Hero’s Creed

Chapter 488: Barbarian Legion

The sunset was like fire, and the night breeze took away the last hint of heat in the day, and the weather cooled down!

Downton and Arnold have been together for a long time, and their men and women are looking at each other, keeping their eyes on each other.

These ogres can stand out from more than two thousand people, naturally they are elite, at least not afraid of death, dare to kill and fight, coupled with the burly body, freedom is a sturdy momentum.

They knew that they represented the face of the master, so they straightened their waists more straight. They weren’t stupid. Looking at Downton’s attitude, these people might not be able to join the master. Their status will definitely not be the same when they take time. That also means different treatment.

"It must be fought!" Jushi Qiangsen, carrying a mace and sitting on the war bear, is a fierce and evil attitude, completely a gesture of choice.

The savages stared back unwillingly. These guys are from the polar tribes who have a hard time surviving. They have developed a sturdy habit, because showing weakness means starving and dying. Only if they are ruthless can they survive.

Rosicky ignored the splayed atmosphere, and looked at the barbarians who were constantly coming out of the jungle, his expressions became more and more happy.

"Warriors, these are real warriors."

Tall body, full of muscular muscles, heavy Viking battle axe, blood stains all over the body, sharp eyes like the blade, no matter which one, it is eye-catching.

Rosicky didn’t know that these barbarians came through the frozen ground in the north. In that extreme area, let alone the weak and sick, the ordinary physique was also eliminated, and the rest are strong and tough-willed. Warrior.

After receiving Downton's funding, Arnold gathered a dozen companions. He was not reconciled to find the master in this way, because he knew the position of the barbarian in the human kingdom, that is synonymous with robbers. With this strength, he felt that the master would not value himself, so he decided to return to the tribe.

A dozen companions turned pale when they heard this, and they really didn't want to go through that kind of **** once, so Arnold could only return alone.

His idea is simple. As long as you cross the Great Wall, even hiding in the hills to be a robber, it is more than ten times better than the life of the tribe. There are more people and powerful forces. If Downton doesn't want to be himself, he can also bring people to live in the hills.

The days of the tribe are really too bitter. This year, the hapless encounter of the polar cold happened, and even the winter catches were incomplete. No way, under the pressure of starvation, Arnold appeared. So the young people followed him out without hesitation.

Arnold had two experiences crossing the frozen ground in the north. Under his command, together with the team's adequate preparation, only less than 600 people died this time.

"Six hundred people!" Looking down on Arnold, who was happy to tell his experience, Downton's mouth was bitter, and six hundred lives fell into the frozen ground. This is really a **** road that flows out of life.

"Boss. Won't you not want us?" Arnold couldn't help it after all, and asked, looking at Downton tremblingly.

To be honest, if there is a place where people can live in peace, who would like to be a robber? Why didn't Arnold go directly to Downton. Rather, he risked his life to attack the two mercenary regiments, not for the record. Prove its worth.

"Of course not. From now on, if I eat a bite, I won't be hungry." Downton patted Arnold on the shoulder. "Go, back to Chenwu Town."

"Children, go!"

Arnold's face flushed with excitement, Downton was indeed worthy of trust.

"Arnold, I must remind you that Downton is in big trouble now, with a 90% chance of dying." Rosicky turned black, and he wanted to determine the real intentions of these barbarians.

"What do you mean? Do you think we will abandon him?"

Arnold frowned, saying there was something he could do if he didn't agree.

"No, it is to make you understand Downton's situation, don't think he lied to you." Rosicky talked eloquently, even if he was held hostile by hundreds of eyes, he didn't care.

"If we are afraid of death, we will not shoot."

Arnold's righteous words are actually a bit cautious.

The most recent major event of Drankford is the civilian-born Downton against the Duke of Westland. Arnold had long heard that in his capacity, he can only bet against Downton, because no one but him can look down upon the barbarian if he wins. After becoming the Duke of Xijing, our compatriots can live right here, and they can even be divided into a piece of land that can be cultivated.

"We are savages, and they explode those ogres."

The barbarians are very proud, because of the relationship between blood and region, in humans, these guys are born warriors, it can be said that the fighting power is the highest.

"I believe that you will not treat your door badly. When you hit the western border, I will give you land according to the merits of the battle."

Downton immediately gave a promise, and the language was still barbaric. With Homer in place, a language-spelled spell would solve the problem.

The savages were excited, howling to vent their emotions, hearing Downton's pure polar accent, closer to him.

These barbarians have few flowers and intestines. If Downton is a little more subtle, people simply don't understand it. It's better to go straight.

Land, wife and children, a warm home, this is the pursuit of barbarians.

"How many people have you come together?" Rosicky looked at the dense head, frowning a bit, it was really stinking.

The barbarian does not take a bath all year round, and his face is still tattooed with the blood of the prey and the dye, yes, and the short poor leather pants, a bunch of muscles ~ the sticks dangled in front of the eyes, let the prince come Rosicky is really uncomfortable.

Downton wasn't used to it, but he forced vomiting, otherwise the relationship would definitely crack.

"Now there are only 876 people left." Arnold sighed and found that more than half of his dead companions had come to the present.

"How many of them are magical powers?" Rosicky was calm, no matter how strong the ordinary barbarian was, he couldn't beat the magical powers.

"Four hundred and twenty-six!"


Arnold reported a number that directly shocked everyone.

"Goddess is on, am I not wrong? More than four hundred? Isn't it going to sweep the entire west?"

"Sweep a fart. You forgot how many magicians the Earl Sequoia brought? This time alone, the number will exceed 1,000."

Johnson's eyeball turned and struck Arnold.

"What level are they?" Rosicky didn't care about this kind of verbal dispute, but continued to ask, he found that this new army, and his own is not without chance.

"Most of them are soul level, there are more than fifty people in the war level, and there are only a dozen or so ruling levels." Arnold was embarrassed. "You know, we are too poor to get Chongjie resources."

"The barbarian's physical talent is really outstanding!"

Downton sighed with emotion, and then he was relieved. How can a barbarian who has the courage to walk through the frozen ground in the north be a miscellaneous fish, even those ordinary ones, as long as they have sufficient resources, they may become magicians.

The barbarian followed. They are all looking at Downton, and various kinds of discussions are emerging, of course. Many of them look down.

These guys are very proud. It is not a few words to convince them, but Downton has no intention to stand alone with them.

When the Firebird returned and landed on Downton's shoulders, the barbarian's gaze was a little more awesome, and he could get Super Beast as a demon servant. The boss's strength is certainly not bad.

Downton returned to Chenwu Town with nearly a thousand savages, and the town residents were taken aback.

"Isn't the mayor the Templar? Why are all of them under different races?"

"Hush, don't talk nonsense."

The townsmen did not dare to come out, only to ask the war to end soon.

"These are our men in the future?" Walnut smiled and took out a handful of toffee and handed it to Arnold. "Still remember me?"

"Remember, little princess."

Arnold is very respectful.

"You're waiting. I'll go find someone to cook." Walnut ran away in a hurry, "Abagon, quickly arrange a hearty dinner."

Elaine and Celesce also came, reserved but not rude, and said hello to Arnold.

The barbarians entered the human town for the first time and were curious about everything, especially when the two girls appeared, they were dumbfounded.

"so beautiful!"

"Can I propose to them?"

"That's the boss's sister. If you don't want to die, just go."

The barbarians talked a lot. When Elaine walked to her side, she immediately stood up and laughed, embarrassed not knowing what to do.

"How hurt?"

Yilian helped them while healed, and she was soothed. She received the education of an orthodox pastor and was very skilled in these tasks.

If the barbarians had a bit of resistance and worry about the new environment and the new boss before, because of Elaine's actions, all of them disappeared.

"Goddess is on, nearly a thousand savages? Where did Downton recruit reinforcements?" Andrea exclaimed, thinking for a moment, or did not come forward, in her identity, it may grab Downton's limelight , She didn't want to make both sides unhappy.

"Downton, I still underestimated you!"

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor, looking at the barbarian who sat on the floor and eating the Hessian, Melissa couldn't help but talk. Was Downton the embodiment of miracle? The barbarian has always been reckless and conflicted with humanity. What means did he use to make these indigenous people follow in vain?

"Abagon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must take good care of them, yes, the armed forces in the armory can also be put down." Downton thought that the standard armor of the Saint Judeland Empire would be dusty for several years. , Did not expect to come in handy now.

"Have you thought about it? With those armor, Porusna's secrets are revealed." Rosicky frowned. "The empire will come to the door, even the king can't protect you."

"I can't let the barbarian wear a pair of leather pants to fight for the sake of confidentiality?" Downton shook his head and put on his armor. The casualty rate was reduced by at least 80%.

"You are right!" Rosicky was silent, and the soldier's life was more important than anything. Besides, those equipments could also be fooled with on the pretext of tombs and funerals.

Despite the lack of Downton harassment, the two mercenary regiments did not dare to carelessly. In order to reduce the damage caused by the harassment, they marched all the way and arrived in the morning fog town early the next morning.

"I want to level this town!"

The head of the savages grinned, and the other head of the head did not speak, looking at everything silently in front of him.

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