Hero’s Creed

Chapter 597: 3 seconds

"Dark Brotherhood robbery, do you need a reason?"

"Of course you don't need to. You are worthy of you!"

"Boy, remember, we are the Dark Brotherhood, one of the three mysterious organizations on the mainland."

These brotherhoods cursed and laughed sharply and rushed to Downton and Twilight, not taking them at all.

Fifteen people, adjudicating sixth-order nine-person, seven-order six-person, three of them are at the peak of seventh-order, as long as the inspiration comes, they can immediately break through the barrier and advance to the dragon rank.

In addition, the leader in the cave is Tu Longjie, so they have no reason to fear these two strangers.

Downton and Twilight are too young. The magicians of this age are at most ruling. What are you afraid of? It is estimated that I can rely on the best equipment to come to the Gray Ridge Mountains. I am really sorry for not grabbing one.

There are two wizards in the Brotherhood who have begun to sing spells to set fire in the twilight, and a priest, waving his hands to spread the magic, circle after circle of aura burst on his fingers, covering his companions.

"Don't worry about me, kill the priest with all my strength!"

As soon as the Twilight Staff was lifted, dozens of flames were fired towards the running melee.

"Trick and worm!"

Melee did not even open the soul shield, leaned on the body to avoid this direct fire bomb, just about to ridicule, a white light burst suddenly burst, the dazzling light shone.

"Damn, this guy got a flash ball in the flames!"

Not only are most of the melees dazzled by Twilight's small tactics, but also the three law systems that are staring at her casting spells in the distance, the dazzling white light makes them unable to help howling.

Downton hasn't been affected in any way by turning his back to the twilight and the flash ball, but the most dangerous battle has come.

These melee battles are worthy of the Brotherhood's high-end combat power, a moment of eye damage. Immediately rely on the six senses to lock Downton's position, release the talent magic, and release the demon servant to intercept.

The two mages also locked their eyes on the flames of twilight, preventing her from supporting Downton.

Twilight calculates the time when the flames arrive, first a lightning strikes the melee group. Forcing them to take the initiative to defend, and unable to exert their full strength to Downton, they immediately blessed themselves with shields.

boom! boom! boom!

The fire bomb hits the magic shield, and it faltered, and Twilight remained unmoved.

Experienced magicians can instantly determine whether the enemy's attack has broken their shields, but not many have the courage to resist. What if they make a mistake? What if they are attacked by the enemy? To know that there are too many unexpected situations in the battle, each mage can't wait to cover himself with a shield. This is the way to save lives, but the girl in front of him is not only not supplemented with magic shields, but even the second wave of flame bomb attacks did not dodge.

The three legal systems saw this scene, almost stunned their eyes, right? This psychological quality is so good that it bursts.

Relying on the time saved, Twilight alone suppressed the three legal systems on the opposite side.

Downton brandished a warhammer. A dozen-meter-long giant seal blasted, and the dust was flying. Don't let melees form battle fronts.

"Stop him!"

A few eyes were not heavy enough to flash, and soon recovered their strength. They rushed in full, and the fool knew that he could not let melee close to the legal system.

Downton did not hesitate to face the charge, and after entering the attack range, the whole person twisted his arms. Rotate thoroughly.

Giant windmill!

call out!

Downton was like a rotating barley knife, advancing swiftly in a line of brilliant orange-red aura.

The face of the melee changed greatly, the enemy's unprecedented momentum was too wild, and they subconsciously chose to dodge. However, they are not worried that Downton will break through the front line, because the talents and demon servants released more than a dozen magics are setting him on fire.

"No need to stop, he's dead."

As soon as a melee was finished, I saw a liquid mass rapidly appearing on the top of Downton's head, rapidly expanding, and swallowing all the magic at once.

The melees could only stare at Downton twirling, shooting not far from their side. They wanted to intercept again, and it was too late.

Downton landed, and after adjusting his posture, Heaven shone and launched, shelling at the middle-aged priest.

"Damn, what are you doing?"

The priest roared at the bottom of his heart. He was casting spells. If he was interrupted, he would be repulsed by magic, but Downton quickly approached, and he suddenly exuded a cold sweat.

Almost instantly, the priest stepped back, instilling magical energy into the magical outfit on his body, activating the defensive magic stored therein, so he was enveloped by five colorful shields in a flash.

The six melee turn supporters were immediately under the twilight and had to slow down.


Downton reflected the magic in the battle of the stars to the priest, and dozens of magics approached the bombardment without reservation, plus the divine revenge, and directly destroyed all his shields.

"Save me!" The pastor's face was pale for a moment, and the horror of death made him roar, but he couldn't wait to respond.

Downton's warhammer slammed, and in a stream of orange-red streamer, with his head and upper body, completely smashed into pieces.

Without delay, Downton turned around with his inertia, mobilized the giant to peak, and shot at the two mages with a trace of residual shadow.

When the two mages saw their companions being instantaneously killed, they almost scared their urine, and the magic originally aimed at twilight immediately slammed into Downton, and they yelled after the release.

"It's over. The boy's talent is obviously reflective of magic. What have I done?"

The two mages turned and ran, quickly resembling a rabbit with arrows.

Despite Downton's close combat, the fight to the stars is a useless display, but in the face of the legal profession, he is an absolute nemesis.

The liquid mass reflects magic, the golden dragon gun kills, and focuses on attacking the mage who is half a position behind. Downton's body is forged by the first element, and it is powerful. The two mages want to lean on two legs in front of him. Escape, it's a fool's dream


Seeing that the priest was spiked, the vice regiment couldn't sit on the Diaoyutai steadily, charged forward, and intercepted Downton, but it was a step slower.

Downton caught up with the mage whose shield was exploded and waved his axe. Beheaded.


Before the mage replenishes the shield, from the head to the left rib, half of the body was split open, the internal organs were scattered, and the blood was just splashed over the deputy head.

"Go to hell!"

The frightened vice regiment stormed with a sword.

"Go away!"

Downton made a full blow, hammering swords intersecting. A tremendous force was passed to the deputy regiment. His arm was numb, and the whole person flew out involuntarily.

Seeing that the secondary regiment was all flying, the mage activated the teleportation magic on the magic outfit, and the body disappeared in a flash, appearing fifty meters away.

Downton shined twice in a row, directly into the five meters, the giant seal bombarded.

"Is this guy a monster?"

All of the melee people have unbelievable expressions, as everyone knows. The martial arts of the charge type are all high-explosive, and the burden on the body is very heavy. The muscles and heart will collapse when used continuously, but this guy is good and actually uses it frequently.

"Save me!"

The mage shouted, and his whole body was covered with dazzling shields, but there was no sense of security at all. Because they are constantly broken under the heavy attack of Downton.

Some of the fastest melee feedback. But was intercepted by Twilight.

"Kill the woman."

The melee charged and went straight to the twilight. The demon servants also divided into two groups. In their view, they still have an absolute advantage, so they never thought of setting up a fire.

Twilight blesses himself with light magic. Straight back.

The resilience of these people is good. No one is attacking Downton with magic, which makes him want to use his strength to break the plan of the mage in front of him.

"Then go by yourself!"

Downton's double weapon combo hit a storm-like attack, and the Firebird emerged from behind him. Direct shot devil servants, otherwise so much combat power, absolutely tear him.

"Undead Phoenix?"

"Super Beast?"

"Damn, what is the origin of these two people?"

The melee people were really dumbfounded this time. A few observations revealed that Twilight had never cast a soul shield, and all used blessed magic shields.

"Is she the Dragon Slayer? In order to show the enemy weak, deliberately hide the clumsy?"

Thinking of this possibility, the face of the melee people is even more unsightly. If she is not entrusted, why not even the devil?

The mage's frightened eyes crossed Downton's shoulders and landed on the firebird behind him. Because the distance was too close, he could clearly feel the amazing heat and momentum.

In such a short absence, Downton burst his shield and smashed his head.

In fact, the deputy group can grab the next support. After all, he is the pinnacle of adjudicating the seventh order, but suddenly a super beast appeared, he was also scared, timid, and a lot of thoughts appeared in his mind for a moment. Even want to run away, to call the leader.

The dwarf patrol that was ignored by the side was stunned. It was originally thought that it would be a one-sided battle. Unexpectedly, less than a minute after the war, the three arbitral orders of the Brotherhood were all destroyed. Is this too fast to die?

"Vice delegation, what should I do?"

Watching the firebirds storm the demon servants, the melees were hesitant.

"Attack, hold the firebirds with demon servants, kill them with all your strength ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kuroko, you go and call the leader!" The deputy regiment stabilized his mind and issued the command of the attack.

"Yes, at this time, they will be broken by each of them when they run away. That is the flying bird of the flight department."

The melees roared and charged in unison. Everyone knew that the fast-moving Firebird was the best at chasing and killing. Only by killing its owner would it be possible for oneself to survive.

There are always some secret methods among the wealthy nobles that have been inherited for thousands of years. The members of the Brotherhood bet that after killing Downton, the Firebird will restore freedom and give up killing them.

After killing enemy long-distance occupations, it is natural to merge with this method system and protect them as a meat shield. After all, in general, the legal system has a higher attack power and a wider coverage area.

The Brotherhood naturally didn't want Downton and Twilight to converge, so they tried their best to intercept, but they couldn't stop Downton, who was full of fire.

Twilight looked at Downton and gave him a look.

Downton read it, it means not to rush to converge. You can take advantage of the enemy's initiative to intercept him and kill a few more people, otherwise it will be troublesome for these guys to run.

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