Hero’s Creed

Chapter 345: 1st team battle

The adventurers of the Western Continent do not have a detailed map of the lava secret, but no matter how stupid people have experienced so many days on the ground, they also know that there are many volcanic zones in the secret and the geological structure is very unstable. M

A small earthquake in three days and a large earthquake in five days. Although not many people died, the sense of oppression brought about by the huge natural disasters still weighed heavily on everyone.

Looking up anytime, anywhere, you can see the thick black pillars rising on the horizon, which is the thick smoke formed by the volcanic eruption.

The thick volcanic ash on the ground is the best proof that the hot storm blows them to every corner of the secret realm.

"This should be an extinct volcanic area." Rebecca, the deputy commander, squatted on the ground, inspected a piece of volcanic rock, and then threw it into a fissure on the ground.

Boom! Boom!

The stone slammed down the rock face twice, and there was an echo, and then there was no more sound.

"What a deep pit!"

Lev took a breath of air and looked around. This generation of volcanic area is not only covered with large and small cracks on the ground, there are thousands of paths, and even many caves have been opened on the rock wall. According to these traces You can imagine how spectacular the volcanic eruption here was.

"move on!"

Anthony did not order to enter the cave, but moved on.

Including Downton, several people noticed that the leader had little hesitation as he moved forward, as if he had already known the direction of the treasure.

The beard asked twice, but Anthony said nothing.

"This has something to do with my talents, so don't worry about the rest. In short, I will take you to places where you can get rich."

Anthony has done everything right, involving secrets of talent, and generally no magician will take the initiative to reveal them.

After more than twenty minutes, the team stopped in front of a severely weathered mountain wall.

"Eating, resting, and leaving in ten minutes, this time will be a long dangerous journey. Please be mentally prepared."

Anthony bit the jerky and removed the supplies from the horse. "Gather the horses together and bolt them into the cave opposite. They will not be needed in the next move."

Downton also eats dried meat. Compared to bread. They can provide more calories and are more resistant to hunger. As for drinking, it is not pure water, but a secret brew of elves. After drinking this fine wine, users can maintain strong physical strength and energy for twelve hours.

Knight, the alcoholic warrior, took a deep breath in the air and looked at Downton. "What are you drinking? Good mellow?"

As an alcoholic drunkard, Knight swallowed a few saliva and couldn't help but got close to Downton and stared at his hip flask.

The sight of other members of the team also came down, there is no way. After all, it was a wine that had been in the cellar for thousands of years. As Downton unscrewed the jug, the strong fragrance overflowed. Not only Knight, but the men present couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"It's just ordinary drinks."

Downton took a few sips and quickly screwed the cap back into the backpack.

"Let me take a sip?"

Knight hugged Downton's shoulder. Chatting with smiles all over the face.

"Sorry, this is what my sister prepared for me!"

Downton made an excuse, and he was not familiar with Knight, so he wouldn't be silly and ask him to drink, know that this elf wine was more expensive than gold when it was first brewed. Not to mention that the cellar has been hidden for thousands of years, and it is worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

"Hell, stingy!" Knight pushed Downton away and walked away with a dissatisfied expression.

"Haha, don't complain. Didn't you see the dwarf-style beer barrel design on the wine tank? If I read it right, it should be an empty rock beer tank!" Anthony was well informed and quipped, he said I don't want the team to be inconsistent because of this little thing.

"What? You mean an empty rock beer can made of rare gemstones worth millions of marks?" As a drunkard, how could Knight not know this kind of treasure, and waited for the head to answer, he suddenly looked back Downton.

Downton shrugged his shoulders, it was considered a default, it didn't make sense to lie under Anthony's eyelids, and it would make people question his character.

"Hiss, really!" Knight took a breath of breath and hurried over, "Take it out and let us open our eyes?"

Downton had no choice but to pass the beer can to the drunkard.

Dongba and Karim got together, and Knight Lev adhered to the dogma and only ate bread and water, so he was not interested in this thing.

"Huh, really good!"

Knight sighed, unconsciously **** the bottle cap, but Karim moved faster and pressed the bottle.

"Don't do that, people don't allow it again!"

Although there is not much talk about pointed jaws, Karim has no problem with his character and is very upright.


Knight reluctantly returned the beer can to Downton, as if he had lost his soul, murmured in a straight face, "When we have money, we will buy one."

"Come on, there is very little production of that stuff, only at the auction. Do you think your purse is full enough?"

The bearded beard has a sour tone, and satirizes Donton's tricks,

"Hey, such a good wine jar, the wine inside is certainly good, let me talk about the name, let us know!" Dongba hit Downton with his shoulder.

"Really ordinary wine."

Downton sighed that the wine jar was hardened by walnuts. He originally thought it was useless. He didn't expect to help a lot, but if there is no water, this is the source of life-saving water.

Sitting in a shady cave, enjoying the sunset, a group of people chatting while eating dinner.

"There is a high probability that there will be mineral veins under this mountain. If you can really find one and sell it to those empires, you can definitely change back to a noble title with territory."

Dongba looked forward to the future, but unfortunately no one agreed, because everyone's face suddenly dignified.

"what sound?"

The thief's ears were the most sensitive. He quickly lay on the ground and listened. The others grabbed their arms and stood up, alerting them.

rustle! rustle!

This is the kind of sound that multi-footed Warcraft crawls as it grows louder, indicating that the other party is approaching quickly.

"Be careful, coming!"

The thief's voice had just dropped, and a fiery rock centipede suddenly drilled out of a fissure on the ground more than seventy meters away and rushed to the team.

The centipede is dark red, twelve meters long, and it is generally thick and thick with six people together. As many as one hundred gastropods flicked quickly, rolling up the sky of volcanic ash.

"Come out!" Anthony yelled. The terrain in the cave was too narrow to launch an attack formation at all: "Lever blessed. The warrior stepped forward. Intercepted Warcraft. Priest and knight pay attention to help."

The head of the regiment was on the verge of chaos and commanded quickly.

Downton couldn't look after the backpack, holding the shield in one hand. With a knife in hand, he quickly approached the mage during the rapid transfer. He must ensure that the legal profession is not killed by Warcraft.

With one-handed waving, the golden light bursts out and spreads into a halo, covering a radius of two hundred yards, blessing everyone with agility and endurance.


The centipede is too fast, rushing into thirty meters. The mouthparts suddenly opened wide, and hot magma spewed out.

The pouring rain was general and the magma swept towards the soldiers.

The Soul Shield was spinning, blocking most of the magma, but some dripped onto the body and burned black marks.

Everyone is a war-level magician. Although it hurts, it can be tolerated, but in this round of attack, the formation is a bit turbulent.


Like centuries, the centipede swings around in its upper body. The turbulent ash swelled up, obscuring the view.

"Damn it, mage, rainstorm!"

Anthony is going to be so angry that he can't see the enemy, and the team's combat effectiveness can't be exerted even if it is strong.

Intermittently when the mage chanted the spell, the first death appeared.

A warrior faced the centipede that suddenly emerged from the volcanic ash. Despite struggling to lift the shield, it was swept out by its strong tail. It had not yet climbed up. The centipede rushed to it, swallowed it, and closed with the sharp teeth , The lower body bitten off by the waist fell to the ground.

Blood and internal organs were spilled all over.

"Be careful, it is at least the elite level of Warcraft!"

In fact, without the deputy leader reminding everyone, based on the attacking power of the centipede, you can probably guess its strength.

"Shooter, the fire is fully open to intercept the centipede, to give everyone time."

Anthony secretly sighed that the temporary team was not united. The members of the group retained their strength for the next adventure and for safety.

It stands to reason that in this situation, the shooters should attack at the first time, delay the pace of Warcraft chase, and give the team time to build up defense. However, except for Karim, the other shooters are simple archers and no shooting skills.

The archers and mages retreated 50 meters away. After being temporarily safe, they began to fight back. Arrows and magic fell on the centipede, hitting wounds and letting green mucus spill.

"Stabilize, Warcraft is not strong enough to kill!"

Anthony screamed in full steam, stabilizing the center. He held a tower shield up to one and a half meters in his left hand, and a long sword in his right hand, which was at the forefront.

Centipede also has low intelligence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ wants to kill the long-range attackers who cause huge damage to it, but every time he wants to charge, he will be blocked by Anthony.

"Warrior pay attention to intercept, don't let it break through."

Anthony's calmness and strength have also infected the team, and the atmosphere does not want to be so tense just now.

Downton is the first time to participate in a large-scale Warcraft hunting war as a member. In addition to freshness, he is also at a loss. He does not know what to do, because Lever fulfilled the responsibility of a paladin perfectly, so he wanted to be close Attacked, but was stopped by the deputy commander.

"Lever, the main force, you are reserved. When you encounter a group injury and the priest's treatment cannot be taken care of, you help."

Rebecca urged Downton, because the relationship between Warcraft, Terrain, etc. will cause visual disturbances, the head of the team can’t do all the details, plus some small things don’t need him to worry about distracting spirits, so the deputy head of the team needs to Take up some responsibilities.


Downton released the wind of the **** Mu, which is very powerful, but this is after all a bishop-level divine skill, which consumes magic energy too.

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