Hero’s Creed

Chapter 314: Operation full score

Even if St. George of the First School of Drankford owns an experimental building, there is no way for nearly two thousand candidates to take an operation test together.

The experimental equipment, the number of invigilating magic potions, and the scale of invigilating equipment cannot cover so many candidates, plus half a day to complete, so on average, only 30 minutes are left for each candidate.

Failure to complete the experiment within the stipulated time is a disqualification. You don’t even need to read the written test scores, and you drop directly, so you can imagine the pressure on the candidates.

Downton was assigned to the fifth batch, looking at the candidates who came out of the frustration before the end of the time, no need to ask, only the next test.

After receiving the note, Downton immediately found the No. 8 test bed according to the test bed numbers written above.

When the previous unlucky egg was half done, the wrong buffer solution was added to make the whole reagent scrapped. He can do it again, but the time is certainly not enough, so even if the proctor did not urge him, he gave up and left in a state of disappointment.

"Next, Downton!"

The potionist responsible for invigilating the exam is an old man with gray hair, shouting the name on the list, looking impatient.

The number of potions is too small, but this kind of actual operation, if you have no experience, you can’t supervise and score, so those busy potions who are squatting in the laboratory are also pulled out, delaying the experiment, they are not blamed. What.

If Downton is qualified as a pharmacist, he will also appear as a proctor in the next assessment.

"Hello, can you start?"

Downton handed a note in his hands, and his etiquette never caused a fault.

"Well, do it!"

The old man nodded and saw that Downton did not blindly come up, but first dumped the potion left by the last candidate. Clean up the utensils and wipe the test rig. He put a check mark on the 5 characters after the entry of "Cleaning Steps", which means a perfect score.

After each candidate submits a note, the invigilator teacher will take a corresponding experiment form, which writes the standard steps required for the experiment. Five numbers from 1 to 5 are written at the back, corresponding to the relative score.

Under normal circumstances, candidates encounter Downton's situation, they want to quickly clean up the test bench left by the last candidate in order to carry out their own experimental exams, after all, the time is too tight, so almost not according to the standard Just do it quickly.

They did not know when they stood in front of the test stand. The exam has already begun, so when they are not aware, they have been deducted a lot of points.

Potion is a rigorous subject, and no carelessness is allowed. Sometimes the gas from some liquid left on the operating table may cause the next experiment to fail.

Downton seems to be sorting out the test bed, but in fact, he has simulated the entire configuration process in his mind at the same time. There is no difficulty in using one heart for two.

Take out the magic balance, find the potion needed for the experiment, accurately weigh it according to the method of use of the balance, and then pour it into the beaker. Add the extraction solution and stir...

"Whose apprentice are you?" The old man looked at Downton's skillful operation and asked directly. He used his eyesight to see that the candidate had done thousands of previous tests, otherwise it would not be so calm.

"I don't have a mentor." Downton replied, his movements were not affected at all.

"Oh, your self-taught potion?"

It stands to reason that the operation. Candidates need to be quiet, even if the invigilator teacher is not allowed to disturb them, but the old man is a great magician and has a lofty status.

Watch Downton so far. Every movement is as perfect as a textbook, and the old man can't help it. The intentional speech is to investigate him, to see how much concentration he can have when he is disturbed.


Downton replied that what he needed to configure was an acidic blending agent, which was added to the solution to adjust the acidity without affecting the drug properties and concentration.

For him, this kind of experiment is stress-free. If you know that he has even touched some toxic substances, that kind of operation is more difficult.

When Downton first entered the independent laboratory, he had not approached the test bench for the first three days and touched a vessel. Under the supervision of Homer, he carried a full three-day experiment manual, including the use and attention of various instruments. Matters and so on.

Coupled with the continuous configuration of highly difficult medicaments afterwards, those basic operations have been fully integrated into the bones. Just like the habits of life, he does not need to pay attention at all. Once in the configuration, it is the most standard and most standardized action.

"Huh, yes."

When the old man saw Downton's wrist shaking with the test tube and shaking the medicine, the arc drawn in the test tube was always at two-thirds of the scale. He couldn't help but praise it.

Even a potionist with five or six years of experience cannot be so precise. After all, even a little more has no effect on the potion.

"You have obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

"No?" Downton didn't understand why the old man said so much, but he answered honestly, in case the other side was unhappy, and gave him a series of bad reviews, he had no place to cry.


The old man understood that Downton is the kind of person who is strict with himself and pursues perfection in every detail.

Halfway through the laboratory, one-third of the candidates in the classroom failed and replaced new candidates. Downton is still in an orderly way, but there is already a long-faced candidate waiting beside him.

"Do you think it's easy?"

The old man smiled and teased Downton. In his view, this kind of operation simply cannot test Downton's true level.

"not simple."

"Haha, you are quite modest?" The old man ridiculed. "General candidates feel that this subject is sad because they only have a theoretical basis and no local practice. Even if they have to do a few experiments occasionally, they won't be able to help after the exam. It is a discipline that requires strong hands-on skills and requires constant experimentation. Although you have not answered, I can see that the various experiments you have done can not add up to a thousand times."

"It's not modesty. Every time I dispose of the potion, I treat it as a battle." Downton shook his head. "Failure means wasting time and money."

"Good." The old man stood up. He subconsciously wanted to applaud this sentence. Fortunately, he remembered that it was in the exam, and he resisted, "The young people nowadays lack your rigorous attitude."

"you flatter me."

"What's more than an award, you're young. How can you talk politely like this?" The old man pretended to be angry. "How? Are you interested in joining my laboratory and being my apprentice?"


The long-faced candidate standing next to him shouted subconsciously, and the old man did not lower his voice, so the nearby candidates and teachers also heard it, and they all looked over with surprise.

How is this going? Actually accept students in the exam? The invigilator teachers do not matter, just do not understand the meaning of the old man's approach, but the candidates are jealous, which means Downton is determined to pass. And there are stable jobs and mentors in the future, so don't worry about it in the future.

Downton was silent, with Homer teaching, and an independent laboratory. Where did he use to be an apprentice to others, but he refused directly, he was worried that the old man would give him a piece of cake.

"I'm afraid I'm not competent..."

"Are you looking down on my old man?" The old man sneered. "You talk to me. The test tube in your hand hasn't been shaken, and you even added a potion accurately with a dropper. How could this be possible without hundreds of exercises? Do? Do you treat me blind?"

"I haven't been to school." Downton could only throw the killer out, hoping the old man would abandon him.

"Well, there is a fart for nerds taught in those schools?" The old man disdained, "Although you don't admit it, I know that you have definitely worked in a laboratory for not less than three years. Because some of your actions have been formed Habit, you just didn’t notice it yourself."

"This old man's eyesight is not good." Homer teased in Downton's mind. Strictly speaking, Downton spent 11 months in an independent laboratory.

The old man made a mistake because he didn't understand Downton's talent. As well as his work attitude of sleeping and forgetting food, his eleven-month configuration of potions is more than that of some attacking potions in three years.

"I'm a big potionist. If you missed it, you wouldn't have the chance." The old man revealed his identity, and half the students in the classroom were stunned, but they were even more surprised.

"Can I think about it?" Downton poured the potion into the beaker. "The configuration is complete, please check it."

"What? I heard it right? He actually rejected the invitation of a great magician?"

"This kid doesn't know that the sky is too thick."

"Maybe there is any hardship?"

Candidates were talking, and even the teachers were stunned. The old man was famous in the association. He actually invited a candidate himself. What is the origin of this kid named Downton? They just thought that the old man was joking, and now they can be sure that he really wants to accept him as an apprentice.

"What else to check, full score." The old man sketched on the experiment table, but his eyes looked straight at Downton, waiting for a reply. His laboratory needed such a rigorous apprentice.

Hiss, the candidates were all sobbing, envious of Downton's good luck.

"The exam is still going on, he is still waiting." Downton didn't want to delay the long face, "Can I answer you next time?"

"I'm not in a hurry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What's his anxiety?" The old man glared a long face. The latter hurried to laugh with him, big magician, that was a big man who could not afford to offend him.

"Then let me visit your laboratory before making a decision?" Downton didn't want to lie, so he decided to procrastinate, and when the results came out, he refused to drop the other party without worrying about being retaliated.

"Haha, it's quite cautious, okay, let me take a look at my laboratory." The old man was still very proud of his laboratory, patting Downton's shoulder with his big hand and telling him the address.

"You can come at any time, I'm welcome at any time." Looking at the leaving Downton, the old man yelled again. It is too difficult to find an apprentice with good talent and good personality this year. He has a very smart apprentice. , But they can't endure hardships and are destined to have little success in the future.

"Do it well, don't worry."

The old man found a treasure and was in a good mood, even benefiting with a long face.

The long face was flattered, he knew that as long as he was not too lazy to do, with the good mood of the old man, he must let himself pass. (To be continued...)

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