Hero’s Creed

Chapter 458: Bone No. 1


The Skeleton Master waved his staff, and a green bone fired at Firebird.

Bang, bone fire exploded, and after the sky of dust fell, there was nothing.

"Huh, it turned out to be dazzling!"

After taking a breath, Skeleton Mage was ready to take human slaves. As a result, he felt something was pecking at the mask. When he turned around, he saw the Firebird standing on his shoulder, almost not scared.

"It really is a ghost!"

Skeleton Mage slapped his shoulders with one hand, and ran to the Mage Tower with a crawl.

"Is there any problem with this guy's brain? It's originally an undead, but what kind of ghost are you afraid of?" Walnut squatting on the street corner muttered, carrying the death messenger in his hand, and couldn't wait to rush out and turn it over.

In the Western Continent, the dead soul also belongs to the undead, and it is a kind of residual soul energy body. Occasionally, there are some memories with the body before it, so a ghost that scares mankind is produced.

Skeleton Mage ran a few steps, was hit by a firebird on his back, rolled over directly, and fell into a dog to eat shit.

Firebird is suspended in the air, it can control the flame freely, otherwise this guy will be burnt to death.

"Hey, bone, give you a choice, either to be my slave or to die!" Downton came out. The Master's strength was in the war rank, and there was no threat to him anymore.

"It's you?"

Skeleton Master climbed up, with a look of resentment, how could it forget this teenager, that is, it stole the abomination workshop of the Holy Prayers Cathedral, and took away the undead abomination of the millennium altar, and harmed himself by the bones guarded there It took half a week for the dragon to break up his bones, and it took a week to fight back.

"long time no see!"

Walnut waved his hand.

Skeleton Mage struck a spirit and touched his right leg. More than two months ago, his thigh bone was removed by this little loli. The one I used now was removed from another corpse. Because of his height mismatch, I walked a little limp.

"Return my bones!"

The Skeleton Mage shouted, the staff pointed at the walnut, and the bone arrow was instantaneous, but he regretted it as soon as he cast the magic. There is also an undead firebird next to him, he should escape first.

When I thought about it, the Skeleton Master climbed up, but ran a step, and the two flame bombs blasted down, right in the back.

The black magic robe was completely ignited, crackling and burning, and the skeleton mage tumbling across the street.

"This guy is so stupid, are you sure you want to take it as a slave?"

Walnuts are too lazy to dodge. An axe chopped the bone arrow, and looked down on the **** mage.

"You are stupid, hey, it's so hot!"

The Skeleton Mage cursed and issued a scream of sternness, but Downton noticed that this guy seemed to be tumbling, but it was purposeful. A little closer to the mage tower.

"Let's have a trial period first, if it's too stupid. Then bombard directly." Homer said, "The war workshop can't be wasted, I will teach it how to make abominations."

"I guess he can't learn."

Walnut is not optimistic about this plan.

"Aren't you a Templar? How can the demon servant be either a ghoul or an abomination? Don't you find it awkward?"

Firebird asked.

"Hello, do you look down on the undead?"

Downton hadn't answered yet, Jackson was not happy.

"do you have any opinion?"

Firebird stared at him.

"No, I mean the reputation of undead creatures is too bad. It will discredit the master."

Jackson was quite unruly and nodded and smiled. No way, Firebird was not happy to have a magic flame nuclear explosion, and it could not even leave slag.

Watching a bunch of outsiders chatting. The Skeleton Mage is almost mad, is it that I am so threatening and non-existent? But then rejoiced and quickly slipped away.


A hammer of sanctions shot out, rubbing the skull mage's head against the wall and smashing a hole.

"If you don't want to become bone meal, make a decision quickly."

Downton lost patience.

"Bone, promise, or you will die."

Jackson persuaded him, his eyes flickering, thinking of bad ideas again.

"Am I such a weak person?"

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Skeleton Mage was ready to surrender, but his mouth was still tough. He had read a lot of books and knew that he could agree so easily and his status must be low.

"Then die!"

Downton waved his hand and attacked.

"Hey? Wait, the script is not right. You should invite me two more times. After I refused in succession, I reluctantly agreed to it, and then worked for you to lay down a territory!"

Seeing a group of people on the opposite side prepare to attack, Skeleton Mage was dumbfounded.

"Have you read too many knight novels for hegemony?"

Hate forward, prepare to fight it.

"Wait, I surrender, I am willing to be a slave, I don't want to die!"

Skeleton Mage's morality was also lost, and at first sight he could do nothing, changing the door court super quickly.

"Very good, sign this contract!"

Homer floated out, shooting a piece of parchment.

"The Grimoire of Wisdom?" Looking at Homer, the skull mage's expression became humble, which is respect for the master.

"It's so simple to sign? You don't have to look at any harsh conditions?" Jackson stunned, and then slandered. "Master, this thing is really a fool. As a mage, I don't even know the death contract."

With an additional competitor, Jackson naturally has to devalue its ability in order to guarantee its status.

"Fart, how can I not know?"

Skeletal mage slobbered, it was not afraid of Jackson.

"Then why do you sign even if you look at it?"

"Because I know it's useless even if I have an opinion." Skeleton Master wanted to roll his eyes. "Besides, signing the contract, I can leave this ghost place and live in the kingdom of mankind."

"You are not stupid!"

Jackson scratched his head.

"Nonsense, have you ever seen a fool who can be a master?" Skeleton Master is very proud. "Anyway, even if I waste, I will be stronger than you."

"Are you looking for death?"

Jackson was furious and rolled up his sleeves to prepare for a dry frame, and the Skeleton Mage stabbed his worries. No way, the mage is scarce, and is naturally more valuable than its melee.

"Come on, see if I don't beat you to find your teeth."

The Skeleton Mage eagerly tried to defeat Jackson to prove his ability.

It is actually very cunning, otherwise it is impossible to live in the dungeon until now. What is Jackson? A cannon foe ghoul, just because Downton left the dungeon more than a year ago. See how much it is now.

Knowing that Downton had no racial discrimination against the undead, Skeleton Mage was actually very willing to take a look at the human world, where no matter how scum, it is more suitable for life than a dark underground city.

"Shut up, bone, what happened to that bone dragon?"

Downton stood on the street riding a green devil, looking into the direction of the church.

"The cathedral was broken. It was in a bad mood. After demolishing a small city for half, now you will be attacked by it as soon as you enter the area of ​​the cathedral, so you better not provoke it."

Skeleton Mage glanced at Firebird, and he felt that even if the master had this super beast, it would not be a bone dragon's opponent.

"Do you look down on your master?"

Jackson took the opportunity to hit his opponent.

"You can try to find a way!"

The Skeleton Mage is against the generals.

"I'll call you bones in the future."

Downton did not listen to the bone's suggestion and fluttered. Head towards the cathedral.

"Leave, go to Tu Longac!"

The walnut jumped on the back of the air rays. Let it accelerate.

Little Loli likes this pet very much, so Celis chose to ride a bear.

Bone Dragon lay on his back in the square in front of the church, watching the black misty dome circling all day, and the uneasy trembling shivered.

If the master comes back and sees that the abomination workshop is destroyed, he will definitely dismantle his own. It wants to catch the abominable human being and make up for it. But they could not find their tracks at all. During the period, he also thought about escaping from the underground city, but could not find the way to leave.

"Do I have to wait here to die?"

The dragon's claws shot fiercely towards the ground, hitting a big pit, and the gravel splashed. A clanging sound was made.

The square is full of such dense holes, all of which were blown out by the bone dragon's vent, showing how angry it is.

"Human, get me out!"

The undead roared, and the gravel on the shaking ground shook.

Click! Click!

The hoof sound was crisp, and the rhythmical pace came from the long street. Gulong turned back and saw the man who appeared on the hot nightmare.

"Are you looking for me?"

Downton carried the warhammer and said hello.

"Master, aren't you going to ride me to fight it?"

The Green Devil is about to cry, but the dragon known as the Guardian of the Western Earth, although dead, will not be much weaker, and it will become an undead. Melee is more violent, because they will not be affected by injury.


Bone Dragon roared, stood up, was about to pat with wings, and rushed over to give him a breath of dragon breath, but a flying firebird attracted its attention.

"No wonder you dare to appear in front of me, it turned out to be a helper!" Bone Dragon stared at the Firebird, a little arrogant, "But it's useless, you all have to be my lunch today."

"Sharmadar, it looks down on you, hurry and beat it!"

The Green Demon fights against the Firebirds, but it's not okay to die.

"If you want to accept it as a demon servant, it may be a little dangling. I feel the imprint of the soul on it. It should be the contract signed by the owner who gave it life."

Homer was well-informed, and after detecting the bone dragon's body, gave a terrible answer.

"Why betray the master?"

Bone Dragon stared at Casimodo ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and questioned it.

"My host is Downton!"

Casimodo's eyes were cold, and there was no fear.

"Stupid, he deceived you, our master is the son of the Duke, it gave us life!"

Bone Dragon was also born on the Millennium Altar. It was the Duke's son who brought back a dragon's bones from the dragon graveyard, pieced it together, and opened spiritualism with psychics.

"Don't listen to it nonsense, everyone go together, disassemble it to feed the dog, and hang the faucet on the square in Chenwu Town!"

Walnut has longed to kill the dragon. "Have you any lairs and accumulated treasures? If you offer them now, I promise not to kill you!"

"Damn humans, you all die to me!"

Bone Dragon was furious, flew up, and flew towards Downton. In fact, its speed was average. The flight was based on magic, not the pair of wings with only bones left. (To be continued...)

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