Hero’s Creed

Chapter 313: Early submission

In the spacious and bright classrooms, the golden sunshine of summer wafts, and there is a tranquility.

Downton is struggling to write a book, and the beautiful lines of writing remain on the scroll surface with the movement of the golden crown tree pen.

Although he has not attended school or a mentor, Downton owns Homer, and its erudition is absolutely superior to the Western Continent.

As an ancient magical book that has not existed for many thousands of years, it is a complete encyclopedia, and all the knowledge it contains has formed countless systematic trees with clear layers. Besides, its most important meaning is to cultivate, Professor each master to bring them closer to that magnificent goal.

Although Homer is not a potionist, it has too many classics of potions, even if it does not exist in the Western Continent, and has a long time to spend, so it almost witnessed the potion from scratch. To the whole process of rise and prosperity.

With Homer’s advanced wisdom, the list of books listed is undoubtedly the most scientific and systematic, and will not allow Downton to waste a second and take another detour. It can be said that Downton is lucky and is exposed to magic potions. At that moment, he embarked on a smooth journey to the Grand Potions Master.

Of course, Homer didn’t know the path after the master, and no magician knew it. It required countless magicians to practice and find a new future and development.

Under Homer's urging and Downton's own diligence and talent, his basic knowledge is very solid. Even if there is something that he does not understand, in addition to the magic book, there is Xia Luo, a great potionist who does not cherish himself. Answer, so faced with the question on the test paper, Downton came to his shoulders.

While others were still thinking hard, Downton had finished the first paper and turned it over. Several candidates next to him saw his movement in the corner of his eyes. Can't help but stunned.

"Couldn't it be scribbled?"

Candidates felt that Downton must only do the meeting, and then emptied what he would not, no one thought he was finished, even the three proctors.

The older potionist frowned, glancing down at Downton, and took out his pocket watch for a while. Shook his head.

"It really is a poor student. It is estimated that I will find a way to copy other people's test papers in a few moments." The potions have been supervised too many times. They basically know how long it takes to answer this paper. According to Downton's speed, basically Can be regarded as garbled.

The second paper is all multiple-choice questions, just fill in a, b, c, and d. Looking at the knowledge that has been printed in my mind for a long time, Downton has no pause at all. His current answering speed depends entirely on how fast he reads the questions.

After the second test paper was turned over, the sound made again attracted the attention of nearby candidates.

"Students get favored!"

Some candidates couldn't help whispering, there are always some people who like to show superiority and stimulate others, such as the fastest scroll, the first to leave the test room in advance.

In view of the rumors just now, the candidates determined that Downton's behavior was to deliberately distract everyone.

The third test paper is an essay question. This time Downton had to stop writing and think a little bit, after all, sort out the language. It is necessary to describe the answer clearly.

Downton likes to make up his mind and move forward. When he has the answer in his mind, he will put it on the paper. In this way, there is no pause when he writes.

The pen was drawn on the surface of the parchment, leaving a pleasant rustling sound full of rhythm.

"Are you really writing anything?" The elder potionist couldn't help it. Pretending to visit the examination room and walked to Downton.

"Huh?" The enigmatic Moyan style instantly conquered the potionist's eyeball, looking at the gorgeous and beautiful style. He could not help nodding his head, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Other proctors also noticed this and were very surprised. Why don't you understand the old-fashioned colleague suddenly laughed?

"It's a pity to have a good pen, a pity to write a good word." The elder magician originally wanted to sigh, but after casually reading an exposition answer, he couldn't help but yell.

"What's wrong?" a teacher asked, thinking that colleagues had discovered plagiarism.

"It's nothing." The elder shook his head, then quickly glanced, and found that Downton's answer was written in the right way, and the correct answer is presumably just a little different from making words.

Both teachers came over, and the strange behavior of their colleagues made them curious.

"This is..." A teacher murmured subconsciously after reading. He forgot to answer the questions quietly in the whole classroom, so the sound, which was not usually obvious, was slightly louder at this time.

Candidates glanced subconsciously, most people had an idea, and quickly drove the Downton guy out of the back door.

If he couldn't finish the paper, he wouldn't be able to walk through the back door.

"How is it possible?" The young potionist couldn't hold his breath. He picked up two of Dunton's previous papers. After reading it, he was completely dumbfounded. He actually finished all of them, and the accuracy rate seemed terrible.

"Come on, don't disturb him." The older potionist couldn't help but glared at the candidate who told him that Downton was illiterate. How could a guy with this kind of knowledge be illiterate?

"Response questions!"

The potionist patted Downton's shoulder, and left. This motion surprised the candidates around him. What happened? He has no problem? Or does Andrea have bought all these teachers?

"What do you want to see? Answer the questions with peace of mind." The elder shouted and glanced at the name of the paper. It turned out that this young boy was named Downton. If there was no problem with the practical examination in the afternoon, the association should have one more junior. Pharmacist.

The fourth paper took a little effort, but it was only a matter of time for Downton, who can make even the extremely complicated potion potions.

The percentage of the score is very small. The fifth paper, which is mainly an open question, is even less stressful for Downton. Under the guidance of Homer and Charlotte, he has a deep understanding of potions, although it has not yet formed. My own unique potion theory, but it is no problem to impress the teacher.

When all was done, Downton breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the busy candidates who bowed their heads around. He was about to check again, but was interrupted by Homer.

"Okay, no problem. You can hand in the papers." Homer teased.

"Can I get full marks? If not, I'll check on one side." Downton wanted a good grade, and he didn't want to be high-profile.

"You know how many points you will have in a few days. Your time is precious. How can you waste it on such unnecessary things." Homer hates wasting time the most, it has been checked because of the existence of dissertation questions. Downton can't get full marks, but it's absolutely okay to get a jaw-dropping high score.

Downton didn't want to leave, but was urged by Homer and could only hand in the papers.

"Okay!" Downton pulled the chair with both hands to minimize the noise, but when he got up, the candidates around him still looked around.

As if throwing stones into the lake, the fluctuations made more eyes fall on Downton.

"carry out an assignment?"

The teacher asked.


Downton nodded and put on his pen cap to speed up and leave. When he went out, he did not forget to bow slightly to the proctor teacher.


The older potionist was satisfied with Downton's attitude.

Several candidates near Dunton's seat were stunned, and they looked at his test paper subconsciously, and then he was stunned because of the answers written on it, and then his face became ecstatic, hurry up and shorthand, the answer is just thinking about it. Yeah!

The invigilator quickly walked over and turned the test paper. Buckled on the table.

The candidates were immediately disappointed, staring at Downton's paper. Eyes can't wait to penetrate the past.

At the beginning of the examination, the Royal Guard drove the irrelevant personnel away from the teaching building, but these people were either parents or classmates and did not want to leave, so they waited on the playground and looked at the examination room from afar.

When Downton came out. All eyes swept in unison.

"Has cheating been kicked out?"

"It should not be, if cheating is discovered, the Royal Guard will directly drive them out of the school."

Parents whispered, and some students recognized Downton's identity and whispered in gossip. Spread more and more widely.

"What's wrong?" Elaine ran over, very worried.

"Nothing, Homer made me submit the paper in advance." Downton shrugged his shoulders and comforted his sister.

"Since Homer said it must be fine." Elaine was happy and hugged Downton's arm. "Let's go and hurry home to practice the ability in the laboratory."

The parents all paid attention to Downton, which was about the future of their children. They were not embarrassed, so they squeezed over and asked inquiries.

"How did you come out in advance? Is the test paper difficult?"

"Can you get in?"

"Is the supervision strict?"

No need to ask, his son must have taken the cheat sheet, but he certainly had no chance to read it.

Downton ignored these people, went home with his sister, and then entered the independent laboratory.

Although he did not take the practical test, Downton also guessed the scope of the test questions.

"The registration fee is two hundred gold coins~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if the association does not rely on this to make money, it should not put money in or out, so the price of the materials needed for the experiment to configure the pharmacy will definitely not exceed two hundred gold coins." Tang Dayton explained.

"Well, of course, some basic pharmacy will be selected for the exam, and the process should not be cumbersome, otherwise the students can't finish it within the prescribed time." Homer continued to analyze, "At the same time, there must be no danger, use of highly toxic, volatile, corrosive Potions-like experiments can be ruled out."

Based on these four conditions, Homer finally selected 68 basic experiments, and Downton was practicing them these days.

"It's a waste of materials." These basic potions are not very useful in the future, so the materials are basically wasted, so Downton is distressed.

"Are you a billionaire? Okay? Didn't you spend even 10,000 gold coins? As for what?" Homer despised, "Don't be mad at me, it's worth the effort compared to the future."

It was indeed worth it. In the afternoon, Downton entered the laboratory as the No. 6 examination room. After pulling out a note from the box on the podium, he looked at the name of the potion written on it. He knew that he guessed it. One he practiced. (To be continued...)

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