Hero’s Creed

Chapter 344: Frightened adventure group

"Oh, great!"

Downton rejoices, although there are various disadvantages in the battle of the stars, if the opponent does not have a magic attack, it will become a waste, but Homer said that it can defend and reflect all magic attacks.

Even if it is a range of flashes, it can still store reflections. Although it is not comparable to the power and range of flashes released by archers, within fifty yards, it is still enough to completely blind the enemy for a few seconds.

Downton was worried that the sacred whale fork card was seen, and as a result, the adventure group was obscured by the flash spell. With such a good chance, he willingly let go and immediately shot the whale fork towards the archer.

The golden chain straightened instantly, the pierced archer was dragged off the warhorse, lost his balance, rolled in awkwardness, the golden dragon gun appeared in the air, and then shot quickly, nailing him into his right thigh.

The archer who just got up hurts his thigh and falls again.

"Damn, this guy's fighting wisdom is terrible."

The archer has seen his companion being bombarded by holy revenge, knowing that the divine art not only has a terrifying attack power, but also launches quickly. When he loses his balance, he will definitely get a shot. Knowing that the kid actually chose to attack the thigh.

This is not critical, but it is enough to affect the battle.

"It's so calm!"

Seeing the war bear rushing to his side, the magical saber slashed to his neck. The archer climbing in awkwardness knew he was dead. He suddenly regretted it and shouldn't have come to Downton for trouble.


The archer hit a knife in the back and cut a deep bone injury, half of the chest should be divided into two.

"I can not be reconciled!"

The archer was lying on the ash of the volcano, with blood vomiting in his mouth. If it were good to kill Downton when he was blind just now, all his luxury equipment would be his own.

When the vision was restored, everyone in the adventure group saw that the teenager had solved the battle and was standing next to the archer's body on a war bear.

"Isn't it? So fast?"

The members were frightened, but the archer had no injuries before. Even if the strength is no longer slag, it will not be killed in seconds?

In fact, these ten minutes of running, the archer's physical energy has already consumed more than half of it, and the mentally tired people can't be highly concentrated.

Downton frosted, staring at the adventure group.

"This warrior. Our juniper adventure team is not malicious!" The leader greeted with a smile. Immediately greet the team, "Go, hurry up!"

The members did not speak second. They left quickly, and a young man looked back, and was patted by his companion.

Not all adventure groups like to take advantage of the robbery, they will make guest robbers. This team is quite satisfactory, but they are still afraid that Downton will kill them in order to hide the news.

"I remembered that the kid named Downton had a conflict with the Green Day Adventure Group in a pub in Venissa Township. He was later recruited by the head of the Denver Nuggets."

A young man shouted out afterwards.

"Green Day? That adventure group of noble children from the Rhine Empire?"

The deputy leader asked, Green Day has been in the limelight recently. Because the members are young and powerful, they are quite unprecedented. They find an excuse to challenge adventurers and want to make a big reputation.

"Well. No wonder this teenager is not afraid of Green Sun." The young man sighed. "It was so ordinary to see him at the time. I didn't expect to have such a strong strength."

"In short, this kind of people will be less provocative in the future, and have the courage to walk alone in the secret realm. They are definitely the strong ones. Because the idiots are all killed." The head reminded.

Downton inspected the archer's body, and harvested nearly 20,000 gold tickets and some gold coins, as well as some inferior magic stones and several potions, plus weapons and leather armor, which was worth about 100,000 gold coins.

"No wonder people are willing to be robbers, kill a few more adventurers, and they are all harvested with hundreds of thousands of gold coins."

Anyway, it's okay to be idle. Downton went back to clean up the body of the triangle eye, which was 80,000 gold coins, but after entering the base, he realized that he could not sell so much money.

The merchants at the base were not stupid. Looking at the blood stains on the items, they knew that they were stolen goods after the murder, but they did not ask about the origin, but cut the price by two thirds.

Downton asked several shops for this price tag. There was no way. Finally, he sold it at the blacksmith's shop after half price.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, a combat meeting was held in the big tent. The two of the Triangle Eyes were naturally unable to reach. Anthony, who did not know the reason, gave a temper.

The next morning, after the team assembled, they still didn't show up. Anthony really said that he did, and he didn't wait a minute, Tie Qing announced his departure with a face.

"What's the matter?" Dongba approached Downton.

"What do you mean?" Downton pretended to be properly puzzled.

"It's okay." Dongba's question was very insidious. He omitted the subject, that is, the names of the two triangle eyes. If Downton didn't answer, he didn't do anything by himself, proving that there was a ghost in his heart.

The journey began again. For safety, Anthony paid 5,000 gold coins and followed a large logistics team of a large mercenary regiment to the outpost No. 2.

"Why didn't you follow the logistics team before?"

Downton has long noticed that because of the large amount of materials needed to build the base and use it by the team, dozens of logistics teams are constantly on the route of cracks between the base and the surface.

"That was the first test. Eliminate the unqualified members. Besides, did you not see the money? This is based on the head count." Dongba finished, covering his mouth with a mask, the wind was up, and the ash It was blown everywhere.

At noon, the adventure group reached the base No. 2 located a hundred miles away from the crack.

"Give you half an hour to rest and replenish the supplies." The head of the regiment has already wasted a lot of time. Yesterday was to allow the regiment members to initially adapt to the climate of the lava secret territory, otherwise they insisted on going.

The locations chosen by the base are all surveyed by professionals and have groundwater sources, but they are still stretched.

In this dry, hot and severe water shortage, there is not enough fresh water, so the price is terrible.

Everyone's lips are chapped, and Downton is no exception. Without the space for war, his dream of bathing is also shattered.

Cold ice cubes, cold beer with drops of water, and various fruits, the price is already equivalent to gold.

"Homer, hurry up and recover!"

Thinking of the red wine in the space. Downton made a swallowing motion, but unfortunately, because of thirst, he didn't even drool.

"No, she can no longer follow."

At the meeting place, Anthony was reprimanding Hu Zuonan.

Millia is in a hurry in the morning. She was already seriously ill. He had a high fever and kept coughing, and he fainted at any time.

"Then Juliet is all right?"

After begging for no results several times. Hu Zuonan put his goal on his daughter.

"What does she do with a guy who doesn't even have any magical power?" Speaking of Juliet, Anthony is angry and has a rare talent. Except that her physical fitness is better than ordinary people, she is no different from waste. No value at all.

"Two wastes, what else can you do besides eating?" Hu Zainan grabbed his daughter's hair angrily, pumping towards her cheek.

Juliet did not resist. There was no screaming, but there was a strong inferiority complex in her heart. She did not want Downton to see her like this, so she lowered her head and reached out to cover her face.

"Are you still hiding?" Hu Zhannan misunderstood Juliet's meaning and hit even harder.

"Enough. You take them, can't help, don't say anything, and waste supplies, it is better to throw them at the base." Downton frowned, after all, this is the family affair. He can't be controlled by an outsider, otherwise he really wants to cut this scum.

"Sir Knight is right." Hu Zannan accompanied a smiley face, and then pedaled on the thigh of his daughter. "Go, wait for me to come back."

"let's go!"

Anthony urged everyone to hit the road.

De Niro no matter how his wife and daughter lived in the future, they followed the head of the group with their supplies and tried to get as close as possible.

After walking more than ten meters, Downton looked back and saw that the girl was supporting Miriam, but finally she couldn't bear it and returned.

"take it!"

Downton took out his wallet, pulled out all the gold tickets inside, and handed it to Juliet.

Juliet didn’t pick it up, and she didn’t dare to look at Downton. Her whole body was shaking. She remembered how dirty she was and saw her hands covered with frostbite. She wanted to hide it, but she helped her mother and let She couldn't leave.

"Try hard to live, if you can't stand it, take this opportunity to leave your father!" Downton said in a low voice and then forced the gold ticket into the girl's hands. "Take good care of your mother!"

At the moment when both hands touched, Juliet shrank her hands like lightning.

Downton left and disappeared on the street, but Juliet was still standing where she couldn't help but put her hand to her mouth and kissed where Downton had touched.

It was very warm there ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with the temperature from Downton's hand, it was deeply imprinted in the girl's heart.

Millia was filled with emotion. When she was at the lowest point of her life, she met a teenager who truly possessed the virtue of knights.

"Attention, from now on, we have not been explored by any team." Three hours later, Anthony stood on a hillside to warn everyone, "This generation is a low hilly terrain, it is easy to hide Warcraft, so be prepared to fight at any time."

The direction of the Denver Nuggets' adventure is northwest, which is the same route as the Indian head of the large mercenary group, but the secret area is too large, so everyone should not encounter it.

"Did you see? That's the area we explored this time!"

An hour later, near dusk, Anthony pointed to the rolling volcanic zone that appeared on the horizon and announced the destination of the adventure. "After the intelligence collected by the major teams in the previous period, it has been proved that the secret surface is too hot. Both plants and Warcraft are basically unable to live, so they chose those dark volcanic caves to inhabit, where there are countless rare beasts and magic plants waiting for us, you guys, let's work harder!"

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