Hero’s Creed

Chapter 489: Challenge

The two heads of command did not rush to order an offensive. Except for the firebirds and bone dragons wandering outside the town, their regiments also began to expand quickly.

The shield soldiers were at the forefront, followed by the spearmen, and then the archers. The full-blown horns were one after another, rendering the tense atmosphere of the war.

Not to mention the ordinary mercenaries, even the Demon Guardian Guards looked at the two super-beasts with a strong appearance, and their expression became dignified.

The firebird is only the size of a thrush, and it fell on a crooked neck tree. It slowly combed its wings, but no one dared to underestimate him. The feathers condensed by the flame are proof of its strength.

On the ground, the bone dragon lies at the mouth of the town, and its eyes are burning green flames. Looking forward, a breath of undead pervades the freedom. The mercenaries swept by it all feel that their backs are numb, as if they were instantly in the cold winter.

"How can this guy, He De, actually get two super beasts?"

The head of the savages must be jealous of death. If he has this strength, he can already sit in a large territory and become a grand prince.

The trumpet sounded louder, not because the mercenaries were bloodless and fearless, but in this way dispelling the timidity of the heart, fighting against the super beasts, and arranging troops without collapsing.

Boulder Johnson rides on a Sherman, holding the flag of Westland Fox representing Downton, and walks out of the town. Behind him are three hundred Ogre Warriors with helmets. Only later are ordinary ogren soldiers.


Seeing this group of natives carrying iron spiked spiked wooden sticks and stone hammers, the head of the savages couldn't help laughing.

"This is shabby!"

The head of the always reticent Indian head also ridiculed him rarely. He was actually deliberately demoting the enemy and cheering his men.

In my heart. The two commanders were somewhat envious, and with the ogre alone, if they were trained, they would be willing to invest in armor, even if they were cannon fodder.

"Too good to eat."

"Wildness is hard to tame, it's hard to discipline."

"There are also racial contradictions, these ogres will make trouble when they come out, but they are locked in the barracks. Once the time is long, the absolute riots."

Several deputy commanders and staff whispered and analyzed the pros and cons of the hilly indigenous army. In fact, this is already an old saying. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of cost performance. They don’t have a dungeon. Every copper plate in the purse is sweat. Earned back. How can it be spent on hilly natives with loyalty problems, it is not as useful as training human soldiers.

"There is money to burn!"

Rob pouted, and the others thought deeply, but he was excited and captured Downton. Isn't his wealth his own?

Behind the ogres is the Bear Goblin Corps. About 500 people were caught by Johnson when he robbed the Ogre Horde.

These guys are generally two meters tall, with big waists and round waists. It is a pity that it is not in the eyes of the two mercenaries.

The neglected bear goblins worked hard to lift their chests and put on their abdomen, posing with majesty. It's a pity that it's useless, because one by one iron canned town armed with teeth came out.

The barbarian came out, and Downton got 1,500 sets of light warrior armor and 800 sets of heavy armor from the Armory of Porosna, enough to arm these polar warriors.

"What's going on? When did that civilian have another legion?" The head of the barbarian's face sank as he felt a dangerous breath from the legion.

Although there was no neat queue and no feet walking in unison, the silent gesture and the pair of pupils with slightly red bloodstains on the cladding armour showed a palpable momentum.


Unexpectedly, the mercenaries swallowed in unison.

This is the standard equipment of the Saint Geraldian Empire. It is designed by the top tailors and has both beauty and defense. The black armor and the edges are sharp. Under a calm and low-key appearance, it has tens of thousands of such empires. The dignified beauty of the year history is incorporated into it.

"My Emperor Polo, is the standard equipment? Where did he get it?" The staff could not help but exclaimed, staring at the armor's chest.

There should have been an emblem of the empire, but it was scratched at this time.

"It is a capital offense to buy and sell arms without permission!"

Kramer snarled, but everyone knew it was farting. If a little lord did this, he would die, but with the current forces of Downton, who is eligible to punish him? They even ignored the Duke of Xijing.

"Could Saint Laurent sell it to him?" Rob said, and everyone had already got detailed information about Downton. He and Andrea had a good relationship.

"How do I think it looks like Saint Gerald's military armor?" A staff from Gerdran couldn't help whispering.

"Don't worry about the history, how much confidence do you think?" With such a variable, the head of the Savage was in a bad mood.

The staff did not answer immediately, but stared carefully at the group of soldiers. They held a warrior double tower shield with a half-man height on their left hand, a battle axe on their right hand, and a warrior dagger hanging around their waist. It is armed to the extreme, and your own mercenaries bite up, and they will also collapse a few teeth.

"Huh? Won't these be barbarians?" Kramer called out. "Look at their tomahawks?"

"My Emperor Polo, where did these barbarians come from?"

"Why would they fight Downton?"

"It's not easy to do, it is estimated that it was the batch encountered in this burst."

The staff could not figure it out, barbarians are the best fighting slaves, so apart from the area north of the frozen ground in the north, they almost caught the slave traders, it was difficult to see them, and because of their natural nature of looting, Nor will he submit to a human being.

Although the barbarians are more conservative and keep their tribal style in their clothes, they are not stupid.

When the warrior suits were sent out, the barbarians were excited and stroking the armor. Many people said on the spot that they would pass them on as heirlooms, and they were even more stubborn about Downton.

In the Western Continent, iron equipment is always valuable goods, especially for these races that do not smelt and forge, getting a set of equipment is the greatest wealth left to future generations.

Behind the barbarian is the orc foreign corps. At this time, all the faces are envious, ignoring the mercenary corps arrayed 100 meters away, but staring at the armor on the barbarian, his eyes can't be pulled out.

When I saw this scene yesterday, half of the orcs immediately said that if they got a set of armor, they would vow to die for Downton.

"You can rob, and the loot you get after hacking the enemy with your own hands belongs to you. I don't want any success."

According to the rules of the mercenary world, the loot obtained by these people must be turned over to 30% of the employer. After all, it is the employer’s main force that defeated the enemy, but Downton is too lazy to ask for it.

In fact, Downton is angry that these guys are not working hard, otherwise he will not be stingy with his generosity, but he did not say anything to death, as long as the orcs perform well, he will reward the Warrior suit.

Downton came out riding the Green Devil, and next to him were Andrea and Rosicky, followed by a magic group of nearly a hundred people.

In order to avoid suspicion, Hannah was mixed in.

"I didn't see it. Downton actually concealed such an amazing soldier." Vieri pouted, and his heart was slightly sour. With the power shown by Downton, he had already overwhelmed his family.

Fanny was silent. In front of Downton, she had lost her last sense of superiority.

"Not to be underestimated, I did not choose the wrong person!"

Hannah sighed, Downton's growth was too fast, making her feel that she had lived in vain for the first ten years.

"This kid, how many cards do you still have?"

Standing on the second floor of a private house, Melissa stared at Downton's back, clutching the curtains vigorously, her knuckles were all white, and she felt cheated.

"Just a meal, a few thousand gold coins, let a barbarian follow you heartily?" Andrea has heard Downton's introduction, but it is still a bit unreal, and Downton's character is also Great, "But aren't you afraid of being cheated?"

"Cheating is just losing a few thousand gold coins, but if you succeed, you will get a loyal subordinate. As for this corps, seriously, I haven't thought about it." Downton was very happy, with the addition of the barbarian army, he 'S real hole card doesn't have to be opened immediately.

"Downton, do you dare to confront my corps head-on?" The head of the savages flicked the horse belly and emerged from the crowd. Then they stretched out their hands and clapped the team behind them. Dare?"

"What trick is this guy playing?" Jackson frowned. "Master, don't be fooled!"

"Attack? If you send the same number, I agree!" Downton replied aloud.

"Haha, I think you are also a person, why is it so naive?" The head of the Savage mocked, "If I attack with all my strength, the number of people is more than that."

"Promise him!" Rosicky whispered.

"Okay, I don't care. You don't have to lose your eyes when you get red eyes." Downton shrugged his shoulders. "Then get ready, how about fighting in three minutes?"

"no problem!"

The head of the Savage returns~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How can I agree? Jackson complained.

"Will you use your brain? If you attack with all your strength, the barbarian corps still has to deal with the opposing corps, but there are no firebirds and bone dragons. If there is a loss, it is no longer a disaster." Downton rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I believe that with the strength of the barbarians and ogres, they can crush them." Rosickie clenched his fists. "If I expected, they should try to get rid of our miscellaneous fish first, and then concentrate all of them. Fight against Firebirds."

"They must think that our purpose is to clear the fish first and then fire the bird!" One of the staff laughed, and their tactics were not that simple.

"Can you ensure that the Corps will definitely win?" The two chiefs frowned. They didn't even look at the ogre group. The trouble was the barbarian group.

"No problem, we have multiple arms to fight together." The deputy commanders burst into confidence, "You see those guys, even the most basic battle array will not be ranked!"

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