Hero’s Creed

Chapter 480: Deflated everywhere

The commander's command flag waved vigorously, and the battle formation immediately changed, and a hundred private armed forces also retreated and killed Downton.

On the battlefield, the two sides are fighting madly. In fact, except the Downton side, the elite soldiers in other aspects do not fall down. They take the ten-person chief who is the magician as the core, cooperate in division of labor, and take the squad as a unit, like a grinding disc. Similarly, strangling the ogres.

"It's worthy of elite, not collapsed yet!" Rosicky rode on the war horse and glanced at the foreign corps composed of orcs, and did not immediately put them into the battlefield.

The shield soldiers intercepted, the gunmen assassinated, and then supplemented by the magical main attack. In tactics, in the large formations, there are small battle formations, even the small formations, they do not fight each other, but support each other and will kill the ogres. Divide and surround, and always keep your own absolute number advantage.

Ogre's individual soldier ability is very strong, but for this tactic, the combat power is compressed, their weapons are too bad, wooden sticks and stone mallets hit the tower shield, sometimes they will directly collapse, but not yet Breaking through the defense, those spears have also pierced from the dead end of their vision.

Blood blooms like flowers!

Fortunately, the ogre is thick and rough, and it has a strong resistance to attack. One by one, the whole body is covered with blood and blood, and the blood is still fighting.

The glory of the divine arts reflected in the sky, and fell on the elite soldiers.

"You are in charge of defense, I will come!"

Elaine is a priest. Because of human-like ancestry, the blessing effect of divine art on them will be partially weakened. As a shaman, Xia Luo uses natural divine art. There is no such limitation, so she is responsible for blessing. Various buffs.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

Three green light groups shot out from the sage wolf one after another, flying on one side. While expanding, when it reached the sky above the battlefield, it had become an aura of 600 yards in radius, covering all the ogres.

"How is it possible? Is she Tulongjie?". Embier was taken aback. The strength of a clergyman was not strong. The range covered by the aura was the most direct proof.

"What are you doing? Why does she have the power to assist?" The count yelled at the mage, and a group of people did not defeat each other. Even suppressing the ogres, even allowing them to freely bless the magic, which almost made him mad.

"It's not the Dragon Slayer, but it's definitely a genius." Lucio's expression dignified. It seems that he still underestimated his opponent, but it doesn't matter. The battle situation is still under control.

On the Firebird side, a group of arbiter magicians are siege it with Warcraft, which is also the key battlefield. The slain flesh flew across, and from time to time, burnt black bodies fell.

On the frontal battlefield, the battle situation fell into the meat grinder, which is more difficult for Downton, but more than a hundred magicians have already reinforced.

After a long battle, Lucio knew that when Downton died, these ogres would definitely go away, and they might take the opportunity to rob a morning fog town.

Finally, the opponent's mages. After the roundabout, your own cavalry regiment has already killed. There are more than one-third of the magical powers inside, and those one hundred abominations can't be stopped.

"I'm going to smash that untouchable into tens of thousands of corpses, and then feed the dog!" The count also understood the situation. Although he was distressed by the loss of elite soldiers, it was still within the tolerable range.


Downton smashed a soldier, and the Warhammer swooped to the ground.


A dozen meters away. The mud cracked and a red lava rushed out like a fountain, splashing on the soldiers, and they were crying and howling.

The magma condensed, forming a three-meter-high flame demon. With a long arm wave, two slow hapless ghosts were beaten to the head.

The flame demon is made up of stones and flames, and there is magma flowing all over it. The hot temperature makes the surrounding air refracted.

The soldiers appeared panic, and they were moving away one after another. There was no way to do this. The thing was burned when they approached, and no one wanted to become coke.

"The 300th, keep up with me!"

A hundred commander stood up, roared, and took his men to intercept the flame demon. Although he was reluctant, he had to do this, because the flame demon appeared near him. It was his responsibility. Win, he will also be executed by the count.

The military regulations are so cruel. You must die if you don’t, but you will get a pension if you die.

Downton has the body of Vulcan, although only one-third, but the power has been comparable to the adult giant, in his hands, there is no one-size-fits-all.

All the soldiers who intercepted Downton were beaten and seriously injured and dying, even the ten captains who were magicians were no exception, and even worse.

The golden dragon gun sneaked into the shot, coupled with the giant attacking giant martial arts and epic artifacts, Downton opened the ring, as long as he was hit, it was a twisted body.

"Is this guy a monster? Powerful!"

"Sir, you can't stop it!"

"Hurry, you are stupid!"

After seeing the power of Downton, the soldiers flinched, only a symbolic stop, and immediately retreated, wishing he could leave his front line quickly.

Less than a minute, Downton's vision suddenly widened, and the heavy silhouettes disappeared, and he found out that he had penetrated the formation formed by the Thousands.

Looking down at the Earl of Sequoia and his party standing 100 meters away, Downton turned around and killed him back. The Giant Guards followed, and each time their tomahawk hacked, it would tear the human body and spew a broken body.

Reinforcement has caught up, and the rank of war can be hired. It is already the limit of the Earl of Sequoia to be able to hire this kind of private armament.

It is now a war, not a private battle in a team battle. Downton will not be stupid against these guys. He must defeat this army with the fastest speed.

"Boy, there's a species coming up against me!"

The reinforcements were mad, the elite soldiers couldn't stop Downton for a second, they could only let them run around, and the formation was rushed.

The ogre took the opportunity to attack, and finally took the initiative.

"Spread out, round him up!"

The leader ordered decisively.

"But the formation will be disrupted!"

The subordinates seemed to be hesitant, but they actually wanted to delay the time and watched Downton kill the Quartet. They were also afraid.

"Do you think there are still formations? If you let them hang like this, it will collapse." The leader shouted sharply and shouted to disperse his subordinates.

"Brothers. Cut it for me!"

Qiangsen in a shaojia carried two battle axes and saw a pool of blood in the crowd. Before that, as a reward for gathering the hilly natives, Downton rewarded him with a lake bead to promote it to one. Level to improve strength.

"This is the situation!"

See the magicians separated. There was only a team of ten people at most, and there was a smile on the corner of Downton's mouth, and then he was killed towards the least team.

Fighting is unavoidable, then you need to use some means. Each defeat is always easier than a brain attack.


Seeing this scene, the leader of the small team felt depressed and wanted to vomit blood, but after all he did not dare to flinch and clenched his teeth to lead the team to kill.


Downton roared out of the Horn of Heaven, taking advantage of the time the other party was dizzy. The golden dragon gun attacked, followed by the giant beheading, after chopping off a head, the giant windmill was cast to break the team's defense line.

The war rank wanted to stop Downton, it was a fool's dream.

After Downton slaughtered more than a dozen magicians, these guys also learned well.

Looking at the dead companions, the magicians knew that they were too far apart from Downton. They all played with careful thought, although their expressions were grim. It seemed that he was going to be unloaded by eight pieces, but in fact he didn't catch up at all, always hanging behind him.

"That untouchable is so strong?"

Seeing that the reinforcements didn't work, the Thousand Regiments collapsed with naked eyes, Embier was shocked.

"This group of **** beetles, I must dismiss them. No, hang them." The count was furious and stared at Lucio. "It takes your shot."

"Well!" Lucio rushed out with a dozen guards to admit. Now everyone is a grasshopper on the rope, and only he can block Downton's offensive.

"Okay, Lucio comes out, Downton is dead." Embier clapped his hands and stared at Downton in the battlefield, so badly he was killed immediately.

"Herald, how is the battlefield of Firebird?"

The loss of the Thousand Regiments made the earl feel distressed for the first time.

Firebirds and Warcraft have the largest battlefield coverage. They have shot thousands of kilometers away. Various magic shots and roaring bursts.

"The situation is still under control. Although the firebird is a super beast, its combat effectiveness is not as fast as expected." The herald has been gathering intelligence to facilitate the count's tactical response at any time.

"Well, be careful it retains its strength!"

The Earl nodded, as long as he got the Firebird, the loss of this battle could be recovered. He looked in the direction of the Cavalry Regiment. They had already engaged with the group of hatreds. As long as the Mage was defeated, their victory was in hand, but they were staring. After a few glances, he frowned.

"This **** group of undead!"

The Earl clenched his whip, and hated being the strongest heavy infantry in the mainland. The defensive force was terrible. The attack of the magician hit them, and he could not break the defense immediately.

Especially the one headed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wearing heavy armor, carrying a battle axe, riding a war bear, actually stunned the cavalry, a few did not hide, and they even cut horses into two valve.

"The subpoena, if I can't get the Masters in three minutes, I will execute them by military law."

The count no longer regarded Downton as an ignorant, humble pariah. From the beginning, he knew the pros and cons of various arms and their contribution to the battle.

The abominations charge, the absolute ogres have oppression and impact, and can quickly tear the defense of the Thousands of regiments, but then the mage regiment loses its protection and is absolutely annihilated by the cavalry, but now, it is protected by abominations Although they sacrificed their attack power, they relied on their terror defense to keep the mage group safe and sound, and they could always maintain firepower.

"What are the wizards doing? Why haven't they crushed them yet?" The count said sharply, dissatisfied with the magic advisers, and hired them at a high price, but they weren't letting them eat their meals.

The mages were depressed, and the other party’s magic did not see how advanced, but by swiftly firing twice their own rapid fire, he was intercepting all the magic shot by his own, and even assisting the Ogre Corps, it was a complete mess. . (To be continued...)

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