Hero’s Creed

Chapter 478: Wave 1 Offensive

The abominations stood guard at the entrance of the hall, leaving time for the master to talk.

"Brothers have looked for me, so you should not be theirs, then you belong to the Assassin's Creed?" The war came, and he neglected, and he died of dozens or hundreds of lives, even if this woman who gave her arms It's a princess, he won't take a second look.

"Not all right!" Melissa had never thought of concealing, if Downton agreed that she was an ordinary woman, it would not be worth it.

"It seems that you are hiding deeper than I thought." Downton stared at the young woman, her eyes fell on her earlobe, and suddenly he was stunned and asked in a meaningful way, "The fighting game of the Dagger Mine is very beautiful. Right?"

"Not bad!" Melissa said with a chuckle, and laughed, "Actually found by you? So how do you thank me for the kindness that I sent you intelligence?"

"Huh, the attack on my account hasn't counted on you yet!"

Originally attacked by a female thief in the mine, Downton noticed that the other person was wearing a blue pendant earring, while it was being worn on Melissa's ear.

With this woman's means, it is naturally impossible to make such a low-level mistake, then the only explanation is that the other party is going to show off.

"The Duke of Western Realm has far more cards than you think. With your power, you can't beat him. How about? Do you want to join us? The Governor looks good to you!"

Melissa extended her right hand and sincerely invited, "I hope to work with you."

"Who is the Governor? It seems that you are not an Assassin's Creed anymore?" Downton frowned. When was he actually stared at by a mysterious force?

"You are not qualified to know now." Melissa took a step forward, hugged Downton again, and gently groped his cheek, "Join us. With the Governor's support, you will get more, a western border What kind of?"

"It's such a big tone, can it still make me a Duke and King?" Downton sneered.

"Of course, as long as you show your own value, the Governor will never treat you badly." Melissa saw Downton's cold expression. No longer begging, let go of him, "You think about it carefully. If you agree, this crisis is nothing. The Governor can solve it for you in a few words!"

"Sorry, without him talking, the sword in my hand can still kill all the enemies!" Downton turned and left.

"The words are domineering, but reality will make you bow your head." Melissa quipped. "Don't forget to beg me at that time!"

Watching Downton wave his hand without looking back, and walked straight into the office, Melissa's smile faded and her expression was cold.


In the sunset, the Earl Sequoia rode on a Franconian pure-blooded warhorse and was looking at the undead flamingo in the distant sky. It was like a cloud of fire burning with flames all over his body, sweeping the eyes of the world.

"Is this a demonstration?"

Earl chuckled.

"I'm really looking forward to it attacking. We don't have to waste such traps."

On the right side of the count, there is a burly man with a height of two meters. His name is Lucio. He is a follower who has followed the Chancellor of the Exchequer for ten years. He is powerful and has reached the seventh order of ruling. The demon servant he possesses is the heroic order and is powerful.

"Can you lead it down?" Embier's expression was fierce. The more magnificent the Firebird is, the more rapid the hatred in his heart. When he thought of the **** **** in Downton who actually got it, he wished that he would shatter his body immediately.

"Don't worry, there will always be opportunities." The count is not a fool. Besides, if he can achieve his current position, even if his IQ is not enough, the staff officer will remind him.

Downton owns the Firebird, how could the Earl not guard against the other party stealing the camp, so he had already made sufficient preparations, and once it came, he would attack with all his strength.

In the final analysis, the Earl's side believed that the key point of this war was the Firebird. As long as it was defeated, the poor Corps of Downton was not at all a concern.

"Then let him live another day." Embier looked back, and the dense march of tents and the personal armed forces of up to a thousand people made him restless.

"Why not attack the camp?" Walnut sat on the back of the snow bamboo shoots, looking at the camp below, and could not wait to rush into the scene.

"There are traps!"

Firebird just released more than a dozen flames just now, but he was hit by a magic halfway before falling into the camp. This proves that the other party's defense is very strict. If the sneak attack will definitely fall into a bitter battle.

Despite the failure of the attack, Downton would not make the enemy feel better. He let the Firebird fly over the camp every hour and blast a few magic.

"Haha, it's ridiculous. He thought that this method would make my elite army insomnia and tired?" The count sneered. In fact, the attack did not have much effect. After seeing that the firebird could not cause death or injury, the soldiers fell asleep. After all, they are veterans and have long been used to this situation.

On the morning of the second day, under the clearing of thousands of miles, the Earl's army arrived on the outskirts of Chenwu Town.

The flags are full of curls and the armor stands. They reflect the sunlight, and together with the silence and silence, they give the ogres a great sense of oppression.

Looking back at the Downton side, the lineup is really a mess.

Although the number of ogres is as high as 1,500, they are cluttered together and there is a lot of noise.

Downton raised his forehead, making these scattered and untrained indigenous hilly formations a bit difficult.

"Haha, this is our enemy?" Lucio teased with his whip, "I don't need your army, my men can destroy them."

The ogres are too big, and it takes a lot of steel to get all the armor. Downton has so much spare money to arm them. Even the earliest ogres that followed him were only listed in 500. Only, so the Indigenous Corps at this time looks simply unremarkable.

Not to mention leather armour, most ogres are naked, wearing only a leather skirt, and some of the poor light eggs don't even have this. They are wrapped in grass skirts woven by vine leaves, and the weapons in their hands are mostly wooden sticks and stone mallets. , Poor little iron.

If the border guards saw so many ogres, they had no war intentions, but now they are against the elite army of Earl Sequoia. Each armor and weapon must have more than 10,000 gold coins, and naturally have the courage to attack. .

"Look, there's an orc regiment behind, haha, subpoena, don't kill them later, you can use them as slaves."

At the command of the count, the herald immediately left on a war horse.

The Orc Coalition has 500 people, most of them Tauren. The reason they stand here is not all Charlotte's face, and Downton had saved their grace in the slave market.

In the future, there are actually hundreds of goblins. That was the way when Johnson recruited the ogres, and by the way, the captives caught by the passing goblin tribe were swept through.

"One less spirit, one less belief, Downton, this battle is not easy to fight." Rosicky saw that the ogres had already experienced a commotion, and some thieves and slippery even wanted to slip away. The overwatch team led by Casimodo made a gesture.

"Confidence and momentum are to fight, just fight a few more times." Downton had expected this situation, these few battles are eliminated, surviving veterans, he will certainly be favored, will become the hills of the indigenous corps Core team.

"The price/performance ratio is too bad." Rosicky guessed Downton's purpose, but he did not agree. To maintain an ogre legion, the huge cost would definitely be unbearable.

"Everyone is upright, salute!"

Boulder Johnson followed Sherman behind Downton and yelled as he walked past the Ogre Matrix, but unfortunately these indigenous people lack training and have different levels of movement.


The soldiers of the Earl Sequoia couldn't help it anymore and laughed out loud. This situation is really shameful!

Downton doesn't matter anymore, the more the other party despise himself, the happier he is.

"There are a lot of good things about this untouchable. Those Shermans are very rare. It's too windy to ride out." The Earl doesn't care about money, he cares about status, only this kind of war bear that can't be bought with money. In order to support the family's heritage.

"Whatever it is? Isn't it ours to come?" Lucio said, making everyone laugh, and in their view, the battle was undoubtedly a win.

"Let the magic advisers prepare, and all the adjudicating ranks will release the demon servants, and the enchanters will form an array, ready to encircle the firebird!" The Earl has the highest status among this group of people, has the experience of leading troops, and the strongest power, plus itself It is the strongman who adjudicates the seventh order. There is a demon servant of the heroic order under his command, and he naturally has full command.

More than a dozen magicians stood up, although the rank was not high, but a few waves of range magic projection were enough to disrupt the formation of ogres.

Even a younger brother with no experience in battle, such as Downton, knew to suppress opponents with long-range strikes first, and then supplemented with melee strangulation, not to mention people like Earl.

As various magical energy flashes, more than 100 heads of warcraft appear on the battlefield, and the ogres are completely shaken.

Some cowards finally could not bear the pressure, ran out of the team, and ran towards the forest not far away.

"Kill them!"

Casimodo roared, then rushed out riding a war bear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ torn the dragon teeth and waved, heading an ogre owl.

With a cry of eagle, the white snow falcon flew across the town of morning fog and appeared on the battlefield. The little walnut stood on the back and threw a battle axe.

boom! boom! boom!

Like a heavy artillery, the rotating tomahawk broke all the escaped ogres and smashed them into a pool of rotten flesh.

"There will be no escapers, no amnesty!"

Hu Tao Jiao drink, this is the task Rosicky taught her.

The turmoil of the ogres was quickly suppressed, and no one dared to escape.

The soldiers of Hongshan's mocking face also converged. They were shocked and almost stunned. They were really amazed by the lethality displayed by the abominations. They also had the little loli riding on the snow falcon. .

"Huh? It's actually a flying soul mount. Fortunately, it doesn't have any attack power, otherwise it will be troublesome." Lucio observed the snow falcon with a single-barreled eagle eye telescope. After seeing its characteristics, he was relieved. (To be continued...)

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