Hero’s Creed

Chapter 490: Ancient weapon

In units of 1,000 people, fifteen square arrays were arranged on the outskirts of Chenwu Town, and some of them began to step forward after hearing the deputy commander's order.

What was picked out was a shield soldier and two pikemen phalanx. In addition to them, the two thousand-man archers in the rear also provided remote support.

Farther away from both sides, there are two teams all wearing light armor and holding large swords on standby. They are trapped and are responsible for rushing.

"Downton, you must tear your opponent in the first place, and then make a detour, breaking the enemy's formation, or the two wings will cover up, and you will definitely be rounded up."

In fact, without Rosicky's analysis, Downton can also see that the opponent's tactics are not strange, but rely on the advantage of numbers and the overwhelming crush of multiple arms.

"I'm going too!"

Walnut was carrying a battle axe, his face was eager to try, but Downton ignored it.

"Be careful, the other party knows that you and Krupp will definitely lead the charge, so the first few rows are definitely the elite of the elite, and there will be interceptions by the magicians." As a staff officer, Rosicky is not responsible for charging. In order to coordinate the overall situation and respond to changes in the enemy at any time.

"Thyssen, Arnold, hold this!"

Downton sent the steel potions and the mad potions, these two are the left arm and the right arm, plus a Casimodo, will form an impact front with him.

Give the Grimoire to Xia Luo, the Donton Armed Hellfire, already wearing the 100-man Warrior's leather armor, and then put on a white order suit, otherwise he would not be burdened by heavy armor. One more layer.

The right hand is the flame demon hand, and the left hand is a shield. Make Downton the whole person look murderous.

"Are you going to fight in person?" The head of the Savage ridiculed, "Don't die accidentally, it will be completely finished!"

"Do not bother you."

Without Downton gesturing, the Krupp Guards were in place, followed by the Barbarian Corps, then the Ogre, and there was no way these natives were running fast. Coupled with the lack of equipment, he was reluctant to let them be cannon fodder.

The goblins followed in the end, purely soy sauce.

Abomination did not appear, guarding the magic group, they are heavy infantry, they can shake the cavalry with their bodies, but the speed is bruised. So stayed.

In order to equip, the foreign corps had some attitude of seeking battle. As a result, looking at the opponent's lineup of more than 20,000 people was frightened again.

"If you are ready, let's get started!"

Downton glanced back, and found that the barbarians did not look timid. very satisfied.

These guys are very simple, how much sweat, how much food to eat, with Downton's salary and equipment, and naturally sell his life. Besides, except for fighting. They have no choice, unless they are willing to live in the dragon hills to live savages, but those natives certainly do not agree.

No one likes the survival space being seized, so a **** battle will still be inevitable.

"All fights, all deaths and injuries, it would be better to choose one more valuable!"

Downton knew that shouting slogans wouldn't work, so he analyzed the reality for Arnold, and only when the interests were **** would they spare no effort.

"Before the war, I must remind you that when you fail, don't deliberately use Super Beast to save the situation." The head of the Savage waved his right hand, the space ring worn on his finger shone, followed by a one and a half meters long, Stone pillars with a radius of ten centimeters appeared in front of everyone.

"Do you know what this is?"

The head of the savages did not intend anyone to know, and explained casually, "This is a dragon cannon made by a golden dwarf with Titan blood, which is an ancient weapon."

The head of the Indians envy is drooling, and it is with this legendary weapon that they have the confidence to catch firebirds alive.

Most people are not surprised, because with their knowledge and vision, they have never heard of this thing.

"A bunch of fools." The head of the barbarian scolded, but the pride and ostentation he couldn't stop, "I dug it up in an ancient ruin. As the name suggests, its role is to roar the dragon."

In ancient times, dragons raged and ruled the continent, but various races did not lack a long and short power. In order to kill these flying beasts, they developed various anti-aircraft weapons.

The Dragon Cannon is a weapon developed by the Golden Dwarf. It is well-known on the mainland. Its design concept is not to kill, but to hit the dragon.

With the dragon's body, as long as it is not a magic bombardment of the forbidden level, even if it is seriously injured, it can struggle to escape. It is too difficult to kill with a single blow, so the golden dwarf abandoned the powerful weapon, so that the dragon cannon came into being. .

These dragon cannons cast by the dwarf forging masters belong to the legendary level. It can shoot a giant web of elements. After covering the flying behemoth, it will release a lot of lightning and carry out paralysis attacks, causing the behemoth to temporarily lose its flying ability.

Falling from a height, even the dragon could not eat it and walked halfway to death.

Listening to the description of the head of the savages, the men and horses on the side of Downton showed worried expressions, looked at the bone dragons and firebirds, and lost their mobility, their combat power would be reduced sharply.

"I'm not afraid of a broken weapon!" Firebird can't stand this look, ready to attack to prove himself.

"Wait!" Downton quickly appeased, "How is Homer? Is he lying?"

"No, it was really a dragon gun. Unexpectedly, he even had such ancient weapons that were 60,000 to 70,000 years ago. No wonder he has the courage to provoke it."

Homer sighed.

"Is there a way to cope?" Downton frowned.

"No, unless you can **** it before it launches, or Firebird is smart enough to avoid it." Homer can't help it either. The Dragon Cannon was developed to deal with flying super beasts.

"Is it convenient to operate? What is the coverage area? How long does it take?"

Downton asked in great detail, let Rosicky and Andrea look sideways, they are shocked and threatened by the dragon gun, and he has begun to think of ways to deal with it.

"In three minutes, it needs magic diamonds to power it, and the price of one shot is about two million gold marks!" The number burst out by Homer made Downton gasp.

"Such an expensive weapon. Who can use it?" Downton shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Sure enough, war is to burn money."

Think about yourself. From the beginning of the war to now, except for the magic diamond of Earl Sequoia, he has not seen any gains, but he has spent a lot, and with the arrival of Prasido, he will spend more.

"So you have to work hard to make money!" Homer urged, "Don't be distracted, come on, you have no way out."

Whether it is a dragon gun. Twenty crossbow vehicles were also on standby, but their targets were obviously firebirds and bone dragons. To clean the infantry, archers were enough. Using this anti-aircraft gun to fight mosquitoes wasted.

The head of the Savage was very satisfied with the shock effect of the weapon. He waved his hand, and all the judges released their demon servants. This is also an invisible coercion.

Well! Well!

The long and thick horn sounded, the flags rolled with the summer wind, and the mercenaries shouted slogans with the deputy commander, increasing morale.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

The priest group shot and applied buff magic to the five phalanxes.

"Teacher Andrea, I'm in trouble. Xia Luo, you are in charge of the Ogre Corps." Downton finished and walked to the front.

Various auras began to flash on the battlefield, gorgeous and dazzling.

"Andrea is indeed there!" The staff sighed, but not worried. Not to mention that there are more than a dozen rulings on the seventh rank, but the two heads are Tulong. If the two super beasts were too troublesome, Downton would have won.

The pioneers of the two archery regiments each shot an arrow with a thin silk. This is to test the wind speed and direction. The other archers took out the five bows and arrows and inserted them on the ground for easy access at any time.

Seeing that the other's shield soldiers were still, Downton knew that this was someone waiting for his main attack. He had no choice but to order an impact. Otherwise, the long-range archers would be enough to destroy them.


Downton growled and rushed out.

The Krupp guard followed, and then the savages, like leopards who hunted, all rushed out and shouted to kill the sky.

"Three consecutive shots!"

With the command of the deputy commander, the flag bearer made a slogan, and the hands already holding the arrow immediately opened the bow diagonally upward!


The trembling of the good tendon bow strings brushed together, and the sound even suppressed the cry, making the leaves of the entire forest discolored.

Not waiting for the first arrow to hit, the subsequent bursts arrived.

Buzz! Buzz!

"Lift the shield!"

Downton shouted loudly and raised the order shield. He had long known that the opponent had archers, so he distributed the shield.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The sawtooth arrow hit the shield and made a dense steel impact.

The archers' shooting is good, and the number is enough. The first wave of arrows covered Downton's entire regiment. There was no chance to breathe. The latter two came.

"Huh? No downsizing?"

The head of the barbarian frowned, and the staff's face slightly changed. The barbarian's stamina was too sufficient. The posture against the tower shield was not deformed at all. Even if some arrows leaked, it would be blocked by the armor on his body.

"Hold on!"

Seeing that some barbarians couldn't help but want to sprint and fight over themselves, Downton immediately shouted, it is not the time to charge at full speed.

At this time, there is no room for regret, because the impact is imminent.

"Lift the shield!"

After seeing the flag waving, the shield soldiers shouted in unison, raised the shield, and the pikemen who intersected them pierced their spears out.


When the archer finished shooting the sixth wave of arrow rain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Downton killed the shield soldier directly, it was a giant warhammer, he did not dare to use the giant windmill, that took too long to launch, if it was Attacking halfway can never be avoided.

The six adjudicative ranks gathered, and the first row were all magicians. Their task was to block Downton's vanguard.

The two-winged gunmen phalanx moved and sprinted with all their might to carry out outsourcing.

The archers stopped shooting because of fear of accidental injury.

The magic groups on both sides stared at their opponents with their eyes wide open. As long as the other party dared to attack, they immediately intercepted, which is also their duty.

Giants crash!

Downton's knees were bent, and they were ejected like cannonballs, hitting the shield soldiers in front of him. Although he blasted five people, he only advanced three steps, not even touching the second queue. To.

The nearby Judgment Order was shot, besieging Downton, various magical talents and blades of light, covering him.

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