Hero’s Creed

Chapter 598: Against Dragon Slayer

In the gray ridge dense forest, the battle burst instantaneously.

Downton, who gave up the confluence of assault and twilight, put all the firepower on the attack. He stared at a guy who stayed behind, and the giant seal blasted.

"Eh? Why me?"

Unlucky eggs flew back, but could not get rid of the huge magic warhammer, only to parry.


The weapon hit, the unlucky egg numb his arms, he could hardly hold the two-handed sword, he hadn't adjusted it yet, Downton charged.

Giant beheaded!

Unlucky and frightened, he drove all over and flew back, but was still killed by the behead, and the shield shattered instantly.


The guy shouted with panic. He didn't know that it was this hesitant gesture hiding behind him and the uneasy expression on his face that made Downton think he was a miscellaneous fish and could be killed first.

Other melees did not play tricks, all besieged Downton, but they did not intercept at all, and tried to kill their companions.

Heaven burst!

Downton's arm slashed, and the first hundred cracks were chopped on the unlucky egg. A bang exploded and blasted him out. He was glad that he was about to fly back through this inertia. As a result, he saw his opponent's wrist connected Shaking, the three crosses formed by the magical energy came quickly.

Suddenly surprised, mobilized soul shield to resist.

boom! boom! boom!

All three cross-cuts hit and blew out all the shields of the unlucky eggs. He saw his companion entangle Downton and was lucky to escape the disaster. Two golden dragon guns shot from behind his head and penetrated. His neck and vest.


The unlucky egg fell down, twitched, and blood was flowing.

Downton turned around and swept the tomahawk, opening all the blades that were present.

"What's wrong with this guy's magic energy reserve? Is it infinite?".

In addition to the pain in their wrists, the melee men were shocked by Downton's horrible endurance. Sacred Revenge is a magical skill that only the Red Cardinals can do. Not to mention the power, the magic energy consumed is also very large. The boy has blasted at least twenty rounds at present, but there is no sign that the magic can be exhausted.

Others planned to make a surprise attack while Downton was drinking magical energy supplements, but it was a pity that they planned to soak up the soup.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. He can't hold it anymore, kill him with all his strength!"

The deputy group encouraged morale.

Facing the siege, Downton stepped on the ground with his right foot and the giant trampled down. The surrounding ground cracked and collapsed, which affected the balance of the close combat.

Downton radio shot to the next target, and any expression of timidity and panic showed low strength. lack of confidence.

Sure enough, when he saw Downton shooting, the guy he looked at turned around and ran.

Downton shook his hand, wow, the sacred whaling fork shot out, pierced his waist, and immediately caused a scream of scream.


Downton flicked his arm, and the unlucky egg flew up by the golden chain. It turned into a semicircle and hit melee.


There is no lack of fearless death. A member of the Brotherhood who ruled the pinnacle was angry, and after the charge approached Downton, he violently beheaded.


The magic can form a ten-meter-long saber, completely covering Downton.

Downton did not shy away, as if the cannonball rushed up, hitting hard!

Giant windmill!

Downton spins. After shattering the magical saber, his castration continued, and he hit a stunned shield.

boom! boom! boom!

In a series of dense elemental meteoric explosions, the Lengtouqing shield was completely broken, and the middle door opened. It's like a turtle with its shell removed.

"Vajra Body!"

Leng Touqing cast his talents, and his body surface turned into a steel color like gold plating. Why did he have the courage to charge?

Relying on the hard defense, Lengtou Qingyue has a lot of strong players, but this time he is destined to be miscalculated!

Shattered and cracked, hit ten times!

Downton landed, followed by a tomahawk of heaven.


The axe blade carried a glimmer of light, like a meteor flashing through the night sky in midsummer, vertically down, and chopped on the head of Lengtouqing.

Downton turned and threw himself to the next goal.

Lengtouqing thought that the defense was successful and stepped forward to attack, but was surprised to find that only the left half of the body went out.


A line of blood descended from the heart of the eyebrows, cut through the face, chest and abdomen, and reached the crotch. Then at the next moment, a lot of blood spurted out.


Lengtouqing was cut into two even pieces, fell to the ground, and the internal organs were spilled.

"Don't be afraid, come together!"

Everyone is roaring, otherwise, they cannot vent their fears, and they will let the vines of fear grow and spread on the soul.

Downton pulled back the unlucky egg captured by the whaling fork and used him as a meat shield, so the guy was killed by his companion.

Throwing away the broken corpse, Downton continued to attack, and the mighty life was like killing God.

Melee has retreated and retreated. Downton's combat style is too wild. In the face of some attacks, he does not hide or even parry. He completely relies on the hellfire armor and shield to resist hard. Although it is dangerous, it can be snatched. Many attack opportunities.

The melee people were afraid, and finally someone could not bear the fear and turned to escape.

"Vice League, it collapsed!"

The companion reminded him, but the vice regiment didn't hear it at all, and he was already paranoid.

"Impossible, impossible, how could you block our offensive?"

The deputy group originally planned to kill Twilight before killing Downton. After all, close combat has an absolute advantage over the legal system, but in the face of Twilight, this law seems to have lost its effect.

No, it should be that they can't get close to twilight at all.

After the brothers rushed into the yard for twenty yards, they slammed the ground with a staff and a white frost aura burst immediately, spreading around, touching the legs of the melee, breaking the shield and freezing them directly. In situ, only a few quick reactions jumped to avoid this blow.

The deputy regiment continued to chase down, but it was difficult to get close. They were trying to understand the life of the other party. As a result, a teleportation appeared at 50 meters, and the distance was pulled away, which almost exploded their lungs.

Twilight used various control techniques to fly the melee kites, no matter how hard they tried, they could not rush into the twenty yards.

Firebirds attacked the demon servants, and beat them with trembling. No time to help the owner.

I couldn't catch anyone. I was still a second by the magic. The deputy regiment was in a rage. As a result, I heard a shout from my subordinates. Looking back, the situation on Downton's side was even worse. The subordinates actually started to escape.

"A bunch of idiots, let him come, let's kill this woman first!" The deputy regiment commander tried to restore morale. "Don't worry, the regiment will come soon."

Thinking of the horrible punishment of the brothers against the defectors, the men raised their courage again and besieged Twilight. Bypassing Downton again, he could persevere until the leader arrived.

"Twilight, be careful!"

Downton reminded that continuous heaven shines and wants to join her.

Twilight stopped running, the staff was in one fell swoop, and with a few murmurs, it looked like Thor. A dozen fork-like lightning bursts around him, sweeping a radius of fifty yards.

Melee thought twilight had no strength. I was happily rushing up to kill her, and it happened that this round of magic exploded and was instantly affected.

Several unlucky eggs without shields were killed in a blink of an eye, and the others' defenses were fully opened, but after the lightning, the shields were all broken.

Downton never missed this good opportunity. Coming in, the head was harvested and countless **** storms rolled up.

Seeing the death of his companions, the melee had lost their last courage, and Sayya escaped.

Downton let go of his weapon. Double punch!

Bakong Hammer Turtle!

Dozens of azure magical energy punches appeared in the sky ten meters high, followed by a rapid fall, blasted the ground, because the speed was too fast, the air was torn, and a piercing sound burst.

boom! boom! boom!

All of the melee people were spared, and all of them were beaten into meat, and died on the spot.

Dust floats, the **** mist rushes, and the entire battlefield is silent.

The dwarf patrol standing in the distance with a stunned expression, it was a famous dark brotherhood, and there were more than a dozen people, but they were wiped out by two groups in five minutes.

Watching the two men approach, the dwarves were terrified, their hands and feet shivered uncontrollably, and finally they yelled, madly escaping their lives, and some of them even fell to the ground and their legs could not stand up softly.

"Where did the miscellaneous fish dare to disturb my big event!"

A majestic voice sounded, and a middle-aged man appeared on the battlefield. He was about to ask a few words. As a result, he saw a broken limb and a broken arm. All words were blocked in his throat.

Kuroko followed the head of the group, his hands and feet were cold, but his companions were all good at adjudicating the sixth or seventh order, and died so fast?

"It's you?"

The head of the team stared at Downton, and hated that he didn't come early. In fact, he didn't blame him. He originally thought that his men would lose, but he didn't expect it to be so serious. After all, these people are not bad.

"Oh? Robben? I didn't expect you to be a brother!"

Downton recognized this guy, it was the Earl Robben who had a conflict with him at the Port of Monaco.

"court death!"

All the men were dead. Robben still had the mood and Downton nonsense. A direct charge appeared in front of him, wielding his sword and slashing.

"Be careful, he is the Dragon Slayer!"

Twilight reminder.

Downton's double fists, who haven't retrieved their weapons, can block them with brute force!

boom! boom!

Downton wanted to open the blade to add an attack, but did not expect that the opponent's offensive was not weak, actually let him back half a step, unable to combo.

"The Dragon Slayer is really powerful!"

Downton remembered last year's battle against the Earl of the Western Realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He didn't even have the ability to fight back, and if he turned on the Vulcan mode, he would die.

Downton was depressed here, not knowing that Robben was more shocked. But the opposite level was the arbitral order. Even at the peak of the seventh order, he was confident of hitting his opponent with a blow, but in fact he didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

"How is it possible? Is this guy a humanoid Warcraft?"

Hesitating in his heart, but the movement in his hand was not slow, Robben sprinted in front of Downton and continued to attack.

A one-meter-long giant dragon appeared in Robbensau, killing Downton with his mouth open. It was formed by magic energy, and it was also a symbol of the Dragon Slayer.

After the magician is promoted to the Dragon Slayer, the soul shield is no longer in the shape of a shield, but in the form of a dragon. It will roam around the body and defend itself against attacks. It can also bite, tear with claws, and perform simple physical attacks. .

As the ranks continue to increase, the range of this soul dragon from the body will also increase. Robben's only five meters, which proves that he is only the first level of the dragon. (To be continued...)

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