Hero’s Creed

Chapter 479: Magic Shine Sequoia Forest

"Bring me down, a civilian, why do you have so many good things?" Embier roared, and even the Earl Sequoia was not calm, but the soul mount made of flying super beasts, he didn't own it, so He raised his right hand and waved it down!


The herald chanted!

The mage chanted the spell, and the instant magic of the demon servant shot towards the ogre battle array as the first wave of attack.

Fuck! Fuck!

Thick blue lightning flashed out, then split like a tree branch, blasted on the magic and intercepted.

A vine sprang out of the soil, immediately grew and spread, and became a barrier, blocking the rest of the magic of the net. This is Charlotte’s natural magic, and only she has the strength to develop such a large range in the shortest time. Defensive barriers.

Arcane missiles with white and purple shining were shot at the mage regiment to contain them.

"What's going on? This kid actually has a magic adviser?"

Seeing that the other party actually intercepted all his magic, Lucio was surprised. The mage is a high-end professional. Downton is a civilian. How can he afford them?

"Behind those hates!"

A staff officer pointed to the undead abomination corps at the mouth of the town, and magic was shot from behind them.

Firebird skimmed over the town, directed at the Demon Front, and then let Warcraft instant magic, the ogres will be defeated.

boom! boom! boom!

During the blaze of fire, the two sides started a team battle. Although the devil servant on the side of the Earl of Sequoia was also the hero level, the number was enough to contain the Firebird.

"Charge, tear them up!"

As the herald roared, the elite regiment began to move.

The soldiers in the front row raised the heavy tower shield and shouted for a neat horn. The soldiers in the back lifted the eight-meter-long spear diagonally and followed it.

The magic collided, and the elemental explosion exploded overhead. Sparks were flying around, but the veterans did not panic.

The cavalry came from private armies. The number was too small to form enough waves to strike the Ogre Front, so the Earl of Sequoia let them bypass. Attack the opponent's mages.

"Thyssen. You take giant guards to protect Elaine and them." Downton had originally left the immortal abomination to protect the mages, but when he saw the other party using cavalry, they quickly sent reinforcements.

"No!" Rosicky stopped. "Don’t forget that there are death knights. Besides, the abominations are best at defense. They will not be broken in a while and a half. You are the leader, and quickly lead the ogre to attack!"

"Dismount all!"

Downton knew that he cared about chaos, and he should focus on the big picture, instead of just considering Elaine and them, so he quickly took a few breaths and jumped out of the Green Devils.


Downton took the hellfire box hanging on his horse and dropped it to the ground. One foot stepped on it, and in the bite of mechanical gears, the metal scales extended like a tsunami to cover the whole body.

"My Di Polo, what kind of equipment is this?"

Looking at the red-skinned Krupp natives all wrapped in armor for a moment, even the eyes were protected with gems, and Lucio was shocked. As a strong man, his eyesight is not bad, and he immediately saw the grade of these equipments.

"What are you still doing? All of them are on me, killing them!"

Embier urged, Downton showed more good things. The more jealous he is.

"Master, you must leave the reserve team just in case."

The staff officer advised.

"It's not necessary! The opponent's hole cards are all here. You only need to do one thing, that is, kill them." Embier knew that his strength was average, otherwise he rushed forward.

The staff officer looked at the Earl of Sequoia. As a result of this small movement, Embl was slapped fiercely, and his teeth were loosened.

"Did you hear me?"

Embier yelled.

"Let the reserve team dispatch!"

The earl didn't want to drag it down, and there were already several high-level World of Warcraft burned to coke on Firebird's side, so he must hurry to win Downton.

The reserve team dispatched and went straight to Downton.

"One hundred gold coins per head, and I allow you to consume in Chenwu Town, and provide a lot of supplies, indigenous army, charge!"

Downton knew that the lofty ideas spoken to these indigenous people were in vain, and it would be better to encourage them with bounty.

Sure enough, the ogres who had a lot of blood on their hands went crazy and roared towards the soldiers on the opposite side after hearing the high reward.

The earl and Lucio frowned, because their own mages couldn't suppress their opponents, and the ogres rushed up unhindered.

"Is the opponent's magistrate so strong?"

The count looked down, but unfortunately the figures of Xia Luo and others were completely blocked by the abominations, and they could not see anything.

The sage wolf holds a dagger in his right hand, and the Ancient Great Grimoire in his left hand. Under its increase, it is no problem to single out this group of mages, not to mention Celes, Elaine, and the heroic Void Ray.

"My Emperor Polo, so fierce!"

The Skeleton Mage looked at it all at once. It now knew what a genius was. The three girls' casting speed was incredible and there were no mistakes.

"That's right, it's Elder Dragon, Nesiriel, and my Emperor Polo, even the Elder Elder can speak!" The bone was completely shocked.

In magical combat, a magician holds a spell twice or even several times faster than the opponent, and can pour more magical blows in the same time. Even an idiot knows that this means one-sided crush.

However, it is too difficult to achieve this. It is necessary to intensively study various languages. Only when you have thoroughly understood, can you omit, simply read syllables, or even replace your own syllables when singing magic spells, so as to achieve the purpose of rapid casting.

Of course, similar effects can be achieved by relying on magic talents and magic accessories, but the former is born, and maybe there is no such talent among 10,000 mages, and the latter depends on money. Although it is said that the masters are generally not bad, but No matter how powerful the magic outfit is, there is a limit, and the magic outfit that shortens the singing time by one third has already been sold for tens of millions of high prices.

The mage is too dependent on the magic outfit, and will never become a dharma god. This is a common sense, and any dharma **** on the western soil continent can understand no less than one hundred languages.

"How old are these three girls? They are not even twenty years old. They have already achieved this kind of achievement, which is really amazing!"

Thinking of the broken bones, there was a deep sense of frustration, and he found that the magic they released clearly knew. But they couldn't understand the spells.

This means that the three girls have found their familiar syllable patterns, and sing quickly through this rule.

Forming a unique way of singing, this is the basis for becoming a dharma god, but it is too difficult, and 80% of the masters cannot touch this threshold. But the bones saw three people today.

"The legal system is a high-end profession. Only a real genius can become a Dharma God!" Homer looked at this scene with great relief.

Under the threat of death from war. In order to share the pressure on Downton, Elaine and Celesis took the best form, which can be said to be perfect. As for Xia Luo, she was already very powerful.

Of course, in addition to the sage wolf, Elaine and Celes are holding legendary staffs, which have greatly improved them, at least in the same rank. The two of them must have won.

"What is this wolf girl's identity?" The cheap **** is very curious, but from its standpoint, he doesn't ask questions.

Looking down from a high altitude, the elite legions were in an orderly array, with a neat formation like a knife, and a messy charge on the Downton side. It's like an ant's nest poured in boiling water.

"Continue to accelerate!"

Downton was still dissatisfied and let the ogres continue to accelerate. He didn't know what the three Charlottes could do. If they couldn't stop the Masters, it meant that they hadn't caught up with the enemy. Your own party will be subject to a major downsizing. Only when you are caught in a melee fight, the other party will not be able to cast magical weapons.

The distance between the two sides was reduced to 30 meters, and the silhouette reflected in the pupils of the other side could already be seen.

The two hundred men moved and greeted Downton, hoping to intercept him as soon as possible.

In fact, in this elite army, the first row and the second row are magicians, in order to block the opponent's charge, but in order to be cautious, it still strengthened the defense.

Both sides rushed within ten meters, and even the voice could be heard. Downton holding the warhammer shot, and his left hand threw two consecutive!

boom! boom!

Two golden sanction hammers were shot and directly hit the two unlucky ghosts in the front row. With the strength of their soul level, even with a shield, they couldn't stop it, and they spit blood and fell.

The soldiers behind were unmoved, and with a hundred-man long offensive gesture, they shouted in unison, rushing up like a tsunami.

When the two sides fought, Downton did not have time to lose his hammer, and directly issued a giant seal.


The ten-meter-long magic energy warhammer descended from the sky and directly hit the formation. The five soldiers hit by the front died directly, and the armor was twisted.


The two hundred men are facing each other, and the magic talent is shooting.

Downton did not use the fight to turn the star shift, but turned on the soul shield hard resistance, while turning the waist and swinging the arm to rotate, directly a giant windmill, cut into the formation like a sword.

The warhammer brought out a circle of orange-red halos, and a large group of soldiers were beaten. As ordinary people, even the elite, they could not stop Downton.

A hundred-man hard-to-dread hard block ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was directly beaten, followed by the soldiers trampled over, fell on this battlefield, there is almost no possibility of standing up.

Downton landed and stomped his right foot to the ground, initiating the giant to trample.

The mud splashed and the spider web cracked, causing the people around them to stand unsteady and hadn't reacted yet. A giant roar spread quickly, leaving their heads dizzy for a short time.

Downton is going to kill.

The Krupp walked on both sides of Downton, guarding his flanks and attacking and fighting.

Downton engaged in battle to build an attack, which boosted the morale of the ogres, and then the two sides slammed together.


Like two torrents, in the violent collision of iron, countless blood bloomed, a body fell down, and more rushed up.

"Damn, send the magician to go round and kill the kid." Seeing that the magicians in the legion couldn't stop Downton completely, and he was still messed up by him, the count knew that he looked down upon him, so he immediately did Out of strain.

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