Hero’s Creed

Chapter 459: War Bone Dragon

"You step down first, I will try my bottom line!"

Downton turned over and dismounted at the fastest speed, the elemental arm was thrown out of the battle box, he stepped on it, armed the **** fire.

The promotion of the rank was successful, and Downton, which had bloomed 10 million flowers, was already dozens of times stronger than the magician of the same rank.

Standing on the air ray, the little loli who was about to face the dragon charge, pulled her head down and had to stop.

"Master, come on!"

Jackson, whose dogleg attributes burst into the table, took out a battle flag and waved vigorously.

"Hey, hello, what does this mean? Do you want to pick a super-bone bone dragon?" The bones are about to fight daringly, and after seeing Downton's words, everyone stopped and suddenly scared Urine.

It signed a death contract with Downton. When the owner dies, it will die, and it will be called undead if he is not nervous.

"Stay quiet!"

Walnut complained angrily.

"Uh!" The bones endured and endured, or did not hold back, "Aren't you worried about what happened to him?"

"Downton will be fine."

Ceres is more confident in Downton than herself.

"The worry is that the skull dragon, with so many bones, can feed a lot of dogs!" Walnut sat cross-legged behind an air ray suspended in the air, took out the dv crystal, and was ready to record the big brother's fighting heroism.

Juliet folded her hands together and prayed for Downton.

"Humanity, you look down upon me!"

Bone Dragon's big head was originally a pale white bone color. As a result, he saw Donton rushing up alone, and suddenly turned red in anger, and he felt that he was despised.


The distance between the two sides is more than sixty meters, but Gulong no longer wants to wait. A breath of breath spit out directly.

A tens of meters of green undead flames boiled, and the tornado generally sprayed towards Downton.


After the flames flooded Downton, they hit the ground again, and the bluestone floor showed signs of melting, and Mars splashed.

"the host!"

The bones shouted and felt cold.

"Human. Turn into ashes!"

Bone Dragon is very proud, but the expression will stop in the next second, because Downton, who is covered in black and red bicolor armor, is shot from the flames, jumping more than thirty meters high, and a giant seal slammed into its head. .


Bone dragon's head shook violently in the loud impact.


Bone Dragon is no big deal, and shaking his head is another dragon breath, and then he slams down, and the dragon claws slap vigorously.

A blue liquid mass unfolded into a thin film above Downton's head. Just like the clear lake surface, the flames sprayed down and propped it up, but after all it did not break, it rebounded, wrapped a part of the flame and shot it back.

Bone dragon's body ignited a flame, although it was a flame cast by itself. It can still be reached.


The dragon's claw collided with the warhammer, and Downton was hit with great force to the ground.

"Fight down!"

Downton landed. Shouted towards the bone dragon.

"Go to hell!"

Dragon Breath spewed out, drowning Downton, but Bone Dragon found him standing inside, without opening any shields, but unharmed.

"The flames of the undead attributes are also fire magic and are useless to me."

Downton is very happy. Most Dragon Breaths are fire attributes, which means he has an innate advantage over them.


The bone dragon landed on the long street, and the dragon's claws slapped. This time it was not only a physical attack. Martial arts were also cast, and Dragonclaw shot three wind blades.

Downton dodged, they directly hit the wall and collapsed it.

"So powerful?"

Watching Downton and Bone Dragon fighting on the long street, although the tiny human figure was at a disadvantage, it was not defeated. The bones were shocked beyond reproach. If there were eyeballs, they would be absolutely shocked.

"Downton's strength has increased, but he hasn't reached the point where he can beat the Super Beast."

Firebird reviews.

"What kind of super beast is this guy? It's just a matter of fact, it's at most heroic!"

Homer dismissed it. After a few battles, it had already seen the strength of Bone Dragon.

The time for this guy to become an undead is not long, and he stays in the dungeon to guard the church all day long, and has never gone out to experience it, so the poor combat experience is completely based on the physical talent of the undead dragon. None of the undead magics.

Downton did not fall for the time being, relying on the huge actual combat experience and or the body of the Vulcan. Looking at the bone dragon's response, the tactics were bad and the reaction was bad. Once the physical superiority failed to crush, it began to panic.

"Can you bear this?"

After Downton evaded the attack dexterously, a giant seal was placed on the bone dragon's face, and he bombarded his head with a golden dragon gun and a hammer of sanction.

"Damn reptile, there is a species that you can stand still!"

Bone Dragon's attack is very fierce. After hitting Downton, he can definitely give huge damage, but it can't hit him at all. There is no way. Its size is too large, resulting in a wide open movement. Enemies whose physical qualities break the table can completely avoid it.

"Are you stupid? Are you willing to stand and let me fight?" Downton deliberately angered it so that it would be anxious, lose its sense, and then lose its judgment and attack rhythm.

"Damn! Damn!"

Bone Dragon was really angry, seeing that Dunton was never hit, so he breathed out and the dragon tail swept.


Several houses were directly collapsed and dusty.

"It's stupid!" Walnut plucked a lollipop into his mouth. "Is this a dragon? Isn't it fake?"

"You are fake!"

Bone Dragon was anxious, but there was no way out. After the dragon's breath failed, its big killer was lost.

"The dragon is very powerful, while instant magic, while melee melee, the enemy can not fight." Firebird remembers the previous experience, "This will not work, the magic will be a dragon breath, even the dragon family He doesn’t know how to use martial arts. The dragon claws sweep and slap from beginning to end. If Downton can’t avoid it, he will die."

"I think I can play five heads at a time, no, ten heads!"

Walnut raised a palm and thought about it. Feeling inadequate to show his majesty, he quickly put the lollipop in his mouth, freeed the other hand, and gestured.

"Who is this family!"

The bone stayed aside, howling, it didn't forget the little loli's impatient attitude. She didn't talk about it, but really wanted to slaughter the dragon.

Downton tried out all the attack methods of Bone Dragon, and began to switch to the offense.

boom! boom! boom!

Strong as a dragon, his body trembling continually trembling, but did not go backwards.

"The power is not enough!"

Downton landed, panting heavily.

"The attack is not enough, it is worthy of the dragon's skeleton. It's very strong." The cheap **** came out, "Quickly kill it and dedicate the dragon's soul to me. As for the bones, I will help you refine with the divine power to get the most essence. Powder, it's a super potion that is enough to improve your physique."

"Is there a **** more greedy for money than you?"

The more familiar they are, the less fear Downton has for the cheap god. No way, it's a big deal about how to make the sacrifice look like a profiteer. People can't be respected.

"Sure enough, beauty comes from the distance!" The cheap **** sighed, wondering if it would be more mysterious in the future.

Downton was distracted and was shot by the dragon's claws, flying directly more than twenty meters away, smashing several walls.

"the host!"

The bone was startled, but soon he saw him crawl out intact.

"What is this constitution?"

Bone with emotion. It has not forgotten that when he first saw this boy, he escaped several of them like dogs, and the good times are gone!

"Walnut, you go, let Homer give you some martial arts skills."

Downton retreated. Stand by.

"Okay!" Hu Taomei responded with a smile, jumped up, and stepped on the back of the air rays. "Quick, quick, charge!"

Sure enough, as Jackson said, this undead mandarin was a bit unresponsive and didn't even know what it was to be afraid, so he rushed to it silly.

"To bully too much!"

Seeing these guys regard themselves as targets for training martial arts, Bone Dragon was really mad and went to the walnut.

boom! boom!

Bone Dragon's huge body stepped on the floor and made a loud noise, and the floor was cracked and overwhelmed.

"go to hell!"

Bone Dragon put his full strength on the walnut.

The walnut landed, his body squatted slightly, followed by a catapult.


The ground was cracked directly by the walnut and stepped into a depth of half a meter. The gravel was scattered all around due to the shock wave. Little Loli shot out, as if the shells had pushed the bone dragon's claws, and the trend continued, and it appeared on his head. , Wielding a battle axe is a giant beheaded.


Bone Dragon's head was beaten like a meteor, hitting the ground directly, swaying the sky of dust.

Walnut fell to the ground, another giant seal.


Under the tremendous impact, Bone Dragon's entire body shook.

"Is that human being?"

The bones looked dumbfounded, and his chin fell to the ground. The bone dragon was so miserable that he was beaten up by Little Loli, and his body actually cracked.

Click! Click!

Whenever bones Xiangpaqilai, will be turned walnut beat, crack propagation, then finally cracking it loudly, fell a bone.

"Can the goddess be more sturdy?"

Fortunately, the bones were fortunate. Fortunately, he surrendered. If he persisted, he would definitely be crushed into powder.

"Can you use brute force?"

The black line on Homer's head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Little Lori fought to the point of heart, and she forgot her moves. She was completely bombarded by brute force. Fortunately, if she had a bone dragon with little combat experience, if In exchange for other dragons, she was overturned long ago.

"The little princess is mighty!" Jackson, a horse fart, waved the flag of war, cheered for the walnuts, and generally interjected, "Leave me a thigh bone, I will use it as a weapon."

"Just you dare to fight against the dead ghost?"

Firebird was surprised.

"Huh, it's trying to scare away those who are in trouble with it with the dragon's leg bones." For a long time with Jackson, Downton knew what virtue it was.

"I want to eat its soul!"

Seeing the bone dragon bully, the Green Devils swept away all his previous worries and clamored for battle.

"Fuck you all!"

Fortunately, Bone Dragon was bloodless, otherwise he would spit out the gas, and he would be treated as a fish by a group of humans. Even the ghouls looked down on themselves, which was too annoying. (To be continued...)

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