand, and a bolt of lightning was brewing and shot at Downton.

This is not stupid, knowing that Downton is the leader, so he gave up Casimodo and attacked him.

The liquid mass floated above Downton's head, after receiving the lightning. It reflected directly and hit the shaman's magic shield.

Downton, who didn't hurt a single hair, was surprised. "There are shamans in such a small tribe? I thought it was a patriarch?"

"Do I need to take action?" Celesz clenched her staff to fight. Generally speaking, the legal system should deal with it.

"What I want is a tribute, not a dead body." Downton rolled his eyes, and the ogres cottage couldn't block the magic of Celes, let alone this broken tribe. As soon as the dead Banshee shot, there must be blood everywhere.

"Master, let me deal with him!"

The shaman released a postoperative treatment for his broken leg, and came over with a branch on his face.

"Do you think it is necessary?"

Downton pointed to the tribe.

Those fences failed to stop Casimodo for even a second. It didn't even wave his fist, and slammed into it.


The fence collapsed, and in the splash of soil, the fishermen's arrow clusters and spears stabbed on it, and even the scars could not be hit.

Casimodo stepped on a murloc with a foot, grabbed the scattered fence as a weapon, and frantic towards the murloc.

All of a sudden, all the sights of the people were the figure of the falling fishman, screaming ascension.

The shaman walked lamely and left, the master's strength was terrible.

"Tap lightly and grab the chief and shaman first."

Downton's voice hadn't come down yet, and the abominations crashed the sentry tower one after another, grabbed the murlocs and flicked them as human mace, or they just smashed them out.

Alas, the murloc banged on the tree trunk and instantly fell into a ball of rotten flesh.

The shaman's legs tremble, which is completely crushed. In front of the first heavy infantry of the Western Continent, the strong murloc warriors are more fragile than ants.

In a face-to-face meeting, the fish people collapsed. They wanted to escape, but unfortunately the ghouls were cruising around, not to mention the assistance of Celese.


Downton proposed again.

Without any nonsense, the fish people were all disarmed, like sheep, surrounded by haters and crouched together.

The middle-aged shaman was dragged out.

"What about your patriarch?"

"War is dead!"

Because Homer was there, the communication between the two sides was not a problem, Downton froze for a moment, and then found a relatively burly murloc corpse under a sentry tower.

Known as the most powerful warrior in the Murloc tribe, I didn't know that he was trampled to death by that abomination, and the dead were more humble than maggots.

"With your most precious treasure, I am satisfied, and can spare your life!" Downton looked at the shaman, and felt that the goods accompanying the smiling face were not guts.

Soon, at the shaman's call, the fishermen piled dried fish and some unscented smoked mushrooms in front of him.

"What is this? I won't take it apart?"

Downton stunned, picked up a mushroom, there was actually a strange smell above, made him frown straight.

"Food, delicious!"

Shaman bowed his knees to explain.

"My Emperor Polo, even if there is no gold, you're messing with a bunch of stinky fish?" If he didn't think the shaman's face was too dirty, Downton's big ears scraped away.

"Downton, you probably misunderstood it. For these indigenous tribes, food is indeed the most valuable thing." Homer feels that he is miscalculated. "Such a small tribe, I don't think I can save anything good?"

"How many years have you lived here?" Downton took a piece of face and handed it to the middle-aged shaman.

"More than two hundred years!" The shaman took it with a sincere fear and took a careful bite. Then he was conquered by the delicious food in his hands and gorged on it.

The eyes of the fishman next to him were greedy and swallowed.

"It's better to smear some honey!"

Downton and Yan Yuese, the middle-aged shaman also relaxed, but the next second, a military boot kicked **** his knee. Let it scream and return to the ground.

"For more than two hundred years, I don't believe your tribe can save two treasures?" Downton was annoyed and threatened the shaman. "Are you treating me as a fool?"

"Really not!" the shaman begged.

"Well, since you can't pay the ransom, then you will all die." Downton began his performance, spitting in disdain, "I will nail all the fishermen's bodies in your tribe. On the trunk, let you know what is offending me."

The fish people panicked. Some of the impatients screamed resistance, but when they got up, they were kicked to death by abhorrence, so the rest was honest.

"I thought about it, the patriarch has a box with East Lake beads in it!"

The middle-aged shaman covered his face with the sweat of Nicaragua Falls, and his expression was submerged in sweat. He was prepared to monopolize these things after Downton left. It seems hopeless now.

"What stuff?" Downton puzzled.

"A precious 100-year-old lake beads can improve the user's magical affinity. Taking the soul level can advance to the first level." Homer is happy, "it is a good thing, one worth about one million gold coins ."

"What a daze, get it now!" Downton kicked the middle-aged shaman, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with an arc. "The rotten ship has three pounds of nails. This attack did not waste time."

Facts have proved that the broken boat of the Murloc is richer than Downton thought.

The middle-aged shaman handed a box made of big lake mussels, and Downton opened it. It was found that there were actually ten blue lake beads, each with the size of a fingernail, like a star falling from the sky.

"Why didn't the patriarch use them to improve his strength?"

Downton pinched a lake bead and looked carefully.

"Only the first time you eat will advance, and then because of the repulsiveness, only the effect of enhancing the affinity of magic energy is left."

Homer explained, "Yes, you and Celesce can go up one more level."

"What else is good? Give it all!"

After harvesting an additional 10 million yuan worth of lake beads, Downton was overjoyed, but still pretended to be a ferocious expression, intimidating the middle-aged shaman.

"It's really gone."

The shaman's face confessed hard. It really didn't lie, because it thought of a problem. Even if he didn't say it, the patriarch's wife and children would still say it to save their lives. By then, they would definitely be executed. Dedicated to this human being.

I am a shaman. As long as humans are gone, this tribe is still my own. I have great power and I want nothing difficult.

"Very good, I like your attitude." Downton waved his hand. "Let go of those murlocs. By the way, what materials do you need, you can tell me!"

"Ah?" The shaman didn't understand what Downton meant. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"I said what you want, you can tell me." Downton coughed, "But when there are lake beads, they will be kept for me."

"Bread!" The shaman reminisced about the deliciousness of the bread, and said something subconsciously, but he quickly changed his tongue. "Weapons, we need weapons."

The shaman stared at Downton's saber, and the armor on the ghoul. His face was full of coveted and envious looks. With these, the strength of the tribe will be quickly improved.

"Can you fit your body?"

Hearing Downton's words, the shaman thought he refused and was disappointed, but the next second, there was a sense of dizziness that was hit by happiness.

"Forget it, these fifty warrior sabers are for you."

Don't want to make too much money, Downton delivered fifty sabers. Although they were all sold more than 3,000 years ago, for the fishman, they are correct, and they need to know that they use wooden weapons. In the Red Mountain Forest, it is not easy to find iron. (To be continued...)

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